The Wolf Packs [Actual RP]

*For some reason, it ends up taking Kain about 5 minutes to find Kettu, and 8 more to find Rebbeca, even though Kettu saw her almost instantly after he was found. When Kain actually found Rebbeca, she had fallen asleep from boredom.* Kain: "Found you!" Rebbeca: "Hey, I'm trying to sle- Oh yeah, about time!" Kettu: "That was boooooring!: Rebbeca: "I know!" Kain: "Oh, come on, you guys just had really good hiding spots!" *Kettu and Rebbeca look at eachother* Rebbeca: "I was hiding behind a rock 6 feet from where you started!" Kettu: "I could even see her ear above the rock!" Kain: "Oh, shut up! What should we do now?" Rebbeca: "Not play hide and seek?" Kain: "I know, I mean what should we do instead?"
The little pup playfully jumped on her head. Kihoue picked it up by its neck and went to the male alpha. "I'm going to the other pack to see if this is one of their pups. I should be back soon after I leave." Faolan agrees and she sets off to the pack. After a couple of minutes, she arrives near their camp and looks around for the alpha with the pup still in her mouth, swinging playfully.
Kettu: "Maybe we can try and climb that tree!" Kain: "Sounds boring." Rebbeca: "Not as boring as Hide and Seek!" Kain: "Hey, that was your idea!" Rebbeca: "What? Oh... Still sounds more fun!" *They try to climb the tree... They fail. A lot.*
After failing to spot any alphas, she decides to leave the pup with any other ones. Kihoue sees three pups trying to climb a tree and walks over to them. "You three! I want you to watch over this pup until an alpha arrives here. I do not know if this pup is apart of your pack, I know for certain it's not mine. Please look after it until I find a suitable mother for him."
Kettu: "Well, there's nothing fun around here!" Kain: "I know! I said this would be boring, but-" *Suddenly someone walks up to them...* ??? (Kihoue): "You three! I want you to watch over this pup until an alpha arrives here. I do not know if this pup is apart of your pack, I know for certain it's not mine. Please look after it until I find a suitable mother for him." Rebbeca: "What? Umm... Ok..." Kain: "Uh, yeah, alright I guess." Kettu: "Ok... We can wait for Kensu. Not sure where he is but ok."
Kihoue nods in approval. "I don't know the pup's name so do not name it. If isn't apart of your pack, bring him back to mine and he will most likely become my son. Do not let any harm come to him!" With that said she walks back to her den and thinks about who would he belong to.
*Rebbeca nudges the pup* Rebbeca: "Hi there!" Pup: "..." Kain: "Umm... Can he not talk?" *The pup stares at them* Kettu: "He looks a lot younger than us." *The pup jumps up and paws Kettu's nose* Kettu: "Woah! Stop that!" Rebbeca: "He's just a pup, he doesn't know better!" Kain: "We're pups too." Rebbeca: "...Well...He's younger." *The pup lays on the ground and looks up at them.* Rebbeca: "Awww... He's so cute!" Kain: "Hey, I can see Kensu over there! We should bring the pup to him. Isn't that what... Umm... What was her name again?" Kettu: "I don't think she told us." *Rebbeca looks away from the pup and towards them* Rebbeca: "Awww... Do we have to bring him to Kensu? He's so cute!" Kain: "Umm... Me and Kettu know what it's like to do the wrong thing. We really shouldn't keep him a secret." Rebbeca: "Fine..." *They look down and notice the pup is gone." Rebbeca: "Wha- He's gone!" Kettu: "He must've run off while we were talking!" Kain: "Oh great... Wait, there he is!" *They all look and see the pup exiting the camp completely unnoticed.* Kettu: "Come on!"
Kihoue remembers seeing a midnight black wolf walking away from a couple if other wolves. "Could she be the mother...?" She saw her around a week or two ago, so she probably gave birth not to long ago and he wandered off. "Should I go check on him? I'll wait a while before I do that...." Kihoue slowly closes her eyes and tries to remember if she talked to her or not.
Kensu: "Hey! What are you three doing? Get over here!" *The three pups run out of the camp* Rebbeca: "We can't...Outrun...Kensu!" Kettu: "But we...Need to get...The pup!" Kain: "Wait!' *They stop, and pant a little* Kain: "We just ran past the pup." Kettu: "What? Oh." Kensu: "What are you guys doing!?" Rebbeca: "Someone from another pack came and said to find out if a certain pup belonged to our pack. If it didn't she said to bring it back to her pack. She also said to bring it to an alpha" Kensu: "So you ran away?" Kain: "No, the pup snuck out of camp and we were chasing it." Kensu: "Well, where is it?" Kettu: "It's... Oh, no, it ran off again!" Kensu: "What I'm gathering here is that you're really bad liars." Rebbeca: "We're not lying!" Kensu: "Ok, well, what pack was the one who gave you the pup to you from?" Kettu, Kain, and Rebbeca: "..." Kensu: "..." Kettu, Kain, and Rebbeca: "..." Kensu: "Well?" Kain: "She, uh, didn't say." Kensu: "Come back to camp." Kettu: "But-" Kensu: "Now." Rebbeca: "We can't just- Kensu: "NOW." Rebbeca: "*whispering* Sorry, little pup..."
Kihoue is awoken from a wolf faintly yelling. She gets up and goes to the other pack's camp to see if the pups found the alpha. The three pups and another are seen walking back to the camp, so Kihoue walks to him to see if he's the alpha. "My name is Kihoue, I am from the pack Bioe and I came to see if the pup was apart of yours." She looks at the three noticing that he wasn't with them.
*While walking back, another wolf suddenly comes up. Kain, Rebbeca, and Kettu notice it's the wolf from before* Kihoue: "My name is Kihoue, I am from the pack Bioe and I came to see if the pup was a part of yours." *She looks over at the three pups. They move out of view.* Kensu: "Ummm... Oh... The uh, pup, yeah. Ummm..."
Kihoue glares at the alpha as he fails for words. "Where is the pup? I told you three to keep him from harm! If you are the alpha, you are responsible for him until I see him." She stares down the wolf as if fighting a battle.
*Kensu lowers his head* Kensu: "...Umm... They lost it. And then I didn't believe that there was a pup as they were going to get it... So I stopped them..."
Kihoue sighs heavily. "Always believe your pack members, no matter what rank they are. Anyways, you are going to help me find him since you are the one who stopped them from getting him." She growls quietly at the three pups and sets off to where she first saw them walking.
Kain: "Ummm... I saw him over here last." *Kain walks over to a tree the opposite way Kihoue is going.* Rebbeca: "I thought he was over here" *Rebbeca walks over to a rock a few feet from Kain* Kettu: "I thought that Kihoue was going the right way." Kensu: "You guys go back to the camp. I'm the one who has to help." Kettu, Kain, and Rebbeca: "Ok..." *They walk back to the camp.*
Kihoue looks the ways they were standing and got a little confused. She starts smelling the air for his scent, faintly but still there Kihoue smells him pretty far off. "I got his scent, follow me!" After saying the last word, she bolts after the smell, not really caring for the other guy.
Kihoue picks up her speed and dashes towards the now close scent. "He's really close!" The view opens up more and she sees a little black figure with a bigger gray figure. She starts growling, not knowing if the wolf is his mother or not.
*Kensu catches up and falls to the ground.* Kensu: "Whoops..." *Kensu hears Kihoue growl.* Kensu: "What did I do now?" *He looks up and sees the other wolf* Kensu: "Oh."
Kihoue stops and looks back at the clumsy wolf, then back at the gray one slowly approaching the pup. She jumps in front of him and growls deeply at the female.
*Kensu stands up and also jumps, only to mess his takeoff up and fall face first into the ground next to Kihoue.* *Meanwhile, back at the camp...* Kettu: "I hope they find the pup." Rebbeca: "Me too." Kain: "I wonder if it belongs to our pack." Rebbeca: "I don't care who it belongs to, as long as it's ok." *Rebbeca walks away* Kain: "Hey, Kettu, remember that bear?" Kettu: "Umm... It tried to kill me, so yes. Why?" Kain: "What if it's out there? What if it found the pup?" Kettu: "Well, Kensu is there. He scared it off before, so he can do it again!" Kain: "Yeah, Kensu is cool. Actually I haven't seen him do much other than get mad at us, but I bet he's really brave, and really good at fighting too! I hope so. I want to be like that!"
Kihoue sighs and nudges him to get back up. She picks up the pup by the neck and starts running back to his camp.
Once she reaches their camp, the pup leaves her mouth and she starts breathing heavily from the running. Kihoue keeps the pup by her tail so she could feel when he moves.
*Kensu makes it as well, and manages to stop next to Kihoue without falling.* Kettu: "Hey, they're back! Wait, were they running from something?" Kain: "The bear! It must've been!" Kettu: "We don't know that." Kain: "But it has to be!"

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