The Wolf Packs [Actual RP]


Smol potato
This is where to role play, The Wolf Packs will be the character sheets instead of the actual RP.
*walks out of den/cave and yawns* I wonder if any of the other pups want to play today! 
(Umm... Should I make up names for the other wolves?)
Kihoue walks out of the den and stretches. She looks up at the sky to see the sun not in the middle, but not on the horizon. The food supply could be dealt with now...or later. Since she was the Beta wolf, Kihoue would have to go out and get dinner. She looks to an alpha and tells him she's going to find some caribou or something to eat. He nods and Kihoue sets off for food, keeping an eye on the sun and the den. 
(If you want to, yes. Until other people start joining that is.)
(We can talk, like in wolf language, right? I hope so.)*Kettu sees Kain, another pup* "Hey Kain! You want to play? I don't care either way, come on! Just kidding! So do you want to play? Do you? Do you?" *Kain stares for a moment, then leaps onto Kettu, saying, "Gotcha!"* "Hey! No fair!" *Kettu begins to chase Kain*
(Since there's not going to be any humans or anything, we speak English.)

Finally, she sees a herd of moose. Kihoue plans out her attack and goes for one that's alone. It goes to get a drink, still by itself. She crawls up to a rock high above the moose. When it looks safe, she jumps down on it and grabs its jaw with her teeth. The herd doesn't notice, because it can't call out for help. Moments later, the moose dies and she drags it back to the den without any trouble. Of course Kihoue ate some of the meat, but not all of it. She sits at the opening of the den and watches for attackers as the rest of the pack eats.
(Ok) *Kettu leaps onto Kain's tail, catching him off gaurd. Unfortunately, it causes Kain to trip over a stick and tumble into an alpha wolf* "Whoops..." Kettu whimpers *Kettu and Kain back away as the alpha turns towards them* "Umm... Sorry, Mr. Alpha, I..." *The alpha just growls and turns away.* "Uh... How about... We go somewhere else, Kain?" *Kain nods and they quickly move to the otherside of the camp."
Kihoue sees a wolf way out in the plain, but doesn't go after it. Until it comes closer, she cannot attack. The male alpha, Faolan, stands next to me and looks around, also spotting the lone wolf. "Kihoue, I want you to greet that wolf. I will stay watch." He nudges me with his front paw and I get up and bow my head slightly. "I will do whatever you shall command me to." She sets out for the wolf while looking back at Faolan.
*Kain and Kettu get to the other side of camp* "Hey, Kain. Want to sneak out of the camp?" Kain: "What? We'd get in huge trouble!" Kettu: "Nah, I've done it plenty of times!" Kain: "You have?" Kettu: "Yeah! It's fun! Come on!" Kain: "Well... Ok"
(((((I'm mad at myself now T^T. I can edit mine so edit yours, I totally forgot about that! :( )))))
(Ok, I guess I'll change mine then)

Kettu: "Come over here, this the way I usually take out." Kain: "Ok." *After sneaking out of the camp, Kain and Kettu see a wolf, and spot another aproaching it*
When Kihoue reaches the wolf, it backs away looking terrified. "I am not here to harm you. Are you from a different pack? What is your name?" The wolf stays backed away and stares at Kihoue. "M-my name is Hiku, I am not in a pack yet." Kihoue softens her expression and motions for Hiku to follow her. Faolan greets Hiku and hours later, he becomes the new wolf of his pack starting as an Omega. "Welcome to my pack, Kihoue will be your 'helper'. She will tell you what's wrong and correct." With that said, he leaves.
*Kain and Kettu watch the other approach it and talk a little. Then both the wolves walk off* Kettu: "Who were they?" Kain: "Probably wolves from another pack" Kettu: "Should we tell someone? Wait, no... That would mean they would know we snuck out of camp..." Kain: "Well, let's keep looking around!"
When Kihoue gets a good look at Hiku, he doesn't look half bad. He is grey with some black and white hairs on his tail, ears, and paws. His eyes were a beautiful, full sky blue color. Hiku notices Kihoue staring at him and goes up to her. "So what should I know first?" She snaps out of her trance and stands up. "Well the first the I guess is to not go into any other packs without your punishment." Hiku looks confused. "What's that?" "When you want to switch or already switched packs, you have to suffer being attacked by every wolf in your previous pack. If you survive, you leave, if you don't..We leave you out here to die and some other pack has to get you."
(We're in a forest, right?) *Kain and Kettu walk a little bit back towards their camp.* Kain: "Do you think we should go back now?" Kettu: "I guess. I thought you just said let's keep looking around, though?" Kain: "Eh, whatever."
(Two packs are in the forest, two are near the snowy areas. Our two packs are in the forest, so yes you are in a forest :3)

Hiku looks scared. "The second thing is....ALWAYS follow the alpha's orders. Never go with my orders or somebody else's. Third...since you're an Omega, you eat last. leave our territory or the den with telling the male alpha or getting permission from him. Our male is named Faolan. Don't forget his name, oh and rumors spread fast here." Kihoue leaves Hiku and tells Faolan she's taking a quick nap.

(This makes me want to watch the movie, "Alpha and Omega")
(Lol, yeah, that movie was... Actually I don't remember wether or not I liked it, but I'm pretty sure I did.) Kettu: "Hey, umm... What's that over there?" Kain: "I can't quite tell, let's get closer!" *Kain and Kettu start to move towards it, when suddenly, it turns around!* Kettu: "It's a bear!" Kain: "It won't hurt us, right? We're wolves!" Kettu: "I don't know, but it's charging right at us!" Kain: "RUUUUUUUUUUUN!!!!!!!" 
Kettu: "This suddenly...*pant*...seems like a really...*pant*...bad idea!" Kain: "You...*pant*...think?!" Kettu: "I don't...*pant*...know the answer...*pant* that!"
(Okay, just making sure I don't mess your plan up or anything :P )

Kihoue dream was about Faolan almost dying, but then she comes in and saves him. He doesn't reward her or give her anything, just a 'I owe you one' or 'Good job kid.'
Kettu: "Hey, look, another wolf!" Kain: "Isn't that kind of bad?" Kattu: "Yes, but at least we won't die!" Kain: "He's from our pack, right?" Kettu: "Well, since he has already run past us and scared the bear off, probably," Kain: "Oh..."
Faolan comes in and lays down near Kihoue and glances at her. "You're trying so hard, but you'll never reach my heart..." He whispers barely even speaking. Faolan gets back up and goes outside to check on everybody.

"One day..that one day will come and I will reach your heart." Kihoue stares at the opening of the den.
Kettu: "Thanks! Oh... Hi Mr.Alpha..." Kensu: "My name is Kensu, not Mr.Alpha. What are you doing out here!?" Kain: "We were... Umm... It was Kettu's idea!" Kensu: "I don't care. You participated." (Apparentally I like characters who's name starts with K)
(Apparentally xD My character starts with a K O.o )

Kihoue could faintly hear yelling out in the other end of the forest. She didn't want to get up and go check, Kihoue decided that it was the other pack and went on to fall asleep.
Kettu: "I'm sorry!" Kensu: "That changes nothing. You could've gotten killed." Kain: "Please don't hurt us!" Kensu: "I won't. Just don't do it again." Kettu: "Ok..." 
Kensu: "Come on. Back to the camp." Kettu and Kain: "Awww..." *They go back to camp and take a nap in their dens* 
*Kettu wakes up and steps out of his den. He is shown over to where there are a few food scraps and he eats them. Afterward, he goes to find Kain, or another pup. He finds Kain playing with Rebbeca, yet another pup.* Kettu: "Hey, what are you guys doing!" Kain: "We were just about to play Hide and Seek!" Kettu: "Umm... Ok. Can I play?" Rebbeca: "Sure!" Kain: "I'll count!" Kettu and Rebbeca: "Ok!" *Kettu turns and runs toward the den to hide behind it. As he does, he passes Kensu, who he hears snort, "Pups and their childish games..." He gets behind the den just as he hears Kain say, "9... 10! I'm gonna find you guys!"*
Kihoue feels something nudging her and thinks that it's one of the alphas. Her eyes flash open to see a little black pup nudging her with his little snout. She gets up and looks around for the mother, but finds no one here. "Did they all leave?" Kihoue sees everyone out in the plain teaching Hiku something. "Never mind..." She goes back to the pup and stares at it, looking at its deep green eyes and small body.

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