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The Wild Side

"Or maybe we're supposed to cast a spell on it or somethin', see if it comes to life!" says Cerralei.
"That's actually not a bad idea," says Hakrum. "Is everyone ready to defend themselves if they attack?"
Cerralei pulls out her lute. "Yep! Ready!"
"I'm going to try casting Fire Bolt," says Hakrum. "Stand back, everyone."
The others stand back as well.

Hakrum casts the spell.
"If you think there's a reason it would work differently for you, then sure, be my guest," says Hakrum.
"I think you're overcomplicating it." Credere says with a wave of her hand. "It's just two ratty suits of armor. I mean it could go for a nice amount in a shop, but I don't think it's going to come to life and attack us."
Lokis firebolt charges up, the entire room seems to fill with energy…
Nothing happens.
Ronnie is impatiently waiting
(Can’t remember what we decided we’d use for thinking)
‘So this is why she was annoyed I stayed longer than I said I would. This kind of sucks.’
"So the most important thing to remember in this kind of situation is," says Hakrum, "we don't know anything. Therefore, we have to try everything. That being said, I agree this is probably a dead end, but we should maybe give it one more try to be sure."
Hakrum shrugs. "Might as well. It's something different, at least."
"I'll try something!" declares Cerralei with enthusiasm. She goes up to the suits. "Hey, you big, stupid ugly statues! Why don't you get up off your lazy asses, or, rather your feet, and fight us?!"
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