The War of the New World (Shape shifters vs vampires)


The elusive 3/4 lesbian.
Please submit your characters here and read the story line. :)

First Post:

Chenoa awoke early and slipped out the back of her hut, knowing if she left out front she would be bombarded with people demanding to know what was next. She didn't know what was next, she didn't know what to do at all. She just knew there was a hell of a lot more of the vampires than there were of her people, and yet she was expected to lead them to victory. She stripped herself free of her clothes and got down on all fours, shifting into her mountain lion. She stretched and yawned when the transformation was complete and took off bounding towards the stream. There she threw herself into the water and rolled around it in the crisp fall morning, the chill hardly reaching her through her fur. She peeped her head out from under the water and made sure no one was around, then quickly shifted back into a human to wash her human hair.

Travis shrugged on his morning button down shirt and eyed the vampire woman in his bed. He nudged her with his foot and frowned, having forgotten her name. He must have had her in bed several times now and he still couldn't remember it for the life of him. "I have places to be." He told her while she looked at him sleepily. Even though it was day, there was still much work for Travis to do. He'd spent all of his night time energy on this woman and now he would have to manage his little town. The shifters liked to attack during the day, knowing that was when vampires were weaker. Well, so be it. "Even at my weakest I'm stronger than them." He mused with a smile and pulled his pants on. He had heard that now the daughter of the tribal leader was in charge, and he was very interested in meeting her. He wanted to know his enemy in order to defeat it, and a young teenage girl would certainly be no problem for him.
Luka moved into the main room of the home she stayed in. She glances around looking for anyone to tell her what to day was planed. She moved up the stairs to the door. Sunlight shined through and she glared at it. She moved back down the stairs and to the basement. She opened the doors to the underground tunnel. She sighed and walked along the dirt walls. Her finger tips running along it. She looked around for a fellow vampire and didn't see one. She looked down the halls that had all the doors for the rooms of the vampires. Then down the long hallway to the head vampires son's room. She sighs and keeps walking.

The white wolf moved from the tree he sat in, jumping to the dirt of the ground. He looked around waiting for another shape-shifter to take his place. He shifted back to his human form and pulled some pants on over him. He looked to his right seeing a good friend of his, a black panther, move in to the tree. Wrex nodded to his friend and slowly walks toward the huts. He watched behind him as he runs into his leader. He fell to the ground with a oof. He looks up to her and sighs "Sorry Chenoa". He picked himself from the ground and looked back to where his friend watched the tree line for any movement. He looked back to his leader and nodded to her as he moved around her to walk to his hut.

Chenoa immediately changed back into a mountain lion when the wolf came along and ran right into her while she bathed. "For someone with heightened senses you'd think you'd know when to steer clear of a girl while she was bathing." Chenoa teased in her gruff mountain lion voice. "Next time I cut out your eyes for watching your chief wash."

Travis whisteled while he exited into the underground tunnels, figuring whoever that woman was he had left back in his room could let herself out. "Hello, Luka." Travis said in a cool tone as he saw her walking just ahead of him. "What are you doing up in daylight hours?" He asked.
Luka turned around and huffed at Travis. "Im bored and looking for someone to tell me what is planed for today" She turned back around and kept walking down the poorly lit underground hallway. She didn't care to look back at Travis as he walked be hind her. She kept her walking slow and collected, as she was always around him she was suppose to act perfect, considering she was far from it.

Wrex sighed and moved away from his leader "Im sorry I'm worried about those things." He moved to a nearby hut and entered it. He looked around and grabbed his white button-up. He left it unbuttoned as he moved from his hut and into the middle of the tribe. Looking for a bite to eat he grabbed some rabbit and moved past his hut, past his leader not caring to look her way, and into a tree about 3 trees away from his friend.
Travis raised an eyebrow at Luka and frowned. "Well, I am the leader's son. Ever think I might know what we're doing today?" He asked, rolling his eyes while she walked ahead of him. Women in any species were strange little creatures. "Come. You're no warrior but we need people here to guard the town. We're leading the men out to strike on the offensive, killing them on defensive is growing dull and boring. You may come to the planning room if you like." He told her and started walking ahead of her, not caring if she followed or not while he headed towards the great stone room with a stone table where his father already sat. "Morning, father." He greeted and took his seat beside him. "Am I leading the battle today?" He asked with a bored yawn. "I want to meet their new little ***** leader." He snickered and his father rolled his eyes. "You won't be leading it if you continue to underestimate her. We've actually lost battles against the shifters while they're under her rule." His father warned him and Travis shrugged.

"What bug crawled up his ass?" Chenoa muttered to herself while she finished washing then turned back into a mountain lion to shake herself off and bound back to her hut. There she applied her traditional chieftan garb made of deer skin and feathers and strut out of her hut barefoot and wild haired. As predicted the men began to bombard her with questions and Chenoa set to work, planning their next offensive move with the help of the many brave men and women who fought for their tribe. reluctantly the men listened to her, but she knew they would be more comfortable if it had been one of her brothers that had survived, and not her.
Luka watched Travis move into the stone room. His father didn't like Luka muck because she don't take his cocky attitude. She watched from the hall as Travis and his father spoke. She slowly moves into the room, keeping her eyes on her leader as she make her way into the doorway. She glanced over to travis then her eyes lock back onto her leader. She didn't like him because of what he let them do to her so she sat the as quiet as can be.

Wrex stayed in his human for as he jumped from tree to tree landing on the one above his leaders hut. He laughed watching her take on the crowd. They where raging to know what was next, and Wrex always knew before everyone else because he would sit in this tree and listen to Chenoa talk to herself about what attacks should be done. He layed on the branch closest to the top of the hut and listened closely.
Chenoa could smell Wrex even when he was so far above her. She turned upward and fired an arrow into the trees, watching it sink with a satisfied thunk into the limb he was laying on. "Are you going to join u or continue napping?" She asked him with a smirk. "And give me back my arrow will you?" She said as she pointed back to the maps. Naturally she would be leading the first attack. It was pure honor, a true leader did not hide under ground like the leader of the vampires did. A true leader fought and showed her people that she would give her life for them, over and over again.

Once Travis had learned his attack plan he stood and headed towards his room to put on his armor. "Will you stay or will you fight?" Travis asked her. "You don't fight often but we need lots of men on this front, and you've heard the battle plans anyway."
Wrex rolled over and ripped the arrow from the branch. He dropped down next to her with a smirk. He tossed her arrow onto the map, letting it stick through the map and into the wood of the table. He plopped down on a trunk that was made into a chair. He looked to her and yawned. "So whats the plan boss?" He kicked his feet up onto the table as he kicked back in the makeshift chair.

Luka looked to Travis and nodded she moved to her room within seconds and grabs her sword she kept hidden from everyone. She moved back to the room he was in and looked at him. "Im ready when you are Travis" She looks back to his father with a glare.
"You not putting holes in my maps sounds like a pretty good plan to me. Worked hard to sketch this thing out of tree bark." Chenoa said with a grin. "We've never really attacked them out in the open before. We've let them do the attacking up until now so they don't really know what we can do yet. So Me and a larger portion of the warriors will lead an attack head on the front gate and try to take them over that way, but ultimately that's the distraction. Two smaller groups of our stealthiest warriors will sneak around back and try to gain entrance while all of their warriors are working on those of us at the front." Chenoa laid out for him. "Though you already knew all that from your nap in the tree tops, hmm?" She asked with a smile.

Travis looked between Luka and his dad and frowned, leading her out of the room. "I know my dads not exactly the most likeable man, but you're glaring daggers at him. What'd he ever do to you?" Travis asked, leading her back to his room so he could get this armor.
Wrex raised his eyebrow as she spoke. He picked the arrow out of the map and table, letting it roll in hid hand. He waits till he's done and shook his head. "We need to leave camp. Let them come and when they get here and see we are gone we should attack. The stronger warriors block them in so they can't get back to their camp. Once we have them all in one place....." He paused and smiled looked up at her "We start the killing"

She shook her head. She never trusted the royalty of the vampire world and thats what Travis and his father was. She looks around his room and to the woman in his bed. She huffs and turns to him. "Your father let your friends beat me half to death and when i begged him to kill me he let someone change me." She shook her head and looked back over to the woman wondering if she was human or vampire.
Chenoa nodded and bit her lip, considering it. "That's ingenious. If I die you're my heir." She laughed and nudged him. "Alright. Start moving out the women and children then to a different location.

Travis shrugged. "That's my dear old dad for you. Reign of terror. Sorry about that." He shrugged and nudged the girl in his bed. "You gotta leave now. I have to go off to battle." He told her and she groaned. "What's the point? I'll just be back later tonight." She murmured and Travis groaned. "Whatever then stay."
Wrex nodded and jumped up from the makeshift chair. He moved out of the hut and onto a platform. He looked around and shouted "All woman and children. Im going to have you follow my good friend Charlie~The black panther~ To the cliff cave so you will be safe. Everyone else gather around." He looks to Chenoa's hut and waits for her to join him on the platform.

Luka watched the girl in the bed as she looks away feeling out of place. She moves to the door and stands by the door as she watch Travis move around his room. She looks back to the woman and gives her a soft glare and then looks away. "You ready?" Luka looked to Travis.
Slowly wandering into the Werewolf's territory, Angelina stared forward, completely emotionless. Her sapphire blue eyes gazed through the cat mask that shaded her face, hiding her delicate appearance underneath. In her left hand was a violin, and in the right, the bow that went with it.

Her steps were slow and silent as she avoided the twigs that would cause her to be noticed. She was near the camp now, stopping on the edge of a hill that overlooked the camp below her.

She stared down at it for a moment, watching the tiny specks of people walk around slowly. Letting out a deep sigh, she slowly lifted the violin to her chin, and placed it in her hand. Rising the bow up, she slowly ran the bow over the violin's strings, creating a beautiful sound.

As she continued, the sound eventually turned into a song. It was distant and longing, but beautiful at the same time. Once she was finished, she lowered the violin, expecting one of the camp's leaders to spot her and immediately try to run off and kill her. Of course, it was a natural reaction to a deadly assassin. She was known by most people because of her cat mask, and random killing sprees. She wouldn't be surprised if the werewolf's would come up and try to kill her.

By the time they would arrive, she would disappear. Just like she always has.

(This is the song she played:

(BTW She's on the same cliff that Wrex was talking about xD Just sayin..)
Wrex looked up to the sound that was coming from the cliff. "Wait!" He shouted at the women and children. He shifted to his wolf form and stalked up the cliff taking the long way around so whoever was up here would not hear him or see him. He moved along the tree line and shifted back to his human form sliding on his pants he carried in his mouth. He walked up behind the woman and cleared his throat "May I help you?"
"Remember who the chief is here, my friend." Chenoa said with a grin and followed him up onto the platform. "Warriors you heard the plan. They will strike us again, and we don't know when. But when they do we need to be ready. Get to your positions."

Travis nodded and grabbed his weapons and armor, pulling on the thick chain mail to protect from the bites and scratches. He grabbed his sword and cross bow and nodded to her.
Angelina stood completely still, her gaze looking off into the distance. She didn't even bother to look his way. But she did anyway. Facing him, her brilliant blue eyes shown through the cat mask on her face.

Her long blonde hair whipped behind her in the wind as she stared at him, not breaking eye contact. She had to admit she was a little surprised he hadn't killed her in the first place. She was a threat to everyone, Werewolves and Vampires.

In a quiet, yet calm voice, she spoke.

"Help me?.. That's all you ask?.." She asked it so quietly it was almost a whisper.

Taking a small step towards him, she slipped a knife out from behind her. But of course, he had no idea she was doing this. She tilted her head slightly, awaiting his answer. And as soon as he responded, she would be gone. Just like the moon when it turns day.
Luka moved out the door and took off running deeper into the underground tunnels calling for all the Vampires. She makes it to the end and waits for Travis and everyone else.

Wrex raised a eyebrow at the strange woman. "Who do you think you are.... Threating me" he laughed some and leaned against a tree. "What do you want with my tribe?" He eyed her letting his claws grow "Thats who you where staring at right?" he moved forward "Are you vampire?" He asked with a growl.
Angelina simply blinked her blue eyes, not showing one bit of emotion in her gaze.

"I am an enemy to Vampires and Werewolves." She said, not moving from her place. She continued to grip the knife behind her, waiting for the right moment to strike. She noticed his claws slowly sheath out from his fingernails, and she could only assume it was because he believed she was a Vampire. Which she wasn't. But how would he ever know that?

She didn't bother to explain what she was. He didn't deserve to know.

"The Vampire's are preparing for battle." She said in a soft tone, talking a step closer to the edge of the cliff. Glancing back behind her, she stared at him through the mask.

"It would be best you not tell anybody I was here." And with that, she dove straight off the cliff, vanishing into the fog that enveloped below.
Wrex glared at the cliff and moved away from it and back to the camp. He moved in with the crowd of men and looked up at his leader giving her a small nod. He then moves to his hut. He grabs his collar that had a knife in it and places it around his neck. He then moves back out of the hut and back into the crowd.
Chenoa was down below barking orders to her warriors and planning battle tactics. She helped usher her people back towards the cave and gave them an inspirational speech.

Travis put himself together and gathered his men and women, stretching out. "We're weaker in the sunlight, so be on your guard. Be careful." He warned.
Falling downwards, it seemed like an eternity had passed before the ground came into her view. Swiftly, she grabbed a branch that stuck out, and gripped it tightly. She hung just above the ground, letting go of the branch and landing softly.

She was guessing that the man who came up to her was one of the leaders of the werewolves. She recalled his name was.. Wrex? Shaking her head, she cleared the thoughts in her mind, than took a deep breath in. A scent of a vampire wafted into her nose, and her eyes grew to a pitch black color.

With lightning speed, she shot towards the scent.

Appearing into the Vampire's territory, she came up behind a vampire that had wandered away from his camp. With a quick movement, she stabbed a wooden knife through his chest, ignoring the dark blood that spilled down his body and to the ground. He let out a soft sigh, his eyes becoming lifeless as he slowly slipped into a deep slumber.

Letting go and pushing him forwards, she watched him fall, yanking out the wooden knife. He collided with the ground in a bloody pool, his face pressing against the dirt below. Flipping his body over, she dragged her knife over his neck, making an A symbol. Blood trickled down the deep cut, adding more to the blood laying around him.

Stepping away, she disappeared, knowing the vampires would smell the blood in no time.

(Anyone wondering what Angelina is, she's both werewolf and vampire.)
"Where the hell were you?" Chenoa asked Wrex and raised an eyebrow at him when he came back. "Off investigating the music thing? Probably one of the children playing." She shrugged.

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