The War of the Magi [Inactive]

The noise fire and other annoyances had gone too far and Usef had enough of this nonsense. He wanted to shut these silly mammals up once and for all and completely disregarded his ally red cursors began to build on each of the heads ahead. The cursors had locked on completely on Elizabeth's head and he began fire at each of the targets with nearly no delay between the shots and the only thing defending Max would be his shield built by his arms.
A shot blasted past Max's face, and he quickly jumped behind a tree. Another shot thudded into the bark. "Dang! Surrounded!" He couldn't do any of his really good tricks without obtaining some magical energy first, and these shots were registering as mundane. He groaned. "Blasted Cyborg. Can't tell the difference between friend or foe, or simply has horrible aim." The tree blew apart, sending Max tumbling. He glanced at the direction the shots were coming from, and then at the fire. With a heavy sigh, he skateboarded into the fire.

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Elizabeth turned to her right as a red cursor blasted into her eyes, a shot following up at her. As it 'hit' her the area blew up into smoke, actually hitting a decoy of hers. Precautions were always good, and she used one from the start of the arguing. She made sure the cover reached toward Tyranos, and besides her, he was the only one able to see through the smoke. She tugged on his hand, waiting for him to come along with her.

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"MY PEOPLE?! You listen to me you insufferable child. Your leaders have poisoned your mind! We had no wars! We were a peaceful people until you traitors attacked us! We attacked the Vexels when they killed innocents! I lived through the early days of the war, I saw death and destruction! I saw your people slaughter my family!" Elmora's voice rose to a scream, and his eyes began to fill with rage. "Do not tempt me witch! This war was not because of my people, but my people will end it!"

He raised one hand and threw it down in a sweeping motion, turning the air around him to smoke, adding to the already paramount amount around them.

He began to slink away into the forest, not being able to believe how much the submissions had poisoned the minds of their subjects.
While everyone was busy arguing and fighting a shadow began to pass over as a human sized creature, with long flowing robes and angelic wings was flying overhead, watching the group.
He followed and Diskel regained power and his rage, "your people's destruction was inevitable on their path," he shot out an moderate fireball with a big explosion where he was last heard and disappeared followed Elizabeth.
Elizabeth continued running for quite some way just to make sure they weren't being followed. She occasionally saw a shadow going by from something in the air but ignored it. Judging that they would be safe at least for a while Elizabeth stopped and turned around to who was now Diskel. "Well, I think our plans went terribly wrong on behalf of getting an alliance. Either way he'll see he needs one or die off. What's your next plan? I'm not much to follow another but I'll make a few exceptions. It's tough seeing as how us humans are not the only thing in this forest. I wonder how they even got here or if they had been here already... And how no one but our leaders knew about them. And I mean those creatures, by the way. Alas, this makes things more difficult but nonetheless we shall pull through." Elizabeth said before stopping her random blabbing from continuing.

She pondered any ideas for a moment. "We could ... watch them? Spy on them, whatever you'd call it. Wait for the perfect moment to attack. I could even toy with them as we do it, break their minds down." She suggested.

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Max spun to a stop on the other side of the fire. At least his teammate had stopped firing on him. Probably because he was out of range now. He switched his wrench back into shield mode, having realized that he needed the mage to strike first. He glanced up as a shadow passed over him.

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