The War of the Magi [Inactive]

Max got up slowly, his ears still ringing. "Ow. Er....wake up call?" He picked up his wrench and noticed the golem on the ground, apparently in pain. He ran over alarmed. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry. The trigger must have been pressed when I dropped it!" He knelt beside the armored creature, wondering how it would feel pain if it was a golem.

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Elizabeth winced, the air around her suddenly being filled with a loud screeching noise. She put her hands to her temples and closed her eyes. All of a sudden she was listening to the sounds of music. The screeching metal from earlier began to fade, though not entirely. It was still every loud but it wasn't enough to disable her to some extent anymore. Standing back up, she realized Diskel was up in a tree, hopping away.

"What is that damned man doing...?" She thought she saw him mouthing words to her but over the sound of her own illusion and the constant screech she couldn't make out the words he was saying. 'Well ... Looks like the fight for survival has officially began!" She chased off after him, a little annoyed.
Usef got up disregarding the young man running to assist him flashing a look at him

(Soz I just really liked this one and didn't wanna edit it too look anime so try to imagine in on a larger head :3)

The final flickers of his helmet ended and the red glow covered the eyes once more. Even if his instincts had now categorized Max as his enemy and he wanted to fire away, orders are orders. He proceeded to follow the direction in which he thought the sounds came from tapping a small tree basically asking for the others too follow. His gun was out of it's holster on the back and he was preparing for battle, be it with his idiotic allies or the irritating beast.
Eventually he saw the blood beast he didn't care if it was friend or foe he was mad it made such a painful noise it was carrying something he would take care of that later his attention focused on the beasts in robes... maybe flammable... didn't care worth a shot. He then proceeded to do something very stupid he yelled at the top of his lungs, "IN THE NAME OF THE FIRES OF HELL YOU SHALL DIE," really cliché shut up as he said that his lungs burned up inside; they burned but in a good satisfying way smoke erupted from his mouth he jumped up and threw a giant exploding fireball towards the thing.
Viola watched the two from a safe distance, and when the armored thing got up she prepared herself too. She whipped her weapon around and began to get her feet moving. "Alright~ show's about to begin. You think it's those vile magic users?" She chuckled to herself. "They're nothing but a bunch of naked mole rats. Why they couldn't do anything if it wasn't for that 'magic' of theirs." She smiled pridefully. "I'll show them what real talent's like~!"
Elmora felt himself awaken for real this time. There was fire all around him, and once again he felt a shiver go down his spine.

"Why do people keep insulting us?" He muttered to himself.

In one swift motion he pulled himself out of the grasp of his carrier, and began to pull the iron up around him, forming them into swords.

"You shall not- aw screw it, you know the drill."

With a flick of his wrist, a hundred gleaming blades launched themselves at the creature in front of him, more and more forming out of the environment around him. The trees, the stone, anything that he could transmute was transmuted and launched at it. Power began surging through his body, and he felt something creeping into his head. It began to whisper something he understood, but could not hear. Very suddenly, his eyes began to glow, and the blades increased in size and number.

"Here we go! Now you'll have to deal with Legion!" His voice becoming distorted and alien.
After launching diskel attempted to land on a tree however the tree was thrown towards the giant causing him to fall flat on his face pissed off he saw how that other mage was sending all sorts of blades towards the giant he decided to watch to see what he'd do as in that moment he switched limiting his attacks leaving him only able to support.

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Elizabeth finally caught up to Diskel. Well, now he was Tyanos, as the blue stone told her. Fire burned all over the forest, burning everything with the smell of smoke filling the air. "Well they certainly know half of his abilities. At least fire is unpridictable. " She muttered. She created fake stairs, walking up on them. As soon as she git up in the tree with Tyanos the stairs vanished. "Do you have any plans now?"

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"Well I have the first part it includes convincing someone to help us for a bit," he then closed his eyes and grinned, "then tyanos want me to wait until an trustworthy ally is made and I pull a heel-face turn and scorch them, a plan worthy of a trickster is it not, besides tyanos won't allow me to fight head on, why couldn't I have had a fun other half, it's so frustrating." He displayed his rage by throwing another fireball minor as he was low on energy in this state plus he knew it would come back down he reverted again for longer this time, "guess I'm stuck like this for a while most I could do is some minor destruction unless I'm mad."
"Krono malacha!"

Three spears of solid gold burst out of the ground at Elmora's feet and created a barrier to protect him when a blast of energy was sent his way.

Legion had come to his side, but he did not know why. It only came when he was facing immense danger. Even when he faced the titan it did not arise, yet now for some reason it came forth. He stomped his foot in place, causing the earth beneath him to rumble and crack open. Once again, liquid iron poured out of the crack and began to envelope the creature. Without even appearing to take notice of it, the liquid vanished from the demon's body, dissipating into nothing. Elmora barred his teeth and began adding more weapons to the frey, axes and maces tumbled through the air along with the sharp polished swords.

Turning his head, he began to shout to the people sitting in the tree above him.


Clenching his fist. he mimicked punching the demon, and a giant iron fist popped out of the ground to do it for him.
Max was shocked to see that his partner had reptile-like eyes, and more intrigued than ever to find out how his armor-like mecha worked, but pushed it to the side of his mind. He could smell smoke, and that meant one of his opponents has been expending magic. Reaching down, he pressed a button on his shoes, and the metal bits unfolded into a skateboard. Quickly, Max pushed off toward the smell, wrench at hand.
Elizabeth grinned. "It looks as though we found our ally..." She hopped down from the tree and walked over to the guy. As she didn't have much in terms of doing actual damage she went to the basics. Creatures are always easier to control, such simple minds. She faced the creature, standing between it and the man. She looked it into the eye, causing an illusion only it could see. Floods poured forth from the trees, enveloping it. Fire from the trees shot forth onto the water which caused steam to rise everywhere, blinding the creatures vision. "Hurry up and end this thing. Its vision is next to none currently."

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Elmora grunted as the women finished speaking.

"Okay then."

He stopped the onslaught and stood still, closing his eyes for a second before taking a deep breath and opening them again.


The earth beneath the creature's feet turned into oil, sending it sinking into it's depths.


The oil caught fire, and the last thing he heard from the creature was a muffled scream of agony as it died.

Wiping the small bit of blood from his face, Elmora leaned against a tree and sighed.

"Took you long enough." He spat under his breath.

"Anyways, the name's Elmora. Though I'm sometimes referred to as the Burning Earth alchemist. Don't really care whatcha call me, as long as it's not scum."

He pulled out the coins from his pocket and transmuted them into his pipe again, taking a deep puff from it.
"Elizabeth." She did her bow, as customary for all she greets, and replaced her hat. "And yes... Me and my 'partner' ARE kind of your enemy, though this battle and many more could change our relationship, if you so choose. Are you the only one from the Magi? I see no other but us three around."

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Max practically flew across the ground, almost slamming headfirst into the flames. Thankfully for him, he was able grab a nearby tree branch and stop himself, but it resulted in him spinning up and over the branch, slamming into the ground beneath it. He got up quickly and regarded the fire with interest. "That's one huge bonfire. Wonder where the mage responsible is..."

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"Hey Elizabeth vexel has arrived nearby," tyanos runs to his friend and new ally from near the vexel's position, "I recommend we form an alliance to help us survive as it seems your partner is missing and we're outnumbered, " he had put a 3 in one hand and a 3 in the other to show even battle of magic and non-magic.

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"I know. Quite loud, they are." Elizabeth responded. "I'd have to agree about this alliance, though, Elmora. We may have our differences but we all share the desire to live, and we have little chance to survive. Especially you, one versus five." As she spoke, Elizabeth listened for more Vexels and got into a stance to move around if need be.

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Elmora snapped impatiently.

"Don't underestimate me girl. I'm called the Burning Earth alchemist for a reason. Anyways, I don't deal with your kind. Not after the western dragon..." He trailed off for a second, horrifying images coming back to him. "If I had known you were submission before, I wouldn't have asked for your help." He glared at the two angrily for a moment before spinning and making off into the woods.
"Oh, whine more, you cocky little boy." Elizabeth mumbled after he left. "I suppose that's the end of us getting any allies. We'll make work of him later. Should we run or fight?" She pondered, looking over to her companion.

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Elmora froze as she spoke. He turned around very slowly, eyes lighting up with rage.

"Cocky. Little. Boy?"

He darted at her, grabbing the collar of her neck and shoving her against a nearby tree. He began to whisper very rapidly into her ear.

"Listen to me now you insolent worm. I have seen and done things that would drive a lesser man to insanity. I have witnessed the slaughter of thousands, all because of some idiot submissions. If you had been there... if you had seen it! Well... if you think you have the guts to kill me do it now."

He stepped backwards, holding out his arms.

"Kill me now then if you can "make work of me later". Come on! Do it!" He began shouting, rage filling his whole body. The earth around him began to tremble and trees toppled over as images of the western massacre flooded back to him, fueling his power and anger. Without realizing it, he began to summon spears of rock from the ground, sprouting up everywhere and nearly hitting some innocent animals that scurried along the forest floor.
Elizabeth laughed, a wild glare coating her eyes. "There's a reason I'm saving you for last. I wouldn't want to waste energy on you, for you would do all the work for me."

(Insertitalicshere)'Foolish child, you let anger control you. You let it self-destruct you. Your mind will be QUITE easily manipulated." She thought to herself. "Again, you, Cocky. Little. Boy. Either join up with us now or be wiped off the face of this planet. I will personally make sure your life is snuffed out if so be! You are such a distasteful breed of human that you've even tainted me. Do your worst." Elizabeth waited for him to make a move, for she would at least keep some part of her pure.

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"You arrogant little cock." He brushed off the ice that was launched at him without even realizing it had hit him.

"This is not anger. This is pain. This is suffering. This is sorrow and this is madness. This is everything I have ever seen caused by you people. I am Legion, I am one, and I am all. You can not control me, not when I am like this!" He spoke to the women in a calm voice that failed to hide his immense need to kill her.

"I will not go so quietly into the night to be snuffed out like a candle. I am the slayer of titans and dragons, servant of the secret flame. Would you like a taste of my real power? The power that has slain the great dragon of the north?!"

His very body began to glow.

((I gotta sign off! See you tomorrow!))
Max yelped in alarm and fell backward as a small spire of earth suddenly popped up in front of him. His wrench transfigured into a shield, and held it in front of him, looking around for his attacker. "Pesky mages." The wrench retransfigured into a gun after it signaled that there was no concentration of magic nearby. He frowned and poked the jagged spear. "What is this from then?"

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((Putting this back where it was I messed up and sticking with it it's before random gengar's thing)) tyanos out of fear hit him with some ice and almost immediately apologized, "sorry I feared for my teamate please forgive me," meanwhile Diskel was forming huge rage inside whilst waiting to recharge.

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Elizabeth laughed even more. "My people? All of these problems are due to you, your leaders, all of you fighting each other. You fight, and fight, and fight. You know no end. WE are trying to end all of this war. The only reason you and I are here right now is because of my leaders suggesting it as the end of YOUR war. We do what we have to, you do it because you and the Vexels are too childish to find a solution to your problems. Show me your 'real' power, boy. I lust for it!" Elizabeth got ready for multiple spells at once, for he wouldn't be ending her that day. "I hope you're worth something, Diskel."

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