The War of the Magi [Inactive]

Usef proceeds to move from the blabbering girl and follow Max with his eyes fixed on the note. Standing there like a statue he used his robotic movements turned into a wavering of the arm as he was gesturing the girl should come to them. His gun now adjust on his back he stubs Max and points out the note on the floor waiting for him to pick it up. The fresh wind from outside shed the stacked dust from his armor as he patiently stares.

(I don't talk AND I don't really have emotions.. so it is quite hard to really right much about him.)
Max picked up the note after a the poke from the golem, and he stared at it for a bit before reading it out loud for everyone else to hear. His wrench started to shift and change as he read, turning into something more similar to a gun than a wrench.
The note read, "you know why you are here, but in order to win you will have to be the last faction standing. This is a fight to the death. Your faction counts on you, do not dissapoint!"
Elmora felt a breeze from behind him, and he turned. The door was open to reveal dark woodlands beyond.

"Mhm. I guess we can go then."

He began to leave, when he suddenly noticed a note on the ground. With a flick of his wrist, a pillar of stone shot up from the ground, it resting on top. Picking it up he began to read, stroking an imaginary beard as he did so.

"Blah blah blah, why you are here, blah blah blah last faction standing, ooh! Death match!"

Throwing the note aside, he knelt down, placing his hands on either side of his body. Humming, he went to work, locating any and all ore int he ground and rearranging it to his design. In the end, he sigh, tired but happy. Standing again, he tightened his muscles and began to fall backwards. Soft stone shot up from the ground and caught him, slowly bringing him down to the ground in a sort of recliner chair. Putting his hands behind his head he closed his eyes, like a spider in the center of his web, he would detect any footsteps before they even saw him.
"the door is open," he pointed towards the now opened door he decided to walk through the door and pick up the note he crushes it in his hand as he turns into Tyanos thinks Those clans I only accepted to show that magic wasn't always necessary for violence, and that there could be another way wait we weren't going to kill them that's the whole reason I agreed to this a time and a place we need to only cause temporary harm uuuugghhh fiiiiiiiine wait if I bring them to the brink and then you fix them up so that they can go back Great idea I only hope you know and you probably don't know that we won't be alowed the same courtesy so if we run into trouble I won't hesitate... heck I might cause suffering ok... I'd have to come to terms with it eventually he unwrinkled the paper and drops it staring off into the forest.
Eventually the armored thing let go of Viola and began to motion her to go towards him. She just shrugged him off however, not ready to get up. However she did move when she saw her precious weapon a few feet away from where she sat. Letting out a joyful sound she leaped over and took a firm hold on her weapon which was a mix between an overly large pair of scissors and a gun.

"You know why you are here..." a voice began to say from behind her. Looking over she saw the greasy faced man reading some type of note. " but in order to win you will have to be the last faction standing. This is a fight to the death. Your faction counts on you, do not disappoint!" Viola tilted her head and stood up. Hugging her weapon close she ran over to the two that shared the warehouse with her. "Whacha got there~?" She asked as if the meaning didn't really hit her like it should have. "What's with this survival faction junk? Sounds like something out of a story~"
Small animals came into Elmora's range so he could feel them, and not long after something very large was close enough for him to feel.
"Mhm?" Elmora stood as he felt the iron just beneath his feet shake. Something was coming, something big.

He threw out his arms and rotated his palms downwards. He began to whisper an incantation under his breath, the earth around him shifting and moving beneath his feet.

"Krala oma vrodga groma shala iomla minkana iraqua."

His feet began to tingle as he felt was was coming even more powerfully now.

What was this thing? He had never felt something of this monstrous size before. Not even the great dragons of the south ever could grow to become as big as what Elmora was feeling. He continued the incantation, adding some more on, just in case.

"Lomaka jokula legiona macrea shofula opokuna contruos."

His eyes began to glow, and he felt power rush into his body. His veins were filled with pure energy, his muscles a million times more powerful. All around him, his cloak began to fly rapidly, blowing behind him as he directed the energy to his front. One last part. The ground itself was shaking now, and he saw birds flying out of the trees, and a shadow of something menacing.

"Ikala crohula marsheka iruos ranmonos criolo forsaka nomala icula kralamos!!!"

Whatever the hell this thing is better kill me. He thought smugly. Or it won't live to see the light of day.
A foot, the size of the warehouse, stomped down less than 10 yards away. The earth shaking as some ginormous, gray-black skinned being walked by. If the Magi didn't act quickly they would be nothing but paste when the giant stepped again.
((Is WhiteJester gone? If it's just me, I'd like to make my character more powerful, just for balance.))

"Well then." Elmora looked at the foot in shock.

"Shall we begin?"

The earth around him began to shake, and he was raised into the air on a pillar of iron.

"You shall not pass. I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the ring of Anor. You shall not pass! The dark fire will not avail you, flame of Udûn. Go back to the Shadows! YOU SHALL NOT PASS!"

There was a sound of thunder.

All around him the ground split open, liquid iron pouring out, only to be hardened and transformed into massive swords around him.

Then he saw the colossus.

It was the largest thing he had ever seen, as tall as a mountain and as wide as half of one across the breast.

He allowed himself to rise to the height of it's head, staring into it's cold, black eyes.

"DID YOU NOT HEAR ME? YOU!" With a flick of his wrist the massive swords began to pelt the titan. "SHALL!" More iron poured out of the earth, solidifying around it's feet, keeping it in place. "NOT!" Behind him the largest of all his swords rose. It was almost as big as the beast itself.

"PASS!!!" It flew at the titan and went straight through it's chest. Black blood poured out of the multiple wounds, and the titan began to roar in agony.

Then Elmora fell. His body could no longer withstand the massive amounts of power, and he toppled from his throne, plummeting down to the earth below. His last fleeting image was of the titan falling.
Max turned to the girl, wide-eyed. "You mean you didn't get a letter? But....why else would you be here?" He glanced outside warily, half-expecting someone to come charging at them. The ground shook, but Max couldn't see anything through the trees. His grip on his wrench tightened, worried now.
He heard noise, "something came," he then heard another thump, "and I guess something went... aw man I wanted to kill, that big thing, eh whatever,"
Elizabeth smirked, knowing what was on the note already. She had known from the start she would be forced to kill others apposed to her faction. Spying was a bit of a specialty of hers, easily done when she could be miles away. It wasn't exactly hard to find this out, though. They never think of all of the ways people could listen in on their conversations. She calmly left the warehouse, a calmed expression on her face. The mats still lay on the ground and she went back to get them for they could prove useful at some point. They seemingly vanished into the confines of her cloak. Ignoring the shaking of the ground and a large thump following after, she turned to the man she would be fighting with. "What's your name? I don't believe I ever got it."
"Now it's Diskel but Tyanos is acceptable when blue," he tosses her a red crystal, "use that for reference, red is me it changes blue when i'm Tyanos" he prepped his fire just in case of danger.
From the blood of the giant a figure begins to form, loosley resembling a human but made entirely of blood. It slowly starts to take shape, and then changes from red to a gray-black like the giant. As it forms clothes begin to form with it, a blue very loose robe appears on it. The being walks over towards Elmora looking at him, never saying a word.
"Ah, well I greet you, Diskel. Elizabeth Rose, esteemed Illusionist, Spy, whatever else you wish to call me, at your service. Well, not really, for I'd betray you in a heartbeat. You get my point." She bowed, crossing one leg over the other and taking her hat in her left hand, as usual. She replaced her hat after standing up straight. She heard some sound, almost ... liquidy, start near the giant's body. It was in fact, liquid, as blood took the form of someone, or something. "I've seen worse." She scoffed.

Ignoring it, she looked around her setting. Trees, grass, trees, a tall tree, and some more trees. Oh, and a few warehouses with more trees behind them.

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She shook her head and giggled. "Of course I got it! I know all about the faction junk here~." With one free hand while she tightly cradles her weapon with the other, she moves a long purple bang from her face. "I just don't like this whole 'wake up out of nowhere. Suddenly put on some kind of cliche survival trial.' It's bogus! Darn, I thought I'd at least go to some kind of banquet..." she puffed out her cheeks slightly in her little pouting manner.

Suddenly the ground began to shake. Curiously Violet looked around but her feet stayed firm on the ground, as she could keep her balance well. "That's either armored man's stomach through my mentioning of the banquet...or..." she thought over the other possible options. "...mother nature..." she thought even more. "Whatever crazy technological contraptions come from the ground..." she shrugged. "Or we could just go see? Sound fun?"
A very loud screeching sounds rings through the woods, the sound of metal on metal. Heard in each warehouse, and at an almost ear-bleeding frequency.
Max chuckled at Violet's joke. "True. Heck, it might have be-" The ear-splitting screech causes Max to collapse on the ground, hands against his ears. His wrench fires off a bolt of energy into the woods, the noise causing it to activate early.
Usef stands there his helmet seemingly blocking out the sound. He watches as Max suffers and ignores the girls constant talk. The rumbling of the floor had definitely gotten to him and Usef was now arming himself continuing to move out with timed steps until the bolt of energy shot out and had touched his armor sending his red lit eyes into a flickering state revealing two snakelike yellow eyes for split second until he threw his head down shaking off the shocks the armor had been send through him along with the ear-piercing screech now able to infiltrate the disfunctional helm. (Lizard mech warrior man! Oorrr is he?)

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Elmora struggled on the ground, trying to push himself up again when the shadow fell upon him. Looking up, he stared into the empty eyes above him. His head began to blur, and vision fade.

"What are you?" He croaked quietly. Before he passed out, a shriek began whistling in his ears, and he grabbed his head in pain before his eyes rolled into his head, and he passed out.
"AAAAAAHHH I DON'T CARE HOW DANGEROUS IT IS I'M HEADING OFF," he jumps onto a tree and jumps off of that one to the tree leading towards the noise, "come with, if you dare," he then dashed through the tree's heading to where the noise came from.
Elmora's vision faded in and out as he was bumped and jostled along the dirt path. He had no idea who was carrying him, but he couldn't work up the energy to speak. All he could do was groan meekly. His powers seemed to have left him temporarily, so he couldn't free himself from the strong grip dragging him along. His hands were close enough to the ground that he could touch it, and he could still feel the web he set up, he couldn't change it into a sword in this condition, but he could still feel the vibrations. There were animals skittering along it every now and then, but nothing big at first. Then he felt something. Something judging by it's weight and speed a human. It was pounding right along the web towards him and whatever was carrying him.
Viola looks around hesitantly, her grip on her weapon even tighter. Though her slight worry, she still kept her carefree smile. "Ooh~ is the show starting already?" she cooed. "What do you propose it is?" She passed the two of them and looked up, finally throwing her weapon in the air and catching it with one hand, holding it like it was meant to be held.

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