The War of the Magi [Inactive]


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Robertaka123 submitted a new role play:

The War of the Magi - In the war against magic where do you stand?

The Magi have always had enemies, all of them were either exterminated or broke apart. Except one, a faction known as the Vexels. They alone remained and they alone fought the Magi, hoping to purge this world of magic. Soon enough a full blown war broke out between the Magi and the Vexels.
One year after the war started both sides are growing weaker, forces are expended and the war must come to an end. Many people ridicule their leaders for participating in senseless conflict so they leave...
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@Raviael @prounst23 @Eridan Ampora

You have all been chosen because your faction deemed you the best and brightest. Your objective is to lead your faction to victory in some sort of battle. The details are unbeknownst to you, all you know is that if you and your team win your faction wins, only one team will be left alive and anything goes. All of you received letters telling you that you would go to sleep on February 1st and when you woke up you would be with your team and receive one day to prepare. It is now February 2nd and you awaken in a large room, about the size of a warehouse, your equipment is thrown nearby, along with the other chosen members of your faction
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Elizabeth looked around her at the forest surrounding the area. It was quite beautiful, creatures roaming all over. She picked an apple off the tree besides her and walked forward, damp earth squishing down under her feet. "Elizabeth!" She turned to face a man taller than her with brown hair, blue eyes, tanned skin. Her love, Dael. A hint of happiness flashed across her face, and she hugged him. Then Elizabeth remembered something. She released her grip onto him and stumbled backwards. "You're not... Dael." Quickly her setting changed, turning into a burned forest in the night. Dael was still there, though this time he had a pale look with hallowed eyes drained of all color. A blade was in his gut and he lay on the floor. Elizabeth sunk to her knees and began to cry, seeing this image again. She closed her eyes, though a mere few seconds later and she heard something move. Quickly opening them, she noticed Dael's body was gone. "Wh-what?" Walking over to the spot it was at, she felt something grab her and she quickly twisted around.

Sharp, sharp pain filled her stomach. Looking down, she saw the blade used to kill Dael now in her body. Put there by Dael himself. Falling onto the ground as all color drained her body along with her blood she let a few tears loose. "I'm sorry, Dael..."

Elizabeth sighed and opened her eyes, which took a few seconds to adjust to the light around her. 'That was a ... strange dream.' She said in her head, trying to remember it all though it was already becoming a blur, especially with the fact everything happened so quickly and wasn't normally placed, so it seemed to her anyway. She sat up and looked at her surroundings. An empty, bland warehouse surrounded her. Well, empty except for the man next to her. As she was undressed, except for undergarments, Elizabeth got up and found her clothing nearby. Quickly dressing, she turned back around to peer at the man still sleeping. He had white hair, with almost perfect looking skin, at least in her idea of that. Knowing that was was a fellow Submission and was meant to fight alongside her to bring glory to their faction she decided to give him a few minutes to awake and would otherwise wake him up herself as she wanted to be ready quickly. In the meantime, she paced around the room with the sound of clacking following every other step due to her staff. "This is about to get fun!" came out from under her breath, a small bloodthirsty laugh following it.
Max blinked and groaned as light hit his face, pulling him from his sleep. "Go away, Jay." He muttered and rolled onto his side. He rolled onto his wrench and started in surprise. Max opened his eyes wide and saw a small pile of stuff in front of him. He jumped up, grabbing his wrench and looking around. He saw a girl with purple hair lying on the ground, probably asleep. He turned away quickly and saw what appeared to be a metal golem. Before Max's curiosity got the better of him, he realized that he was only wearing his shorts, and quickly pulled on his clothes. He noticed some gears fall out, and saw a few of the creations he had been working on last night. Grinning, he remembered the letter he had received, and why he was here. Whistling cheerfully, he sat and began attaching one of his wrench's 'attachments'.

@Raviael @prounst23
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Luplus awoke with a start, taking in the area around him. "Oh my. . .Is it February 2nd, already? I just lost track of the time. . .". Scratching his head Luplus stood up and yawned, casually getting dress. He began to mutter various swears as he tiredly dressed himself, some of them not even English. After finally getting dressed Luplus laid back on the bed, looking around at his belongings, looking at a book as he began to read. "Ah, at least I still have my leisure books. . .", Luplus smiled to himself as he reached a particularly funny part of the book, letting out a short chuckle. "Ah, I loved reading these things.", smiling to himself Charles tossed the book behind and relaxed, keeping his magic books and artifacts stacked beside him as he waited for his partner to wake.
Elmora's eyes remained shut as light began to flood the large room around him. He tossed his arm over his face to keep the light away, moaning to himself and gripping the small piece of parchment in his hands closer to his chest.

Oh yeah, the note.

Groaning, he pulled himself up and attempted to wipe the sleep out of his eyes to no avail. Looking around only provided him with fragmented and blurry images through his half-closed eyes, so he leaned against a pillar and tried to clear his foggy mind.

The government had told him... What exactly? Oh yeah, nothing. Nothing but the fact he'd wake up in a warehouse with... With who again?

Yawning he lay back down again, pulling his arm under head to act like a pillow. Why bother to get up anyways when it was so much more comfortable here.

Just as he began to drift away again, sudden movement from near him caused him to jump up in a flash. Snapping his fingers, a small orb of light appeared in his palm, which he slammed into the ground. Deep below him, the ground began to shift. No one above would be able to feel it of course, it was too reminisce. A rod of stone began to tunnel up from the floor and flew into Elmora's hands. It morphed into a crude sword. All of this happened in less than a second, and he raised it at the movement, preparing for combat.

In only a moment though, he dropped it, allowing the sword to merge back with the ground he summoned it from, now fully awake he bowed to the wizard standing in front of him.

"I'm Elmora." He raised his body and held out his hand, all readiness for a fight now completely gone.
Luplus simply waved, reading another book, "Good Morning! I'm Luplus." he shut the book, putting it down on his bed as he stood up and stretched once more. "It appears we're partners!" Luplus nodded at Elmora, "So pleasure to meet you!" he walked over, offering his hand to Elmora. "I would be a Wind Magic expert, Conjuration is my Speciality."
Elmora took Luplus' hand happily and shook it.

"Nice to meet you. I suppose you just saw my magic... Eh, screw it I'll explain anyways. I do alteration, a sort of alchemist skill. It all factors around equivalent trade, I can only turn one thing into another if it's of equal value. Speaking of which..." He began to root around in his pocket for a moment before pulling out a couple small gold coins. He placed them in his palm, and they began to glow for a second before becoming a small pipe, which he stuck in his mouth, pouring some tobacco from a pouch on his belt into it, and lighting it with a match.

"What are we supposed to do here anyways?" He looked around curiously, eyeing the marvelous structure of the place before puffing out a small ring of smoke from his pipe. With a snap of his fingers it became a small sail boat, which dissipated after flying around for a second.

"Been working on that one for a while now." He turned to Luplus smiling. "Anyways, like I said, do we have any actual orders yet?"
Luplus simply shrugged "Nope, I just woke up. I guess we just wait!", Luplus returned to his bed, reading his book once more. "Though that is a nice form of Magic you have there." Luplus nodded his head to Elmora.
Elizabeth continued to pace the room for a little bit, the only sound her shoes and the echoing from her cane's impact onto the ground. Turning to look at the man again, she sighed. Going against her previous statement to wake him up she decided to just let him rest, he'd need it for the days advancing upon them. Not that she entirely cared for his well-being, seeing as how she was a bit ruthless at times, a factor she bet played into her being there in the warehouse about to fight for her faction. Though, another hand could always make things a bit easier. Luckily for her, Elizabeth had just created a few of her own tricks which would greatly benefit her success rate in the arena. A smirk spread across her face, imagining using them on the others. Not too many seem to have control, actual control, over their mind. All the easier pickings for her.

Walking back over to her supplies, she checked three pouches she had brought with her. After opening them up to make sure they were her required powders she took out a little of the blue powder and sprinkled it around in the air. A calming sensation enveloped her entity and she lay the bags back down on the mat. Mumbling to herself, she continued the previous pacing around the room.
Another submission had woken up actually earlier however he had sat in silence after noticing the other magic user, and remembering the events that lead to him being here. Tyanos had hoped he could keep it under control until he turned back to his nicer self. He thought we should get up now but not as you bot to be rude or anything fine fine you have my word I'll behave promise promise ...fine agreeable.

He allowed himself up and turned towards the girl who was now pacing and said, "eh so you're the one I'm working with," Diskel looks carefully at the girl and laughs, "hope you're tough, cause we'll need some magical prowess." Diskel quickly got dressed and sat back down and said somewhat ominously, "don't fail us and I'll try not to do the same."
At last the person was up and about. Elizabeth watched as he dressed himself and then responded to his statement. "Yes, I know my trade quite well, mind you. I wouldn't look at me for one of the people to fail today. What exactly do you do?" She sent back at him, a small smirk on her face. If there was anyone that should be laughed at, it was him, laughing at Elizabeth as though she were a mere farmer's daughter. "Show me some of your power. I'd like to see it." She challenged him, both for the purpose of seeing if he was worth anything and for the purpose of seeing how she could adapt her magic to his.
"Hmph alright," Diskel clapped in a powerful force which set his hands on fire, it crackled hot in his hand though he showed no pain, Diskel soon forced put a huge spread-out blaze all around as he does this he yells, "burn, BURN," Diskel had gotten fired up by this challenge. He charged more fire into his hand before any time could be wasted and used his new blaze to engulf his fists to prepare for his second attack.
Elizabeth simply watched and kept her distance. "Impressive." She told the man, in a tone both true and sarcastic at the same time. "So you're a wizard of some sorts for sure, and I'm pretty sure you specialize in fire. That works wonderfully with my skillset." She continued watching his display of flames.

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Usef began to rise from his position only letting out the sound of metal clatter. His head turns to the man standing in his vicinity like a machine.

Without a second thought he takes his gun into one hand pointing it at the target. He waver's his large gun in his one hand beckoning the young man to drop the wrench. This paranoid behavior lasted so long until he finally remembered what his faction leaders had told him. 'These are not your enemies when you enter this room. DO NO SHOOT. Your targets are only those who are not in that room with you from the beginning!' his gun sank as quick as the thought ended. Usef crouched and took a good look at the girl, before he started to violently shake her for a response. All that was on Usef's mind was getting this over with so he could win the fight and continue his crusade of contracts.
Max stood quickly when he heard the clattering of the golem, he saw it raise its gun at him, and instinctively dropped to the ground and rolled. He was about to throw his wrench at it when it lowered its gun and crouched next to the girl and started shaking her awake. Breathing a sigh of relief, Max walked back over to where he had been sitting and went back to his work, ignoring the golem as long as it didn't threaten him or the girl.
Diskel's eyes widened as they shifted blue, he looked cautiously at the firey mess he caused he turned to the fellow mage and apologized, "SORRYSORRYSORRYSORRYSORRY I didn't mean to get carried away i'll fix this," he creates a cool breeze to put out the flames, "sometimes I get... wait you said, impressive," hearing those words caused his thoughts to increase see she's fine with my destructive tendencies besides in combat it is useful ...ehh please forgive me it's a reflex that's developed from your past encounters ahh whatever and also don't forget bot life and death are useful blah blah blah ok got it so I'll be taking charge again. He woke up after being in a trance like state Diskel said, "Ignore the ice, it's just a nuisance that lives in my head," he heard in his head though I have helped you out many times ... oh well people don't change much I guess like the Magi and their insolence, or the normal peoples ignorance true but that can't be their fault it's talk like that which would've got you kicked out but aren't you the reason we left ... shut up. he snapped out of it again and went towards his own items checking the contents needed to keep him stable and direct his magic.
Elizabeth watched, a bit amused, as the man seemed to suddenly 'change' into another person with a completely different personality suddenly started apologizing over the flames. She thought she even saw his eyes change color, but she wasn't sure. All of a sudden it wasn't fire being used by the man, but more of an icy breeze. Studying the man, watching his eyes more closely this time, she was amazed to see them change color again and went back to their original red, the personality seemingly changing again since he stopped saying sorry.

"You... I've never seen anyone like this, but you have two, what is the word for it? People? - people in your head or something along those lines, don't you? Your eyes change color, along with your personality and magic. Peculiar indeed. As I was saying before, our magic is quite the duo. You see, me being an Illusionist means I can replicate any spell you do, as long as I see it. We could use that to our advantage. I send in fire, or ice I suppose, whichever you are going to use then, a few times until they realize it is fake. Then they won't be afraid of it anymore, possibly letting it hit them even. Then you send some in, and wallah!" Elizabeth gave out an almost crazed laugh as she took her top hat in one hand and cane in the other, doing a gesture." "Dinner is served..."

"I'd prefer waiting to do that just so they won't suspect me as being an illusionist from the get-go, even though that won't hinder me in all areas of this magic." Now she was glad to have a man such as him. So many possibilities for her to do, all over a little magic.

(None of you feggle-weggles better use this information you know and have your character suddenly know it before anything even happens. >.>)
Elmora suddenly felt a shiver pass through his spine and he shifted uncomfortably.

"I feel like someone just insulted us." He turned to Luplus and yawned.

"Anyways, it's getting kind of late, should we start looking for food?" He stood and stretched, starting to walk around the warehouse, finding nothing.
Viola had woken up earlier, but only to a degree. Being foggy headed from...well...sleep, she wasn't in the best of mind. To her, she felt like it was any other morning. Sure, the floor was cold but she slept in all kinds of crazy places at the Circus so this was nothing remotely strange for her. So she went back to sleep, as that was something she really enjoyed. She didn't wake up until she was forced to wake up. And by forced that meant shaken by a madman. Viola snapped her eyes open to see a...fully armored man? thing? person? Armoured something? She didn't exactly try to break free as she was still rather groggy and confused by all this but she glared up at her armored 'alarm clock' and puffed her cheeks out slightly, irritated yet curious on what was going on.

"Good morning to you too. My you're subtle aren't you~?" She looked around the room she was was rather dark, musty and empty. A warehouse, got it.

She noticed another figure in the corner of the room. A person this time. Male. Yawning, she thought carefully about the situation she was in, nodding as her thought began to process rapidly, trying to connect all the pieces together. Finally she thought she made sense of something.

"So~ I'm the beautiful young damsel from the circus. And for whatever known reason, might it be fame or fortune, you two hunks of..." she looked at both the armored man and the boy in the corner "grease and armor...are holding me hostage til you both get whatever it is you both oh so desire. Which..I'm ok with, I'm not scared of this it was actually my turn to clean the animal's cages. Ick, that's not fun." She offered a carefree smile to the both of them.
After a while of the representatives getting to know each other and get ready the lights in the warehouses turn all the way on. The area fills with light and a large door opens to reveal a woodland area outside.
Max had completely missed Viola's insult to him, being absorbed in his project. It wasn't until the lights came on in full force that he even noticed she was awake. Looking up, he nodded at her. "Hello. I'm Max. You are?"
Viola winced at the bright light, but shook it off quickly and gave a courageous carefree smile to the greasy face man that was introducing himself. She looked to both of them and nodded.

"You should really know your captors names but fine I'll humor you~ I'm Viola Clematis. Did you get the right girl?" she said this in a mocking manner.
His eyes widened. "Captive? What in the world do you mean?" Max looked around, starting to feel a bit nervous. Spotting the door, he grinned. "Oh great! We can go now!" He started to walk toward the door, having finished upgrading his wrench.

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