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Futuristic The Want Hierarchy

You won't be alone in that. Though I... don't really like using other people's images for my characters anyway, so I'll drag my feet unless I'm told I need one. I'll paint you a word picture instead!

Edit: Oh, I lied. The sheet looked entirely incomplete without a picture so I stuck one in. >_>

Further edit: @Sunbather I have questions! ^^

1) What form is Midnight in? You referenced Omega being injected in the Overview, I assume regular Midnight is as well?

2) Is it alright if our characters have access to Midnight from the get-go? My character hasn't tried it, but she does have some, provided that's okay.

3) As far as occupations go, I was going to have my character be some kind of... courier/errand girl, again, provided that makes sense. I've made a character who doesn't really want to be socializing with new people, which is always dangerous if it isn't compensated for, so I'd like a job that forces her to do exactly that. Would anyone in Reina be likely to have/need a personal assistant type of employee?

(If any characters would have such a need, that's even better. If Wye wants somebody to deliver things/bring things to her, if Jazz (@Cyber Lithium) needs an assistant for his P.I. business, if anyone else needs anything else, just let me know! I love rolling characters with ties to other characters^^)
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Pandacorn said:
I swear in about ten more minutes I am going to give up looking for an image for the rest of the night.
I really love image finding, if you wouldn't mind the help, I'd love to try and search for what you're looking for~!

(Also chiara bautista <3)

<3 I'm silly, ignore me~


I have a question as well!

For occupation, I was thinking my character would be a bit of an opportunist, and the way Reina sounded, with junk abound, I was wondering if she couldn't be some sort of salvager? Not someone who's smart about what's gonna sell and what's junk, but more like the grabber for the person who is-- I hope this is making sense. Is there an occupation like so? Or along those lines?
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Irianne said:
if Jazz (@Cyber Lithium) needs an assistant for his P.I. business, if anyone else needs anything else, just let me know! I love rolling characters with ties to other characters^^)

Jazz Valentine

//In a voice that was a bit raspy but young of age//

Ay, I heard you wanted a job... quit yackin' with the locals cuz' I've got somethin for ya.

@Irianne(Also Omega Midnight is the full name of the drug, usually any drug that can be injected (because its liquid) can be melted and smoked, or even ingested solid(the affect will be much slower and less effective). Injection is the fastest most potent means of use I would assume.)
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Irianne said:
@Sunbather I have questions! ^^
1) What form is Midnight in? You referenced Omega being injected in the Overview, I assume regular Midnight is as well?

2) Is it alright if our characters have access to Midnight from the get-go? My character hasn't tried it, but she does have some, provided that's okay.

3) As far as occupations go, I was going to have my character be some kind of... courier/errand girl, again, provided that makes sense. I've made a character who doesn't really want to be socializing with new people, which is always dangerous if it isn't compensated for, so I'd like a job that forces her to do exactly that. Would anyone in Reina be likely to have/need a personal assistant type of employee?

(If any characters would have such a need, that's even better. If Wye wants somebody to deliver things/bring things to her, if Jazz (@Cyber Lithium) needs an assistant for his P.I. business, if anyone else needs anything else, just let me know! I love rolling characters with ties to other characters^^)
1. Midnight is also liquid, yes. But opposed to Omega Midnight, it is pitch black.

2. Technically, yes. Though be aware it is not allowed by the defacto dictatorship, so consequences may come.

3. That sounds good. Reina is a city of power, afterall, so the ones who don't happen to have it would have to kind of live around the rulers, so that seems fine, yeah. :)

Kal said:
I really love image finding, if you wouldn't mind the help, I'd love to try and search for what you're looking for~!
(Also chiara bautista <3)

<3 I'm silly, ignore me~


I have a question as well!

For occupation, I was thinking my character would be a bit of an opportunist, and the way Reina sounded, with junk abound, I was wondering if she couldn't be some sort of salvager? Not someone who's smart about what's gonna sell and what's junk, but more like the grabber for the person who is-- I hope this is making sense. Is there an occupation like so? Or along those lines?
(Chiara Bautista! <3 My old avatar was of hers, now that I think about it. Heh.)

That sounds perfect, actually. You can just put scavenger, I think that makes the most sense given Reina's trashcan status, haha.
Sunbather said:
1. Midnight is also liquid, yes. But opposed to Omega Midnight, it is pitch black.
2. Technically, yes. Though be aware it is not allowed by the defacto dictatorship, so consequences may come.

3. That sounds good. Reina is a city of power, afterall, so the ones who don't happen to have it would have to kind of live around the rulers, so that seems fine, yeah. :)

(Chiara Bautista! <3 My old avatar was of hers, now that I think about it. Heh.)

That sounds perfect, actually. You can just put scavenger, I think that makes the most sense given Reina's trashcan status, haha.
@Sunbather I think I missed something about Midnight being different than Omega Midnight. I was under the impression Midnight was just the short terminology... also... I'm a bit confused about what krux is and what it has to do with midnight and omega midnight and which one of the two rarely gives you abilities... @_@
[QUOTE="Cyber Lithium]I read them but am still confused :x

Could you specify what confuses you? That'd help in explaining.
Sunbather said:
Could you specify what confuses you? That'd help in explaining.
I'm not sure if Krux is a condition caused by Reina, or if it's a side effect of midnight, or if it's a side effect of Omega Midnight.

I don't know the difference between Midnight and Omega Midnight, is one of them synthetic, and if so are there different side effects for both of them?

Those are the main points I'm having difficulty with
[QUOTE="Cyber Lithium]I'm not sure if Krux is a condition caused by Reina, or if it's a side effect of midnight, or if it's a side effect of Omega Midnight.
I don't know the difference between Midnight and Omega Midnight, is one of them synthetic, and if so are there different side effects for both of them?

Those are the main points I'm having difficulty with

Okay. I'll explain it. Though, and please don't take this the wrong way, it very much does explain these things in the overview in depth. Maybe it was just written in a way that confused you (and that's okay) but I really(!) wanna emphasize that I hope you read everything in the RP, cause that is important.

Right! *claps hands* Onto the points:

1. Krux are a result of Midnight.

2. Midnight is a drug that creates Krux and gets you high. Omega Midnight is an altered version of Midnight which allows third party users to interact with another person's Krux. The effects of Omega Midnight are indeed listed in the Overview. Midnight users are immune to the effect of Omega Midnight and thus cannot use it.
@Kal, I am in love with Chiara Bautista's art work. It makes me giddy that you recognized it!

Also, if your offer is still available, I would love the help. I am content with the image I finally chose, but deep down I feel as if I could find another, better one. The internet is an impossibly large place. Picture hunting is such a cumbersome ordeal for me. If you would not mind, I would appreciate some help in creating a sort of portfolio for future use. I hope I am not asking for too much. And please do not feel any sort of obligation to assist!

@Sunbather, I also have a few questions. I have read and reread the overview multiple times, but still am having a little difficulty grasping a few things.

• Inkrux(es)? are a sort of hallucination? That was the vibe I got. If so, comparable to those of Schizophrenia?

• In the overview, I only saw two ways to combat Inkrux. The Gaslight Choir and Omega Midnight. But if Midnight users are immune to Omega what is the point? Omega is used to cure Inkrux which is the direct effect of Midnight, but Midnight users can not use it. I do not really understand.
Pandacorn said:
@Sunbather, I also have a few questions. I have read and reread the overview multiple times, but still am having a little difficulty grasping a few things.
• Inkrux(es)? are a sort of hallucination? That was the vibe I got. If so, comparable to those of Schizophrenia?

• In the overview, I only saw two ways to combat Inkrux. The Gaslight Choir and Omega Midnight. But if Midnight users are immune to Omega what is the point? Omega is used to cure Inkrux which is the direct effect of Midnight, but Midnight users can not use it. I do not really understand.
No, not really. They are manifestations of the things I've listed. Like ghosts of plight. They are non-existent to everyone who isn't the one suffering or users of Omega, but they are still real, in that sense.

The Gaslight Choir is a method the people of Reina believe eases the suffering, but it's not a formal way to get rid of the Inkrux. Omega isn't used to cure Inkrux. Omega is used to attain powers with which one can interact with Inkrux. Thus, like I've said before, you cannot cure yourself, since you can't fight your own Inkrux. That's why it says there are a few people who actually do cure others of their torture.
Okay, first batch of sign-up stuff!

@Cyber Lithium

Few issues here:

- One doesn't just "quit" Midnight. One you take it, it is there and aside from maybe 1-2% (not really trying to put a number here, I just wanna emphasize it's incredibly rare in a human) nobody remains in a good enough mental state to deal with it on their own. So Jazz would have to had someone who uses Omega kill his Inkrux. Also, I wanna emphasize again that former Midnight users may never use Omega Midnight. Please be absolutely sure if you are okay with that.

- People don't leave the planet. As of now, there are no other planets that this planet's population travels to. Reina is just incredibly far away and isolated from other cities. That's also why people don't really leave Reina left and right. People definitely try now and then, but since the journey is so far and ominous (potentially dangerous) nobody ever hears back from 'em.

- Cybernetic enhancements aren't REALLY a thing. There are prosthetics, but they don't really give much of an edge. The city's build on junk and garbage. The technology is sometimes complex, but never fully functional or desirable, really.

- Please no ship. If you have a ship, there's no reason to stay in Reina. :(


I don't have any factual reasons to decline Frey (I love the name, btw. The whole name, I mean) but he seems a little too... I dunno, edgy. Please don't take this the wrong way, I really don't mean to be rude at all. But the whole "oh yeah, his dad beat his mom to death, but it's cool and I also smile while my leg is cut open and then I stab you to death" is just... I dunno. Maybe someone else can articulate what I'm trying to say here. I like a lot of the foundation here, like his lack of embarassment and stuff, but the finished character feels very cheesy and a little over the top to me. I really suggest reworking him a little. Also +1 for Fisheye. :D


Surprisingly, I have no issues with the special eyes. *laughing villainy and prepares hidden lore* I like her so far!


"Hey! I like a lot of Cass so far, but there is something I am not so fond of: "She is a creature of habit, and new experiences -- new foods, new places, new people " Reina is very much limited in terms of new things. Food is sparse for everyone who isn't Epitah or part of his inner circle (or one of the novelty businessfolks who actually live decently) you can't really leave it without probably dying and pretty much everything new depends on what is coming in from other cities who actually have the technology to travel safely. Also I feel creature of habit and loving new stuff is pretty contradictionary. Otherwise I like what I'm seeing so far. :)
Sunbather said:
Hey! I like a lot of Cass so far, but there is something I am not so fond of: "She is a creature of habit, and new experiences -- new foods, new places, new people " Reina is very much limited in terms of new things. Food is sparse for everyone who isn't Epitah or part of his inner circle (or one of the novelty businessfolks who actually live decently) you can't really leave it without probably dying and pretty much everything new depends on what is coming in from other cities who actually have the technology to travel safely. Also I feel creature of habit and loving new stuff is pretty contradictionary. Otherwise I like what I'm seeing so far. :)
No, sorry, I guess I worded it poorly. She does not like new experiences. When I wrote "...new experiences -- new foods, new places, new people -- need to be well balanced with the familiar to keep her comfortable" I meant that something entirely new (ie. not balanced with the familiar) is going to make her incredibly uncomfortable. Like perhaps she is meeting a stranger. This is new, and therefore bad. Unless she meets this person in a place she knows well, or with somebody else she knows, or in some other familiar context, she is going to be uncomfortable to a degree she won't be able to hide. So new things being rare is fine, in fact it probably underscores why she's so awful at dealing with them. I'll try to find a better way to word it later when my brain's in full gear again.

Because I absolutely agree. Being a creature of habit and loving new stuff is inexcusably contradictory!
Oooh, that is perfectly fine. Sorry, I misunderstood that. That works very much in her favor then, haha. :D
@Sunbather I completely get your point :D I guess the history of Frey is slightly half-assed, so I'll make some changes to it.
Sunbather said:
Okay. I'll explain it. Though, and please don't take this the wrong way, it very much does explain these things in the overview in depth. Maybe it was just written in a way that confused you (and that's okay) but I really(!) wanna emphasize that I hope you read everything in the RP, cause that is important.
Right! *claps hands* Onto the points:

1. Krux are a result of Midnight.

2. Midnight is a drug that creates Krux and gets you high. Omega Midnight is an altered version of Midnight which allows third party users to interact with another person's Krux. The effects of Omega Midnight are indeed listed in the Overview. Midnight users are immune to the effect of Omega Midnight and thus cannot use it.
Okay I remember reading all of that I just was having a hard time determining what attribute belonged to what, so I guess I was just having a hard time organizing it in my brain. But okay thank you! I'll let you know if I have any other questions about the Overview (I promise I read all of it)

Sunbather said:
Okay, first batch of sign-up stuff!
Few issues here:

- One doesn't just "quit" Midnight. One you take it, it is there and aside from maybe 1-2% (not really trying to put a number here, I just wanna emphasize it's incredibly rare in a human) nobody remains in a good enough mental state to deal with it on their own. So Jazz would have to had someone who uses Omega kill his Inkrux. Also, I wanna emphasize again that former Midnight users may never use Omega Midnight. Please be absolutely sure if you are okay with that.
I really like the uniqueness of his mothers death in the story. I had an idea I wanted to shoot your way but how would you feel if the side effects and addiction laid dormant for a while? Also another question If someone takes Omega Midnight are they immune to regular Midnight? Or does regular Midnight Just cancel out Omega Midnight? I would like Jazz to be a user of Omega Midnight, however I don't know how that would work with Jazz's mom being addicted to regular Midnight.

Sunbather said:
- People don't leave the planet. As of now, there are no other planets that this planet's population travels to. Reina is just incredibly far away and isolated from other cities. That's also why people don't really leave Reina left and right. People definitely try now and then, but since the journey is so far and ominous (potentially dangerous) nobody ever hears back from 'em.
Well that's what I was thinking, is that they wouldn't play a part in the story except to describe why Jazz is looking for help with his P.I. and bounty hunting stuff.

Sunbather said:
- Cybernetic enhancements aren't REALLY a thing. There are prosthetics, but they don't really give much of an edge. The city's build on junk and garbage. The technology is sometimes complex, but never fully functional or desirable, really.
Ah okay, well I can adjust a couple of things and let you know when I've done that. The picture just fits my character really well and I searched for almost 3 hours for a picture that I liked, and finally came up with that. So if we could make some kind of exception for at least, just the arms I would greatly appreciate it.

Sunbather said:
- Please no ship. If you have a ship, there's no reason to stay in Reina. :(
This is actually a relatively simple thing to address, and also implement if you would let me. (I don't think you ever said how big Reina was, so I imagine it's pretty large, at least earth sized)His ship is for planet side travel only which means he uses it as a private vehicle. It can't surpass the atmosphere, and most of his job requires a lot of foot work, he uses the ship just as a means of transportation from point A to point B on the planet. Would you be okay with that?


I think what Sunbather means is that it feels a little too over the top, and cliché

Also Sunbather... I got a question that may rock the boat a little... if this planet is so secluded... then how does the garbage keep getting on the planet? How do the corrupt and exiled politicians get here? How did anyone get here? :P
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@Cyber Lithium

1. Midnight blocks Omega Midnight, but not vice versa. (which, admittedly is a little weird, logically, but do me a favor and just accept this as how this mysterious substance works) Jazz would be able to take Omega if he has never taken Midnight himself.

2. I'll adress this further down below.

3. You can continue to use that picture. Afterall, it's just a reference, more or less. I'm just saying that these prosthetics do not have any crazy advantagous effects, basically. It's just reused scrap metal.

4. Okay, I believe there has been a misundestanding. The world (which is part of a bigger universe I have created, just sayin' :P ) is a large planet. On this planet, there are cities, Reina being one of them. Behold my epic paint skills for reference:


So as you can see, Reina is a small dump of a city. It's like the world's ghetto. And as you can see, every other civilization is far away from it. Think of Reina as a fantastical version of Australia, where criminals get dumped off and it just kinda evolved from there.

So, accordingly, a plane would just completely ruin the place of Reina on this planet. I'm not being bitchy when I decline something, there are always reasons. :)
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Sunbather said:
@Cyber Lithium
1. Midnight blocks Omega Midnight, but not vice versa. (which, admittedly is a little weird, logically, but do me a favor and just accept this as how this mysterious substance works) Jazz would be able to take Omega if he has never taken Midnight himself.

2. I'll adress this further down below.

3. You can continue to use that picture. Afterall, it's just a reference, more or less. I'm just saying that these prosthetics do not have any crazy advantagous effects, basically. It's just reused scrap metal.

4. Okay, I believe there has been a misundestanding. The world (which is part of a bigger universe I have created, just sayin' :P ) is a large planet. On this planet, there are cities, Reina being one of them. Behold my epic paint skills for reference:


So as you can see, Reina is a small dump of a city. It's like the world's ghetto. And as you can see, every other civilization is far away from it. Think of Reina as a fantastical version of Australia, where criminals get dumped off and it just kinda evolved from there.

So, accordingly, a plane would just completely ruin the place of Reina on this planet. I'm not being bitchy when I decline something, there are always reasons. :)
OMG. Creativity has been sparked, thank you c: When you said that no one leaves Reina it was a little misleading, and alright but I have another question then... if he doesn't have a plane and his work requires him to go outside the city of Reina, would he have to take the train? I'm just trying to figure out the very very very lengthy travel if he were to go on foot.
He... he shouldn't ever leave Reina...

That's kind of the whole point of Reina, haha. And also the main atmosphere this roleplay is trying to achieve. You are born in the junk, grow in the junk and then, probably prematurely by the savages running the place, die in the junk.
Sunbather said:
He... he shouldn't ever leave Reina...
That's kind of the whole point of Reina, haha. And also the main atmosphere this roleplay is trying to achieve. You are born in the junk, grow in the junk and then, probably prematurely by the savages running the place, die in the junk.
K fixed Reina for you

Question! Does midnight have any adverse effects on one's pregnancy? This is completely out of the blue and I apologize. I am currently playing around with a few ideas for my character's history. Some drugs if you take them while pregnant will harm your baby when they are born. Is Midnight similar?

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