The Wanderers {Open}

He looked back up at him, "Well what if we helped her come up with the idea? We wouldn't say it straight to her face but we could do things that would get her thinking about it?"
"Well I can be pretty stubborn too when I want to be and now I'm determined to get her to see reason," he said, "I think we could do it."
"Sounds like you have a plan, if I can help you somehow let me know, it's never good to see people waste away their life in something they don't want to do just because they think what they really want won't lead them anywhere, I think she should at least try it out before seeing it that way." Chris said after finishing eating.
Cam nodded slowly in response to Chris. "It is kinda suckish. Thanks for offering to help, though. And I agree that she should at least try. What are you in New York for, anyways?" he asked, getting up to clean his dishes.
"Mostly, getting away from my parents, but if I could get recognized for the stuff I write, that would be great, the problem is I don't even know where to start, I guess the first step is actually showing people my work but lately I've been having trouble to write like I used to years ago." Chris said.
Cam furrowed his brow slightly, scrubbing at some plates. "Trouble how?" he asked. Granted, he didn't have much experience with any real talents besides Maggie. He was a bit talentless besides football, and he wasn't in highschool anymore.
"I don't know, I just don't know what to write, I used to write mostly about what happened to me everyday but not just like a diary because I would also get inspiration as to write some short stories, sometimes I feel like I don't have what it takes to achieve even a little bit of success by writing." Chris said a little upset.
Cam considered a moment. "Then maybe that's why. Maybe you just need a little bit more confidence. And a muse. Bronwin might do," he said, raising his brow slightly in his direction.
Chris looked at him when he heard about the muse. "What do you mean by that?" he asked, thinking maybe someone had heard the conversation Chris had with her the first day and some rumor about it may have spread.
Chris gave him a suspicious look. "Uh... we just know each other from some time ago. I haven't even talked to her much since we met again here, I guess I should but I don't even know what I should say."
Cam raised his brows slightly. "Perhaps you should just take a stab at it," he suggested. "You can hardly encourage my sister to do so with something as big as her future if you won't even try flirting with a girl," he pointed out with a slight smile.
"I guess you're right, it's just that I've never been one to flirt, I may do it accidentally sometimes but it's really rare that it happens." Chris said, he wasn't sure what he wanted to say to her, he figured at least knowing what happened the last time they talked would be enough for him.
Cam laughed at that. "Flirting is like a professional sport, though. It's the most entertaining thing ever," he stated. He was gay, and even he knew that.
Chris laughed a bit at that. "Yeah well, I don't really like sports, watching them is okay for me but I've never wanted to play any of them unlike my father."
"Nope, I understand that kind of reaction though, I guess the most "exercise" that I do, if you can call it that, is running." Chris said, he wasn't really fond of playing sports even though occasionally, mostly with his friends, he did watched many of them and enjoyed it.
Cam blinked. "Huh." he said, and then flushed. "Sorry. Jock moment, there." He really hadn't meant to react so obviously. But he wasn't very good at hiding his thoughts, unfortunately.
"No problem, I'm guessing you like sports then?." Chris asked him, he had gotten used to people getting surprised by his lack of enthusiasm for sports.
"I actually think I might be the only exception as I have never met anyone else who doesn't." Chris said and laughed a little.
Cam nodded slowly. "I will have to agree with you on that one," he said, glancing at Luke. "Even Maggie likes sports. And I know for a fact that everyone I've met has at least liked baseball, if they're American."

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