The Walking Dead


Senior Member
Atlanta City Of The Dead.....



Is There A Cure?...


Will Humanity Ever Return To Normal?.....

Sorry for the double post. But I'm not sure how to make room for my Role Play too many pictures up top. I hope yall find my start good. Can't wait to see everybody else.

Hard breathing and the sound of stumbling is heard. Though a long hall way. The single stranger back slams against the locker. Taking a deep breath of what just happened. His long white shirt blood stained. His blue jeans, blood stained. He falls down and gently lays his back head on the locker as well. The overwhelming fact of what has been going on is nothing but a shock. He relax's not giving a thought to checking his surroundings. To see if its safe. His body is relaxed, arms drop to the floor as doe's his grip on his medium size bowie knife. Which is covered in blood. Completly losing grip of the knife he moves his left arm on his right leg. Finaly opening his eyes.

The young girl, barely a adult, had a grip on her hunting knife. She lived on the outskirts of Atlanta. In the wooded area. Then infection hit and she was left alone. Her foster parents left her. She moved around the abandoned building. She made her way into Atlanta. Her heart rate was at an all time high. Sweat rolled down her neck as she dashed across the street, her Chuck Taylor's beating against the pavement. She wedged herself between two houses and caught her breath.

He pushed off the ground faster, making the wheels on his skateboard roll faster. There was someone chasing after him. Up ahead there was a school. Between him and the school was grass. He jumped off his board and pumped his legs as fast as they could go. He slammed against the doors and tried to open them. Locked. He started to run around the building until he came up on a latter. He hung his board on the chain that hung from his pants and started to climb. Once he got up top he stopped and looked down at the thing that was chasing him.
Standing up, with sweat pooring down his face, neck and shirt. His face being the only part that doesn't have any blood on. He picks up his bowie knife which has the words on the side "Alabama Slammer. Stainless steel." the bowie knife having blood on it. He puts it back in the black leather sheath. Attached to his belt on the right side of him. He continues to walk around the seemingly empty huge school building. His foot steps are heard though the long school hall way. Looking down the way. He notice's the restrooms on his left. Boys and Girls. Opens the boys room and walks in slowly. He checks under all the stalls to see if its safe. And enters the middle tolit stall to use it.

"Nothing here either..." she mumbled. The door was broken down barely hanging from its hinges. A dead walker filled with bullets laid on the dirty floor, its muck-red blood slowly oozing out of the bullet wounds. It's white souless eyes were staring at Jaylee as she shifted through the rotten contents of a broken refrigerator, searching for anything edible. She found two bottles of lukewarm water. It would probably last a day or two if she rationed it. Some more shifting reavealed nothing more. Walking over to the pantrys, there was a can of spam and another of beans. 'Tonight's dinner' she thought sighing. Stepping over the twice-dead walker she went across the hall to another room. Hopefully a walker wouldn't jump her this time.
He backed away from the edge of the school. He stood up, grabbing his skateboard and looking around. There was a stair well. He ran over and silently moved down the stairs and into an abandoned hallway. He looked around for a weapon. The Locker Room! He thought as he tried to remember the layout of the school. He slammed against the door of the locker room and it flew open. He ran in, not thinking, and slammed against a dead thing. He gasped as it grabbed him. He grunted and kicked it away as he grabbed for the baseball bats. His fingers locked around one and he swung, slamming it into the things head. "HOLY SHIT!" He shouted the covered his mouth. What if more things heard him?

The girl looked around the house she was hiding by. She looked at a nearby home and dashed for it. Her hunting knife slammed into the chest of the things that are infected. She wants to call them Roamers. She kicked the door open the barricaded it with a couch. She walked through the 1st floor of the house, her hunting knife raised. There was movement from the top floor. She quickly made her way up, looking down the long hallway. 3 doors... She thought. She opened the first and looked in. A normal teenage room with clothing and bedding. The second door. A closet with hunting gear and a sleeping bag. The third door banged some. She gulped and kicked the door open. She plunged her knife into the chest of a Roamer and it didn't die. She tackled it to the ground and stabbed it 4 more times. No luck. She finally slammed her knife in its head and it fell limp. "In the head... Alright."
Coming out from the stall he was in. He zips up his zipper to his pants. Infront of the sink, he turns on the fosit. But nothing comes out. It seems the water has been turned off. "What is going on?" He thought to himself. Looking at himself dead in the mirrior. He continued to look around the school. Leaving the mens restroom and back into the hall way. Going further into the school passing a water fountion. "Hello? Is anyone in here?" Saying at a loud voice. "What did I just do?" Thinking to himself. Wondering if he made the right chioce. "I'm scared that's why I did it. Scared of those things I need help from another...perferabley one who doesn't look like one out there..." Thinking to himself. He pass's a class room looks though the glass and opens it. Finds it unlocked and walks in. He see's a window an walks toward it. See's a few walkers. The walkers notice him, and walk toward him. Though they can't get though the window, small as it is. He backs off and walks back outside the hall way. Closing the door behind him. For his own safty he takes out the bowie knife from the sheath and is ready to take on more walkers if they in the school. Trying to be better prepared for himself. "Hello is there anyone here? Please respond to me." Saying it once more. Needing a human to talk to about this madness that's going on outside. But trying to be safe carrying his knife at hand.
He ran out of the locker room, running down the hallway, looking back at the door he came out of. He turned and looked ahead as he slammed into the back of something. He fell to the ground. Scrambling up and grabbing for the baseball bat he backed up looking at what he ran into. "A human?" He questioned himself out loud.

Fulling up a backpack with some food and clothing. She tied a sleeping bag to the backpack and looked in the closet. In the god forsaken closet there was a .44 cal Desert Eagle and a .22 cal bolt action rifle. She grinned and strapped the holster on her leg, placing the eagle in it. She poured the ammo that was in the closet in her small bag that held her keys and tied the small bag to her shorts. She hopped downstairs and into the Garage. She grabbed the keys to a black chevy pick-up. she jumped in and took off toward the closest gas station.

(the bag just so you know what I'm talking about... images )
Both the strangers bumping in to each other. "What the hell?!" He said out loud. Backing away and drawing his knife in a defense move. Believeing it was a walker. "Human?! Yes or No?!" Ready to stab the stranger in the face. Though he did not look like the ones outside. He was still cautious. "Speak damn it!"
It was several hours before Jaylee finally exited the apartment complex. Her bag, worn and torn, was now holding five bottles of water, one of alcohol, and eight cans of nonperishable food. The bonus was a plastic box filled with cookies.

Walking down the dark side of the streets, Jaylee avoided the random walkers that shuffled and moaned their own way. Her dark clothing hid her fairly well in the shadows. She was luckier than the non-moving bodies that were torn apart and sprewn across the pavement. She fondled the pistol in her pocket as one of the more idle walkers slowly turned to look at her with its marble eyes.

((Who wants cookies? :3))
He held up his baseball bat and watched the person closely. "Human." He huffed. Breathing deeply. He looked around and shuttered. He couldn't stand dark hallways. "Do you know what the hell is going on?" He eyed the man in front of him.

Speeding up to the gas station she put the truk into park and knifed a walker that was near. She started to fill up the black chevy pick up truck. While it was filling up she ran around the building looking for a gas can. Only finding one small gas can she filled it up also and started up the truck. She drove slowly through out the streets. She called out to anyone. "HEY! ANYONE THERE!! I HAVE FOOD AND A TRUCK!" She didn't want to do this but she didn't want to be alone.
"Go die In hell!" Several gunshots rang out setting off a nearby car alarm, attracting more walkers. The walker that had been shot continued to approach her despite being filled with bullets. Her only pistol was out of ammunition and she had no melee weapons on her. Jaylee's only option was to run.

Her boots crushed many bodies on the pavement as she ran. Her hair was getting caught in her mouth as she sped away, panting and sweating from a growing mob of walkers, the worst possible thing to encounter.

"HEY! ANYONE THERE!! I HAVE FOOD AND A TRUCK!" Saved. Not thinking about the possible dangers, Jaylee made a sharp turn towards the voice, narrowly avoiding the outstreched hand of a walker. She ran right across the street directly to an oncoming vehicle waving her hands frantically!

"Help! Please, god you got to get me out of here! Its turning into a mob!"
The stranger started to answer the stranger with the bat. "No..." Clearing his throat. And answering again. "If I had to guess...hell on earth...why don't you put that bat down pretty boy? I'm not one of them..." Looking at the bat, not knowing what the stranger might do. After finishing his sentence him and the stranger start to hear a alarm. Though it is from a far distance. "Could somebody be in trouble?" He thought to himself. Looking at the other stranger. Holding his knife in defense.
The skate boarder lowered his bat and looked at the male. His head then snapped to the doors of the school. "What the hell is that?" He asked. "Lets go check it out." He mumbled and set down his skate board slowly skating over to the doors of the school.

Slamming on the breaks she hopped out of her truck pointing her gun at the intruder. She looked them over and motioned for the truck. She ran back and got in. She waited for the stranger to get in and when they did she pulled off. "The names Harli." She looked over . "Who are you?"
"Jaylee Lowman. We have to get out of here now!" Cimbing into the passenger seat after inspection from Harli, she could hear the growing noises of the dead. Turning her head around, she could see that the number of walkers had considerably grown. They were but a few meters away from reaching the truck and quickly approaching. With wide eyes, Jaylee quickly buckled herself in.
Lowing his knife the second the stranger with the skate bored. He walked fast at the end of the hall lighted sun hall way. Behind the skater. Both looked at the door window, and from a distance saw plenty of walkers. Surrounding the car with a very loud alarm sound. From the crowd of walkers, he could see a human in the car. Buckling up. "We!" He looks at the other stranger "Batter up!" A he opens the door quickly running toward the walkers surrounding the car.
The skateboarder grinned and ran for the walkers that where after the female humans. "Watch my back!" He ran off for the truck they was about to take off. He grabbed on to the passenger side and looked into the window. "Look Aint got much time. Me and this other guy need help. Can you take us?"

Harli nodded her head to the male that was begging to be helped out. "Yea, In just a fucking helping machine today." She huffed. "GET THE FUCK IN!" She told the male holding on to her window. She looked back and shouted at the other male with a knife "COME ONE GET IN!"
The stranger with the knife looked at the walkers coming toward him and the two other strangers. "Alright!" He climbed in the back of the truck bed. Moving to the front of the truck bed.
It was so sudden. In less than five minutes she had run into a woman with a running truck and supplies, and two armed men that fought off the walkers that were attacking them. The men eventually fought off all the walkers and were then quickly climbing into the truck, one in the passenger seat and the other in the truck bed. Jaylee was now in the company of a small survivor group as they drove away from the scene driving over a few walkers on the road.

Taking turns to look at the new men, she decided to question them to pass the time. It had been quite some time since she had made actual human contact. "I believe we haven't introduced our selves. My Name is Jaylee, Jaylee Lowman. What`s yours?"
the stranger just stayed silent. Looking out the window. Of the city of the dead. His head turned to the right, of the window. It seemed he didn't want to know any of these people. Nor was he so trusting even though he deeply wanted to trust them. and wanted to stay with them though this madness. He looked up front to see where they were going.
Harli drove out of town. There was to many of the dammed things in the city and they needed a safe haven outside of the city in the woods or somewhere like that. She glanced at both men as a smile played on her lips. Survivors... She thought. She just might make it out of this. "Haril Luck."

The skateboarder looked back to the girl who was now talking to him and the guy he was with. He looked at the male then at the female. "I'm uh, Steven Mark Way." He scratched the back of his head. "Dude? Who are you?" He asked the male.
"Bryan..Brooks.." Bryan now introducing himself. Looks at Mark beside him. Looks though the window to his right. It seems there going the way out of town. Looking so many walkers he couldn't grasp what was actually going on. Looks at the driver. "Would be nice to know where we are going. Anyone got a cell?" Bryan asked looking around at everyone.
Jaylee then started to look through her bag. Pushing aside her supplies, she pulled out an old and battered walkie-talkie. "I dont have a cell," she said. She held out the device to Bryan." But you can try this. I found it in a tree-house a while back. It doesn't have batteries though..."
Bryan grabs the walkie from Jaylee's hand. And checks to see what type of battery's it needs. "Maybe it might be a good idea. To stop at the next market or gas station. Search for battery's. Maybe find another human." Said Bryan. "What the hell has happened?" Bryan asked out loud. "You don't just wake up the next morning. And everything just go's to hell. Not this way..." Bryan looks over to his left at Steven. "Hey skater wouldn't happen to have any battery's would you?" Asked Bryan, rudely not using Steven's actual name.
Harli sped up driving down the long highway. "I have a cabin out here we can stay in for a few days. Its not much but It will work." She mumbled as she pulled on to a dirt road. The terrain was bumpy and rocky. She laughed at the fact she picked the perfect vehicle.

Steven glared at Bryan. "Does it look like I have damn batteries?" He shook his head and looked around. Thet hit a bid bump and Steven jumped up hitting his head in the roof. "OUCH dammit!" He cussed as he looked ahead. They pulled into a clearing where a beautiful cabin lay.
Bryan looked at Mark as he just bumped his head. And chuckles to himself. "I'm sure that's not the firs time you bumped your head." Bryan smiles and looks at Harli. "So this cabin of yours it has plenty of food? Water?" Bryan asked playing around with the walkie. Turning the nobs.

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