The Walking Dead; A Different Perspective

Some people are at a supermarket, and others sre st a house in a gated community surrounded by the dead. Lol come to the community, no one my character is with are replying anymore haha
Where specifically? Like a area. My character is in New York. And I have a plan that would kill off everyone your char is with but your and my character. Bandit Attack.

Or if you're at the Gated Community, it gets overrun.
Okay, hmmm....

Our characters are far apart. How about...maybe your character has relatives in New York City, so she travels there to find Jason in the Ruins of NYC? Since I have an idea that imma bout to post.
Character sheet -

Name • Christian Dawkins

Age • 32

Gender • Male

Appearance •


Apparel •


Bio •

Christian was born into a poor family, and grew up with little love. His mother tried, she did, but the unfortunate woman worked long hours with very low pay, any money earned was barely enough to pay the rent and put food on the table. It didn't help that his father was an abusive bastard, who liked nothing better than to take any spare money and throw it all away for alcohol, never being sober for a moment in his life.

Eventually, the older he got, the more Christian stayed out instead of returning home, he loved his mother, yet he had more hate for his father. On the streets is where he learn't to live, he got by. Learned to fight, to steal, to intimidate, and manipulate. However, it wasn't until one unfortunate night when he returned to find his father in the process of attacking his mother. The boy was now 15, and something just snapped, he lunged for his father and a scrap ensued, one thing led to another, and his father - in his usual drunken state - tripped and hit his head on the floor, the damage was fatal. Brain damage. Of course, the moment Christopher hit 16 he was sentenced to 10 years in prison for manslaughter.

However, instead of being changed for the worst, Christian found some humanity in jail. He kept his head down and stayed to himself at first, he didn't face much trouble, and trained himself to survive by working out and working on intimidation. Some fights were unavoidable, but as said, he did survive... Barely.

After he had served his sentence, Christian didn't visit his mother, not wanting to face the past. Instead, he enlisted as a mercenary for a PMC. He trained hard, learn't how to battle trained fighters and how to shoot a gun (though he is no master martial artist or expert weapon specialist) he embarked on many dangerous missions, many of which scarred him. But any missions were few and far between the years, maybe two a year. And that was enough to live off happily.

Then the apocalypse hit, at first it was chaos. Christopher was one of the few to remain indoors, though soon it became apparent the world was seemingly ending. He packed food, water, his blade and outfit from the PMC and a standard gun. Before setting off to survive on his own, throughout the years he had become adept at killing the undead. It seemed his melee blade was quite proficient at it, though he only ever stayed with a single group, yet it was doomed to fail and most were killed. Since then, he has traveled alone, killing lone undead and bandits, scavenging supplies and even stealing from other camps.

Job before the apocalypse • PMC, a Private Military Company soldier. In other words; a mercenary, used for the dangerous missions which are deemed to dangerous or risky for standard soldiers.

Weapons with your character • Custom shortsword and standard handgun.


Personal traits • A few scars on his chest, stomach and back. Christian also suffers heavily from night terrors.
[QUOTE="Princess Ktyria]I love this guy... He's an awesome actor.))

(best* actor imo xD )
[QUOTE="Princess Ktyria]Uhm.... Honestly, I have no clue. I just know it's (apperantly) in Missippi and there are two groups so far. One in a supermarket (Which Constance is outside of) and the other's in a building surrounded by infected.))

(( Constance is outside of the supermarket? ))
[QUOTE="Princess Ktyria]That was what I was hoping for ^^))

Maybe have her walk into the supermarket and meet them?
[QUOTE="Princess Ktyria]She fell asleep... >~<))

Oh yea haha, excuse my idiocy. I'll figure something out :)


[QUOTE="Love The Game]Can you guys use the OCC tab so this tab is filled with it please.

I actually thought this was the OOC tab, sorry.


[QUOTE="Fantasy Crazy]

Aeina Abrams







Aeina was born into a family that already had a daughter. They favorited Aeina's sister, Lorelei, over her. But, they didn't just favor Lorelei, they spoiled her. Aeina was neglected, barely fed, never taken anywhere. Soon, she had enough. At 14 years old, Aeina ran away. She got a job and bought a house, she's been taking care of herself ever since. When the apocolypse hit she had no one to lose, at least no one she would care about if she lost, she was lucky for this because she wouldn't ever be grief strucken by someone she cares about's death. She tries to stay away from people, but her friendly personality doesn't help with this.

~Job before the apocalypse~

5Wits guide. 5Wits is

a cutting-edge, live-action entertainment venue that immerses participants in realistic, hands-on adventures, challenging them to prove they have what it takes to battle a Pharaoh or save the world. Because of this, she is good with children.



~Personal Traits~

Tattoo on her lower abdomen.


Added a few things.
Names: Lavana + Riva Thurman

Ages: 17 + 9

Gender: Both female






The katana is something their father found on a walker while scavenging for supplies. They also have a few guns in their camper, but they don't have much ammo.





Their mother was a doctor, so when people began turning in the hospitals, their mother knew something wasn't right and the family stocked up on supplies, just in case it got worse. When it did, they fled the state and lived in a trailer house in the middle of no where, just to get away from all the people who could potentially kill them. It didn't matter though, because their mother had multiple walker scratches from an accident at the hospital with one of her patients. Their father had to shoot her when she stopped breathing. They had only been in their new home for 4 days.

4 months later their father was bit on the shoulder, when he was out looking for food. He managed to bring the food back for his daughters, and give them his weapons, but tied himself to a tree and killed himself with a knife he had brought, a mile or two away from the girls. The two now live alone, fending for themselves and going into town to get more supplies, if they can.

Job before appcolpyse:

Lavana was a waitress and student

Personal traits:

Riva always wears a silver locket with matching earrings.

Lavana has a tattoo around her ankle saying 'Where there is love, there is life" and on her other heel the words 'Work Fight Live'

(Can't find a pic for them)
Can I make a Private Military Contracted guy, if he has a leg brace and prosthetic leg? He would have good weapons(civilian AR-15 converted to full auto, and Colt M1911) and military training, but barely be able to move, making teamwork needed on his part to stay alive.
Name • Aidan Simmons

Age • 25

Gender • Male

Appearance •

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.eeecde660a7fb01a40865fe9d99dd4b9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54825" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.eeecde660a7fb01a40865fe9d99dd4b9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearal • Aidan wears a navy blue hoodie over a black t-shirt, and grey sweatpants. He also has a traveller's pack where he stores pretty much all of his stuff but his weapons, which are neatly stored in a tool belt.

Bio • When he was young, Aidan was beaten by his father, this left severe psychological trauma and eventually he was diagnosed with schizophrenia. When he was nine, social security figured out that he was being beaten and put him into the foster care system, but the damage was done. His new family took care of him well, and he had a relatively normal high school life, with his new family. Once he graduated high school and enrolled in medical school, attempting to become a doctor, he began having money troubles, and had to resort to stealing his schizophrenia medication from pharmacies. Aidan did this for years until the apocalypse occurred, at which point he got back to his foster family as soon as he could. He found them alive and well, but after a few weeks of surviving in his parents house, walkers broke in and killed his mother, shortly after Aidan and his father escaped, his father shot himself in the head, leaving Aidan alone. Afterwards Aidan. He spent two months, never really seeming to find one who wanted him or survived that long. But he's running out of medication now and has been looking through pharmacies for more ever since.

Job before the apocalypse • University student/thief

Weapons with your character •

A Philips head screwdriver

A tire iron

Personal traits • [any scars, tattoo's, etc.?] Scars are all over his body from when his father beat him.



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