The Walking Dead; A Different Perspective

Character sheet -

Name • Ryan Thompson

Age • 29

Gender • Male

Appearance •


Appearal •


Bio • Ryan's life had been simple before. Work, eat, sleep. He didn't aspire to anything great, he did his odd job photoraphy where he could get it. Going out with friends usually ended with him being the sober driver, not that he complained. After the world went to hell everything just got complicated, Ryan found himself with a small group of survivors set up in a highschool but it fell after a few months. The last few weeks Ryan has been on the move, surviving is what mattered now that he was alone.

Job before the apocalypse • Photographer



Personal Traits• A vertical scar under his left eye from a knife.

Name: Katalina Serkevski

Age: 17

Gender: Female



Apparal: Black leather jacket, dark green cargo trousers, black knee-pads, torso strapped backpack, black heavy duty boots, holster strapped on, dark green scarf.

Bio: Born in Harlem, New York to an all Russian family. Kat was brought up with Russo-American blood. Although being sent to a foster home by her impoverished family at the age of 6 months, she never met her real parents, or ever had any parents. As she was constantly being moved from orphanage to orphanage all around NY State due to her reputation of being a `problem child` Getting into fights with her peers, into arguments with her carers, and if a family ever did adopt her, she was quickly returned, being very hostile and anti-social to her new family, and refusing to work at any schools she was sent to while staying with the families. She was 14 when men from the Department of Homeland Security arrived at her 17th orphanage on `government business` Selecting the most physically and mentally able to take part in some off the books training and practices. She along with 20 other teenagers passed through the basic and advanced training, in reality her complete defiance of any authority should've had her booted from the project, although her superiors, having her psycho report, and knowing her very volatile temper, decided to exploit this for future purposes.

Being sent into the Strategic Homeland Division, a newly formed unit in 2007 as America's last defense domestic threats to civilization and the American population, Katalina attending college in New York just before the apocalypse struck Humanity down, she was deployed for New York's defense, which quickly fell due to the city's incredibly large population, she and her 3 man team moved on down to the southern states. Being where she is now.

Job before the apocalypse: Student (SHD)

Personal Traits:

+ Determined

+ Focused

+ Professional

+ Valuable Asset

- Quick Temper

- Defiant

- Easily Irritated

- Selfish



Special Ability: Cooking and long range Shooting.

Weapons: Hunting Rifle, Revolving Pistol, Army Knife

Bio: Had ran away to a different Country to escape zombies. Taught to sharpshoot by dad. Who was later turned.


Gender: Female

Apparal: Shorts with a blue T-shirt and a large 50 caliber on her back.
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Appearance:black hooded trench coat, black jeans, black combat boots, weapon holsters on and in his coat

Weapons:Silenced .308 sniper rifle, tomahawk

Bio:A man who went to college to learn how to build, maintain, and use guns, when the apocalypse hit he was legitimately prepared to survive

Job before apocalypse:Gunsmith

Personality:Closed off and quiet, never loses focus

Personal traits:a scar over his lip

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- Character sheet -


• Name •

Constance Rae Denzil

• Age •


• Gender •


• Appearal •

Constance usually wears an oversized sweater that looks like it's for a woman, and shorts. The sweater swallows her whole and she can't seem to keep it on her shoulders half the time. Luckily, she wears a black tank top underneath it. For shoes... Well, if it fits, it sits. She also wears a hat that seemed to belong to a man.

• Bio •

Constance was born into a strange family. She had no siblings an it was only her mother and her. Her mom was really young, being only seventeen when Constance was born. Lucky for her, her mother kept her. Her mother's parents helped out a lot while her own mom finished school and got a stable job. It wasn't that her life was bad either, her mother was nice and didn't blame Constance for her boyfriend leaving her. She went to school like all the other kids, but sadly got bullied a lot since she had no father and a very young mother. Constance didn't mind them, or tried not to anyways. Because of some of the things she had been through, she grew up quickly. Her mind, mentally, was more advanced than a usual 9 year old while physically, she was a regular, simple nine year old girl.

Once the apocalypse started, she was still at school. A lot of the teachers rounded up their students and stayed in the school for quite some time. They scavenged the cafeteria to find food and supplise, but it never lasted long. Somehow, Constace made it out alive with a small group of which contained a 6th grader, 3rd grader, and 2nd grader. It was really, really difficult to get by. They didn't know where their parents were, or even if there were others alive. Since they were so young, they had to use stealth instead of actually fighting. They weren't able to fight any of the... Things. The things picked them off one by one though. The youngest first, then the oldest, until there were only her and the 3rd grader, Jamie. They were being chased by the things and surprisingly came across Constance's apartment. It was mostly still intanct, and since she knew her way around it, they decided to go there. The two of them stayed there for a bit. It was surprisingly safe and comforting, especially for Constance. She grabbed the sweater her mom had made her for when she gets older, the hat that her father had left, and a pocket knife. From that point, they started to run out of food and water and had to leave.

They jumped around from place to place, often joining people and leaving at the first sign of trouble. It was an awful thing to do, but you do awful things to survive. Even mug two children, which a group of bandits did to them. When the two girls refused to give them the stuff, they threatened them. They ran away instead of cooperating. They had a huge upper advantage, since they could run faster, they had guns they shot at them, and more people. While running, one of the stray bullets had hit Jamie, instantly killing her. Luckily, Constance didn't see. She didn't even notice until she found a safe place. Constance was all alone in mourning and fright, which is where she is now, hopelessly wandering the streets.

• Job before the apocalypse •

Fourth Grader, Elementary School.

• Weapons with your character •

Constance has a simple pocket knife.

• Personal traits •

Constance has a speech disorder, it makes her stutter quite a lot.
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Aeina Abrams







Aeina was born into a family that already had a daughter. They favorited Aeina's sister, Lorelei, over her. But, they didn't just favor Lorelei, they spoiled her. Aeina was neglected, barely fed, never taken anywhere. Soon, she had enough. At 14 years old, Aeina ran away. She got a job and bought a house, she's been taking care of herself ever since. When the apocolypse hit she had no one to lose, at least no one she would care about if she lost, she was lucky for this because she wouldn't ever be grief strucken by someone she cares about's death. She tries to stay away from people, but her friendly personality doesn't help with this.

~Job before the apocalypse~

5Wits guide. 5Wits is

a cutting-edge, live-action entertainment venue that immerses participants in realistic, hands-on adventures, challenging them to prove they have what it takes to battle a Pharaoh or save the world. Because of this, she is good with children.



~Personal Traits~

Tattoo on her lower abdomen.


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Theres two dofferent groups. One is at a supermarket, and the other is at a house in a gated community but surrounded by the dead
Dannygirl900 said:
Theres two dofferent groups. One is at a supermarket, and the other is at a house in a gated community but surrounded by the dead
Any idea where I can jump in? I will be doing so tomorrow if that helps.
Name: Jason O'Shaughnessy (Prefers Jay)

Age: 25

Gender: Male



Apparel: Military Combat Vest, Military Fatigues, Military Helmet

Backstory: Jason joined the Military at 17, and he served 3 tours in Afghanistan. When the outbreak begun, his task force, Valor-6, along with Valor-2 and Valor-7, were stationed in the garrison of Allentown, New York. The Garrison was overrun from a horde coming from Philadelphia, and Jason, along with 12 other soldiers, fled to New York City away from the horde. The men came across of Bandits led by a guy with a eye patch and they said they owned a town and that they could be kept safe there, they called it Woodbury, 76 survivors. When the Bandits had gained the trust of the men from Valor-6, they double crossed and fired upon the men. They slaughtered the soldiers, and only Jason escaped. He kept running to New York, not really having a plan, and he now stands on a hill overlooking the City, and what he sees - Chaos.

Job Before Apocalypse: 311 Designated Marksman of Valor-6 Task Force

Weapons on Character -

Service M16A2

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/th-18.jpeg.7fd0e89dd7eb583b35ad77f9ffee45e9.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54487" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/th-18.jpeg.7fd0e89dd7eb583b35ad77f9ffee45e9.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Service Glock 22.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Glock22inOliveDrab.jpg.ee069d4550f02dfb30c6f47e752f25be.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54488" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Glock22inOliveDrab.jpg.ee069d4550f02dfb30c6f47e752f25be.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Mango Switchblade

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Magnano-switchblade.jpg.e1ee8c38dd58493e999a721da5d9f099.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54489" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Magnano-switchblade.jpg.e1ee8c38dd58493e999a721da5d9f099.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

ARR-035 Bayonet

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/ARR-035.jpg.103841f14f6783805bbf090c73286432.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54490" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/ARR-035.jpg.103841f14f6783805bbf090c73286432.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personal Traits: To Be Revealed



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