The Walking Dead; A Different Perspective


Name: Terrah Nikole Rosenthal.

Age: Twelve, turning thirteen.

Gender: Female.

Appearance: Terrah is pretty short, even for her age. She stands at a height of 5'0". She has strikingly bright hunter-green eyss,

and honey-blonde hair that is darker at the roots. Her lips are naturally a bright pink color, and her skin is

very light and clear of blemishes or scars. She is quite a pretty young girl. She mostly wears

over-sized sweaters, skirts, and long cardigans.

Clothing: 1 | 2

Bio: Terrah is currently alone, wandering the town and trying her best to survive with the supplies she currently has, which is not much.

She os beginning to run out of food, and doesn't know what to do next. She often cries by herself, but tries her best

to stay strong and survive. Terrah is currently looking for a group or partner, she is bad

at handling big situations all on her own.

Post-Apocalypse: Terrah was living with her two parents, who were killed by zombies in her backyard. Thankfully, she did not see it, but her yelled "Run! Get out of here, survive! I love you!" Before she was killed, and that's exactly what

she's been trying to do.

Weapons: A large knife from her kitchen.

Items: A sharp kitchen knife, two water bottles, a can of soup, and two outfits. One that she is wearing, and one

for her to wear another time.

Personality: Terrah is a very sweet girl, but she's not stupid. She can be independent when she needs to be, and is not afraid to stand up for herself. She is easy to trust someone or easy for someone to trust, and is quite friendly and caring for other people. This can be a gift, but also a curse, because she trusts people too easily. She will not cry or show emotions of sadness around a

person unless she is very close to them. Although she trusts people easily, she is good at holding a

grudge and it'll take work to earn her back if you cross her.

Name • Noah Christina Kings

Age • 25

Gender • Female

Appearance •

Appearal •

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c28062edf_screenshot-www.polyvore.com2015-05-1919-09-33.png.47161eb8fa4aaa74251bf712c946cb07.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53100" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c28062edf_screenshot-www.polyvore.com2015-05-1919-09-33.png.47161eb8fa4aaa74251bf712c946cb07.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio • WIP

Job before the apocalypse • Stripper

Weapons with your character • Crowbar and

Personal Traits• Left eyebrow cut a bit



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ALLRIGHTY!!! Here we go! *laughes* CS coming up soon

NAME: Rey Gale

AGE: 17 (16 when the outbreak started)



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.4647467ba39e25113a483939c15cb7d3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53216" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.4647467ba39e25113a483939c15cb7d3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

PERSONALITY: Unpredictable, stealthy, and ruthless, Rey is socially impared. He is cunning and secretive, and doesn't especially like working in groups. However, once you've earned his trust, almost nothing can put you out of his good graces. Rey has an uncanny sense of when bad things are going to happen, and dislikes when events deter from his plans.

BIO: Rey grew up with his father (Henry Gale), mother, and younger sister. Rey's sister was killed in a hospital accident when he was five. The Gales grieved the loss of the child, and had a distrust of doctors ever since. Rey became dark and brooding after that, but none the less friendly. His parents thought something was wrong with him after he took a strange interest in all matters involved in deadly weapons (particularly knives), and went to have him tested for various mental disorders, however having an IQ of 156, he managed to pass the tests and become officially sane. This went worse as at the beginning of the outbreak, Henry Gale was amoung the first infected after defending his wife from one of the dead. Mrs. Gale was killed in the incident and Henry Gale was shipped off to the hospital where his arm was amputated. Rey was secluded and psychotic to start out with, but this drove him even madder. Even so, Rey thinks with cut-throat rationel and does not do anything he deems "inefficient."

Since the outbreak, Rey was mostly on his own until he found a safe zone at a mall in New Jersey led by a jesus freak. After a not-so-peaceful confrontation, he managed to lead about fifty of the dead away from the mall, running into a man named Barnaby in the process. Since then, he and Barnaby have become inseperable. The malls security was compromised, and after setting the entire place on fire, Rey and Barnaby escaped in a truck full of supplies (mostly all gone now) and headed south down to Mississippi.

GEAR: Rey has five knives he wears hidden under his jacket, as well as a silenced uzi. His pack contains multiple useful chemicals, and he knows how to use all of them. Back when the outbreak first started, Rey managed to snag a kevlar vest from a police station while scoping out two other survivors.

OCCUPATION: Full time daydreamer, gamer, and self proclaimed weapons expert

QUOTE: "When faced with a difficult problem one finds two things: madness and a solution."

CHARECTER TRAITS: (Five positive, five negative)





+Knows alot about deadly chemical reactions

-Mentally (but not officialy) Insane

-Socially impared

-Smart alec

-Doesn't play well with those he doesn't like

-Does not accept medical attention from anyone he doesnt know



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Name •

Anna James

Age •


Gender •


Appearance • [realistic photo please.]


Appearal •


Bio •

Anna grew up in a house with a

younger brother and two older sisters who were already adults. In school, she was always the quiet girl, yet she was very intelligent. Her parents were always getting calls about how good Anna was doing, and they were proud of her.

This happy picture was soon ended by the apocalypse. Her father was one of the first to die due to the disease, and her mother hung herself one night when the sorrow finally set in. Anna was forced to fend for herself and her younger brother. However, her brother was soon bitten by one of the walkers whilist Anna had turned her back to build a fire.

Job before the apocalypse •


Weapons with your character • [no more than two melee or two range. Can't be too badass either, just a simple rifle or handgun. Or pull a Daryl crossbow! Idc]



Personal traits • [any scars, tattoo's, etc.?]

A small cut on the knee from a childhood accident
Dannygirl900 said:
Character sheet -
Name • Luigi R. Vinny

Age • 21

Gender • Male

Appearance • ---->

Appearal • Black Leather Jacket W/ Skull, Ripped Jeans, Brown Leather Boots, And Ripped T-Shirt

Bio • Before Apocylapse His parents died tragicly,His Group Left him behind, Be bought weapons from a Military Armory, And Helps every survivor he can Plus he has a Condo That he survives in with the other survivors.

Job before the apocalypse • Weapon Tester/Military Bomb Tester

Weapons with your character • Golden Revolvers,Golden Baton

Personal traits • Doesnt Have his Left Ear anymore from a bite And A Scar around his Face.
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@Luigi The Timelord please find a picture. Doesn't matter if its an actor or something. Pictures for appearance is mandatory. Also, be more descriptive for bio, not just name what he likes and dislikes. How did he become a millionaire, how were his family before the apocalypse, was he with a group?

Character sheet -

Name • Abraham (Abe for short)

Age • 21

Gender • Male

Appearance • ]

Apparel • Abe, at the current moment, is wearing a blood splattered white t-shirt. The blood looks as if it is days old and white t-shirt is slowly fading to gray from days of wearing it. Over his shirt is a plain, dirty, grungy leather jacket, with various scratches in it. One of the sleeves is torn and rolled up. On his lean frame, a pair of ripped jeans hang loosely, complimented by a pair of black vans. His hair is shaggy brown, hanging across his forehead, and he has a beard that appears as if it is coming in nicely.

Bio • Abe has always been in and out of trouble. For the lack of a better word, he can't keep his mouth shut. He had been thrown out of his father's house growing up as a teenager because he was just too much to handle. He is very independent, head strong, and very cocky. He is not afraid to say what is on his mind, nor to call out anyone on their bullshit. He doesn't know much about his mother, and he can't stand his own father. Growing up he had never really been close to people, and if he did started to, he would quickly pull away.

Job before the apocalypse • He had never been able to hold down any real job. Fast food, retail, you name it. He was most likely fired or stopped showing up. He never really knew what he was good at.

Weapons with your character • A gun is attached to his hip with a holster, although it is hidden behind his leather jacket. His normal weapon of choice is a double sided axe, very heavy, but very lethal. It has a long handle and he depends on brute strength, although he can be quick, but wears out easily.

Personal traits • Abe is covered in tattoos, but his most visible is his arm sleeve. It twists in odd colors all up and down his arm, very vibrant and eccentric. He had never found what he was good at... until the apocalypse. For some reason, it comes natural at bashing in the head of dead people. His face and entire body are extremely dirty, but he does not have any scars that are visible.

Tanner Hayes

Age •


Gender •


Appearance • [realistic photo please.]


Appearal •


Bio •

Tanner grew up the only

child, and he lived with only his father due to his mother being murdered whilist in town one night. His father made sure Tanner was always well taken care of, and he raised Tanner to be a good man. As soon as Tanner turned 16, he took up a job cutting wood with his father, he also took up smoking and drinking behind his father's back. Despite his quiet and shy demeanor, he had a lot of anger inside of him. When the disease broke out, his father was out at the grocery store, Tanner waited for him for 3 days, but he never returned. Tanner realized he had to leave, but he made sure to leave a note. He would also check back at his old home periodically just in case his father returned home. He met Anna whilist checking back at his home one night.

Job before the apocalypse •

Lumber, Highschool student

Weapons with your character • [no more than two melee or two range. Can't be too badass either, just a simple rifle or handgun. Or pull a Daryl crossbow! Idc]


Personal traits • [any scars, tattoo's, etc.?]

Tattoo on the back of his shoulder, and a scar on his leg from a fight when he ws younger

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