The Village of the Ninja [Inactive]

(okay I read and caught up)

Neji was actually asleep in the tree above where rizou was practice the flame dragon jutsu a jutsu neji already knew. He heard aria yell and he opened his eyes to look down at her rizou and the jonin woman they were with. Neji jumped down from the tree " hey what's going on guys)
Riysu was more busy training than he was in listening to what Aria said from a distance. He formed a few handsigns as he jumped up,"Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu!". He released a large fireball in the air as he formed more handsigns before he descended," Wind Style: Swollwing Spear!". He released a large amount of wind from his mouth that had the speed of someone launching a spear at its opponent. The Wind Style and Fires Style collided as the flames expanded from the wind. From a distance, with the Wind Style and Fire Style combined it takes the form of a flaming lotus.

@Evergreen98 @Timv9 @Koyuki Nagakio
Neji looked at what rizou did abd not liking to be shown up he jumped in the air and started making hand signs Fire style flame dragon jutsu and dragon made completely of fire apears then he made more hand signs. Lighting style 100 bolt dance as the dragon flew around 100s of lighting strikes came down striking the water as it made a beautiful display. Neji smiled at his work " well lets get training then."

@Evergreen98 @MemoriesofXemnas @Koyuki Nagakio
Riyzu saw what Neji did and he took five senbons out of his pocket and aimed directly towards him. Of course he missed, but to show he was pissed only on grazed his face to cause a cut to show. He took his Katana and dived into the riverbank no where to be seened.

@Timv9 @Koyuki Nagakio @Evergreen98
Neji stood there as he got the cut on his face and then watched rizou dive into the river. He was the only one who saw sense aria and their new sensai already left. Neji sighed and jumped in after him. He found him and pulled him up out of the water as they sat there wet on the ground. "look I'm sorry okay I was only kidding. What happened to us we were best friends when we were little kids then everything changed. You changed a lot." neji looked at him

@MemoriesofXemnas @Evergreen98 @Koyuki Nagakio
Riyzu looked upset as he stared at him," You wouldnt understand! And of course things changed! I just want people to get off my ass". He gets up and started walking," You don't know what happened...And telling you won't change a thing". Riyzu started walking home.

Neji ran up to him "maybe it won't changed what happened but is it so bad to let people in and to let a friend who cares about you try to help you?"
Riyoshi was always the last shinobi to show up, but this did not discourage him. He always thought this to be a learning experience. He took in a deep breath and walked towards the other shinobi. He was undeniably shorter then the rest, standing at 4'6". He knew that even though the kids were taller, his overall skills were roughly the same. Taking steps and getting closer, Riyoshi did not speak to anyone but merely observed the situation.
Nagakio sighed softly, resting against a tree but chose not to hide this time. Her arms were now crossed under her chest as she crossed her right leg over her left some to shift her weight a bit from fully on her right. Slowly, her fingers traced the symbol on her headband that hung around her neck; a sigh she was thinking

Riyoshi looked upon the other shinobi within the training grounds, and as he did so, he saw a girl leaning against a tree.

I wonder what is going on here. Riyoshi thought to himself as he traced the outer most portion of the training grounds till he came upon the tree.

"H....hi there. W...what are you doing?" Riyoshi spoke out as he began to get a bit nervous.

@Koyuki Nagakio
"I'm waiting for the rest of my new found team to show up. I'm Nagakio, a Jounin. I'm training three younger ninjas for a few days. What's your name?" She asked softly, her eyes gentle as she smiled kindly, her glowing orbs could see the nervous emotion in his energy.

A jounin? Oh wow. Riyoshi thought to himself.

"I am merely here to train. I have no team. I dont think that anyone would want me on their team anyway." Riyoshi said as his gaze met the ground.

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