The Village of the Ninja [Inactive]

"What the heck is happening....'"Aria stood next to Nagaki.

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Riyzu leaned on the wall of the gate as everything began to unfold. The crowd of pestering jounin gathered together for no apparent reason that Riyzu knows of. He holds onto his scarlet katana as he watches the jounin in their little dilemma,"......".


@Koyuki Nagakio
He leaned over and whispered into her ear "Hiruzen said he left you with his squad, you have three days to train them as well as you can and then lead them to the village of hidden in the mist, the hokage is missing and we need everyone our looking. Don't tell your squad any of this."
He shrugged "well do what you can, we need to keep this secret until we find him. Panic is not what we want." He turned and went into the woods.
Riyzu was in the village riverbank as he was forming a few handsigns and practicing a jutsu called Fire Style Dragon Flame Jutsu. He sweats as his sword sits beside him,"...Grr Dammit...Lets go again! Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu!". He fires out at the water with intense fury.


@Koyuki Nagakio

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