The Village of the Ninja [Inactive]

Aria was looking around for Hiruzen-sensie. She used her sensory jutsu on different parts of the village until she finally found him and with another person. She disappeared and reappeared in front of him. "Hi sensei.."


"Hi, I am Aria zakiri...I graduated at the top of my class with 3 other people" she sighed a little "i was the only girl that graduated at the top..."

@Koyuki Nagakio

"Koyuki Nagakio.. Jounin whos training to be a ANBU. I graduated second or third in my class.. Cant remember" She said and chuckled softly, before locking her hands behind her head. "You guys must be very talented to have only four grad at the top" She said softly
"Yeah you could say that" she laughed a little "in return for becoming the top...all the girls in my grade hates me"

"Thats rude of them." She said and let her arms fall to her sides before sliding her hands into her pockets. "You liking your team so far?"
"Ones a play boy and other one is gloomy...." she said bluntly "so far....they are weird... In my opinion...."

"Yeah.. I was a lot quieter and would hardly talk to anyone but I've opened up alot more" She said and giggled softly, her cat like eyes looked up when she heard footsteps but it was just citizens waking by
" i hope this team does well...." she said to her "by the way...where did Hiruzen-sensie go?"

"A large group of Jounin are running for the gate.. They are panicked, I dont know what going on" She said softly, her eyes darting around at their faces somehow her orbs glowing very faintly

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