The Village of the Ninja [Inactive]

Neji sat down inbetween their sensei and aria as he orderd his ramen "so hiruzen sensai when are we going to start are training and missions?"
"Yeah....I don't deal with happy things unless I need to stop situations that are uneccesary....However, when a happy scene arise, I like breaking the mood", a piece of his sword shines from inside its cover.
Hiruzen rolls his eyes "great..." He went back to his ramen for a minute, "well then eat up, i have a test for you to see if you are the best in the class."
Riyzu glares at Aria in a dark manner," Your point being? Just because I act dark and gloomy doesnt mean everyone needs to know". He looks at Hiruzen," Im not hungry...I already ate at home cause my mother made me lunch already. Just tell me where our "test" will be held and I will go there now".

@Robertaka123 @Evergreen98

((Yeah imma brb for a while))
Neji sat there and sighed AA he listened to rizou they were such good friends when they were younger when rizou was not so dark. Now they did not talk so much. "rizou just wait for the rest of us okay if we are going to be a unit we need tO act like one okay."



Hiruzen chuckled "the first part of your test is to find me." He drank his soup then stood up and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

((I will be off for now but feel free to continue on))
The tall female Jounin sighed softly as she stretched out her back, walking down the dirt path that lead through the middle of the village. She shifted her headband that hung around her neck on a black band. She was dressed mostly in black and even had black long hair with neon blue in the tips of her hair and bangs that covered her right emerald eye.


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