The Useless Student Council

Austyn sighed and answered. "I applied president originally, then that position was filled. So, I was given officer instead." Who does this kid think he is?
"HAHAHA so you lost to me! How Stupid do you FEEL!" Juno spouted off confidently. wait i think i just insulted myself...Just run with it cant stop now. "So you are the pity position of this council." Juno laughed as he sat back in his chair. He enjoyed the fact this girl had lost to him in fact he savored it like a fine meal. I'm the man! im the man! I am so awesome beating out the women. Sorry i doubted you, God. Thanks! Juno gave a thumbs up with a smile on his face like he was thanking an imaginary figure in the room
Austyn started laughing. "You think..that I care? I've been on 5 student councils. 4/5 times I was president. So if you think I'm the pity position, you're so wrong..and dumb."
"Hey man-woman check the website to find out what grade she is in!" He looked at Deux and then Juno pointed to the laptop on the desk near Sky's books.
"I'd like to be fully acknowledged as a male before I do anything for a creep like you! Get it yourself or apologize!" Deux turned from him. He would not be called a man-woman and do what he wants, not at all.
Juno sighed in a heavy breath "You must be a woman, are no fun."He looked at Deux his eyes drooped down out of boredom Juno got up and stretched walked over to the desk picked up the laptop and walked back. Opened the laptop lid and clicked it on. "All you women do is whine, whine ,whine don't you get tired of it?" Juno said while he put his finger in his ear to clean it.
"Leaving that things gender aside." Juno pointed at Deux. "How have you been in 5 student councils then if you are a sophomore? It is not even remotely logical." Juno accused her his hands crossed in front of his mouth, he leaning forward like he was a bad guy in all those movies he had watched. Juno had thought about this when she said that. She looked about as old as him. She must be lying i got her now. man i am so insightful.
Austyn answered,"I've gone to 5 different high schools. My family moves around a lot.Every school i've been in, i've been in their student council."
"Oh so your just temporary. That's the best news i have heard all day." Juno smiled he was truly happy the women would diminish either by moving or eating each other he didn't care. "I would learn your name but seeming how you are nothing more then a seat filler please stay out of all Student council affairs." He waved his hand at her to dismiss her. Juno didn't care for her thoughts or feelings or even if he hurt hurts. He didn't want to get to know someone so stuck up and found themselves to be superior to him.
Juno raised his eyebrow at Cana "We cant possibly work together if we don't know each other... If you want something to do... I guess I was supposed to bring up that we are in charge of selection of the dances theme thats coming up." Juno scratched his cheek with his finger. He didn't really care for the dances and he would just do that paperwork later tonight by himself. He had been taking care of all the student councils jobs by himself. He would rather do it himself then leave it to someone he cant trust to deal with it especially women. This seemed seemingly harmless for these people to do. "Just pick something and we can file it tomorrow to let people know about it." He yawned as he stretched and went back into his chair.
Cana shakes her head, "Fine..but my job is to handle the money amount for anything that goes gone, just come up with some ideas and I'll make the baget.."
Austyn rolled her eyes and sat down. She definitely wasn't going to listen to him. If she wanted to include herself in the Council affairs then she will. She looked at Juno and chuckled. "I'm not temporary."
Juno looked suprised "You can do math?" the shot his eyes upon Cana. he then looked at the blonde girl. "Hey toots what are you laughing at." Juno felt like he was being surrounded by sharks, Dangerously treading in their waters.
Austyn raised an eyebrow. "Toots? Seriously? I was saying, I'm not temporary. I will be included in council affairs if I need to be." She glared at him then turned on her phone.
(Sorry I missed so much.. I've been really busy with rugby...)

Rinako exhaled, finished with all her homework and noticed that Juno and two new recruits had walked in while she was in a daze. "Excuse me, I'm very sorry. It seems as though I forgot to pay my respects," she said, standing, "Hello!" She let out a bright smile, happy that they had almost everyone to start the meeting and then get on with their lives.

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