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Fandom The U.A Disaster: Hero High School Scandal OOC

Not very happy with my boys as of now lol but they certainly live up to their namesake. One is named Lynyrd Skynyrd the other Led Zeppelin. troublemakers LOL
The more I think on Hinata's quirk the more I see power in it... boy is gonna need to be real careful...

Supercell is definitly a possibility, or just plain rain down like a god of lightning and rain...

MissyMystery MissyMystery oh was gonna ask, who are these two that Hinata is to meet? Well, aside from names, they should have met before yea?

...Also I think I forgot we had our provisionary liscence when makeing the sheet, mayhave made the man weaker so he doesn't seem to well versed with the quirk yet, but of he has the lisence he should have good understanding, mind if I do a little tweaking?
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Thank you Marzo lol, sounds like you have one of the. "Heckin' good bois."

Orikanyo Orikanyo you bet! It's all part of character developement. I was think about what Magenta would be able to do as she got stronger too. Like being able to cry her tears on call like her mother could. Basically producing what ever substance was needed in the moment instead of being based on her emotions.

As for the two girls, I basically had them placed in the classroom so we would have more students.

They'll be one line characters that I'm okay with anyone picking up and playing (to an extent) if they need to.

Halle Hubburd - Quirk:Cheerleader shes incredibly flexible, can go high in the air when tossed, a d sticks the landing without injury, her punches and kicks are powerful but only if she happens to land then in the form of a cheer. She's valley girl and stuck up and so doesn't interact much with the others if she doesn't have to.

Kokoshi Loper- Quirk: Rainfall, she create low hanging rain clouds which can produce miniature storms. The clouds hang just above her targets head and last about 5 minutes at a time. The rain can fall as a torrential downpour making it hard to see but are also able to produce lightning which can burn or shock the victim depending on severely and power.

She's also stuck up, but she will talk to the other students, especially in place of Hubburd.

(I'll add these two to the character sheets)

Rather than npcs I'll call them epcs lol, everyone's playable character. If I'm not around for a day or two to post essentailly, they are yours to use to push the story until I'm around. and if you guys really start to like them, I'll make them full characters down the road.

With rusty dropped out the new posting order is as follows

Marzopup Marzopup
Eagershadow3 Eagershadow3
Orikanyo Orikanyo
Slaggo Slaggo

I may reopen the search board to bring on another person!
They sound like absolutly wonderful friends for Hinata, the overbearing pirate.

Will get to modifications soon, trying to get as muvh sleep as I can, might expand the family, got this feeling... I may know a family type that nobody who meets him would expect hes from.
he can make them himself, just takes abit.
If anything it would be a good argument.
*Makes cloud*

*moves cloud over hinata and make a a raging storm.*
Hinata: "M-m-mines better!!!!"
Im pretty tired after work, so I'll try to get a post up in the morning, you guys can skip me. Ugumori's just going to chase down and harass the villans.
Welcome to the foglands, hope you all like greyscale and spooky atmospheres!
A perfect atmosphere for Liz to accidentally stumble upon the blood soaked remnants of Magent's uniform. Are we sure a zombie isn't gonna pop out at some point? xD
Zombie quirk useing fellow, professional dancer,
That is a good point Marzopup Marzopup buuut I do plan to have her as a regular character, so I intend to have her say more than just "brains" as the R.P progresses lol thought that would be an interesting concept what if someone had zombie as a quirk? What would it entail? How would they function?

Slaggo Slaggo your thoughts?
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That is a good point Marzopup Marzopup buuut I do plan to have her as a regular character, so I intend to have her say more than just "brains" as the R.P progresses lol thought that would be an interesting concept what if someone had zombie as a quirk? What would it entail? How would they function?

Slaggo Slaggo your thoughts?

Oooh Zombie as a quirk. Thatd be pretty cool. Maybe temporarily turning someone into a “minion” by biting into them.

Oh! I’m up aren’t I? I shall get started on a response right away

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