The Truth About Life And Death (Accepting Characters)

Aiko Ramiano

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PunkKat1, girfacedliar, Nikki Rodgers, GIR=WAFFLES, DrKiril The Rp has begun


Marzia noticed other people joining this place. Smiling, she walked away wondering to see who would be the first to find the owner (Marzia) of the place. Giggling as she hid away somewhere to see everybody.

She layed traps to see if they would notice them. Living freely was awesome. "I should of ran away a long time ago... damn..." Marzia said. Her ears and tail popped out. Swaying her tail and leaving hints somewhere to show that someone is here. "I hope they notice the hints.." she worried. Running away freely in the fields, she layed there looking at the sky.

((Post freely~ And remember you need to meet people at least on your 4th post or under. :D ))
Awakening in the hills I went to a sitting position, I am Roberto and I gathered my flock, two small bleating ghouls he had taken pity on as they were making a nuisance of themselves outside a village. I walked in slow but long bounds, my bare feet embracing the grass and refreshing morning dew. I jingled and rustled loudly as I walked, the various packs and supplies rocking on my body. I could see movement in the treeline, evidently other denizens of this realm who fear me unneeded, I despised that, it was only thing I really hated out of my new form.

I wished for some company out in this strange land. Apart from my frightened undead friends, I entered the woods. I pushed branches out my way, I was obviously meant as a hill dweller and not a woodland creature, I was far too tall. I grabbed an apple from one of the trees and put it to my face. I ate the entire thing in one mouthful as I swallowed it whole. My maw was great as well, it was located, as well as my eyes, over my chest.
Shiki slowly walked around cautiously, he did not know where he was, at first he thought he was in heaven but most people say there would be angels and sunshine, well there was sunshine but there weren't any angels or anything that you would see in heaven and it couldn't be hell because he saw no flames or slaves or anything else that you would expect to see in hell and that surprised him, he expected to go to hell giving the fact that he was a vampire, it looked just like earth so Shiki was just going to call this place "The middle" for now because he is not in heaven or hell so he must be in between. Shiki had no clue where he was going and he didn't mind, he had always liked getting lost, it gave him time to be by himself and eat candy in peace.
Roxanne blinked before slowly acknowledging her surroundings. "I...Things must happen for a reason I suppose. Not everything should be explained I guess." She glanced around, hoping to find someone who could explain things to her but saw nothing. "Maybe I should.....focus more." Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath. When she opened them, she glanced carefully over the surrounding area.
Bella, was her name. She was the odd Girl in her old town. The shunned one, her eye's opened as she sat up. They were Dark Brown, but mistaken as black all the times. As is her hair, a dark Brown colored. Her pail skin, made her look somewhat evil. Bella stood in the field, wearing the same thing as she had did before. A Pink Button down Collar, a white tank top over the front. A pair of Dark jean's, that go down to her ankles. Although she was barefooted. Bella stood in the wet grass, that moisterised her fet. She slightly made a face, but remain quiet. She hated to talk.
Flowers were flying to the people's direction. She left a note on each flower saying "Find me if you can

- Owner". "Go lead them to me quickly" Marzia said. She got up and walked away. She went to see each person one by one in a secret. Seeing the tall man almost half her size was scary. Her eyes opened wide and walked away. She saw another guy who was shorter. She she started skipping away. Looking in another direction she saw 2 girls. One seemed confused and another was lets say mysterious. The spirits were all near each other. She giggled loudly and ran away. "FIND ME IF YOU CAN!!!!" she screamed so they can all fine her. She went to hide somewhere again.
A flower had made its way towards shiki, it had something written on it it said find me if you can and with that Shiki had heard the exact word being screamed into the cool air he then looked he then popped a jolly rancher into his mouth looking back at the flower

Shiki really did not want to play hide-and-seek at the moment but he wanted to know about this place and where it was so he walked in the direction he had heard the scream from, he was soon at a field surrounded by open space with a light breeze
Bella's eye's locked onto a flower, that floated through the wind. Bella's frsil xpression was nothing more than a simple look. Although she didn't generally like flower's, this one had a note attach. She gripped the flower. Once Bella released the note, she crushed the flower. Throwing it to the ground, it wasn't like her to like things so precious and colorful. Bella read the note diligently, about the same time she heard somebody scream out the exact same words. Bella's eye's landed on the girl dashing away, Bella began to walk her way, allowing her hair to fall over her eyes. 
Bella approached a field with huge space. That's when she saw him, another boy a kid. Bella backed away back in the shadow's, unwanting to be seen. She didn't like t meet new people.
Roxanne's eyes widened as she heard someone scream out words she had spotted on a flower. "Maybe...I will." She slowly stretched before walking towards where she believed the voice came from. Humming softly, she closed her eyes and let her spirit guide her. She knew others were bound to follow, because of what she was, but at the moment, she didn't really care.
Lifting her face out of the field trying to make it look creepy as possible, she showed herself. "Hai!" Marzia smiled. She got up and cartwheeled outta the field. "Not much people eh? I thought more people would of came.. darn. Plans are now ruined. Oh well" She said in a optimistic way. "I am the founder and owner of this place. What must you need?" she questioned.
Shiki felt a presence, it felt dark and depressing so he new that she wasn't the one he was looking for because how could something so dark feeling send him a stupid flower but he didn't know why she was hiding.Shiki then looked into the direction that he felt the dark presence coming from, he could see the figure of the girl but not her face "Well im obviously not going to get anything out of her" he mumbles in frustration he then starts to walk in the direction he had heard the voice popping another jolly rancher into his mouth. Then a girl had popped up out of no where "...." he then hears her say that she was the owner of this place "Where is this place and why am I here" he lookd at the girl with no facial expression
Roxanne opened her eyes and stopped humming. "Yes....I'd like to know where I am as well. Why am I here exactly" She ran a hand through her hair as she let out a sigh. She knew it'd take a while for her brain to properly process things. "I don't understand the purpose..."
"You guys are dead and spirits... " She answered right away. She swayed her tail. "You're also here because you are either guilty of something or you're not happy about something that happened during your life. I had to learn that the hard way," She said and then pointed at the boy. "I can tell your not happy about something with that tone of voice. " She said to Shiki. She moved her arm to the girl. "I don't know what your mad or guilty about so it would take a while for me to figure you out Roxanne."
Bella's eye's wondered to a hyper girl who had yipped in excitement. The Happiest People annoyed her for some reason she could not understand. Bella glanced over a the boy, who had officially spottes her. Bella literally shrank in her place. She didn't want to talk to anyone. But curiousity got the best of her. Bella steppd out of the shadow's as she saw yet another girl. Too many of them, she thought. Bella approached the group as they each questioned the one who claimed shee was the 'Owner' of this place. Bella shoved her hands into her jean pockets as she allowed her hair to hide her black eye's. Here, wherever it was, was to bright, to cheery for Bella.
"...." Roxanne blinked before staring at the ground. "I won't be...easily figured out." She rubbed her arm sheepishly as she let out a sigh. Her past was a testy subject and she wouldn't open up easily just yet. "But feel free to try....And you can call me Roxy....if you want."
Shiki sighed, well he kinda already knew he was dead was dead then he raises his eyebrow "What tone?" he says a bit pushy "Oh that tone" he says in his head "Just never mind, how do I get out of here" he looks at the girl waiting for her reply and notices that she has a tail, a cat tail to be more precise and cat ears to then he noticed that there were other people around him including the girl that had that dark presence who was hiding
Marzia went to Bella. "You seem shyyyyy. We're all friendly, hopefully." She smiled at Bella. She wanted Bella to be energetic and happy not so lonely and quiet. It made Marzia feel weak. "Ehh heh heh heh... So they told me you're a wise and powerful demon. They might be right" She whispered to Bella. Turning back into a human she nomed on some crackers. She turned around. "You cant get out of here. There is a way but they told me I can't tell you." She spoke to Shiki. "Lift your spirits up. Have fun~"
Bella's eye's widen as the Girl, Marzia talked to her. Her hair fell over her eye's to hide her expression. Shy, yes. Bella's eye's returned to normal as she peered at Marzia with intense Eye's. Her eye's often intimidated people, that or made them go insane. This was one main reason she never looked at people. Bella sensed this girls agitation about her. Here was not where she wanted to be. Anywhere would have been fine, buy here. Not so much. As Marzia commented about her demon self being wise and powerful, a smile tugged at thd corner of her mouth. Bella leaned her head back down, as the second only smile faded instantly. Still not speaking.
Marzia looked back at Bella. She frowned. "Common.. what makes you happy? You came to this world for a reason. Common Pleaseeeeeee." She whined. She tried to offer cake to think it would make her happy. "Stop seeing the negative side of the world and get on the positive side."
Roxanne sighed again before stepping a little ways away from the others. She needed to think for a bit. Singing softly, she closed her eyes and assessed her situation. It was all quite a bit to take in but as she continued singing, her mind cleared a bit.
Bella shook her head at the Cake offer, she didn't like sweet things. As the girl infront of begged her to become happy, Bella's spirit grew slightly agitated. She allowed her hair to fall over her ee's, as she turned. Bella walked off from the group, she was Dead? An Demon yes. Evil no. Not all Demons were mean, many were though. That's where she had gotten a bad wrap back in her living days. Bella sighed as she entered a shaded area. This was the closest place she could find to darkness. This actually made her happy, even though she didn't show t.
Marzia glomped Roxy. "You sing pretty" She smiled. "Can you sing louder for us to hear. You want cake too?" She said to Roxy. Marzia thought Roxy is shy. She fell to the floor and looked up at the sky. Giggling she saw stuff in the sky. "Look! There's a bunny in the sky!" Marzia said before she passed out sleeping.
Shiki just stood there watching "...." he then turns west and starts to walk away trying to get away from everbody and"I cant even leave the place and how am I suppose to have fun when im dead" he mumbles to himself as he walks into the woods to be alone his redish hair slightly moving from the breeze he then puts his black hood up, Shiki had on a white shirt with a black jacket and a pear of dark jeans. When the girl mentioned cake it only made him walk faster "I will not give in to temptation" he says to himself over and over again as he walked
Roxanne tensed up a bit before smiling softly. "I..." She watched as the girl passed out, causing her to chuckle softly. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes again before singing again, this time louder. Maybe she'd get the opportunity to open up to these people, even if they all were dead.
Marzia woke up quickly even though she had a 5 minute nap. With cake in her hand she was happy that Roxy sang loud. She offered her cake and had another piece of cake in her hand. She started to chase down Shiki. "I have cakeee~" She sang.

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