The Truth About Life And Death (Accepting Characters)

Small brown eyes snapped open. The sky blurred a bit, as they glanced around the area they lied in. Both sitting up , Gin and Rin looked at each other then toward their hands. Still held onto each other from their time of death, they broke apart from holding hands, then stood to their feet, patting down their clothes. Gin looked around annoyed by the sight as his mind was in pieces. Rin trying to gather what had happened. She was sure she and her brother were burning and spears stabbing into their bodies, yet they were alive. SHe had glanced over to Gin who was patting his body down then looked at his hair to see if it was burnt.
Marzia stopped. "They arrived," She spoke. She threw one cake at Shiki and ran to the twins. She made it on time. "Ahh.. you must be Gin and Rin. Looks like you died and your spirits now. Looks like somebody didn't live their life happily. Follow me, I would like you to meet other people." Marzia told them sweetly with a smile.
Gin glanced over with a smug grin, as if he didn't want to be bothered. Rin stared at her for a moment as she looked down then toward the wound well, at least where they were supposed to be. Gin looked toward Rin questioning what they should do. Rin nodded and motioned her head toward the girl who stumbled upon them. Taking the first step Rin was following the girl, Gin right behind her.
Shiki could hear that cat girl coming closer to him singing "I have cake~" Shiki then bites down on hip lips trying so hard not to think about the cake then started to think "Is she following me?" he looks back only to see the girl a couple feet away holding a piece of cake in her hand "Control, control!"he says to himself as he quickens his steps "Aww fuck it im dead anyway." he then stops walking and turns back towards the girl, he walks up to her and gently grabs the cake from her hands and starts to eat it
Even if she was a siren, Roxanne was hesitant to show it but as she sang, she felt herself loosen up. As she sang, it was as though her voice was a hypnotizing melody. She had done this many times in the past, to earn money for herself and her mother. She didn't plan on harming anyone, only to calm and relax them.
Marzia took them to meet Shiki, Roxy, and Bella. She saw Shiki eating the cake. "NOooooooooooo." Marzia yelled. She smacked the cake from Shiki down to the ground. Stomping on it with all her might and then she ended it by spitting on the cake. "So these are the people who also died unhappy or guilty. Any questions?"
Gin crossed his arms as he looked at the others. Lived unhappy, guilty he shook his head looking away. Accused was what they were, unfair trial is what they had. Rin looked back toward Gin and narrowed her eyes then looked toward the girl. " what is this place."
Shiki just standed there looking at the cake that was now smashed into the earth and spat on, at that point Shiki really wanted to kill this girl desperately but instead he walks away and walks infront of a tree and punches the hell out of it causing it to break the top half then fall over making a loud crash sound his eyes glow red but then turn back to its normal gray color he then starts to walk back towards the field still a bit angry that his only happiness has been beaten into the earth
Marzia stared at Shiki. "I'm sorry.. it was made out of poisonous berries.. And where we are is a secret. They told me I cant tell people anything." She answered. She ate a chocolate cake and swallowed it whole. "Anything eles?" She asked again.
"..who are you." Her questions were simple, and she had rather keep them down to a minumin of one line. Gin was getting fidgety as he looked back toward rin a couple of times. he had crossed his arms as his thought was about the incident back at home. He swore they were killed yet he was alive.
Roxanne stopped singing and opened her eyes. She was strangely calm, like her last moments before...awakening here. As the flames were lit, in her last moments alive, she was calm. But now, that same eerie calm had returned. No one, not even herself, knows how long the calm would last.
I strided over to what I heard were voices, people talking. I came across 6 people, all very short compared to me, my height made me very self-conscious, as did my lack of a head.

"Hello." I murmured. "I mean you know harm." My voice, I could tell was baritone.

I made sure to use very slow and steady movements, so as not to startle the people I had encountered. The ghouls on the leash behind me, thin, pitiful things, with faces more akin to hounds than people, muttered nervously.
"I am Marzia Lebrano. The 'founder' of this city," She told Gin and Rin. She turned around and saw Roberto. "Hi!" She smiled. She looked up. "You must be Roberto. You're very tall." She continued. "Let me introduce you to Bella, Shiki, Roxy, and Gin and Rin. Do you have any questions?" She said and asked.
Roxanne rubbed her arm sheepishly again before returning to the little group. "...Why are we even here exactly? What makes all of different? " She stared at the ground as she spoke, as though nervous.
That's only for you to find out what makes all of you different. Also.... like I said before, you are dead and you came here because you didn't live a happy life or you're not happy about something." Answer answered. She wondered if anymore people would come. Poofing back to a neko she ran to the fields and layed down looking up at the sky.
Bella sat under the dark shaded tree. Her dark Arua sense usially made people scared of her, despite never speaking, she was creepy and prefered to be this way. Bella's pitch black eye's were covered by her even darker hair as she sat. She gently glanced up to see more arriving. Feeling as though she didn't want to meet more, she pushed herself farther into darkness. People often mistakened her for an Emo or An Gothic girl, but that was never the case. She was basically born like that, and she died this way to. Bella hid her eye's once more, as she shoved her hands into her jean pockets.
Shiki didn't quite hear the last part Mariza had said, his hoodie sounded out the words, he walked back to the fields and just sat there "What are we even suppose to do here?" he asked, that was the main question that Shiki desperately wanted an answer to, he still didn't quite understand things very well because Mariza can't answer the important questions that actually matter like what the heck is this place so he might as well ask what they are suppose to be doing here, he was hoping it wasn't slave work then he would know he is in the underworld and plus he is a little lazy at the moment
"I suppose we make I life for ourselves." I answered the boy, it was still an odd sensation to speak with a mouth in my chest instead of in my head. It was also odd to not have a head at all. I noted a girl sitting in the background, she seemed quite reclusive.
"Yeah....what are we supposed to do?" Roxanne was curious to find out what exactly she could do here. She wanted to get writing and possibly play her favorite instruments. She wasn't too sure if she'd ever dance in front of any of these people. Maybe she'd have to get to know them better.
Shiki looks towards his left to see a boy that had no head and his face was on his stomach and he had two slaves that were chained next to him, now because shiki was indeed a boy who loved horror movies and dark creatures he was amazed at this boy, Shiki then stopped starring at him noticing that he looked creepy,he hoped that he didn't make the boy feel akward or anything
Bella's eye's peeked through her blackening hair as she glanced around. Everyone was different, some were physically like other's were metally. Bella knew she was both, she just wanted to leave, although she knew she was deep down upset about something. But everyone in her home town knew that she was a tough nut to crack. Bella turned her back to the ground, leaning her head down. Bella took one hand and began ripping up the grass. It still was too cheery for her, even in the darkening shade.
"Ummm.... so WHO WANTS SWEETS NYA~" Marzia yelled. "And please stop worrying about this world. It's not that bad. Not yet Hehehehehehe." Marzia chuckled. Her eyes became dark. "Sooo good luck living in this world." She waved. Running away to a tree she was getting ready for something special.
Bella watched with Dark eye's as the Random Owner began to yell out. She could feel her Arua making Bella sick. As the girl dashed away, leaving the group befumbled, she watched them. Some looked confused, while other's looked a little upset by her random outburst. Bella crossed her leg's as she sat, placing her hands into her laps. Bella allowed her hair to cver her eye's as she closed them. Bella wondered whether this place had a night time, or it just remained sunny all the time. She knew for a fact she couldn't handle that.
Shiki layed back on the ground facing upward and covered his ears he did not want to hear the words 'sweets', he had a little shade because there was a tree near him so the sun didn't go directly into his face then shiki looks to his right near the trees, he could see that girl who was giving that dark aroma he raises his eyebrow "Someones not social" he says in a regular tone looking towards the girl

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