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The Trees Have Eyes

She smiled. "Mmhmm! You should see it from a tall tree. The view makes the sky look like fire." her ears drooped a bit as she remembered her home, a bit saddened by how long she'd been away. It felt like forever. She handed him the skinned rabbits so he could cook them. "They should be cooked well so you do not get ill from the meat."
"yeah do not wont to get ill.I'll cook them up nicely"he pulled out the cooking set and started to cook the skinned animals'she sounds like shes home sick I won't blame her too getting dragged away from her home and then becoming a slave to many people'."I bet it is beautiful up in the trees how about you go take a look for your old times sake."
She smiled and shook her head. "I would not want to leave you here by yourself. With two of us there is not likely to be an attack, but one is fair game." she said, scooting a bit closer to him. "No worries, I will see the sun from a tall tree soon...and you will get to see it with me."
he smiled at her"that is right I will get you to your home and the meet is almost done."He just realized what she said'weight wasn't I post to just drop her off at a point has she changed her mind and she scooting a bit closer to me.'He flip the meat and blush a little.
She yawned and stretched. "Mmm that meat is starting to smell good." she purred. She leaned her head on his shoulder. "Are you tired? Perhaps after we eat we should rest, hmmm?"
he yawned"yeah we should get some rest for tomorrow."Flipped meat a couple more times when the meat got done he gave her the two rabbits and he took the rabbit and squirrel."Okay it's done hope you like it"he started to eat his taste of fresh kill was delicious it is better than buying it at the market.
I won't be answering everyday, but I will answer as much as I can. I just started school))

She ate at it ravenously. Her tail swishing happily from side to side. She leaned over, noticing a bit of grease from the meat on the side of his face. Gently she licked it up. "Best not to waste." she purred.

his face went red when she licked his cheek."Uh y...ya no wasting next time tell me"he finished up his."That was pretty good if I say so myself"he said proudly then he started to clean up.
I warned you this time, is that better?))

She helped. "Sorry, I forgot that licking is not common among your kind...unless it is to demean someone. I hope you do not think I was trying to be rude...I was simply trying to be helpful." she pouted a bit, her tail and ears drooping.
((yeah I just like to know))

"I don't think you're being rude I just thought you wouldn't do it for me."He went over there and hug her"now stop being sad and get a little bit more happy because I like to see you smile okay."He smiled at her.
I'm here xD I already have essays and stuff...yay u_u))

She blinked at him before smiling and giving him a quick nod. "Ok, I will be happier." she then returned the hug. "So, should one of us stay guard half the night then switch?"
"yeah one of us should watch and then switch and I will take the first watch."He went back to cleaning he was finally finished with it"you can hurry up to bed that tent is yours."He pointed to a tent as he sat down on the ground.
She nodded and gave him a quick hug before hurrying to bed. She curled up snugly in the tent and was quickly asleep. Her tail curled around her as she dreamed of showing him the sunset above her village. It was somehow warm and welcoming.
he gave her a quick hug back and he started watch for the night.as the night drag on all he heard was rustling of animals it was peaceful and quiet before he knew it was midnight he got up and went to go wake up Liri"it is midnight it's your time to watch."He headed towards his tent
when he got to his tent he hard loud wrestling to his left like someone was charging he you got ready for combat.A man came out of the bushes charging for attack at Xobic he has leather armor on a warhammer as his weapon and he's doing a downward strike.Xobic dodge to the left getting into the fire but he did not feel the heat or the burning of the fire it just traveled up his armor and wint into his sword catching it on fire then he did a sideways slash.
Xobic cut through the man armor and his flash continuously the fire jumped onto him catching him on fire.the man started to roll around on the ground to try to put out the fire as another man came out of the bushes this one wielding a rapier. Xobic jump backwards away from the tree line pair and got prepared to parry him.

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