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The Trees Have Eyes

Her eyes flicked open. Her ears twitched at the sound of a voice. She sat up and eyed him sleepily. She stretched and yawned. Her tail fluffed a moment then relaxed.

"Good morning." she purred. "Is that egg i smell? Mmmmm so good. Who knew something that came out of a chicken's backside could be eatable." she said hopping up and trotting to him. "Have you any clean clothes I could borrow? Mine are quite filthy and rather unbecoming."
Xobic thought of it for a while then he remember the chest full of his mother's clothes she said hold on to them for her but she wouldn't mind letting someone borrow one or two"yes in the closet there is a chess see if any of those will fit if you I'll be downstairs eating"he headed down stairs and sat at the table and started eating his food
Liri went to the chest and selected some clothes. She really liked a dark green one. She dropped her old clothes and put it on. She hurried down to eat. It was a short dress and she wore tight pants underneath. She stopped and modeled it for him before claiming food and sitting down.

"I look good, hmmm?"
Xobic watch Liri model the clothes off for some odd reason she looks more beautiful now if another girl did this he wouldn't care he finish the last few bites of his food"it looks lovely on you"he got up and went to the Forge and quickly put on his new armor and grabs his new sword.He went back to Liri"how does this look"
Liri smiled. "Like a Prince." she said with a chuckle. "You look good. It'd be hard to climb a tree in that though. It looks heavy. You must be strong." she ate contentedly. "I like the color."
"I actually climbed a mountain in armor like this before so it stop being heavy for me"he set down at the table"the magic power did the color for me it is always random just like the ability it gives it"he take off the helmet and set it on the table"I use same thing on the sword so I wonder what it got". 
Xobic got up and got ink,quill, and paper he started to write down items on the paper two sleeping bags, two tents,two water skins,50 ft of hemp rope,two climbing sets,rations for 16 weeks,3 potions of stamina,small cooking set,and a fishing set.He gave the paper to Liri"hay can you get the items on this list I gotta go talk to my boss so I won't be able to do it"he headed her a bag of gold"that should be enough for it all okay"
"That's impressive." she said with a smile before taking the list and gold. "Sure, be back as soon as possible." she quickly went to get things done. 
sorry for the one liner))
"okay just be careful out there"Xobic got up grab his helmet and walk out the door he was going to the guard outpost he look at the people as he walk down the street it is hot today.When I got to the guard outpost he went inside and gone to the main office"I'm going to go on a adventure just like last time"he Told the captain"will you're doing it again take the bingo book and capture the people that are inside it"the captain handed Xobic a black book"understood I will get everybody"he grabbed the book and started to leave"I have a feeling that you won't come back this time and don't question it just go"

((its okay I do them sometimes too))
thank for understanding))

Liri was off like a bolt of lightening. She hurried to get the items on the list but found it difficult as people were very prejudiced against her. She told some of the owners that she was a slave fetching items for her master and that worked out a bit. However that got some unwanted attention. A pair of men descended upon her, pulling things out of her arms and holding her arms so she couldn't move.

"Let go of me!" she hissed. "My master will be quite cross!"

"Ah she speaks!" said one, the smell of alcohol heavy on his breath. "Then she'll be able to beg for mercy while we have a little fun."

"Or beg for more!" one of his three companions said with a laugh.
Xobic walk out of the guard out post and he decided to go check on Liri he trusted her but he had this weird feeling.he quick headed towards the mark but ran into a well dressed man with bandages on his face."how did you do it how did you tame her I tried everything"the smell of alcohol heavy on his breath"so I'm guessing you're the previous owner and I don't need to tell you that I need to go now".Xobic walk past the man"where do you think your going you will give her back to me"the man took his cane and hit Xobic on the head the cane broke"so you hit me trying to kill me right so I can do this to you".Xobic turned around and uppercut him sending the man flying when the man hit the ground he said something before he fell unconscious"well if I cant have her no one can the drunken men will make sure of that"when Xobic heard that he took off running going faster than wut he should be in the armor he is In.It took him a while but he got there he saw the drunken men carrying Liri away he was behind them.He quickly ran to the one on the left grab the back of his head and slam him to the ground freeing Liris left arm"you do not touch what is not yours"
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"Xobic!?" Liri cried. Once her hand was free she raked her claw like nails down the face of the guy restraining her right arm. She quickly pulled her legs free of them, landing backwards on the cobble street. She did a kick up back to her feet and prepared to destroy them. She wanted to hear them cry out for mercy. "I will kill you!" she hissed.
"you cannot Kill them you must calm down now"he went to her and put one hand on one of her shoulders."let's get the items and go if you don't everything will be ruined we won't be able to leave and I have to bring you in do you want that"he said with a worried look on his face.he hope that she will calm down and do what he said.
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She stopped threatening to destroy them, but was still snarling and growling to assure them that if they didn't flee she would. The fur on her tail and ears bristled furiously. She brushed off his hand and followed him to the shops, sending a blood curdling glare at them.

"Fine, I won't kill them. But they deserve it, Xobic. They put their hands all over me."
"do not worry they will follow us because they're getting paid for it"he went in the shops getting the last few items."your previous owner wanted to steal you away form me he didn't factor in that the silver guard is the new owner I will still keep my promise to you"he started to walk towards the west gate. 
((got to go to bed :sleep:))
"You'll take me home." she said softly. When they reached the gate she gazed upon its splendor, admiring it. She hadn't seen any gates in the trees. She looked at him, then quickly away. For some reason she found him attractive right now. "You know you're going to have to get used to killing. There are bandits and things to slay on the road." 
ok g'night :) ))
"just doing my job back there as long as I am in this city I have to protect everybody that is in it even if it is idiots like that I made that promise to somebody".He quickly look towards the ground then forward again"do not worry I will kill on the road.Now let's set off on our journey"he said with a smile and he starts to walk forward.
She followed him out the gate. Her tail end twitched when she heard his response. She sighed. The sky overhead was blue as fresh water, she loved it. It was much nicer than the ceiling of wealthy men's houses. She almost walked with a skip in her stride. Her ears were alert to every sound and her nose twitched with delight at her freedom. She smiled.

"I love being out of cities. I can't wait to be home! My family will be so glad to see me!" she said happily.
Xobic watched her as she walked he will have to agree with her it is good being out of cities walking around in the wild he small at her"yeah it is good to be free but this is only the beginning we do not know what's going to happen next I will bring you to your family"she was Cute when she act this way.
She purred and linked arms with him. "I can face whatever I have to so I can see my family again." she looked at him and smiled. "Thank you, Xobic. I really appreciate your mercy." she leaned her face against his arm, obviously happy.
Xobic like seeing Liri like this it was nice and peaceful he felt face anything to protect her maybe he will not go back maybe he can go with her and join her family"I am happy to hear that"he small at her and rub the top of her head
Her purring grew louder. She looked up at him again and blushed. Why was he beginning to look so damn attractive? She looked away and disconnected her arm from his. She looked down at her feet, embarrassed by her feelings. "How long should we go before making camp? Should I go and hunt something for supper?"
Xobic cannot believe how far they went the city is so small"we will when we reach the foot of the tree line and you can when we get to the camp okay"he walked to the trees.he wondered if he did anything bad for her to let go of him it was feeling good she was getting so cute he couldn't help himself but smile. 
when they reach the tree line he started to unpack the tents and sleeping bags and started to set them up"I will set up camp here you can go hunting if you want but that's why we have Russians"she said in a kind way
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She nodded and tore off. She returned an hour or so later with three rabbits and a squirrel. She smiled triumphantly, holding them up to show them off. They were pretty plump. She set them down and started skinning.
when she got back the Camp is set up and there is a fire started "good hunting those look really plump they will make a good meal".He praised her then he looked toward the sky the Sun was about to set"the sunset is going to look beautiful out here"
it is sunset the sky was beautiful orange color"See what I mean"
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