The Three Kingdoms OOC

Sorry about that, I was multitasking.

I got my characters mixed up- I literally laughed when I re-read Vaxiter's sheet.

Name: Vaxiter Meu'lin

Age: 21

Personality: Vaxiter hates no species but his own and the humans.

Appearance:(pic or detailed description.)


Race: Dark Elf

Faction: Wyrm's Wall. He wants his own fight, not to simply join someone else's.

Class: Blue Mage. In his travels he's encountered a lot of monsters, though he selects the spells he learns very carefully. This also gives him access to certain white magic, which he values above anything else he can do.

Weapon: He might be a mage, but he's something of a beast in battle. All the time he had alone in his traveling lets him practice the sword he'd stolen from the Wood Elves when he was a teen. He fights with his mind more often, though- playing games with his opponent until they break and go mad or simply give up.

Birth Place: He doesn't know where, but the rumor is that he was born in Drake territory.

Current Place of Residence: None. He's travelling to Farrack at the moment, hoping to find a place to stay and refresh his supplies.

Skills: He knows how to survive on his own, he's just good enough at hunting and fishing, though he isn't a master at it. He is better with his magic than anything else, but that's not something he likes to talk about.

Magic spells:

Light - Simple replacement for a torch 5

Alter Self - Can take the form of a similar creature 35

See Invisibility - speaks for itself 30

Tongues - Speak any language 15

Water Breathing - subject can breathe under water 20

Break Enchantment - can break some curses and spells cast on subject 20

Mind Fog - confuses target/distracts them 10

Note* Though he has a wide array of magic, he hates using it.

Position in Society: Occasional thief, he doesn't really stay long enough to recognize.

History: Vaxiter's biological parents were Dark Elves. They tried to get rid of him a hundred different ways, drowning, abandonment, poison- they thought it was fun. They enjoyed his anger and pain more than simply killing him. Mind games were inherent since birth. After no one he turned to took him seriously or tried to help, his resentment spread from his parents, to all of his race. The Dark Elves were suddenly his enemies.

He was seven when he ran away. He spent as much time in Wood Elf territory before they noticed and chased him off. At fourteen he had his sword and some magic, so he set off to find some form of academy to train at. Possibly further his magic skills.

He found a human tutor in Pluto's Crossing. The tutor became a father figure to him, even if his teachings were sinister, he could do no wrong. Teaching him how to rob people without them remembering, using him to get alcohol when the need came. The tutor began going mad, and nearing Vaxiter's eighteenth birthday he committed suicide while drunk.

Vaxiter, in a rage, blamed the human race. He realized that his racist tutor only stole from elves or dwarves or Drakes- (though that wasn't true, it was the majority of their targets)

And so, he hates humans for their greed and lies.

Now, he travels from town to town, never taking more than he needs, never from the poor. He sometimes fights for money or gamblers, but that's not a living. He doesn't know where he's going or why or what he's going to do when he gets there. Most of the time everything seems so pointless he considers following his Tutor- and then there's his purpose for living.

Purpose for living: Vaxiter wants every last one of his own kind- and the humans- to suffer. He believes them to all be twisted and sick, even more so than himself.

Mana Pool: I'm not sure how this is scaled. I'll say he has fifty mana, and mark his spells accordingly.

Name: Lyra Belle

Age: 21

Personality: Rebellious. Sparky. Stubborn. Reckless. She does things her own way, without asking questions. They usually work out, and she always knows how to talk her way out of a problem. She loves getting herself into trouble, loves taking chances and never knowing whether she'll be lucky or not. Winning isn't important, the adventure is. She trusts people easily, but she isn't particularly loyal unless you've proven yourself to her. Either way, you won't know her for very long- she's always running off to see what else she can get into.

Appearance:(pic or detailed description.)


Race: Human

Faction: Wyrm's Wall.

Class: Swashbuckler. She's always around the sea, she even had her own ship for a few years (until it sank). She's working on getting another ship, though, as she knows exactly how to keep men in line. Don't let her version of friendly fool you into thinking she's nice.

Weapon: Any kind of sword she can get her hands on, and the occasional pistol.

Birth Place: Farrak, and she loves it there.

Current Place of Residence: Farrak, though she has only just got back. She was looking for Capolis for a long time, but eventually came back home. She isn't sure why.

Skills: Lyra's clever, and she can use her mind and body to figure out anyone. She's charming and cunning and cruel when she wants to be. It's easy for her to manipulate someone, but she chooses not to use sexuality as a motivator. She doesn't like 'manipulation', though she'll use it on those who deserve it. Instead she barters and argues- or simply pulls out a pistol. That ends most arguments.

Position in Society: Thief, Sailor, Pirate.

History: Lyra was born in the very city of the ocean. She grew up a sailor's daughter, and loved every day of her childhood spent on the ocean. Her mom never existed- not to her, anyways. She left a long time ago.

Lyra soon got her own ship- a simple "cargo" thing, when really they were smuggling people who wanted to be transported. She made good money, and her crew was happy, considering their captain was seventeen.

Then her ship was attacked by pirates. It sunk, and most of the 'cargo' was lost along with half of her crew. She was taken prisoner on the pirate ship, but it only took her a few months to talk her way into first mate. She enjoyed it, taking revenge on each of the crew lowly, one-by-one. She let the innocent go, they were still under the impression that it was some sort of disease among the crew.

The first port they stopped at was where she got off.

So she traveled.

Eighteen, looking for Capolis, it wasn't a dream or an obsession. She was simply curious about the place.

Having found nothing, she eventually returned home. Where she is now.

Purpose for living: To see and do everything one possibly can. She wants no revenge, though she might if something happens.

Other: Though she has never been in love, she would be quite the interesting partner.
locknessmonster said:
Thank you.
Your welcome.

Wisdom, you are accepted. just add history and everything is good.

Also, If anybody hasn't posted their character sheet in the Official Character sheet thread, then please do so. the link is below.

Another thing, we are currently looking into different plots for all of the new characters or how to integrate them into another plot since we already have others. please be patient. that's all I ask. thank you for your cooperation.
(I will finish this at later time.)

Name: Blake Lautrec

Age: 23

Personality: Relaxed. Lighthearted. Optimistic. He rarely loses his temper and he is often seen with a smile. He believes that those who tricks their comrades, betrays them, harms them, murders them, leave them for dead. You name it. Those who cross a comrade, in Blake's mind are pathetic scum, and literally spares no expense and would pull any strings to punish them for it. In fact, he would only turn a blind eye to it under certain circumstances. He believes that life should not frittered away like it can be replaced, but enjoyed as well, which explains his unusually large appetite. He is also capable of giving good advice and working well under pressure.

Appearance:(pic or detailed description.)

Race: Human

Faction: N/A

Class: Red Mage


Birth Place: Toryla (A small town south of Sadon)

Current Place of Residence: Sadon


  • Enhanced Durability
  • Enhanced Agility
  • Expert Sword/Knife Specialist
  • Expert Hand to Hand Combatant

Magic spells:

Offensive Spells

  • Phantom Blade: Fires an sword made of mana at an enemy. (2MP) Multiple blades can be made for AOE attacks. (10MP for every 10 blades.)
  • Frost Fist: Strike an enemy with a icy gale channeled through a weapon. (3MP)
  • Freeze: Incase an enemy in a shard or a rose made of ice. (5MP)
  • Water Whip: Creates a whip or multiple whips made of water to strike an enemy or use for other means. (5MP for each whip Maximum is 10.)
  • Flowing Spear: Launches a spear of condensed water at an enemy. (10MP)
  • Gungnir: Entraps the enemy in a giant blade of ice that flies high into the sky and skewers the enemy after splitting into many swords of ice. (15MP)
  • Rosen Krone: Creates many thorns of ice carry roses of ice that explode into shards of ice when the roses fall to the ground. (25MP)

Defensive Spells

  • Restore: Return an inorganic object to another time when when it was fully repaired or destroyed. (2MP)
  • Ice Shield: Creates a shield of ice that blocks physical attacks. (5MP)
  • Crystal Shield: Creates a shield of ice that blocks against magical attacks. (5MP)
  • Gentle Voice of Lautrec: One of the Lautrec Family's secret spells. Shouts to calm down any enemies for 10 seconds with a 50% success rate. (15MP)


(List every spell you use, even the lame unimportant ones. you can use the links listed above, for white and black magic. or if you feel so inclined, you may even create your own. (lets not be op here.))

Position in Society:

History: (Please be detailed)

Purpose for living:

Other:(anything else, you would like people to know.)

Mana Pool: (Only for those who use magic. This is the size and power of your mana pool that you pull energy from to use magic.)
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[QUOTE="Sire Souriez]Hey we have to wait for our starting place before posting right?

Yes, sorry for the inconvenience. We will have your starting positions up by tomorrow. I promise

The BetterKuja, It's okay, take your time.
Hmm, no. I'm not sure if that's a good idea. We are creating arcs, and the reason we are asking you not to post is because we don't want your first post to conflict with any of them. We are only waiting on three more people to post so the second turn cycle should be started by tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Humor said:
Even if we are accepted... do we post if our character is not on the list of names?
We will be adding all of the new character plots to the story tomorrow. We have 6 people who recently submitted a character sheet and we are finding ways to add them to existing plots. All of that will be done tomorrow. You will be able to make your first post tomorrow after we have added the new character plots
Wisdom, everything looks fine. Draconians are not usually allowed into the Rendanna army, due to them constantly delving into the black arts, But based upon your history i will allow this. Accepted.

we will be letting everyone that was recently accepted know when they are able to post, it should be some time today. 
Also, Wisdom. Be sure to add what his ranking is in the Rendanna army. And lastly, draconians do not have elements. Only dragoon knights and actual dragons.
This is only an example, to further your understanding of how the battles and flow of the story will take place in Three Kingdoms. If you have any additional questions or concerns that weren't addressed in this, be sure to ask.

GM (Me):

The sun is just beginning to set, slowly revealing the stars hiding behind its light. It is the deepest part of the valley known as Rivaria. Since it is a valley, and is often filled with water, or at least muddy from it; No trees are able to grow here. The wind is just starting to pick up, blowing moist and humid air all throughout the valley. An essence of death fills the air.

Player (You):

Saito began coughing up blood as he convulsed in place on the ground, waking from his short unconsciousness. He began to lift himself from the ground, slowly standing to his feet. As he did he looked upward, toward the cliff he had fallen from. "Now how the hell am i gonna get outta here..." He said as he looked around, moving his right arm to grab the wound on his left. He took a deep breath, inhaling the damp air surrounding him.

GM (Me):

As Saito surveyed the area, he noticed something. He stopped looking around and locked his eyes on something in the distance. It was a dark figure, shrouded in a black aura. He had no idea what it was, but if there was one thing that he was sure of, is that it wasn't friendly. Suddenly he saw the figure make a slight movement, and following that there was light cutting sound in the air. Saito took a closer look, and then he realized that there were three blades flying strait toward him. He would only have seconds to dodge, if not his short celebration of survival would be ended.

Player (You):

Though Saito was injured, he would have no problem dodging the projectiles, especially from that distance. He would quickly sidestep to the right, away from the cliff face and into the valley, giving himself room to maneuver. After doing this he would quickly draw his sword with his right arm, being sure to keep his eyes on the enemy while doing so.

GM (Me):

Saito easily managed to dodge the blades, but not without its consequence. Moving this quickly took its toll on his already damaged leg. A sharp pain would shoot up his left leg, causing him to grasp his leg and fall to the floor, thus ruining his plans of getting into the open valley. Though Saito dodged the attack, it seemed that killing him wasn't the figure's intention in the first place. He was simply using the blades as a distraction for him to weave a teleport spell. Saito would then hear a wooshing sound as the figure appeared before him, dressed in all black clothing, with gear fit to arm a rouge. The ninja slowly walked toward Saito, then stopped as he placed his two fingers on his ear. "No, its just one.....He's injured. No i can handle him on my own." The ninja would then draw two daggers and quickly enter his stance, giving Saito the chance to defend himself.

Player (You):

Saito swiftly stood to his feet, trying the best he could to ignore the pain in his leg. "I know im not supposed to, But it seems like things may get serious." He then shoved his hand into his pocket, pulling it out with a small red pill in his grasp. "OK, here goes!" He shoved the pill into his mouth, quickly crunching and swallowing. The pill acted as a painkiller, allowing him to move and act as though he had no injuries. There was a slight grimace on his face, due to the bitter taste.

GM (Me):

As Saito shoved the pill into his mouth, one could notice the new found power emanating from him. The pill quickly took effect, but not without its downfall. It allow him to ignore the wounds he currently had, but he also would not be aware of any wounds that he were to sustain later in the battle.

The ninja then began to blindly sprint toward Saito, planning to end the fight in one blow. However, this could also turn out to be an opening for Saito, seeing as with the right timing, either of them could be finished in one attack. The ninja then jumped into the air, preforming a few spins in order to gain momentum, just before he landed above Saito.

Player (You):

Saito smiled at the foolishness of this ninja, and did not hesitate to seize the moment. He saw the ninja began to leap into the air, and as he did, Saito crouched to the ground. As the ninja came closer, preparing to strike, Saito stepped forward, moving out of the radius of the ninja's attack. As he did he thrust his sword upward, Plunging it into the chest of the ninja.

GM (Me):

Saito's attack landed without fail, all of his movements seamlessly coming together to land him a quick victory. However, his victory was short lived. Saito's eyes grew wide when the body on his blade, began to disintegrate. "What the hell...substitution?" At that moment the ninja would began sprinting toward the edge of the cliff that Saito had fallen from. Leaping off and diving toward him once the ninja had reached the edge. But Saito still had his wits. He had heard the footsteps of the ninja above him, due the the speed of his running. Saito looked dodged left, barely managing to evade the ninja's attack. The ninja's blade colided with the ground rather then Saito's head, but the ninja swiftly made his counter attack. The ninja swung his second dagger toward Saito, just after he had dodged, leaving him no time to evade this attack. The blade dug deeply into Saito's side, causing his blood to begin pumping out of his wound.

Player (You):

Saito did not wince nor clutch his wound in pain. The effects of the pill still lingered, and he was thankful for it. He swung his sword downward, launching a fierce counterattack. "Now, die!"

GM (Me):

The attack did land, and it was not a substitution this time. The blade dug deeply into the ninja's shoulder, slowly making its way into his chest; But only because he allowed it to. He chose not to dodge the attack, but use it as an opening. He sprung himself toward the attack, letting himself be hit so his opponent had no where to run. He also stabbed Saito. Rapidly piercing his abdomen with both of the daggers. Even more blood began to pour out of his body, and he was beginning to notice. He could feel no pain, but he was starting to loose consciousness, due to massive amounts of blood loss. Saito suddenly opened his eyes, becoming fully aware that he was about to die. He yelled as he shoved his sword deeper into the ninja, using the last of his energy to slice his attacker in half.

After doing so he fell unconscious. He laid there for a few days, before being found and rescued by a band of traveling merchants.

Additional information:

(Notice how the player does not describe anything in the scene contrary to what the GM has said)

(You may only attempt attacks, though you are allowed to be very detailed with your attempt, and may list actions the proceed the attempt on a success or failure, if you want)

(You may PM the GM about any action that you believe really should have succeeded, but remember that the GM has final say on the matter, and that this system is in place to give you a world that bites back and has variables.)

(Inactivity for three or more days will result in auto control. After a week of auto control your character will be killed. Unless you notify me prior to.)
I think I'm good on my CS from what I've read, though if anything else needs revising let me know. May I ask when my name will be posted so I can hop in?
This unsettling flow of RPing again?

Huh......I really....I really have no idea how to react....I'm just going to go pray to the Random Number God, I guess.
(Frizz Yes! It's finished!)

Name: Blake Lautrec

Age: 23

Personality: Relaxed. Lighthearted. Optimistic. He rarely loses his temper and he is often seen with a smile. He believes that those who tricks their comrades, betrays them, harms them, murders them, leave them for dead. You name it. Those who cross a comrade, in Blake's mind are pathetic scum, and literally spares no expense and would pull any strings to punish them for it. In fact, he would only turn a blind eye to it under certain circumstances. He believes that life should not frittered away like it can be replaced, but enjoyed as well, which explains his unusually large appetite. He is also capable of giving good advice and working well under pressure.

Appearance: (Blake is a slim young man of average height. He has light blue eyes and short silver hair with short bangs framing his face. He wears a long black coat that falls at his waist with white feathered collar and handcuffs on top of a shirt with light blue and purple diamond patterns. He also wears black pants with x patterns going down the sides with black boots.)

Race: Human

Faction: N/A

Class: Red Mage


Birth Place: Toryla (A small town south of Sadon)

Current Place of Residence: Sadon


  • Enhanced Durability
  • Enhanced Agility
  • Expert Sword/Knife Specialist
  • Expert Hand to Hand Combatant

Magic spells:

Offensive Spells

  • Phantom Blade: Fires an sword made of mana at an enemy. (2MP) Multiple blades can be made for AOE attacks. (10MP for every 10 blades.)
  • Freezestike: Strike an enemy with a icy gale channeled through a weapon. (3MP)
  • Freeze: Incase an enemy in a shard or a rose made of ice. (5MP)
  • Water Whip: Creates a whip or multiple whips made of water to strike an enemy or use for other means. (5MP for each whip. Maximum is 10.)
  • Flowing Spear: Launches a spear of condensed water at an enemy. (10MP)
  • Gungnir: Entraps the enemy in a giant blade of ice that flies high into the sky and skewers the enemy after splitting into many swords of ice. (15MP)
  • Rose Garden: Creates many chuncks of ice shaped like roses to attack and freeze enemies, halting their movement. (25MP)

Defensive Spells

  • Healing Hands: Heals self or an intended target. (2MP)
  • Refreshing Wave: Heals all allies in a 10m radius with a small fountain of water. (5MP 5MP more every extra 10m.)
  • Bravery Shield: Creates a shield of Blake's design that blocks physical attacks. (10MP)
  • Insight Shield: Creates a shield of Blake's design that blocks against magical attacks. (10MP)
  • Gentle Voice of Lautrec: One of the Lautrec Family's secret spells. Shouts to calm down any enemies for 30 seconds with a 50% success rate. (20MP)

Supplementary Spells:

  • Restore: Using time, return an inorganic object to another time when it was fully repaired or destroyed. (5MP)
  • Water Bubble: Create a ball of water to breathe or carry a group through water. (3MP) (I may leave these as is for now. If any of these seem overpowered, let me know and we'll talk about it.)

Position in Society: Noble/Mercenary

History: Blake was born to a noble lady and his father who was a simple father who had fallen on hard times. Unfortunately, he lost his parents when he was 10, when a giant black centuar attacked Toryla. His father was killed, and his mother fled from the town to Sadon, in hopes her family would be able to take him. Her father agreed to do so, under one condition: Once Blake turned thirteen, he had to take the trial which was Lautrec family tradition as a rite of passage. Blake's twin cousin, Nolan offered to help him get ready fight. Nolan woke Blake up early each day to practice using swords. Blake tried to go for a sword on the 1st day, but Nolan stopped him and gave him a knife saying, "Before you can use a sword, you must know how to use a dagger. It's like walking. You crawled, then you walked." Blake took the knife and over time, it felt somewhat natural to Blake. He practiced for months with little break in between, fighting Nolan with a dagger until Blake picked up a sword one day and he almost landed a fatal blow on Nolan and used his first ice spell as well. Ice Magic was like his cup of tea. He would days after practicing with Nolan, making sculptures, or playing around with his magic. The day of the trial came on Blake's 13th birthday, and Blake could not have been more ready. The trial consisted of clearing out a ruin owned by the Lautrec family known as Lau's Den. Blake had to clear out the ruin, defeat the Questing Beast inside, and receive the Lautrec emblem and live, all in that order. He took off like a bullet being shot of a gun. Many monsters were blocking his path, but they posed no threat, and picked them off one by one. The monsters were not the real challenge. No, the challenge was the Questing Beast. With jaws that bite and claws that catch and it simply needed to bite you to win the fight. The beast spread its claws, and ran for Blake, quickly grasping him in its claws. The beast was not playing, but nor was Blake. He stabbed the beast's arms, allowing him a chance to fall down to the ground. Blake was fast, but the beast was faster. Blake slashed away and slowed him down with ice, sometimes the beast could not keep up. Despite his courage and perseverance, he could not beat the mighty beast before him. After one missed attack, the beast slapped Blake into a corner, and lunged for Blake one final time, to end this fight of a weak, but promising opponent. But Blake would not throw in the towel yet. He looked at the Questing Beast before him dead in its fierce and said, "You shall meet your end here!," He pushed his hands on the ground, snaring the beast in gorgeous field of roses. He walked on top the beast's neck, and sliced its head off, and headed for the exit. The emblem was on the handle of both doors. His hand burned with the Lautrec's emblem while he was opening the door, but simply smiled as he emerged from the ruins victorious. Despite his victory, the war was still going on, and Blake saw nothing more important than ending the war, a goal which his family was currently bent on.

Purpose for living: To see the world, continuing studying his magic, along with most importantly, ending this war.

Other: The Lautrec's emblem on Blake's right hand is a red heart with a small flame inside it.

Mana Pool: Due to magic running in generation after generation of the House of Lautrec, Blake's mana pool is shall we say somewhat vast. If I had to give a number, 350 would be the number without it seeming too op. If that sounds op, let me know.
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be on the look out for the start of a third turn cycle. And RhiannonR you should alter your post. put what you attempt to do. you cant just auto kill people. even if their just npcs 
The BetterKuja also, you should be able to start on this third turn.
So I realize upon viewing this morning that my post is missing a chunk of text... I'm going to fix that

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