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Fantasy The Supernatural Kingdoms


I'm not Camila, but he call me Señorita.
This is about a world that is split into four kingdoms: The Kingdom of Air, The Kingdom of Water, The Kingdom of Fire, and The Kingdom of Earth. Each with it's own variety of fantastical creatures each more captivating then the next. However there is a fifth kingdom of humans and most of them are not even aware of the supernatural creatures that surround them in each of the four other kingdoms.
Arvindr Capsole Vesperina Flemmel the 16th. It was a name passed down for generations, one that was being held by His Majesty himself, the 15th. The 16th however, belonged to his only son: the crown prince to the kingdom. It was a relatively simple minded kingdom. There were no others, and therefore all trade could be controlled fairly and no wars were in danger of popping up. It was peaceful. In fact, it was so peaceful that the Royal Family was just so kind as to hold essentially all of the most potentially powerful weapon to themselves:magic. The only library that held tomes and whatnot was kept in the castle at the capital, and the only wizards and scholars were in the Royal Family. This limited progress in the kingdom, but no one really minded. What one doesn't have, one doesn't miss. 

The crown prince in question was laying on the floor of said library, flipping through a dusty tome lazily. It was an uneventful day in the kingdom, and as such Arvindr was supposed to go through all of his lessons. Again. "...the mana particles remain neutral until exposed to an element. These elements persist as four distinct..." Practically reciting something from memory rather than reading, he wasted more of his precious time reviewing. It was rather unbecoming for the next in line king to have such a limited knowledge in magic but it was, for all intents and purposes, the law. No one other than the king may possess advance magic, the consequence is death. 'Still,' Arvindr thought as he hefted himself from the floor setting the book down, 'It wouldn't hurt any one to browse some of the other tomes in the library.' With that goal in mind he sauntered past his allowed section and into the catacombs of the expansive and turning library. 
Being a Warrior for her kingdom was a lot of work, and Adriana was glad for the break. She had been allowed a few days leave from training and duty to spend as she pleased, so long as she returned if called to action. Those conditions Adriana could work with, knowing most of the shortcuts between kingdom's due to her childhood, as well as accompanying the Royal Family on some diplomatic missions. Her superiors and the kingdom's royalty knew that she could be relied on in a time of crisis, or any time of need, no matter where she was. Adriana was loyal in that respect.

Planning to spend her leave with her friends in other kingdoms, Adriana's first stop was the human kingdom. She enjoyed it there. It was somewhat peaceful, with a wise ruler. After disguising her wings, Adriana stepped into the Human Kingdom. Her destination? The palace. She had made friends with some of the maids and servants there, and wished to go and talk with them. Partly to find out the latest gossip, but also because their presence was one she valued highly. It helped that they made it easy for her to retain all control. 
Tempest swam through the castle halls bobbing and weaving to avoid servants and nobles who looked confused as she shot by, like a rocket. However they immediately understood what was going on when Max followed behind her a few seconds later. She ducked behind one of the tapestries and held back a giggle as her brother swam by, or at least she thought he had. Next thing she knew, Maximillian tackled her and she tumbled out from  behind the tapestry.

Her brother glared down at her sternly. "Give it." He commanded. She sighed and handed him the badge that she had taken and pouted as he reattached it to his uniform and stood up. He held a hand out to help her up and she accepted it reluctantly. 
Arvindr slid through the many shelves with apparent ease as well as interest. He would lift a book and flip through its dusty, fading pages before turning to the next. He had very little time before someone from the staff would retrieve him and he wanted to make the most of it. One particular book caught his eye, and as he went to take a closer look he stopped completely. It was... A strange feeling. The world stopped turning. His blood felt like ice and he could feel cold sweat start to trickle down his brow. The book was brown, seemingly simple. And yet... Something about it screamed at him. Every signal he had in his brain was going off. Run. Still, Arvindr was a prince damn it, and could handle essentially anything. Unlike the previous  tomes in which he quickly glossed over, he traced his finger over the delicate and aging leather. "Kingdoms..." One word, the title. Arvindr opened the book to a random page and began reading its secrets. 
Adriana, upon meeting with her friends, was smuggled into the servants quarters to swap into the attire she wore every time she arrived in the Human Kingdom. As far as the maids and servants were aware, she was a commoner from the outskirts of the kingdom. It was, of course, a lie. She knew she couldn't reveal who she really was. Every time she was at the palace, Adriana helped the maids with their chores. Today, they were on cleaning duty. They would gossip while they worked, mopping the steps from the bottom to the top. Despite not being accustomed to doing the cleaning, Adriana did well. She left not a speck of dust.

After a while, they reached a door that Adriana hadn't seen in all of her time helping at the palace. "What's behind this door?" She asked. 

"We're not supposed to go in there. Only the King and Prince's personal servants are permitted inside of the library." Her friend, Delia, responded. Adriana was curious, wanting to know what secrets could possibly be contained in the library. Instead of going inside, she continued chatting away as she swept the floor.
Tempest swam next to Maximillian as they left the castle. "If you could visit a kingdom which one would you visit?" She asked feigning innocence. He rolled his eyes, "I thought you were over that exploring thing." He groaned as they passed over a coral reef. "I am!" She insisted with her hands up defensively," Its just a hypothetical question." She said. 

  He looked at her for a moment with a distrusting look in his eyes before sighing and replying. "Probably the human kingdom. It's the least dangerous." He said hoping that if his sister did run off exploring one day that she would go there. After that she started babbling and he swam faster in hopes of escaping with his ears intact. "Hey wait up!" Tempest yelled trying to catch up to her brother. 
Mind boggling. That was perhaps the only word Arvindr could use to describe the book. It went into such depths of the magic elements, speaking about origins and properties and... And if anyone found out exactly what he was doing? His head would be rolling, status be damned. He heard footsteps echoing from the entrance of the library, making his ears perk and his temperature drop. Without even thinking much about it, he removed the robe covering his clothes and bundled the forbidden book to put it under his arm. Feeling his breath catch with each step, Arvindr bounded to his small wooden table near the entrance, pretending to be reading through an open book. The steps appeared to only have echoed from outside however, as the voices where ones he placed as some servants from the castle. Releasing his held breath (when he began to hold it he had no idea), he propered himself before his mentor would come in and take him to his next lesson. And sure enough, a bearded old man with a hunched back wobbled in, beckoning the young prince to follow. With a quick nod, Arvindr followed the aging man out of the room, passing the maids without so much as even a glance. After all, the status of mere servants was beneath him... Or, that's what his father told him. The fact of the matter is that most of his friends were servants in the castle, but if he made conversation in the open then reports would reach his father... And that was something he wanted to avoid if possible.

@NightTerror @Masyet @Kaera @A Mysterious Figure
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"Seems like your sister isn't quite over the exploring thing yet Maximilian" Soma stated, appearing from out of nowhere having to swim a bit faster just to keep up with the others speed "What are you swimming away from?  The only thing back there is the castle and your sister...  What is the castle under attack and your going to get reinforcements?!?" he asked obviously getting a bit more worried "oh yeah almost forgot I found this pearl laying in the ground, i thought I saw something like it in the castle, if it doesn't belong to the royal family I'll be happy to keep it" He said before taking out a small pearl with some foreign letters from what he could tell

(Is the water kingdom under water or on land, I was just wondering because some of things you say seem ,at least to me,  it's in water and some seem like it's on land)

(It's underwater, but yeah sometimes I forget that myself.)

 Maximillian sighed. "You're right about Tempest not being over exploring, and he castle's fine I'm swimming away from my sister." He replied. Then he snatched the pearl away from Soma to examine it. "This doesn't even look like a really pearl," Max commented,"And what in the name of Triton is this writing on it?" He said handing it back to him. 


"Hey don't ask me I was jut swimming to the castle when I say that lying in the ground I thought  I say something like it in the castle once, maybe the king would know what it is... or maybe I could do a little more research IF you allow me access into the castle library whenever I even get close they say 'Only a select few are aloud in the royal library" he said trying his best to imitate the personal guards of the king "DINER" He yelled as he spotted a crab, he froze some water in the shape of a spear and threw it at the living creature not before the thing jumped out and sniped at one of his finger only making a small cut "I bet you don't taste good anyway!" he yelled at the crab as it got away.  Then the water around his cut started to glow and the cut sealed it's self

Tempest finally caught up to them when Maximillian slowed down. "Ooh pearl!" She said excitedly snatching it from Soma. "Where'd you get it? Are there more? If not, can I have this one?" She shot off questions rapid fire. 

"Tempest, breathe please." Maximillian deadpanned, then he turned to Soma with and thought for a moment before responding. "I can get you in for about an hour. That's about how long my library shift lasts. Come at exactly 0900." He instructed then he grabbed Tempest's arm. "Cmon Tempest let's go." He said as he dragged her off. 

"Heads up!" Tempest called tossing the pearl back to Soma, before letting herself get dragged off. 

"0900? Is he serious?  That's in like 3 hours!"  Soma exclaimed to himself.  He heard Tempest say something "Tempest did you say something? Whoa!" he said before catching the pearl like object.  He started to swim off when a beam of light hit in the eye "Ow what was that?" he said picking up another pearl like object with a different writing on it.  "I guess it would be better to wait for him in the castle" when he got to the castle he greeted some of the servants before resting down on the bench using his water manipulation powers to spin the two in a circle...  He knew he saw something in the castle that was similar he just didn't know what

(When I read that last post I actually flinched.)

Maximillian left a couple hours later with his sister to head back to the castle. "Tempest stay in the infirmary for  your whole shift." He said stressing the word 'whole'. He then swam off after a confirmed promise from his twin that she would do as he asked. He arrived at the library doors and pulled his war hammer from it's place on his back, holding in a defensive position in front of him. 'Soma better get here soon.' He thought warily as his eyes wandered back and forth across the hallways.

Iris stood on the balcony outside of her room, looking down at the ocean below the Royal Palace. Her parents had chosen this location as it was both beautiful and there was a good connection between the Air Kingdom and the Water Kingdom, but once she became the Queen she was supposed to change the location to suit herself and represent her rule. She didn't know if she wanted to though, it was so nice being able to sit on the balcony, surrounded by the clouds, watching the waves sparkle in the sunlight. Even storms were beautiful to watch here. Nevertheless, she supposed that she could use the change in location to explore the world a little more. Maybe she would choose Italy, above the canals of Venice perhaps. It would still technically mean a connection with the Water Kingdom, although their palace was actually in this ocean, below the Air Kingdoms own. She sighed, watching the waves sweep across the water. She had barely left the palace, and she was already coming of age. When would she get to go somewhere other than a royal meeting or banquet?
Soma lost track of time just thinking where he saw the pearl like objects, when he took a break he looked at the time "Oh sh*t, Max is gonna kill me... It's already 0900!" he swam as fast as he could using his power to make him go faster.  By the time he got to the library he was five minutes late "I'm so sorry Max I lost track of time.  Oh look what I found...  It's another pearl like thing but this one has a different marking!" he exclaimed pulling out the other pearl showing it to Maximilian.  "May I go in now?"


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