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Fantasy The Supernatrals' Safe Haven

Kalmia jumped and let out a small gasp in fright as Peter broke his bowl form. "Peter I'm so sorry..." It was her first time experiencing Peter's shape-shifting. She opened the fridge door removing the cocoa powder, "Who put this in here? This doesn't need to be refrigerated." She sighed. Then Nick came bursting into the kitchen with his smile and cheerful good morning. "Ah, Good morning Nick.." Kalmia smiled back at the werewolf. "Well Endo was cooking for himself. And currently I'm making cupcakes for this afternoon, so far only chocolate for Ryan." She pointed at the winged guy. She took a closer look at him. She had gotten a mysterious note a few days ago saying 'He will come.' But is Ryan this 'he' that was written? She was sure that the handwriting was one of her father's good friend and coworker at the Gate, so what would Gatekeepers have to do with Ryan? The baby red panda spirit wrapped his body around Kalmia's ankle. She laughed to herself at the little guy.

Both Endo and Nick seem to act like they own the place rather than she. I guess it's for the best, not like I ever dreamed of doing my parents work. Remembering her parents made her not want to bake so much. But since she already threw the requests out there it wasn't like she could stop. Grabbing a big bowl, despite Peter being the perfect size before, she added the egg and cocoa powder mixing it vigorously. Her stirring slowed as the memories of her father baking in that very kitchen flooded before her eyes. She quickly got out of it and returned herself to the present. Kalmia wanted to know things about Ryan, but just like everyone else in the house she wanted to be trusted at their own pace. I guess I'm too patient, no one trusts me really. Oh well, who said they had to? She shrugged before a tiny "tsk." fell from her lips.
Ryan gave nick a firm hands hack "nice to meet you too." He said with a nod of his head. "So what is this place? And is there a reason I was awoken in front of this house? I'm sorry if I seem rude but I have to know why I don't remember anything. Do I live here and got into a fight? Or... sorry I'll stop." He forced another smiled and looked over to Mia "can I help you at all? I don't know if I'm any good at cooking but it sounds like fun."
Gray found a book she hadn't read yet and took a seat on the couch. From her angle, she could see through the open doorways into the kitchen and the foyer; the two rooms that emitted much noise. In the timespan that she'd been here, Gray had nearly read all of the books Kalmia had stocked the many shelves with. Her pitch-black eyes skimmed over the words quickly, but slow enough so that she could be immersed into the book's setting. She heard Kalmia ask if anyone wanted a request for something she was baking. She leaned over the back of the couch and saw a muffin tray on the counter. I'll just get one of whatever she's making later, if there's any left over, she thought. She heard many footsteps thumping throughout, and she scowled. Well, I guess having no silence is the price is to pay for a secure place to stay.
At the mention of the cocoa powder Endo hung his head, offering his apologies. Endo had odd eating habits, compared to most, and often attributed to many weird things going on in the house, food related. Endo slithered about the room, body high in the air, filled with joy, doing minor acrobatics. He would bend his body this way and that, twirl around while coiling his tail, and eventually come to rest, leaning on his tail. the whole show the soft brushing from his broom could be heard swishing about the room. Endo was in a particularly good mood, though he offered little towards the conversation, letting the others explain to the new guy what this house was all about. Endo doesn't remember seeing him, so he doubts he was already part of the house, and he doubted that Kalmia knew him either, though you never know. Endo was always trying to do something silly, though he got laughed at more for his regular behaviors, rather than his goofy ones.
Kalmia gave Ryan a sideways glance. For a kid with no memories his curiosity seems to be a five year old. She laughed hesitantly before answering Ryan, "Yeah you can help... But be careful." she warned before finishing. As she waited for Ryan to join her at the counter and possibly sort out some of his confusion, Kalmia wiped her forehead with the back of her arm. She noticed Endo's head slump down but he quickly began to 'go crazy' around the room. After his show he sat back down, and Kalmia couldn't find the courage to ask what was wrong before.
When Endo started making himself taller and moving around it made Ryan uneasy. He had never seen anything like this Is he threatening me? Ryan moved quickly over to Mia, standing so that she was slightly between him and Endo They are best friends, he wouldn't hurt her. He took a second how pathetic he thought to himself Using a girl as protection. He took a step away so that his manly status was regained.

"Oh, before I forget, I should probably leave after helping here so I can go find a place to stay". He trailed off on that last word but the rest of it he said loud enough to broadcast this to everyone in the room but Mia was the real target of that statement. "So how can I help?"
"This is a place to stay" I say looking at Ryan "You probably shouldn't go out in the world, plus this is safe haven. People like us belong here"

I grab some cereal from the cupboard and put it into a bowl. "I'm Peter Bronx encase you're curious" I pour some milk that Kalmia put on the table for baking into my bowl. "I'm a shape shifter" I say. I smile and look at Ryan, I try to be friendly to the guy but I still feel slightly exhausted. I'd never seen anything like him before. "So what are you?" I ask
Nick had to cough back a laugh at Ryan’s face as Endo began to dance. Through the months that Nick had been here, he had seen the gesture done a few times but had never worried over it, espically not after a quick research session on Endo’s people. Though even the very first time Nick seen this wild, fluid mix of curls and twirls, the man had simply grinned, slapping Endo on the back and congratulated on his flexibility and ‘smooth moves’.

Ryan’s reaction however, was one of fear as he quickly stood up and skirted around the counter to stand near Mia. For a guy with wings, he certainly was timid.

“I wouldn’t look so scared.” Nick said giving a wolfish grin addressing Ryan, as he leaned forward and patted Endo on the shoulder. “Like Pete said, this is a The Safe Haven, ran by no other than our little Miss Mia.” He nodded to the pinked hair girl, whom Ryan hid behind, before standing up and moving towards the fridge.

“We, so Endo, Pete, Aria, Grey and a couple others including myself, are her charges. We live here.” The explanation came muffled slightly as Nick had his head shoved into the fridge briefly, his eyes scanning the contents hungrily before he emerged with two eggs and the packet of bacon. Shutting the door with his foot as he turned around, he moved to the shove while it was free and grabbed the frying pan, setting it on place with a soft hiss of the ring, as it lit up with flames.

“Home sweet home, Ryan.” He added winking, “But I’ll let Mia explain the rest about the spare rooms and the ground rules.” He paused here briefly as he poured the oil into the pan, mockingly biting his own bottom lip in concentration, before glancing sideways at the table, Nick knew everyone else had eaten something already, but whether it counted as a proper breakfast, Nick wasn’t exactly sure. Cupcakes weren’t a great start to the day, though they were delicious.

“Anyone else wanting in on egg, bacon and toast? I’ll do sausages on request but I make no promise they won’t come out burnt.”
Homoura was glad she'd managed to go unnoticed so far and thankfully Aria had also left her memories covering the ground rules so fortunately she wouldn't have to go asking about for those. Keeping to the edges of the kitchen she searched the pantries, eventually coming across a few bags of chips which she thankfully snatched up.

"What a healthy diet you have going for you..." Muttering a sarcastic remark under her breath as she thought over how chips and water was essentially the only thing she'd eaten since arriving in this place.

'Anyone else wanting in on egg, bacon and toast?'

Homoura's stomach rumbling as one of the residents started on his own, far more nutritional breakfast. She was tempted to take the offer, though it would be rather awkward introducing herself just so she could get a free meal, and she didn't exactly want to steal the other residents thunder either.

As another wave of hunger swept over her she gave in. She'd have to introduce herself eventually, and if she was lucky Aria would have explained things to at least one of the residents, turning towards the man as she thought over what to say.

"Ah, do you... Do you mind if I um.. Request some of that?" Her question, and failed introduction, as usual came out as strained and forced. She just hoped the man didn't take it the wrong way, he was far bigger than her and she didn't think she could do much if he grew angry.
Glancing over his shoulder, Nick briefly studied the girl who spoke, the reply of an unknown voice not even interrupting him cracking an egg carefully on the edge of the frying pan. Looking at Mia with an arch brow the boy however, nodded to the girl and motioned with a swing of his head towards to the table.

“The more the merrier.” He chuckled, covering over his mild surprise for the time being. He had thought he had least kept up to track with everyone who was in the house, but apparently he was wrong, as he had no idea who she was or where she had come from. Not to mention, he hadn’t heard the front door open, so she had to have been already inside. Mia would undoubtedly explain at some point however, that was, if the girl didn’t explain first, so Nick soothed this curiosity with a plan.

“Will be a couple of minutes, but there’s juice in the fridge if you want any or I can pop the kettle on.” He smiled again, flashing his teeth briefly before adding the bacon to the pan with a loud sizzle.

Returning his gaze back to survey his current handy work, Nick let out a thoughtful hum before placing down the spatula and reaching over to the bread bin, where he retrieved four slices of thick cut bread, shoving them, delicately into the toaster before adding the rest of the bacon and eggs to the pan and coving it with a lid. He had never been a fan of the white goo which plagued the poorly cooked fried eggs’ top.

It was here that Nick then turned and properly looked at the girl with a warming grin which made his eye wrinkle a little at the corners.

“Breakfast comes at a price though. “ He began with a lazy shrug of his shoulders, as he pulled his arms up and crossed them loosely. “Your name.” The smile was still spread across his lips as he cocked his head to the side and maintained his studying gaze on the young girl who stood awkwardly in the door way. He was trying his hardest to seem relaxed and welcoming, as he took in the girl’s ridged stature made from what Nick could only guess was nerves and fear.
Homoura was surprised, glad, but surprised. She hadn't expected the residents to be go welcoming when she'd woken up in a place where fairy tale monsters called home. Setting down the 'supplies' she'd gathered from the pantry she took a closer look at the man. He looked normal enough, was he some kind of shape shifter? Maybe he was in a similar situation to her...

"S-sorry.. I'm Homoura.. Homoura Reeve" Realizing she'd been staring she stammered out her name and an apology, sighing internally as she did. Why couldn't she more more confident? Aria didn't seem to have an issue with things like this, and she sauntered about with a bush of fox tailing trailing around after her.

Taking another moment to look around the kitchen she observed a few other residents. The half snake man she'd seem earlier, two other boys who looked around her age, one of which had two contrasting wings protruding from his back and a girl who looked around her age, Mia a name popping into her mind as she looked at her. She figured Aria must have talked to her when she arrived, hopefully Aria had explained things to her when she did, otherwise she could be in some trouble.

"Ah.. What was your name?" Homoura figured she'd better start learning the names of her new housemates. If Aria had brought her here she didn't think she was going to let her leave any time soon.
“Homoura.” Nick repeated, nodding as he pursed his lips thoughtfully, before nodding his approval and straightening. “Nice name.” Nick beamed this last bit, adding his own name with a flourishing bow “The name is Nick. Master Chief and skilled toast burner.” Ending this with a nodded to Endo and Pete to continue on with the introductions Nick then turned back to the pan which was quietly simmering behind him.

Lifting off the pan, a wave of steam rose quickly in a swirling cloud of sheer heat making Nick dodge back with a curse as the hot air licked at his nose and cheeks. Exhaling heavily, Nick puffed out his cheeks in a look of surprise as he carefully leaned back towards the pan to study the contents, the pessimistic side of him expecting eggs to be were burnt with a crispy carbon coating along with charred bacon.

However, the sight which meant him was more agreeable. The eggs had cooked nicely and were now bobbing over bubbles which the seething oil created, while the bacon had begun to curl over on itself, going slightly crispy about the edges.

Patting himself on the chest as a small, self congratulative gesture, the man then grabbed two plates and turned off the heat below the pan. Grabbing the toast, which, true to his introduction, was slightly charred around the crust, Nick buttered them generously before tipping one egg and two slices of bacon onto each plate.

As a final touch, Nick then added a single sprig of parsley onto the top of each egg, dumping the hot frying pan into the sink with hot boiling sound of warm metal meeting cool water as he picked up the plates and sauntered back to the table, placing down Homoura’s share in front of an empty chair.

“Dig in.” Nick said, as he added his plate to the table, picking up two empty glasses from the centre. Nick then filled them both with orange juice and once more added the second glass next to Homoura’s meal before sitting down with happy grin aimed down at his breakfast.

“Gotta be my favourite meal of the day! Just hope you like it crispy, Homoura.”
"Thank you, er, Nick" Showing her appreciation to Nick as she took a seat, fumbling a little with the new name. Not wanting to risk offending anyone else she focused on her eating, the smell of bacon already making her mouth water. She turned out to be even hungrier than she had initially thought, the food on her plate quickly disappearing as she devoured the meal in front of her.

After eating she found herself to be a bit more relaxed, still a little on edge, but far better than earlier, the meal apparently having a calming effect on her. "That was delicious" Smiling as she gave her compliments, the feeling of content from her now full stomach making conversation just a bit easier.

Resting her forehead on her hand, brushing the hair that had been dangling over her forehead aside as she did, Homoura went over the memories Aria had left her one more time, going over the layout of the grounds one more time.
Endo gave a smile at the reminder; Even though he doesn't have much experience with his own people, their ways are ingrained into his memories, and introductions were always a weird thing. Introductions were always on a need to know basis, and you don't ask another's name unless you are royalty, which Endo certainly was not. Introductions are also done very close in proximity, so he slithered his way towards Homoura, stopping less than a foot from her. Normally Naga will also curl their tails around each other, though that can be seen as threatening, so he's left that part out.

"My name is Endo Koreen."

Leaving the simple introduction exactly that, simple, he turned back to go and rest back in a corner, gain arching back on his tail. Very little surprises Endo, so learning of shape shifting, or someone's amazing abilities never worries him. Making a meal is something that's supposed to be done for yourself; Endo has tried a few times to cook fr others, but he always feels like he's threatening the others with a potentially poisonous meal.
I decide to introduce myself too with my bowl of cereal almost gone I feel like I'm in a much better mood.

"I'm Peter Bronx" I say "Though you can call me Pete if you like, I don't mind"

I smiled and took her empty plate over to the sink to be washed along with my bowl

"Anyone else done with there plates? I'll wash it now if you like"
Kalmia laughed out loud as Ryan coward behind her. I guess Endo's happy dance would be scary if you didn't know him. As Nick announced Kalmia, she did a joking curtsey. "Why thank you Nick."

Kalmia could see a timid girl enter the kitchen. At first she was confused however Aria's description matched this girl to the T. So this is Homoura... Aria had warned Mia that Homoura would probably keep to herself, but here she was about a week later sitting at the table. "It's good to see you out and about, I was a bit worried." Kalmia gave the girl a soft smile. Then she turned looking at the stuff on the counter. She picked up a measuring cup and handed it to Ryan. She pointed to a corner of the kitchen. "Get me two cups of flour, it's the blue container." Kalmia poured in the vanilla salt and other various ingredients as she wait for Ryan to return. "Ah and as for your room. I have an empty one next to mine made up already. If you'd like you can use it, though I might have to take you into town for essentials..." Kalmia tried to think if Ryan would be okay in a racist city, though she was sure he'd probably forgotten the harshness the world could bring.
Endo always enjoyed introductions, he gets to watch how people react to him, and how others introduce themselves, the variety is always pleasing. A loud pounding can be heard at the door, though Endo didn't think they were getting more guests, though Ryan was a pleasant surprise. Unknown to the residents of the house, a single Hunter was waiting outside with the hope to lead the members out for an ambush. Maybe a dozen of the radical human empowerment group called the Hunters wait in hiding, various bows, crossbows, magical firearms and weapons aimed and ready to fire on command.

Endo perked up, wondering who it was, though leaving the door answering to Kalmia, as he usually did, unsuspecting, as probably the rest of the group was. Endo just stayed and watched the freshly introduced group as they interacted with each other. He figures he''ll learn who it is if it's of any importance.
Ryan hadn't returned with the flour as she heard a knock on the door. Must be a drop in, or a package from the mail man. "Leave the flour on the counter I'll be right back." Kalmia headed to the door opening it up. "Welcome!" she said before seeing who was at the door.
The pounding at the door snapped Homoura out of her focus. Arcing her head up to get a better look at the doorway, a little curious as to who would be on the other side. Unable to get a good angle she got to her feet, walking to a medium distance behind Mia, though not saying a word as she did.
A surprisingly good looking woman stood at the door, tall and blonde, her skin was covered in dirt and clothes torn. She wore a white tee shirt and black shorts. She looked like she was panicking, stricken by fear, an act perfected by almost a year of practice and preparation. She was sobbing, barely able to get out the words while in her faked panicked state, "Please help! My friend is over there," She pointed behind her, though no person could be seen. "This was the closest place I could find, please! He's going to die soon I think, poison or something!" The woman was practically tugging at Kalmia's sleeve, trying to drag her along, luring her into the trap.

The pleas for help are loud, and can be heard in the Kitchen, only a few rooms from the doorway. Endo was good with poisons, taking an interest. He slithered up to the pair, a ways behind them, hoping to lend a hand. Secretly many of the hidden Hunters are smiling, hoping for even more of these 'monsters' to come and try to help. Over the years, the Hunters have been eradicating non-humans, even driving several races to extinction.

At the ambush site quiet chatter can be heard while they wait. One young soldier asks, "Why can't we just storm the house and kill them?" The one who seems to be in charge answers, "Have you ever faced a 12 foot golem, or a fire breathing drake? No, I guess not." The first asks another question, "Well, if they're so evil, why would they help a wounded human?" The leader had another answer, he always did, to justify his actions, "They want to believe they can fit in, but there is always death in the wake of these creatures, no more questions, they should be here soon." The young male soldier still had questions, wondering about the death that followed in the Hunter's path, or the good these creatures have done. Either way, he was going to follow orders as he readied his weapon. He lay in the tall grass, placing his bow in front of him, his bright blue eyes hiding the fear of the coming battle, hiding the pity he has for these creatures.
Kalmia complied to the girl's tugging. " Tell me what happened..." She commanded to who ever could hear her. "Grab the medical box."
Ryan, was returning with the flour when he heard Mia call to put it on the counter. He did so with some excitement, the fear of not knowing where to go was completely gone. In fact there was nothing to fear, he had a place to stay, friends, safety, and something to live for. He felt confident enough to go fight a war single-handedly... as long as the others here lent some support. He was unsure of what essentials" meant but a trip into town sounded like fun. He couldn't wait to see his new room, and it was next to Mia's of all people!

He heard a shout for the medical box, This doesn't sound good, Adrenaline kicked in right then and he tried to throw off his coat but it got caught on his wing. Damn, I need to learn my new body sometime. I wonder what it knows how to do? He finally wrestled his coat off and shouted, incase thew didn't hear Mia "Medical box, front door, NOW!" He had no idea where the box was so he grabbed a towel and ran to go see if Mia needed more help.
Ugh, why were people so annoying? All Lila could hear was their annoying voices yelling and their footsteps running out of the door. She thought the noise would stop if she left alone. When it continued, she rolled her eyes and got up, off her comfy bed, and headed downstairs. She stopped on the bottom step to glower at everyone in her sight.

"Can you all keep the noise down?!" Lila growled, "Some of us would enjoy some peace and quiet!" She surveyed the situation. There were a lot of people panicking- especially a woman, who's panicking seemed practiced to perfection. Something seriously wasn't right here but she wasn't entirely sure what. Lila decided to stay and watch everything play out. After all, things could only get more interesting.
Nick rose from the table when Mia called for the medical box, her voice carrying through from the front door, where Nick could hear a woman sobbing. Flicking his eyes to where Ryan now stood, repeating Mia's request in a shout, while, Nick noted with a chuckle, flinging off his coat, Nick quickly drained the rest of his drink.

Finishing and resisting the urge to roll his eyes sarcastically, Nick padded over to the counter at a normal pace, running a hand steadily through his mop of odd angled hair before patting Ryan on the shoulder gently.

"Relax." Nick said, nudging the younger boy slightly before moving over to one of the wall cabinets above the sink. Here he reached up, opening the small cupboard doors and stretching for the top shelf where he retrieved a small, see through plastic box. It rattled loudly as he lowered it, plasters and pills jostling against one another with every dump or shake Nick gave.

"Whatever is going on, we'll handle it. But shouting and carrying on, ain't gonna help." Nick said, winking before nodding down to Ryan's jacket. "Perhaps a little OTT" he joked as he then stooped down and retrieved the coat, placing it on the work surface before heading towards where all the commotion was centred.

Rounding the archway which lead to the hall, Nick paused briefly as a sultry voice sounded at the base of the stairs, growling on about peace and quiet and how this place was lacking it.

Admittedly, a little part of Nick agreed but for now, he just shrugged and eyed the new girl, Lila, apologetically.

"Don't get your knickers in a twist." He shrugged "They can't help themselves. Colourings! who knew?"

He practically sighed this bit, as he then turned and headed towards the door, coming to a stop beside Mia, who was slowly being pulled outside by an apparent, tear stricken blonde.

"Med box." Nick said curtly, as he handed it to Mia, his eyes remaining on the blonde, his suspicion suddenly rising as her scent caught his attention.

The notes were sour and not what Nick would expect from an apparent emergency. No. There was something else clinging to this woman. Something off and Nick for the life of him couldn't put his finger on it.

Here, just as Nick was beginning to try and push his suspicions behind him, deciding it was just his scenes being off so soon after the change, Nick heard it.

Breathing. The occasional hurried whisper here and there, or shuffle of nervous feet. Then a metallic click of a gun.

Nick's heart bucked as the usual grin which warmed his features fell, replaced with a fleshly mask of stillness. His brain was spinning, trying to think of other explanations as to why he was hearing such things, but nothing was cropping up to give him a plausible explanation bar ambush.

The woman had led them a couple of steps outside the door now, still tugging at Mia, while Endo slithered next to them.

React too quickly, they will know I know. Nick thought as he eyed the woman, don't look at the bushes, just stop Mia. Keep the others safe.

Nick slowly withdrew the box before Mia could take it and forced a feeble smile to twitch the corner of his lips. He had to signal the others without altering the ambushers.

"Erm on second thought." Nick began, glancing at Endo pointedly, "perhaps Endo and I should go check this guy out? Hey, Mia?" His voice was low and strained a little as Nick moved his free hand to rest on Mia's shoulder, stopping their advance away from the porch. "Trained first aider and all and Endo's expert knowledge on poison. I think we have got it cover. Right Endo?" Nick now fixed the other man with an unblinking stare, desperate for his friend to pick up his warning signs.

Please Endo. Come on. Please.
The running water from the tap restricted my hearing. Until I heard a whip, I could hear those no matter how far away it was. Panic set in again. I knew I had to catch whoever it was. I ran out the back door and silently jogged my way to the front yard. I turned into a tree

This is what I'D been training for.

I see one of them load a barrel of a gun. I decide to act fast. Taking a death breath I transform into a blood hound. It took a toll on my energy but I didn't want anyone to die.

I run as fast as I can clawing at the three hunters with guns and whips. I force myself to turn my staggered breathing into howls and scratch them with all my force.

It works! The attack is so unexpected they start shrieking in fear!

They drop they're guns and run into a black van leaving the poor bitten girl behind.

Just as the loaded gun fires from the force of being dropped I run in front of it. It shoots my paw. I feel a burst of pain in my elbow. I drop to the ground and break shape.

I've fainted, I've blacked out.

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