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Fantasy The Supernatrals' Safe Haven

She supposed that really she should do something rather than hover on the staircase. So, she decided to hover in the doorway instead. These people had guns. It was amazing how many people got killed by guns each year. She watched as some boy that she didn't recognise collapsed on the floor. He wasn't dead, though- shame, that. Lila was much better at talking to dead people. Where had the boy come from? He hadn't been outside a minute ago. Either way he seemed to be unconscious so Lila meandered over and kicked in the side.

"Wake up." she said, in a bored tone, "You can sleep when you're dead." She kicked him again, in case the first time wasn't enough, "Wake up!"
Endo crept a smile, knowing what t good dog wanted. Endo as prepared for a fight, it's not t first time he's been ambushed, though he didn't know it was so bad. It's always weird when a human shows no weird reactions when seeing a Naga. Endo planned on fighting while protecting Kalmia, though for Nick to want to send her back there must have been a lot of them. Luckily Endo's been in a few situations with Nick, and he finds comfort in his abilities. Whether Kalmia decides to go back or not, Endo moves ahead of her and the blonde, "We better hurry too, there are some nasty poisons around here."

Endo sees the supposedly downed man as gun shots can be heard, which will later turn out to be the result of another safe haven member attempting to help. The noise causes the other Hunters to reveal themselves, not sure if the signal was given or not. Endo falls to the ground, now hidden among the tall grass, slithering about. Humans start falling to the ground almost comically as he pulls them down, bashing their heads against the ground, not wanting to kill them with his poison, or strangle them with his body. Endo hated being forced to kill, though he enjoyed fighting, but not like this. Not because one group hates another, it's just wrong.
Shouting. An overall panic. That was all Gray could hear and understand from her position. She jumped up from the couch and looked through the window. There were a lot of people hidden in the bushes. She realized what she had to do.

Quickly running upstairs, Gray went into her room and grabbed her bow, which hung by the door. She took her quiver and strapped it to her back. She opened a window and carefully climbed to the roof.

Up here, she had a bird's eye view of the yard in front of her. She saw an enemy down, with others freaking out and getting ready to attack. She saw people loading guns, and in turn, she loaded an arrow onto her bow and fired it at someone who was sneaking behind her housemates.

"It's a trap! Get inside if you can't fight!" She yelled, voice raspy from not speaking much. There was a bang. Quickly, she dropped down and looked behind her to see a bullet hole where her head once was. Her eyes narrowed, and fully blackened.

She took out two throwing knives and threw them at two people aiming at her, hitting them both in the head. Drpping down, she sprinted to get her knives, ready for any assaults.
Ryan ran out to go meet up with Mia and Endo when the fighting broke out. He stopped abruptly I don't know how to fight, I'd only get in the way! His courage was there, his drive to help was there, his skill... he didn't know. Endo looked like he could handle things on his own so Ryan hung back. Knives flew past his head, followed shortly by the girl from the study. When this is over I need to spar and see what I can do and then find out what I am.

Ryan was sick of being in the dark. it had only been a couple of hours or so but he hated the hopelessness of not knowing.
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Kalmia nodded in agreement to Nick at his suggestion of him and Endo checking on the hurt companion to this girl. As she inspected the girl's wounds she noticed none of them were bleeding. She used the towel Ryan had gotten her to wipe the girls wounds. "What the...?" escaped Kalmia's lips as the hurt girl's cuts and scratches began to wipe away revealing clear skin. She heard Grey's voice yell out to them. The blonde catching her off guard snuck in a good punch into Kalmia's face. Kalmia fell to the ground from the girl's punch. Her cheek was swollen and blood dripped from her mouth. From Kalmia's point of view the blonde looked to be laughing at her fear. Kalmia slowly returned to her feet. She didn't enjoy violence one bit, and usually would try everything she could to avoid it, but not this time for the blonde had pulled out a gun and pointed it at Kalmia.

"Anything to say before I kill you monster?" She shouted at Kalmia. Kalmia closed her eyes as she began her summoning. I hope I can call something to me in time.
Oh god.

There was fighting breaking out outside. Homoura considered retreating into the kitchen but stopped when the 'wounded' woman pulled a gun on Mia. A thought ran through her head as she watched the gun being leveled at Mia, 'I have to help' But how? Aria could probably reduce the girl to a gibbering mess if she let her take control... No. Homoura knew she wasn't a fighter, but even she knew how to run into someone, so she did the first thing that came to her mind and ran at the woman and throwing her weight into her, aiming to throw her off balance.
Ryan saw the gun come out. He didn't know why he did what he did next, maybe it was because he knew she had more to live for than he did, or that he knew that others depended on her. Either way, he made his move to get in between Mia and the gunner to protect her from a shot. He spread his wings and his arms as to block the gunner girls line of sight. Homorura had just run by him as he was stepping in, Maybe if I can keep Mia safe then Homoura can take this girl out. He turned his head and said to Mia "Run! I'll keep you covered."
Kalmia continued to summon. As her hands stretched diagonally from each other, the staff in which was residing in her bedroom, now manifested in her hands. She concentrated- speaking words into the other world. In a silky persuasive voice she called, "Anisis. I seek the aid of your strength and prideful stature. Enter the world of the present with the bond of our souls." Kalmia continued to rotate her staff until it was perpendicular to the ground. She let go of her staff, allowing it to stand on it's own, and placed her hands in prayer in front of her heart. Kalmia felt as if her heart was being squeezed, the pain apparent on her face. A Manticore leaped from the jewel in her staff.


The beast named Anisis was no larger than a normal lion but Kalmia had hoped that summoning this little yet scary guy would at least make the blonde rethink what she was planning to do. She opened her eyes to Anisis beside her, her eyes trailing back to the blonde. To her surprise Homoura seemed to had knocked the blonde over. "What on earth are you-" But then she saw Ryan, wings spread out and vulnerable, yelling at her to run. Is he seriously telling me to run? If it was Endo or Nick she'd listen for they knew her limit but Ryan the confused halfling?!

"Are you an Idiot! Get back inside where you'll be safer!" She shouted at Ryan half irritated that he would risk his life without even knowing what to live for. Anisis strode his way to where the blonde laid knocked over watch over her to make sure she didn't try to get up just yet. Kalmia made her way over to Homoura, lending out a hand to help her back up. "That was very brave Homoura and I'm sure Aria would agree, but right now it would make us all (Nick, Endo, and Mia) feel better if you returned to the house with Ryan." As an after thought Kalmia's heart squeezed for a moment, I need to find Nick and Endo. I hope those two are alright.
Wow, this was turning into a proper fight. Lila moved away from the boy she'd been kicking in the side, who was refusing to respond. She went back to standing in the doorway and watching. Kalmia- a girl that Lila had met briefly, the night before- was summoning a creature with her staff so that was strange to watch. Seemed these people were very talented when it came to fighting, which was odd because they didn't look like good fighters. They looked like a pathetic bunch. They were all yelling about running and going back inside, blah, blah, blah. Lila just stood and watched, wishing she'd brought some popcorn or something.
Endo laughed audibly, though he still couldn't be seen among the grass, slithering about. "We brought the first aid kit with us, might as well let them get shot." Endo is enjoying the rioting that's going on. Of course, no one was ever in any real danger, Endo was there before the girl could ever pull the trigger, ready to drag her down should Kalmia not be fast enough. Most of the enemies have been dealt with, though Endo left a few for the others, practice fighting was never a bad thing for people like him. At least as long as prejudiced humans still existed.
"T-thanks" Homoura stammered as she used Mia's hand to pull herself to her feet. Looking around the other residents seemed to be getting things under control, rallying up and chasing off the interlopers. Hearing Mia's request for her and Ryan to return inside Homoura nodded, she'd certainly had enough excitement for today, knowing that if that blonde had been a bit more prepared she'd probably be dead right now. "Come on, we should probably listen to her" Speaking to Ryan before she headed back, he'd seemed determined to help so she wasn't sure if he'd listen to Mia or not.
Ryan saw a big lion like creature run past him and take out the girl with a gun. So she did have this under control. He heard Mia yell to get back and he almost didn't comply but when Homoura came up to him and told him to listen he did comply, but he wasn't happy about it. He turned to go back with homoura, grabbed her wrist so they could help each other, and ran back to the house with her. "What just happened" he asked "Where did that beast come from?"

Ryan hated being worthless. The whole time this escapade was happening all he could do is think to himself I need to learn how to fight and I need to know what I can do. Maybe the girl in the study could help me learn what I am and Endo could teach me how to fight.

He started to get angry, he was running away like a defenseless child. His anger was starting to cloud his judgement. he stopped just in front of the steps to the house and turned to see what was going on. He just stared on, and the more he thought, the more he just stared blankly. but he did notice something odd, a thick, heavy grey fog started to rise from the ground covering the entire property, a couple of inches at first but the more a brewed in his anger at himself the taller it became until it maxed out at 5 feet tall. it was so thick that he couldn't see his own feet.

Did I just do that?
I groan opening my eyes. A lion paw catches my eye but my elbow is in too much pain for me to react. I wiggle my fingers and scrunch my fist.

I'm not paralysed. Good.

I look around the door is too far but I could get the medical kit and re-think a strategy. Mia is closer and she'll help, but I'm out in the open.

I groan in pain again using my left arm and hand to drag myself closer to Mia. I feel exhausted, sweaty and in agony.

"Help" I groan looking up at Mia. My voice sounds wispy and croaky. I clear my throat aligning myself closer to Mia. "Elbow...... I tried to help....I got shot"

I try and sit up but it seems impossible. My right arm hurts when I move it and I don't think I have the willpower to adjust my body's position in this state.
Homoura was surprised when Ryan grabbed her wrist, though he started running back to the house before she could protest. As they slowed she listened to Ryan speak, gathering that he was apparently even more confused than she was, "I'm not sure... But I think Mia summoned it, I think that's the term for it at least.." Homoura replied, attempting to alleviate his confusion.

Looking around Homoura noticed a fog beginning to set in, or rather rise from the earth, over the surrounding area. The blanket of fog grew swiftly, and was passing her midriff and approaching her neck, almost entirely covering her in fog. "What the heck is going on... I can't even see five feet in front of me..." Who was doing this? Was it the hunters? It wouldn't make sense for the residents to do this.. obscuring their own vision would just make it harder to drive the attackers off. Swamped in her thoughts Homoura failed to notice the noise of footsteps approaching them, followed by the sound of a knife being drawn.
Kalmia knew she had been careless when she had answered the door. this wasn't the first time someone has come to attack the house but it usually didn't take much to get them running. She had become a bit complacent since it had been awhile since the last attack.

Homoura and Ryan seemed to head back to the house. Kalmia's vision blurred, at first she thought fatigue but as the air began to feel think in her lungs she soon realized it had to be tear gas. She quickly covered her mouth. If this is tear gas why doesn't it hurt?is it? Kalmia breathed deeply, Fog? This time of year? Her line of sight was maybe a foot or two. She faintly heard some groaning, at first thinking it was the blonde until she quietly heard a plea for 'help'. She bent down where the blonde was but she seemed to escape. Then Kalmia heard a deep clearing of someone's throat. She twirled around moving closer to Anisis. She could make out a figure below the fog and Peter's words entered her ears. "Oh Peter..." Now kneeling beside him she could see the blood pouring from his bullet wound. She swallowed her spit within her mouth tasting a bit of metal. Blood. No one is suppose to get hurt here... It's something I make these residence believe, that they are safe. Guilt began to grow inside Kalmia. She untied the pink ribbon around her waist, it was decorative to begin with, and tied it tightly around his arm knowing it must be hurting him a lot. " I'm sorry but I needed to keep pressure on the wound and prevent infection..." She slung his uninjured arm around her shoulders and wrapped her arms around his torso in an attempt to help Peter up.
My feet slip a little but I try and steady myself using Mia's shoulder.

" I tried to help" I feel a tear rolling down my check as I look at her.

"I'm so sorry" I try to smile but my body aches.

The smoke blurs my vision the more we try to walk. The air felt heavy, breathing felt tight. I gave a chesty cough trying to see where everyone else was. I couldn't see anything in front of me. My search was fruitless and I couldn't focus. I take a deep breath in and try to keep on moving.
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Endo lets out a little chuckle as the fog rolls in, or rather, rises in? Either way, he doesn't need to 'see' to see. His body can feel the slight vibrations in the ground, and his tongue can feel them in the air. If this is the enemy, then they were about to have a bad day. Endo went up to each resident that was outside and told them it was OK, Endo can still see the enemy and keep them safe. The last thin he needed was the group to panic. Endo believed this was no longer the time to let the group handle it, so he proceeded to methodically find and knock out each remaining human among the hunters. When he could find no more, confident enough there was no one near them, he approached Kalmia to inform her the attack was over.
It was hell trying to make her way through this fog. Just where the heck had this sprung up from anyway? No fog this thick should be springing up this quickly, not naturally at least. As little sense as it made this had to be the work of one of the other supernaturals, did the hunters have an insider or something? Nono, No way any of them would do that. Someone had probably gotten carried away or something. Yeah, that had to be it...

Walking blindly through the fog Homoura somehow managed to find her way back to the house, though she lost track of Ryan along the way. Upon spotting the doorway she rushed frantically inside, colliding directly with another girl standing in the doorway.

@Fallen from Heaven
Somebody ran directly into her and Lila yelped, stumbling backwards.

"Hey!" she snapped, "Watch where you're going!" This day was turning about to be quite the annoyance. All Lila had wanted was to sleep and possibly visit a graveyard to chat to people. But noooooooo, the annoying people in this house had to ruin everything! She crossed her arms and sighed. She already wanted to go home. Why'd her dad have to send here anyway? She should have had a say in this. It was her life not his! She slammed the door shut behind the girl that had just walked in. If there was anyone else out there... Screw them. Lila was not putting her life in danger for people she'd just met.
"Oh god, I'm sorry. Really sorry" Reeling back as the girl yelled at her. The girls temperament was a bit of a shock, the rest of the residents here had been so friendly and she'd kind of been expecting the same from anyone else she'd met. "Hey! What are you doing?" Jumping as the girl slammed the door, presumably trapping anyone but Mia outside. "There are still people out there!" Yelling at the girl as she started to grow angry.
"Well, boo hoo." Lila rolled her eyes, "I hope you said your goodbyes. Because I, sure as hell, am not willing to get slaughtered because we were waiting for a few more people!" What an annoying girl. Lila looked over her in disappointment. She definitely looked like one of those 'we're-not-leaving-anyone-behind' types, the kinds that normally sacrificed themselves for other people. Well, good for her.

"You can go back outside, if you have a death wish." Lila added.
"Fine!" Headed back to the door after she retaliated to the girl. Jesus Christ she was furious, how could this girl care so little about what happened to the people who were giving her a place to live. As he reached for the the though, a wave of exhaustion washed over her, a condescending voice filling her mind as it did.

'Now, now Homoura, I'm afraid this girl has a point. I can't have you going and getting us killed so... Take a quick rest OK?'

Dammit. She should have kept her anger under control... Maybe if you she just calm dow... Drifting off into sleep mid thought, Homoura's shoulders slumped slightly as her facial features began to shift, growing taller and her hair shifting to a bleached white.

Aria backed away from the door as the transformation finished, tidying herself up before turning back to the girl who Homoura had been speaking to.

"I'm sorry about that. That girl can be a little stupid sometimes... You seem to know your stuff though, mind if I ask for your name?" Looking the girl up and down as she spoke, a sly grin forming across her face as she did.
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"Uh..." Lila said. So, the smaller girl had collapsed and morphed into somebody completely different. The appropriate reaction here was probably to yell "WHAT THE HELL!" and run around in panic. But Lila decided against that. Things like this probably happened all the time here, she simply had to adjust.

"Lila." she said, "You?" She couldn't help edging away a little. She just didn't want to get killed. As much as she enjoyed death, she did not wish to experience it. Not right at this moment anyway. She looked this new girl up and down. She was considerably taller than the other girl with very white hair. Hm. Not a ghost but... Not a human. Fascinating.
(Why is Aria short O.o )

"Aria. Pleasure to meet you Lila" Pacing away from the door Aria smiled more openly, Lila seemed like a levelheaded enough person, if not a bit snappy. Could be a good influence on Homoura, the girl really did need to learn to look out for herself more, she'd remained impressively composed when she transformed too, people normally freaked out when she did that in front of them.

"Well, If we're not doing anything would you like something to eat? I am quite the cook if I say so myself" Speaking to Lila over her shoulder as she headed towards the kitchen, it having been days since she'd last surfaced she was practically starving. "If you're curious I'll try and explain Homoura and my own situation while we eat" Finishing before she pushed open the door to the kitchen, hoping to be able to tempt some secrets out of Lila in exchange for some of her own.
"Aria..." Lila muttered, liking the way it sounded, "Arrrriiiiaaaaa..." That was when she realised that she was saying this out loud and not in her head. Well, now she looked like an idiot.

"Food would be nice." Lila said. She followed Aria through to the kitchen, thinking hard. There was no reason that she knew of for Aria to try and poison her. But there was always a chance that Aria would try and kill her. Especially since the girl was suddenly being friendly... Making this was all a trick... No, Lila was just being paranoid.

"She wouldn't try to kill me..." Lila thought aloud.

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