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Fantasy The Stonehearst Mental Asylum for the Supernatural

Kinokira watched Dr. Ross pass by her in the hallway. A temptation to trip her came in her mind, not leaving until the women was far away from her. She waited for a beat, then knocked on Allison's office door, hoping to discuss matters without being restrained. Although, guards did watch her every move. While waiting, she glared at the guards, her body language said to them, 'The hell are you looking at?' She readjusted her posture, then peaked through the slim door window, seeing that she was speaking with Robert. 'Always causing trouble, that creep.' The thought brushed in her mind as her sight wavered from through the window, to the rest of her surroundings.
(Yeah it's ok)

I looked around the cafeteria to see if there was any one like me but I didn't see any so I folded my arms on the table and layed my head down on them
Kinokira had had enough patience for the day, and gave up on the talk with the guard.'I'll do it later, most likely never.' Her tail flicked behind her as she walked back to the cafeteria, ears bent back from annoyance. She could not put up with being patient, and it bothered her. Once she returned to the cafeteria, she sat alone and did nothing but think. Thinking sometimes helped her from loosing sanity, or provokes her and breaks the cycle of being, well, crazy.
I eventualy stood up and headed to where the cells where wondering which one was mine until I looked at one with a giant steel door that was bigger and heavyer than the rest "I think it's thay one" I said while standing there staring at it
Kinokira felt calm from the silence of the cafeteria, her face laid softly on her pale harms. The long locks of black hair was strung in front of her. Boredom was something that was never lacking in this asylum, as well as occasional excitement. To get that excitement, someone would need to start trouble. Who else then to do so but Kiki herself? A smirk lingered onto her face. The voice in her head had given her ideas to cause such trouble, and soon enough, the asylum would know what she was planning.
I started to look at who was in the other cells and wondering if any of them had the skills to unlock the restraints on my wings
Kinokira saw the dragon boy, looking for something. 'Looks like the chaos has to wait.' She walked towards him and smiled, calling out to him. "Hey, uh, boy with the wings, dunno you're name. You lookin' for help on anything? Those restraints look very uncomfortable."
"Y-yeah I'm looking for some one to take these thing off" I said with a little wince "the tighten around my wings whenever I move them
Kinokira stood with her arms crossed for a second, her ears bent backwards as to show her thinking. She looked around at her surroundings for ideas. "Ah, here we are." She picked up a bobbypin from the floor, then a safety pin. Then, straightened out the pin and use the two items to pick the lock on the dragon boy's restraints. After a minute, she finally got it unlocked. She looked around and slowly took the restraints off. "Just remember, I didn't do anything, and the restraints broke due to malfunction." Kiki winked, then walked away casually as if nothing had happened.
I out streched my wings with relief and let my tail drop to the grown "thank you" I said to the girl as She walked away
(Alright, thanks! @FlannelChannel )

For a while, Kinokira seemed to just be wandering the halls aimlessly. Occasionally she would do this, causing guards to question her even more than they already did. Sometimes, a guard would trip her while she was in concentration, which would send her out of control. One time, she had almost killed a guard due to him pushing her mental stability a little too far. But once she started to choke him, other guards ran in and restrained her.

Nowadays, the guards choose to be careful around her, as she could attack at any time.

For Kinokira's plan, she would need someone to be involved. But, there was one issue. There wasn't anyone willing to help her through that had at least some sanity in them. This puzzled her, and she began to list the people she knew in her head. Although, from walking without looking in front of her, she bumped into one of the craziest people she knew in this place. Robert. 'Great...' Upon bumping into him, she tried her best to excuse herself in a proper voice, then walk away like nothing happened. But when it came to Robert, she doubted that it would be ignored.
I walked to the gym and spread my wings "I can't go fly out side or I'll be shot down" I said as I bent my knees preparing to take off "so ill just have to fly in here" I said as I launched off the grownd almost smashing through the roof before correcting my self and flying around the gym freely
Robert was snapped out of his depressed and scared mood when Kinokira bumped into him. He stopped in his tracks and smiled a little. Bad time to be out of his straight jacket, for her at least. He could easily overpower her, he was big and strong while she was only petite. Robert turned and grabbed her by her arm. "Nice pants, mind if I test the zipper?" He said. Corny, sure, but in his mind it was hilarious. He could use some comedy right now after he was just punished.

As I was flying I left the gym and flew through the hallways happily zooming past other inmates and guards until I saw the girl that had unlocked my wings "I wonder what she's doing" I said as I stoped and peeked around the corner and watched as some guy had grabed her
Kinokira glared at him with an annoyed expression. "No, but I have a small weapon, mind if I tear your skin apart until there is flesh and bone?" Her claws whipped out as she aimed for his arms. Hopefully after making him bleed he would at least let go. That would give time for her to get away from him. She bent her black cat ears back in annoyance, it was never good to get mixed up with this guy, especially when he's out of his straight jacket. 'Why'd they let him out anyways?' The thought flew in her mind as she was trying her best to get away from him. Trying to yank away from him, scratch him, and next thing she would need to do was bite him. But biting this dirty man would put a horrible taste in her mouth. All she could do for the time being was struggle and fight. Her tail flicked behind her in annoyance. ' I've been locked away for the morning, there are no guards to be seen, and now this? I wanted to cause trouble but this wasn't what I meant.' The voice in her mind replied to the thought.

'Well, that's what you get for not looking where you were going~'

'Shut up, voice.'

'Also Kiki, the thing you said earlier, about flesh and bone, yeah that sounded dumb. You really need to work on your come backs!'

'Like I said, shut the f*** up, voice.'

(Note: She has a voice in her head, so occasionally she will have mental discussions, although physically she won't be saying a word.)
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Robert chuckled. "Cute." He easily held her arms back, but did recieve a good scratch on his fore-arm. He pushed her against the wall, grateful no guards were around. He looked her in the eyes and laughed a little. She was just so small, not really a fair fight in his opinion. He gave her a peck on the cheek. "Like I said, cute." he then patted her cheek and walked away. Kinokira was now his new target. This was going to be fun.
I watched what was going on with the intent to intervene until he walked away so I walked up to the girl "hey you ok?" I asked "he didn't hurt you did he?" I asked as I looked at the girl
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Kinokira hissed at the man. If it's anything that she hated being called, it was "cute". 'Damn that creep.' She noticed that the dragon boy had come to her aid. "I'm fine." She hissed. Kiki didn't feel like she needed help. If it ever came to the point where she would believe that she did, she wouldn't be herself. She brushed her cheek from where the man pecked, and looked in his direction with an angered glare. This meant war between them. Her vision then averted back to the dragon boy. "No. He didn't hurt me, no one ever will. I'm not weak enough for someone like that to faze me." But in truth, she was. 'Kiki, you shouldn't lie to yourself. It isn't hel-' The voice was cut off by Kiki, speaking out loud to it. "Do not speak to me, Voice! You have no control over me." The anger she had built up had stayed. She decided to leave the dragon boy's presence before he could question her any further.
I watched the Girl walk away after all that "I was just asking" I mumbled as I turned to go back to the gym "jeez no need to be a jerk about it I was just worried about your well being" I said to my self as I entered the gym and spread my wings again
Kinokira walked to the court yard, hoping to let some steam out by playing some basket ball. She walked out to the court with a ball, bouncing it against the pavement. Her tail waved behind her sideways, like usual, hitting her black skinny jeans a couple of times. Her black hair was pinned up in a pony tail, leaving one lock of the dark hair in front of her face. The gray beanie on her head bounced as she moved around on the court, getting the ball through 3 baskets in a row. This gave her a small victory, but soon enough it was time for lunch.

The bell rang and a guard's voice came on the speakers, telling all patients to go to the cafeteria. Kinokira sighed, and put her ball away before guards pushed her back inside the building. "I can walk on my own." They restrained her as they walked her in, she sighed at the needless restraints. Finally, they had reached the cafeteria after a minute of walking. The guards let go of her arms and pushed her inside. There were many other neutral human patients, of which some feared her. She grabbed some food from the line, and sat at a table. No normal human dared sit near her. In conclusion, they moved to a different table. It felt good to be somewhat in control. So, she took this loneliness to advantage and ate in peace.
I had just landed when a guard came over the intercom and told every one that it was lunch time before a bunch of guards walked in guns pointed at me "what's going on" I said as the guards closed in on me pinning me to the grownd and restraining my wings and tail again. Then picked my up and shoved me in the direction of the cafeteria "get moving" they called out as the walked behind me guns pointed
Kinokira scraped a claw into the table, creating a small sketch of the grim reaper. She's had a lot of practice with this, and it was done fairly well. A sigh escaped her as she finished the doodle. Once finished, she laid her head down and rested there, staying in her place until everyone was finished with their food in the cafeteria. In her waiting time, she retracted her claws so she wouldn't have to deal with accidental scratches on her skin.

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