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Fantasy The Stonehearst Mental Asylum for the Supernatural

Robert kicked and shouted, begging them not to put him back. "Please, please, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" he whimpered. Ignoring his cries, the guards opened his cell and shoved him in there. He hated it in here. Robert curled up in a ball in the corner of the room, waiting for Dr. Wendell to come in anytime soon.

Allison clicked her teeth. "If you want to keep your wings I'd suggest talking to me in an appropriate manner. I will also not tolerate any curse words here." she said in a calm voice. "If you're smart you'll make this easier on yourself and listen to everything I say."​

"I'm going to give you tour of the place. Later, though. And for now-"

Her beeper went off and she took a look at it. She rolled her eyes. "Sorry, I have this troublesome patient I need to deal with. And, uh, later I'll deal with you. For now why don't you get acquainted with some of the patients here?"​
Jasper huffed slightly, before setting his chair back up and sitting it it, going back to shuffling his cards.

Clarke finished her cup before getting up and heading towards the door, tossing the plastic thing in the trash as she passed. She then headed to the common room to check on Jasper, humming a little to herself.
Allison nodded her head, a little disappointed that she wouldn't get to vent her frustrations on the newbie. Robert would be punished for that as well. Allison cautiously stepped closer to the new patients and removed his weights. "If you need anything else ask a nurse." she told him.

I slowly stood up and walked out the door and headed for the commons while rubbing the spot in my head where I had been hit with the bat "God damn that hurt jeez" I said as I walked through the common room and into the court yard while trying to mess with the giant restraints holding his wings down and restraining his tail
Clarke cocked an eyebrow at the newcomer before sitting across the table from Jasper. "You're still shuffling those Jaspie?" She asked, grinning at him while brushing a strand of hair from her face.

Jasper looked up. "Um, yeah. How long have I been doing it?"

"For maybe half an hour. I think that's how long I've been gone." She said with a roll of her eyes and a smirk, even though she was a little worried. His confusion seemed to be getting worse and worse and being trapped in this hellhole certainly wasn't helping.
I found a quiet place in one of the corners in the yard and sat down starting to try to rub the blood off his face
Kinokira listened to what was happening behind her, without turning around. Her ears were pointed backwards to hear all the movements. Soon enough guards came in and took away the creepy man in the straight jacket. Hearing the violence behind her, though, triggered her insanity. Laughter escaped her and she grabbed a plastic fork, ready to stab anyone near her. Although soon enough, guards restrained her and put her back into a containment unit. Kiki sat casually, whipping her tail slowly behind her as look outside of her cell, her laughter slowly came to a stop.
"This sucks" I said as i keept wiping the blood off with my hands. "Huu I want to leave this place" I said as I pulled my knees to my chest and tryed to move my wings and tail around again

Allison made her way down to Robert's cell, where she found him cowering in the corner of the plush room. She placed an iron collar on him, which was attached to a 15 pound chain, and escorted him downstairs, where most punishments were held. After ten minutes of being down there, Robert could be heard screaming through the vents, only faintly though. The basement was at least 10 feet underground.

(Wasn't sure if you wanted details on the punishments or not) (Also, I might make another doctor because I don't want there to seem like only one.)​
(( No prob xD ))

Clarke winced slightly, only able to hear Robert's screaming because of her advanced vampire hearing. She shuddered slightly, glancing away from Jasper before looking back at him.

Jasper furrowed his eyebrows, having stopped shuffling his cards for a moment. "What? What's wrong?" He asked, concerned.

Clarke bit her lip for a moment before giving him a reassuring smile. "It's fine Jasper. It's nothing."
I eventualy got up and walked over to the cafeteria and sat down at a lonley table while still trying to find a comfortable position for my wings and tail inside the box
Kiki listened to Robert's screaming, laughing at his pain. Soon enough she was rolling on the floor laughing till she could barely breath. When guards past by, they made comments that a kid could think off. "Cool it, Kiki." One of them said, which drew her attention. She walked over to the bars and looked straight into the officers eyes, her yellow irises meeting his. "You try being locked into a cell, buddy. Oh, and laugh a little! Why isn't screaming funny to you? Aren't you use to screams of pain?" Kiki laughed at the guard, of which he responded by walking away without response.

Allison had let Robert go early. These sessions usually lasted for an hour. The best she could do in inflict as much pain as she could to Robert in the short thirty minutes he was underground. Allison and the workers of Stonehearst Asylum had a big anniversary party to prepare for. It was also the one night that patients received no punishments.

"No more lashing out?" Allison asked Robert. "N-No more.." he said in a broken voice. Allison released Robert from what they called 'The Cross' and let him go back to his cell. He limped the whole way, due to the hot iron Dr. Wedell placed against the bottom of his foot. His entire left face was bruised purple, as was the most part of his body. The skin underneath his clothes was covered in scars old and new. He recieved 15 new ones from the chain Dr. Wendell whipped him with. But that wasnt the end. Because of their short session, Dr.Wendell placed a shock collar on Robert that delivered 20 volts at random. He would have this on until bedtime.​
i sat there in the cafeteria listining to the screams "i hate this place" i said quietly and continued to sit there and stare down at the table
Kinokira was allowed out of her cell once she had calmed down, and she returned to the cafeteria with an expressionless face. She saw the dragon boy sitting there, alone and seemed a little angry about being here. With a comforting smile, she patted him on the back and stood next to him to speak. "You'll get use to it here. Just don't do anything stupid... like Robert. Pissing off the guards is the wrong way to go, but other than that it's aright here."
i quickly looked up at the girl in surprise then looked back down coldly "i guess i already did some thing wrong seeing as to how they hit me in the head with a bat not five minuets into me passing through those gates" i still tryed to move my wings around inside the restraints which only made them hurt more but i wanted to be free
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Kiki laughed a little. "They're kind of like an abusive family, to be honest. But hey, we're the crazy kids." She slapped his back once lightly, then went to get some food.
i winsed a little when she slapped my back because it moved my wings and tightening my restraints "that hurt" i mumbled
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Kinokira looked at the kid with confusion, then shrugged. 'He must be in a lot of pain for a small slap on the back to hurt him.' She thought as she walked towards the head guard's office. She needed to speak with Allison about the safety of the dragon boy, and possibly some other matters.
Dr. Ross stalked down the hall, in a horrible mood, which would be dangerous for anyone who got in her way - human or otherwise. Her high heels clacked loudly and she was in search of something to take her mind off things. Her burning gaze swept over the hall.

Clarke glanced up, hearing Dr. Ross and she scowled slightly. The human did not sound happy and that was not a good thing.

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