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Fantasy The Stonehearst Mental Asylum for the Supernatural


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Stonehearst, an asylum for both humans and supernaturally gifted alike.

Whether the patients are insane or not, there here to stay.

No one checks in of their own free will, and no one checks out. Ever.

Their punishments are severe and their treatments are disagreeable.

Will you be able to keep your sanity?

All Creatures Welcome!

You can have as many characters as you want!

Bring the drama

Jasper sat on a bench in the common room, fiddling with a deck of cards. There was no one to play with really, but he didn't really care at the moment. He was actually glad. Most of the old patients had been cleared out. He didn't really know where, but he also didn't care enough to find out. Most of them had been scary and dangerous anyway. He sighed, shuffling the cards again. He knew there was going to be knew patients coming in. He just hoped they weren't complete nutjobs as well.

Clarke hurried down the corridor, trying to avoid guards as she went. They always freaked her out, and it didn't help that they were human. Half the time she could smell their blood and hear their heartbeats from halfway down the hall. She rubbed her arms, heading into the mess hall. Hopefully they'd have some actual blood instead of the crap they usually served. Her gaze flickered around the room as she entered.
the alarms of a new comer rang as a giant tank like vehicle rode into the court yard with me inside. i could hear the fear of the guards that sat next to me they where nervous and scared of me as they opened up the back doors and two guards pointed some high powered rifles in my face

as four of the guards grabbed my restraints and another two pointed there assault rifles at the back of my head as a signal to get walking so i slowly started to drag the weights that held me to the ground with me

as i started to step out of the truck i was suddenly struck in the stomach hard with a metal base ball bat forcing me to fall out of the truck pulling all the weighs and metal boxes that held my wings and tail down on top of me
Clarke cocked an eyebrow at the alarms, heading over to a window to peek outside. They usually only reserved those for the most highly dangerous creatures. Her eyebrow rose even more when she saw the boy pressed against the ground. Sure, he wings and a tail, but he didn't seem like much. She could take him easily if she wanted to. She sniffed before walking away, grabbing a plastic glass of blood as she passed.
I looked up at the window and saw a ghostly like figure "hmm I wonder who that was" I though as I stood up and more guards ran out and pointed some high powered rifles in my face "get up now and head for the door!!" They yelled at me as they took the safety's off there wepons. I slowly stood up and started walking twoards the door while looking around slowly and seeing a lot more fire power than i originally thought. "Jeez I guess theve never seen a dragon before" I quietly said to my self hoping none of the guards heard me
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(I'm going to post an intro for my patient if that's alright? Not for my doctor though, because you haven't approved of her yet.)

Robert looked out the window. There were supposed to be some new-comers today and he was excited to meet them. He looked down at his straight jacket and made sure it was clean. There was just a dot of blood from the nurse he attacked, but he was sure it was unnoticeable. His shoulder-length hair was up in a pony-tail, he hated it but the doctors had told him to leave it. Robert looked over at the young boy, Jasper, who was shuffling his cards. He hadn't attacked him (yet) so he considered him somewhat of a friend. "How many do you think are coming?" he asked him, still staring out the window.

as i walked into the building i was hit again this time in the back of the head with a metal bat making me collapse again right out side the door
"How many what?" Jasper asked, furrowing his eyebrows slightly, though he didn't glance up from his cards. He couldn't play cards from the man (Nor could Jasper remember his name. What was it? Rein? Ramon? Rodrick?), cause he was in a straitjacket. And Jasper knew better than to get him out of it. It could get him in trouble.

"Patients." he responded. Robert glanced at Jasper, who refused to look up at him. He was slightly irritated by this. In the near distance, he could hear the doors of the entrance opening. "Oo! Somebody's here!" he said, more to himself than out loud. Robert was anxious to meet them and see what they feel like. Unfortunately, due to his straight jacket he couldn't. He bit his lip and got an idea. Kids Jasper's age were easily persuaded, right? "Jasper," he whispered. "Take my straight jacket off and I won't talk to you for a whole day!" Robert was aware Jasper wasn't fond of him, but he didn't care. One way or another he was going to get this thing off.

Allison greeted the newcomer at the front doors. She made a small smile and nodded her head to the guards. Patients here had to learn right away that she was in charge. It worked well with most, Robert especially. She hoped this one wouldn't be difficult, though. Most teens were. "Hello." she said to the boy.

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Jasper furrowed his eyebrows further and glanced up. "Why would I want that?" He asked, scoffing slightly before biting his lip and looking back down at his cards again. "I would get in trouble anyway." He continued to shuffle them, glancing towards the hallway again. What was going on? He was faintly aware that the man (Roberto maybe?) had already told him but he had swiftly forgotten.
Kinokira sat away from the two men, conversing about newcomers. She simply thought nothing of them, and only would hope that they didn't get into trouble. A voice had lingered in her mind, repeating with a second of delay for two times. 'Kiki, you know they'll cause trouble. Shouldn't you kill them now?' Her hand waved in front of herself, as to brush away the thought. "I shall do nothing of the sort... yet." She spoke in a quiet whisper to herself, making sure no one heard her.
i slowly stood up in pain as some guards picked me up and started to drag me to the cafeteria. i was dazed and didn't know where i was ass they dragged me through the halls to the cafeteria
Robert groaned and stomped his foot like a child. "Come on, Jasper! Please! I won't tell anyone you did it!" he exclaimed, holding his finger to his lip.

Jasper pouted slightly, chewing on his lip and shifting his weight. "I dunno...." he murmured, fiddling with his cards. He didn't want to get punished again.....

Clarke sighed, sipping the crap they called blood when the teenager was dragged into the mess hall. She cocked an eyebrow, turning on her heel and heading in the opposite direction.

Robert was getting annoyed. Why wasn't he doing what he asked him to? He studied the boy's expression on his face. He seemed to be thinking about it, he could definitely help with that decision. "Jasper." he said in a harsh voice. "I may be in this jacket now, but I won't be later. If you don't get this damn thing off me right now... I will f**king murder you." he said with a serious face.

"No, no." Allison began. "Take him to my office." she said in a soft voice. "I want to give him a personal tour of the building." The guards nodded their heads and began to take the dragon-boy to her office. "I'll meet you there."​
i looked around the cafeteria as the guards dragged me through it looking over at two boys as blood started to run down my face
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]i looked around the cafeteria as the guards dragged me through it looking over at two boys as blood started to run down my face

Whoa, dude. She just said the guards dragged dragon-boy (AKA You) to her office. She's a doctor. I'm giving her permission to order your character around. PLus Robert and Jasper are in the common room, not the cafeteria. Clarke is the only one in the cafeteria

Jasper shifted his weight again, flinching a little before furrowing his eyebrows. "But you're in a straight jacket. You can't kill me if you're in a straight jacket." He said, his confusion mixing up Robert's words and he missed some parts.
(sorry i got my places confused so i was gonna have it to where they draged me through the cafiteria to her office)

Robert clenched his teeth, trying his best not to shout. Dr. Wendell had punished him many times before for shouting in the common room. He decided to make it easier on Jasper. "Jasper, if you don't want to die. Take my jacket off." he whispered harshly.

Allison followed the guards, smiling the whole way upstairs to her office. She had some anger she needed to vent. taking it out on someone new made her feel so much better.​
Jasper blinked a couple of times, staring at him blankly. "Why would I die?" He then asked, struggling to keep up.
i finaly got rid of my dazzed feeling and looked around at the office "w-where am i" i said with confusion looking around at the guards


xD I'm actually kinda laughing at how Jasper isn't understanding.)

Robert, frustrated, began screaming in Jasper's face. Surely, this would not end well for him. This was his fourth time, each time the punishments were worse. He lunged at Jasper, trying to throw a punch but the straight jacket didn't allow him to. He attempted to bite Jasper's ear off, but two large guards came from behind him, forcing him to go back to his padded cell.

Allison could hear screams coming from the common room. She sighed and shook her head. "Oh, Robert.." She told the guards to wait outside her door, in case anything happened. She then looked down at the boy who seemed as if he was gaining consciousness. "Stonehearst Asylum." she answered. "My office."​
((I know, lol))

Jasper yelped, jumped backwards and almost knocking his chair over. Luckily the guards had gotten Robert before the man could try and chew his ear off. Once he was dragged away, Jasper sat there, panting. He fixed the goggles that always sat on top of his head before getting up and gathering his cards - which had spilled all over the floor when Rodrick lunged at him.

Clarke glanced up, hearing screaming before going back to her glass of blood and sitting on the windowsill.
i looked up at the woman then started to growl "what the hell was that for hitting me in the head with a bat you jerk!!!" i yelled as i tryed to spread my wings

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