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Realistic or Modern The Spirit of Blue Haven {OOC}

GASP, YES. We need a theme too AGGGGHHH
ah!! but i just saw ur chara, so if you want a connection i can shift him to 3rd Grade ^^ thumbelinaaa thumbelinaaa
YEAH ive decided i'll make Art teach Grade 3, AND yeah we could make it. If the pace picks up that is, hMMM
Lol yeah, which is why I’m making multiple characters so people won’t have to all shove themselves in one spot. That’s a reason why rps sometimes fail, everyone gets stuck together like taffy so if one person slows down the whole thing gets weighed down
animegirl20 animegirl20

yes.I was kind of confused because all of my nephews both got left back so i kind of forgot what ages go where for elementary school lol.

though i didnt state what grade he was in... at least i dont remember doing so
also i noticed everyone has such big paragraphs and thats great but dont feel like u have to push urself to match the length of anybody else! if your paragraph ends up naturally long, great, if not, dont worry about it :3
im workin from what i read on the internet, pls tell me what Grade is what, AHHH
grade 1: 5 or 6 years old (I came in when i was six, my little sister started when she was 5 since she'd gone to the younger grades, i didnt hehe)
grade 2: 6 or 7
grade 3: 7 or 8
grade 4: 8 or 9
grade 5: 9 or 10
grade 6: 10 or 11

and so on and so forth.
but thats just how it was in my school experience, with the occasional kid about a year older in the same grade. i also knew of a kid who was a year older than me but one grade younger than me.

in peter's case he's in sixth grade! he got skipped up a grade which kind of gives him conflict because he is not quite getting along with the somewhat older boys

BUT, anyway, I'll say he teaches classes from Grade 3 to 4 then, as well as features as one of the Pastoral staff members, substitute teaches occasionally and helps run after-school clubs etc. Basically, if anything, ya would know Arthur as a familiar face ((: x

thumbelinaaa thumbelinaaa
cool! im gonna create one more adult character and throw them in so that even though everyone will be able to interact with each other we all wont be glued to each other
I might create another if it'll help but MMM, I'll wait a sec and see if I can get any good ideas
happy thanksgiving for whomever celebrates (tho the day is not one to celebrate id say but... thats neither here nor there. i like food)

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