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Fantasy The Spirit Inside ~ Forest and Village


Augustus Equilibrium


17 (Physically), 520 (Chronologically)




(A demon (from Koine Greek ????????? daimonion), or fiend is a supernatural, often malevolent being prevalent in religion, occultism, literature, fiction, mythology and folklore. The original Greek word daimon does not carry the negative connotation initially understood by implementation of the Koine ????????? (daimonion), and later ascribed to any cognate words sharing the root.) - Wikipedia.




It is said that a long time ago when Augustus was still young, his father was a knight and he inspired him to become one, so he would often see him train in the barracks and as well as see him in action when crime is around. One day, when he and his family go to church, he feels uncomfortable and as well as felt sick, so they took him to a mystic healer, but he didn't have any ailments nor diseases leaving his family surprised with mystery. At the night at the same day, he slept and had a dream and visions about the death of his parents, the revelation of his true identity and as well as the escape to an unknown place, when he wakes up he hears the footsteps of horses coming towards his house and when they arrived, the first horseman prepared a torch and burned down the house, the second horseman broke in the house before the fire started, the third horseman stood there and played a violin. When the house was starting to burn down, his parents panicked and attempted to run outside the house, but then the first horsemen burned them to death, then the second horseman picked him up and jumped outside the window, while the third horseman continued to play his violin. When Augustus tried to escape, he heard the captivating sound of the beautiful violin being played, to the point where he fell a sleep and was successfully captured by the three horsemen. When he woke up, he realised that he was in a cave and that he saw carvings of dark beings drawn in the wall, as soon as he saw this, he panicked and started running towards the exit, as he was running, the three horsemen caught him and tied him up, as Augustus failed to escape he asked "Who are you?! And what do you want?!", as the three horsemen answered "You are not who you seem to be, you are more than human, in fact... you are a.. demon.", as Augustus laughed a bit and said "This is foolish, how could i be a demon", as the three horsemen pointed him to one of the markings engraved, which had a nine headed serpent inhabiting a beautiful palace the three horsemen answered "You are her son and she is our queen", as Augustus laughed a bit more and said "This is even more foolish than before! And also where are my parents?!", as the three horsemen expressed in anger "Those scandals that raised you.. Oh... they weren't your real parents, they just picked you out of nowhere, in fact they never loved you, they just wanted to make you feel that you were loved", as Augustus cried in regret and sadness, after discovering the truth about them, as the three horsemen continued "We couldn't let them get away that easily, so we murdered them for the hope's of finding you, so that you can go to your real parents, who loved you and cherished you more than those fools!", as Augustus turned angry, as marks appeared in his body and so he released a large blaze of flame that burned down the three horsemen leading him to the exit.

When he reached the exit, there gathered many people who throwed stones at him and blaming him for the death of his fake mother and father, as he escapes to the forest where he discovers a mysterious forest, where he sees a sign called "Thornhall" on which that leads him to a new home.

Powers and Abilities:

Demonic Physiology

Common Powers

Following powers are among what Augustus can master:

[*]Darkness Manipulation


(Human Form)


(Demon Form)



Race: bunny-human


Powers/Gifts: increased speed, jumping, and hearing; changing form

Appearance:brown hair, blue eyes with white bunnies ears poking out of her head

rabbit form:
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Name: He doesn't remember his name or where he originated from. He has been nicknamed "The Iron Giant" though.

Age: He is around the age of five hundred years old. Possibly older.

Race: He is a Robot from another planet designed to kill. But out of all of his kind who have set off to destroy other planets with life on he is the kindest.

Gender: Even though I have been saying "He" He doesn't have a gender. He just looks more on the male side and has a male voice.

Powers/Gifts: In his Normal state it's only brute strength he possesses. But when he is enraged he has a variety of weapons at his disposal.

An example of his enraged state is when he thought his only/best friend got killed by the same people who were trying to destroy him. This state is designed for the destruction of life. This is what he tried to prevent from happening but the shock of his friend dying sent him over the edge.




Fennik Kussen


He could be anywhere between 10 and 200 years old , but appears to be 14.

Race: Nekomata, though hides his feline features.




In Roleplay (If needed)


He has the same powers as a regular Nekomata, but that does not mean he is easy to kill ; He is oddly agile even for his race.




Feline senses.


Regeneration.(Can fix a broken bone in about two or three days.)


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Name: Azazel Hawkins

Age: N/A

Race: Demon

Gender: Male

Background: "Let's see well it is mostly black from where I am from well I guess Hell is black considering it is an endless void of torment, Now for me I used to be a wealthy buissness man a few centuries ago now you may be wondering Then how the hell are you a demon which you should but we will get to that later now I was a wealthy but I was also young and stupid as my buissness stated to one day randomly fail which after a few months left me broke I remember being in a bar and a man sat down next to me I can't remeber this mans name but I remember him saying that he could make my buissness great again but all he needed was my soul magic was very frowned upon back then but I accpeted anyhow as I was desperate and after a few weeks my buissness became great again but little did I know as the years past I had lost my soul and when a human loses there soul they go to Hell as soon as possible so I was dragged down to hell I spent thirty years in that hole before becoming a Demon and trust me when I did I was pissed so I went to the surface world and now I've decided to hunt down the Demon who did this to me and of course cause mayhem along the way."


1.Pyrokenises - Ability to maipulate fire.

2.Teleportation - Can transfer his body from one place to another.

3.Super Strength - Inhuman strength he can easilly punch someone through a wall.

4.Enhanced Reflexes - If you through something at him he was most likely dodge it or catch it.

5.Telekinesis - Can move an object at a distance from one place to another his form of telekinesis is so strong he can rip trees from there roots and throw them.


Name: Amiela windbloom

Age: 18

Race: Fox

Gender: female

Background: (If you want. Some people like to reveal this in the roleplay.)

amiela grew up in small village, she was homeschooled because she was afraid other kids would make fun of her. and that they would see her as different. Her bestfriend that she grew up with was killed by a bear during hunting season which left amiela brutally devastated and she felt empty and that a part of her was gone. She then started to lock herself in her room because of depression, while she was in her room alone and down she would read books or sometimes go over pictures that she took with her friend.

Powers/Gifts: (Please no overpowered characters.)


Appearance: (Here you pay use a picture or a description.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/fox.jpg.1736bc82200f3e782c117def1ca76460.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120660" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/fox.jpg.1736bc82200f3e782c117def1ca76460.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
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Name: Constantine Feeblis

Age: Unknown(looks 25ish)

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Background: No one knows, not even he does

Powers/Gifts: Portal creation, and magics

Appearance: He carries a staff and talks to it calling it 'Lawrence'

KingsPlague said:
Name: Constantine Feeblis
Age: Unknown(looks 25ish)

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Background: No one knows, not even he does

Powers/Gifts: Portal creation, and magics

Appearance: He carries a staff and talks to it calling it 'Lawrence'

Well hello there, friend

Schmendrick the Magician, Last of the Red Hot Swamis, Master of Funkromancy

Age: Claims to be 37 but is probably only somewhere in his 20's. Maybe it's the magic keeping him from aging as fast as a normal mortal.

Race: Human Magician/bard (though he prefers the term funkromancer).

Gender: Male

Background: Schmendrick grew up in a far off kingdom known as Tanhouwser. He lived with his father in the King's castle but they were not royalty. His family had been a long line of servants for the King, Queen and their pompous prick of a son. Schmendrick's family were highly respected by most and treated very well, and even though this was the case Schmendrick found he was never truly happy. When he was young (much too young to be put to work) he decided to learn how to play the piano, and the from there a harp, then a loot etc. Learning music was one of the few things that made him truly happy but there was still something missing. He then decided to take up magic, at first favoring illusions and deception to actual magic but then later, after some rigorous course work, tackling actual magic. Although somewhat successful with just hand to hand magic he found he had more success when playing an instrument. For a time this had made him happy, but there was still something missing from his life. He realized one day, when he began his work into servitude, that what he really wanted was adventure. His life had been the same boring routine over and over again. What he really wanted more than anything in the world was to explore the world. So on his 16th birthday he ran away, abandoning his duties as the King's servant. He began his travels around the world, following his dreams and getting into as many antics as possible. On his journey he also has met his best friend; Freud. Freud is a a mischievous Raven who more often then not gets Schmendrick into trouble rather than out of it. He also claims to be the last of a group called the Red Hot Swamis, though no one seems to have heard of them and the name seems made up.


-As a member of the Red Hot Swamis he has the ability to use specialized spells that only the Swamis have perfected (or so he claims). These include: Eldritch blast, summon imp, dissipate and summon wind.

-A master of funkromancy (basically a cooler way of saying you're a bard).

-Adept with Illusions and trickery.

-Charismatic beyond belief and an amazing bluffer.​
Name: He hasn't named himself yet.

Age: He doesn't remember.

Race: Donkey

Gender: Male

Background: The donkey does not know where or how he get to Earth. The only memory he has was killing another donkey, assuming that was his arch enemy.

Powers/Gifts: He gains powers/abilities/different features through a specific action or situation.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-27_16-46-48.png.336a5c892e9714d1e81aad6d7ace0bc0.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121035" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-27_16-46-48.png.336a5c892e9714d1e81aad6d7ace0bc0.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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The Name

Age: ??

Race: ??Eldritch Abomination??

Gender: N/A

Background: The Name is an impossible creature. Where it came from is unknown and how long it's been around for is unknowable. Some ancient philosophers thought it was a being from a fourth dimension, as it is not a physical being. Either way it is impossible to determine and focusing to much on this beings existence can drive a man mad. The Name is a living idea and a parasite. Like most ideas, The Name travels through communication and word of mouth. Those who see (if its written) or hear The Name will suddenly become obsessed with it and it's commands. They will want to spread the Name by saying its name and once you have heard and fully understood the impossible other worldly name you will be under its control.

One will be able to tell when a being is under The Name's control because they will be muttering only one thing and the neck and jaw muscles of the being will be torn agonizingly. Like a dog can't speak human tongues, the people of this plane can't speak The Name's name without aid from the name. This makes it incredibly dangerous. People through out history have been intrigued on how to say it's name but end up going insane and being infected by the other worldly parasite. It has roamed this world since the dawn of it's existence, only those who had been introduced to The Name would have known what it was. It lived on in the minds of the living for eons. But roughly 200 years ago a group of monster hunters known as the Outriders (they also have a code name that only members will have heard of The Red Hot Swamis ) discovered the secret of The Name and were able to trap it in an ancient tree. But time has past, and the tree is dying. It seems The Name may break free soon.

Powers/Gifts: To control the living and control them with a hive mind like system

Appearance: An unseen force not from this plane.
(Not responding today because I had my wisdom teeth pulled and the pain removes my processing for good story. Go on without me.)
KingsPlague said:
(Not responding today because I had my wisdom teeth pulled and the pain removes my processing for good story. Go on without me.)
Oh that sucks :( I'm getting mine pulled soon too
KingsPlague said:
(Not responding today because I had my wisdom teeth pulled and the pain removes my processing for good story. Go on without me.)
I hope you get better soon. I know that pain :(
Lucifer666 said:
Oh that sucks :( I'm getting mine pulled soon too
[QUOTE="Throne Trinity]I hope you get better soon. I know that pain :(

I'll try and post tomorrow, and don't worry It's more inconvenient and fun sucking, the pain subsides after a while
Name: Sophie bloom

Age: 16

Race: demon (succubus)

Gender: female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.png.9e7d6deb2813c90e47c63f4a2dc47d68.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122692" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.png.9e7d6deb2813c90e47c63f4a2dc47d68.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Powers/Gifts: can slow down time to 1/6 it's speed for everyone for 10 seconds but she has to wait 30 seconds before doing it again.


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KingsPlague said:
(Not responding today because I had my wisdom teeth pulled and the pain removes my processing for good story. Go on without me.)
Feel better soon.

I can totally low-key gloat cuz my wisdom teeth havent come in yet and theirs plenty of room gor them once they do.

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