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Fantasy The Spirit Inside ~ Forest and Village


New Member
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Background: (If you want. Some people like to reveal this in the roleplay.)

Powers/Gifts: (Please no overpowered characters.)

Appearance: (Here you pay use a picture or a description.)

~ You do not have to wait on me to accept you. Just go for it.


Name: Mira Envy

Age: 26

Race: Elf

Gender: Female

Background: Mira mostly lived outside of the village in the forest until she became a bit older. She and her sister lived in a small cabin in the woods, but her accidentally burned the cabin down and died in the fire. After that happened, Mira began to explore a lot more. Grieving only for a short time, it was not long before she discovered the village after traveling for a few weeks. She has a panther companion that she calls Kino. He helps her hunt and keeps her company and has always been a loyal companion. Now she more or less wanders around hunting and meeting people along the way. She frequents the village often and sometimes will spend the night in the Inn when she can convince Kino to stay behind in the woods. The Inn keeper doesn't like him so much.

Powers: Elemental~ Can manipulate the four natural elements. There is a limit to this power when overused.

Appearance: My profile picture:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/e7d3a7a1649342f455049196eeab4360.jpg.2daf95f5afadce5ed1d4141f47a82f4c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114028" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/e7d3a7a1649342f455049196eeab4360.jpg.2daf95f5afadce5ed1d4141f47a82f4c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Xyphrus Fraye

Age: 24

Race: Familiar

Gender: Male

Background: Xyphrus is a magic born mechanism. By magicians he was made, and by magicians he is to be used. He began as a shapeless consciousness: a spirit. Then came upon him a man. This man was one skilled in magical practices, including arts similar to necromancy. The man created a shell for Xyphrus to reside in. It was a figure strung together by powerful magic, and with magic is can be manipulated to take on new forms and shapes. However, by accepting this shell Xyphrus unknowingly chained himself to the magician. He now needed the man's magic to survive. Without magic, he would no longer be able to hold his shell together and he would fall apart. The magician agreed to keep him fed and in one piece, in exchange for Xyphrus' servitude and loyalty. With no other choice, Xyphrus accepted. Now, he works under the instruction of the necromancer known as Bellach. Xyphrus does all his dirty work, including the killing of people and collecting of body parts for his master's magical practices. He's become a well known killer in the kingdom, but it matters not. With his shape shifting figure, he can look like anyone he wishes. He can escape being noticed... But still, Xyphrus has a wish to escape his servitude. He doesn't have a will to kill.

Powers: Xyphrus has the ability to shape-shift. He can mimic the appearance of another person, or animal. He is unable to produce the appearance of inanimate objects, for they cannot contain his consciousness.

Appearance: This is the original appearance of Xyphrus's body. He stands at 5'10 with a slim, but slightly angular figure.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.9bca39604a1210862c365dce2dc59c98.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114040" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.9bca39604a1210862c365dce2dc59c98.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(( I'll post in the morning. It's really late where I am. ))



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Name: Ryan

Age: 18

Race: Human-Elf hybrid

Gender: Male

Background: Ryan is a merchant at heart. Ryan's human father used to teach him the basic of business and how to defend himself with a small dagger. While his elf mother taught him to enjoy life and to also keep a open mind as well. She also taught him some spells as well. He left his home to become a world famous merchant. But he wants to gather his own merchandise not just buy and resell. This is why he came to the forest because of rumors and myths of treasures and rare artifacts or ingredients.

Powers/Gifts: Use of a dagger.

Some small spells:(Well add on if he learns more. Helps me remember what this character can do)

Lantern bug: Summons a small ball of light that only shines light like a lantern. Very fragile.

Thorn bush: can summon a small thorn bush for defensive or shelter purposes.







Dragon Rider




Kassia grew up with only her father and his dragon, since dragon riders tend to be solitary people. Her own dragon, Drac, found her when she was five and her father left when she was thirteen, judging her to be old enough to look after herself, and thanks to his teachings she was. She has spent the last few years travelling with Drac and exploring.


-Can communicate with dragons

-Drac can fly and breath fire




Sir Lawrence Wolfe








Lawrence, was born from a long line of Knights, warriors, and lords alike. Twas family tradition that the eldest son be one to step up to the title. Due to this noble title, he was cared for by the castle foster mothers till he reached the age of seven, where upon he was placed as a Page boy for the castle lords. Instructed in an early training regime of hunting with huntsmen and falconers, and academic studies with priests or chaplains he began to learn his trade. Becoming an assistant to an older knight in battle named Sir Ferdinand, he carried and cleaned armor, taking care of the horses, and packing the baggage. He accompanied the knight on expeditions, even into foreign lands. As he aged, he soon was taught by knights in swordsmanship, equestrianism, chivalry, warfare, and combat. Alas, when the young child turned fourteen, he was to become a squire. Gaining his own armor, and swearing upon a blessed sword, young Wolfe had been given duties of his own, continuing to train with Sir Ferdinand, the prerequisite skills for knighthood. Readying him for when his own time would come. Even upon this tender age, the child was sent into war alongside the man he’d sworn to trust. This continued, till he at last turned twenty one. Given his own knighthood through ceremony. By this time, his father and mother had both passed, siblings now far flown. The only thing left, twas his sword and masters.


Advanced Swordsmanship





Long Jumping


Learning Combat with a variety of weapons


(The prerequisite skills for knighthood. All of which were done even while wearing armor.)


An imposing figure standing at 6'5, with a broad chest, and wide shoulders. Strong jawline set firmly, and sharp scandinavian features. Possesses prominent cheekbones, with piercing turquoise eyes, and a head of dirty blonde hair, mixed with strands of brown. His skin is relatively tanned, from military campaigns overseas, and hard laboured lifestyle; finally set by a chin of stubble and light beard. Bennett has scars down his back, chest, legs and arms. He wears mixture of light chainmail and plated armour, with his coat of arms decorating the front chest plate.

Name: Kyngers Plagkets (The Kings Plague)

Age: Youngest of the First Race, Ancient and unaging, Looks 35ish

Race: Palsiet

Gender: Male

Background: Kyngers Plagkets is a Palsiet, the First Sentient race to have ever been created, In short many of the Palsiet had angered the gods and tried to wipe them out by starting an Ice age and freezing the race, fortunately some survived and many remain alive but frozen in time. Kyngers spends his days roaming the world looking to find his people and regain favour from his gods

Powers/Gifts: Minor Forsight (Dormant), Master in armed combat (Reduced to only his weapons), Strong Ice Magic (through defeated dragon soul in his blade), Millennia of knowledge, Enhanced reflexes, superhuman strength.

Appearance: The Kings Plague is rather short for a Palsiet, coming in at about 6'8" in height. He carries a short bow and quiver, 4 throwing axes and his shortsword Fer^Thung, named after the Ice Dragon he slew to gain it's power. He often speaks in his strange lost language of Palset, and has a heavy accent, his I's usually sounding more like a Y.


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Matyas Tepes








Matyas was not meant to be, as relationships between mortals and the divine seldom end in naught but tragedy. Naturally, the one of the gods found himself above his own laws, and gave a son to a human woman. A son with hair of gold, eyes that shone like fire, and an entitlement to rule the entire world. Matyas, out of some bizarre instinct, recognizes, and overestimates, his superiority to the mortal races, and demands nothing less than the subjugation of all life to his will. For the past 330 years he has been banned from all founded empires and kingdoms, and has been living as a bandit in the hills and dells of the forest, learning the extent of the gifts he received from his father, the God of War.


Can speak with "Noble" Animals

(Lions, Alpha Wolves, Dragons)

Can summon any sort of weapon he has used previously

(Projections are generally weaker than the weapon and act as a simple method to overwhelm enemies with numbers)

Can throw/shoot with great accuracy

300+ Years of Practice with Close Combat Weapons

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327 (Looks 23)






Chris was born an Amethyste, an ancient race which spends their entire lives underground. After a long time, Chris had been taken from her home. She had been sleeping at the time, having turned herself into a simple zircon in case of cave-ins or anything like that. Unknown to her kind, a group of the king's men had come down the mine to look for precious metals. They saw her, and instantly picked her up and carried her up to the surface. She was brought before the king, whom wanted gift her to the queen. Unfortunately for him, Chris had woken up. She just looked around, and left. Now she just wanders around, admiring and learning everything she could.


  • Able to both generate and manipulate gemstones. She can do this with any type of gemstone, whether it's peridot or amethyst.
  • Chris is also able to convert her entire body into any gemstone.


Standing at 5"7', Chris is around the average height of a human. She is quite thin, only weighing around 120 pounds (though she can weigh more when crystallized). She has long purple hair and silver iris, specked with rainbow colors as well as some humans can't see.
Name: Belisair Caera-she

Age: 16

Race: Half- Sylph

Gender: Male

Background: Of all the ancient elemental Fae, Sylphs are the only ones considered to be things of legend and myth. By all rights, they shouldn’t exist; they were eradicated (by accident) by the Gods with the aftermath of the First Frost. Being of the Air, Sylphs interacted with all living things yet knew none. Many of the wisest practitioners of magic argue that unlike other elemental Fae, sylphs were merely a natural force given a name and face for mortals to be able to comprehend. If that is true, then how is Belisair here?

He cares not at all for his lost fathers or for his mortal origin. All he wants is to hone his abilities enough to allow for true flight. He hopes to immerse himself in so much magic and ancient power, that he can weaken the restrictions his mortal half places upon his Fae body.

Gifts of Sky Aether:

· Breath of Sky: Belisair has the ability to speak with animals capable of flight.

Voice of Cloud: By listening to the wind itself, Belisair can hear what the wind hears. This isn't always an effective tactic simple because he can't control what he hears or where it may have come from.

· Come Zephyr: Belisair’s presence encourages the surrounding winds to become more active, which can be either good or bad depending on the situation.

· Lightly Tread: With his sylph’s wings, Belisair can catch the winds to lighten his steps for high jumps and walking across the surface of viscous materials, like bog.

· Wind stride: Belisair can call the wind for a limited time to create tailwinds, accelerating and invigorating his allies in his path.

· Wind rider: While not capable of true flight due to his heavier mortal frame, Belisair is capable of finely tuned gliding, with almost no cost of his energy.

· Arcane Scribe: As a descendant of the Fae, Belisair has a knack for deciphering ancient magic, Alchemy, and Enchantments, but utilizing his “knack” to shortcut the process requires intense focus and much energy.


Belisair's wings usually lie upon his back like the two ends of an elaborate split-cape.They are easily mistaken as a part of his robes and cloak, until they catch the light and shimmer like gossamer woven from strands of muted rainbows.

Belisair stands at 5ft8 with a 5ft wing span, though he rarely ever spreads his wings fully.
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Name: Flint

5 (animal)



Flint was a test subject of a cruel wizard. All of his many scars came from the wizard experimenting and torturing him. The wizard, through a brutal surgery and painful magic, changed the crow's vocal cords causing Flint to have the ability of speech. The wizard plans to sell the bird for a fortune. Not wanting to be sold, Flint plans his long awaited escape by any means necessary.

Speaks in the human tongue.

Normal Crow with deep scars all over his body

Warning. Major Spoiler:

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Name: McKane Gru'ukalney

Age: Due to his species, his age is 20 Maturity-wise

Race: Yu'uka Demon

Gender: Male

Background: To be revealed

Powers/Gifts: Transformation into a large hound-like beast, powers of the corruption. The corruption spreads very slowly.

Whispers of the Old Gods (Hearthstone Inspired) - This ability summons tentacles to attack, and corrupts the environment around him, making nature a dark purple and living bwings that can't handle it into dark brown, zombie like beings that often grow insect-like parts. This ability is very exhausting however, and only used in desperation.

Whiplash - This summons a raid of tentacles from the nature around him, plant based structures.

Lance of Yu'uka - This summons a rod, similar to a Lance. This is physical, and 3 at a time can be summoned.

Parasite - Flying insect-like creatures swarm at numbers of about 50 and begin eating away at biological matter, however are very soft and weak, so are easy kills.



He wears a duster coat, along with robes under it, wearing boots. He has many ear piercings, a skull stud graduate piercing up to the Auricle of his ear. He has a Silver Auricle band piercing that connects to the lower and upper studs of his lobe by a small chain. He has a industrial piercing, with a small flat cylindrical piece at each of the ends, with a pentagram engraving. This is both of his ears. He stands at 5'11", weighing 184 pounds.

He has a cobalt blue gem in his palm that houses a wisp on command.


Name: N'ttium

Age: Unknown

Race: Wisp

Gender: Unknown, but McKane refers the wisp as a she.

Powers/Gifts: Can offer light, talk to McKane through his mind, push light objects, and light fires with its body.

Appearance: 7 inches tall, with a firey baby blue body and some slightly darker simple facial features, only a pair of thick lines for eyes.
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Name: Lila'Vjola

Age: 21

Race: Yuan-ti Pureblood (humanoids with an affinity for snakes, scales decorate parts of their flesh either in small amounts or large. They also have tails.)

Gender: Both, but refers to himself as female

Background: Lila was a slave for almost all of her life, very rarely has the young Yuan-ti known a gentle touch or a kind word. Lila has known only servitude, cruelty, and dancing lessons at the behest of her cruel master, a lord of some land or other. One quiet night while the lord and his household were sleeping, the other slaves that belonged to the cruel lord, began a revolt. The revolt was surprisingly successful, the lord and most of his household and guards were killed.

The slaves had planned for years, and only struck when they felt their plan was as close to perfect as it could get. Lila had not wanted to help them, true Lila had wanted freedom, but Lila had not wanted to harm or kill anyone. The other slaves were not understanding, and even though Lila did nothing to hinder their plan, she also had done nothing to help. In their eyes she was loyal to the cruel master. The other slaves took Lila, as they left the lord's estate, forcing her to come with them. They were headed to another country, one where slavery was not allowed, if such a place truly existed.

The now free slaves treated Lila as if she were their slave, they were cruel to her, almost more vicious than the former master had ever been, all because she had refused to fight. One night as they camped near the road, the group of slaves were attacked by wolves. Starving and vicious, more ferocious than wolves normally are. Terrified Lila did the only thing she could think of to do. She fled for her life.

Powers/Gifts: Immune to poisons and venom. Can speak with snakes, has unnaturally high agility, fast reflexes and unnaturally high dexterity.

Appearance: The purple on Lila's arms are snake scales, they are also on her legs from her feet to just below the top edge of the leggings she wears. Her eyes are lime green and the pupils are slit like a reptiles. On Lila's left shoulder blade is the mark all of that lord's slaves were branded with.



Anya Firnen.


Twenty, Immortal.






Raised an the Elven Princess, Anya was treated with loyalty and respect. She was trained to fight at age ten, by a guard, who then moved on to become her bodyguard. Despite Anya's training in combat, she was kidnapped at age fourteen. Escaping from her captors at age seventeen, she traveled back to her Realm, only to find it demolished. The Elves had gone into hiding underground, with no clues left behind. Her kin, gone.


Anya is great with a sword, being taught swordsmanship by one of the greatest in the Elven Realm.


Name: Ethora

Age: Ancient

Race: Lupus Ignis

Gender: Female

Background: If one wishes to know the history and life journey of another one must only ask for such enlightenment.

Powers/Gifts: Ethora has the power to manipulate fire and can heal any aliment of non magical origin. (Magical aliments are not just magically whisked away.)

Appearance:Work in progress still in sketch stage. I got to ink it and color it and make sure every thing is magnificent. I will probably join in when I finish the artwork.
Sorry I'm new and didn't know to post my character beforehand!

Name: Dia

Age: 23

Race: Human. Her ancestors were cat people. The last remaining in her family is her great grandmother. Because of this Dia has cat-like abilities.

Gender: Female

Background: Dia is from a large band of Islands near the Equator. She has lived there, in the Jungle, her whole life where she practices her abilities as a witch and healer. The abilities run in her family.

Powers/Gifts: Cat-like reflexes, enhanced vision/hearing (like a cat), can see portals/dimensions. Knowledge of spells/magic and has healing powers.



Dia stands at 5'6. Her hair is long, dark brown and curly. Dia's eyes are wide and brown but seem to glimmer in the night and her skin is like honey. An interesting physical trait of hers is that her nails are long and sharp like claws and they grow that way no matter what she does.

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Name: Ebele Wolf

Age: 25

Race: Elf Werewolf

Gender: Female

Background: TBR (To be revealed)

Powers/Gifts: Werewolf transformation, Healing and regeneration, Heightened senses.





Werewolf form (Imagine it FEMALE of course, aha.)







Human/Demon Hybrid









He has golden/yellow eyes.

He is a really shadowy character​
Name: Rex

Age: 20s

Race: Human Zombie

Gender: Male

Background: Unknown

Powers/Gifts: Unable to suffer death from physical injury, can steal life from living things around him through contact, unable to feel cold or heat.



His skin is almost always pale.
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"Oh yea. Let that innocent face mesmerize you with swirling sparkly blue eyes. . . . .After that, all you see is darkness."


Quinn "Chesire" Lowee


unknown (Is still a child)


Umbra Witch

Known to hunt any race (mostly angels) with the use of the Art of firing a gun and dark magic. Most Umbra witches are born transgender and may choose any gender when they hit a certain age. It is rare for an umbra witch to be born a pure male or female (can be identified by their silver eyes with diamond-shaped pupils)



(Oh yea.. Fooling people by crossdressing. . .)


Chesire mostly refers himself as a male even though he looks like a girl. He is known to be quite silent and shy at first but can be quite childish and sly later on. He is also secretly perverted and cocky at times due to the environment he was raised in. He can also flirt, but that happens in the bar.....He is very mischievous and loves to fool people by acting like a girl (which he is very good at.). He has been trained ever since he was born and was able to wield his four most precious guns. Namely: Crimson, Ruby, Reaper and Mercy.

Chesire likes to explore and collect gems whenever he goes for adventures. His
favorite food has to be Apple pie, especially when its hot. However, he doesn't like rain and daisies. He is also hold a certain dislike for werewolves, it's not like he hates them but rather a bit uncomfortable when near them.


-Increased speed and senses

-Wields dark magic and the Art of gun wielding

-Very flexible

-Naturally Immortal
(but can be killed when close up)

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Name: Lena Vlu

Age: 16

Race: Elf

Gender: Female

Background: To be revealed


Healing powers

Gift to lift things with her mind



Ok for anyone who's hurting for some character interaction or just a good way to jump in, the post I just did involves some really archaic powers so it can be used as a beacon for everyone to gravitate to and hopefully meet others and interact along the way.
Name: Sriq Tykt

Age: 54

Race: Goblin

Gender: Male

Background: Srig is a goblin who came from an average family of Goblin Gypses. He's versed in the basic magics, but does not know too much for his life know revolves around the blade and crossbow. The rest to be learnt.

Powers/Gifts: Speed and nimbleness for his size. Basic magic. Great knowledge and skill with basic weaponry.

Name: The One Eyed Alpha

Age: 17 (animal)

Race: Wolf

Gender: NA

Background: Leader of a pack of wolves who roam the forest hunting for food. It young son is also apart of the pack.

Powers/Gifts: TBR

Appearance: A muscular wolf who looks like its had many successful battles (Note: After the Kyngerz and Flint fight, it now only has one eye and no fur on its body.)

PS: This character will probably not have too many solo post. Flint's post will include the one eyed Alpha's story sometimes.


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I hope you don't mind, but I'll be bringing my D&D character over to here. Think fo him as mostly brawn with little brain. But he getts pretty intelligent when he is fighting.

Name: Al'Duin

Age: 142 (pretty young for a dragon. Actual appearance shows 23 in human years)

Race: Dragonborn/Draconic

Gender: Male

Background: Most of his back story has been kept to his most trustoworthy friends, since all Dragons' past are secrets that should never escape the clan. Al'Duin comes from the Chromatic Dragon Clan, but he never was what he was expected to be. He left the clan alone and sighted for adventure. He soon became a berserker and crushed every enemy that could give him a decent fight. He spared the ones he thought worthy and killed the scum of the Earth. He had joined a Mercenary group called Eldrich Strike, but then left to continue his life story.

Powers/Gifts: Draconic Strength (might carry normal human's two-handed weapons in one hand)

Dragon Breath (Elemental changes: Lightning, Fire, Ice, Acid, Glade [yes, the actual aroma-thingy for making things smell nice]

Berserker Fury (When he is bleeding and half-dead, he gets stronger)

Can Speak Elven, Draconic, COmmon (human), and Plant (When talking to plants, people might think he is crazy. Plants might not respond as well)



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