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Fandom The spider and the demi-god

she takes a deep breatn and doesent pull back letting him kiss her.
she smiles a little and shakes her head "no no its okay"
Amy shakes her head blushing darkly "i said its okay honestly"
She smiles and gently wraps her arms round his neck smiling into the kiss.
Johnathan only pulled away once he absolutely had to breath. He pulls away from Amy breathing heavily, but still holding her in his arms. His eyes stayed entirely on her, there was nothing else on Earth he wanted to look at in that moment.
Amy smiles as he pulls back her breathing unsteady and she looks at him her eyes glinting full of happiness and light as she smiles at him.
she smiles a little and laughs "yes definitely i would love to"
she smiles and nods watching him go before smiling to herself.
she smiles and nods watching him go before smiling to herself.
Dr octopus presents the two viles, “there you are, as requested.”
“Took long enough, but at least it got done.” The man takes the viles, looking at them. “These will do nicely.”
“If you don’t mind me asking, what exactly do you plan on doing with those?”
“You’ll find out soon enough, enchantress, how’s progress coming along with the prison?“
“I don’t know why you have me working on this of all things, but I managed to convince Grey Gargoyle to do it, your friend will be out soon.”
Amy smiles and starts to walk down the street smiling to herself as she walks glancing round once in a while thinking what do do and deciding it would be best just to go back to the bas now.
Amy smiles and starts to walk down the street smiling to herself as she walks glancing round once in a while thinking what do do and deciding it would be best just to go back to the bas now.
Johnathan didn’t want to leave yet, but Spiderman would be asleep by now, and he had to be ready for his shift so to speak, that was the deal they made. He got into his costume and went on patrol.
Amy takes a deep breath and decides to go up on one of the roofs she climbs up and sits on the edge of one of the taller ones.

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