The Spectrum Knights(A Magical Girl/Boy Adventure)


Just a snain (snail train)
We will begin the roleplay when we get at least 1 or 2 more Knights, even after we start we will still be accepting, and We will talk to any late Knights and figure out how you would like to be put in. If all the Knights spots are filled you can still make villain, monster, and civilian characters if you want to!
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I edited the top post with that information, It'd be best to wait for at least one or two more knights depending on how much longer it takes for other people to get interested. If it takes too long we could go ahead and start, but I'd like to give it sometime so we can try to have as many knights start at the same time as we can.

Please remember to fix your Character Sheet or I can't accept you

@Rosyshark @VictoriaFirewriath @Guilded Clover @Aroura @MidnightDaybreak

Hey, Everyone!

We will begin the RP very soon! I'm just waiting for Azulium to fix their CS. My hope is that We will be able to start today, but we shall see where the cookies crumble. When we do start, I'll post in the IC the setting of where we are starting and I'll tag all of you. You'll have a week to put in your starting reply, so we make sure no one gets left out because they were at work or a family thing. Have a great day guys! I'll update you with more info later!

@Rosyshark @VictoriaFirewriath @Guilded Clover @Aroura @MidnightDaybreak @Azulium

Congratulations Knights!

We now have a full team! In a second I will be tagging everyone in the In Character chat with the setting! It'll inform you of how we will begin! You all have a week to do your starting reply! We don't want to continue with the story and end up having someone left out because they were busy, but do it as quick as you can!! Now let's begin!
Cocoabutterkisses said:
There are no more Spectrum Knights spots, but if you want to you can make a civilian and/or a villain character!
Ooh I'd love to make a villain character. ^_^
@Guilded Clover

Sorry, but Minny's gem is in his crown, He used the warmth/power that the gem gave him to summon the weapon. He shifted the power from in his chest to his hand and used that to summon it.
Hi! I was wondering if I could enter in a character (if you guys are still accepting) that's a civilian but is turned into a brainwashed dark Spectrum Knight by the main villains...I read the overview and I believe this would kinda fall under the "other" category so I was just seeing if you guys think this is an acceptable idea/character! Maybe the character could even be a close friend with one of the Spectrum Knights and it would be shocking for them to find out they've been brainwashed and turned to the dark side ??
That sounds like a really good idea! They could totally be brainwashed but there's no such thing as a dark Spectrum Knight, but they can definitely have a transformation from regular brainwashed friend to magic villain and what not. Use the Civilian Character sheet for their regular everyday and Villain CS for their villain form, and either I or Rosyshark will tell you if it is accepted or if there's a change you need to make. Make sure to ask the creator of the Spectrum Knight you want your character to be associated with if it's okay to be their close friend.

So the character can still switch back and forth from civilian to villain is that what you're saying? And also, can the character's powers derive from a stone (I was thinking Obsidian) as well or is that too close to being a Spectrum Knight? I was kinda hoping to do a dark/evil magical girl thing up in here.
Hmmm How about you go ahead and make your character that way, then when I get in contact with Rosyshark later she and I can discuss it(She's out of state right now). I think it sounds interesting, it might be slightly too similar to Spectrum Knights, but they come from another dimension that has all sorts of magic, so it could be reasonable that others might also derive their powers from gemstones too. Go ahead and make them that way, and we will review it and see!
All the Knights are filled up, but you can make a civilian or a villain character! Take a look at the overview to see the options of what you can make!


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