The Spectrum Knights(A Magical Girl/Boy Adventure)

well technically the beasts already do that though more in the turn you into a zombie kinda way
well that would keep with all three non top villains having a way of controlling people but not my call
What the beasts do is emit a smoke that drains emotions, it drains their color, and everything that makes them human and turn them into mindless slaves to the villains

Elaborate on what you mean by boosting negative emotions please?
I was thinking of tagging civilians with a mark that amplifies negative emotions to a certain point until a creature or artifact spawns from the target. If it is artifact then the target is compelled to use it, if creature then the target gets knocked out.
That sounds cool, but it should only be able to affect a couple at a time since we have a lot of civilian controlling monsters, and let us know when you do control them so it doesn't interfere with any already made plans.
welp good thing I am part of this the last rp I joined has just gone to the one liner phase
Plotting for the end of all color and emotion is better when you're not parched, of course! :)


On a completely different note, I've got a question on neutrals. Are they all people from Earth's dimension, or would there be some from magic-having dimensions too?

Okay, make that 2 questions: should any possibly reappearing characters be written up as civilians? People like friends, parents, and so on, who would show up often (or make good monster targets). Or can they just appear at times without having a profile?

You only have to make a character profile if you plan to RP them often or if they are a significant character. Like if Her mother popped in to say 'Anyone want some snacks?' she doesn't have to have a CS, but if we decided to make Nani's brother's cafe our meet up spot since it's near the park to train, then it's good He has a CS because she would appear very often and be in mortal danger. It's really up to you if you want to make them a CS but if you plan to put them in serious danger and have them appear pretty often (5 or up times) for more than a couple of replies (longer than to say hi what's new oh look a dog bye) then you should probably make a CS Remember you have a Character limit too
Hey everyone! Just wanted to let you know that I'm moving tomorrow, so I'll be busy and/or lacking proper internet for a bit. But please keep things going! I plan to keep an eye on the IC even if I don't get a chance to post, so I shouldn't fall too far behind.

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