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Realistic or Modern The Social Experiment

"John... It's not murder... Don't you think it's a little strange how well everybody's getting along? Do you think the scientists sent us here to all be friends? No, they sent us here to test our reactions to things..."
"You know what I mean..." Tony eyes the window, making sure the blinds are down once more.
Ezra laughed when she saw Maya dunk Agnes and yelled out to them both of them jokingly, "hey! neither of you better not be cheating on me!" Ezra swam over to them and started to splash them with both with water. She then looked at Agnes and said, "That's for earlier," then she looked at Maya and said, "That's just for being Maya." She smirked at her comments.
"Aweee, is someone a little territorial?" she mocked, making a puppy dog face to Ezra.

Splashing her back, Maya quickly sunk under the water, letting the bubbled of air fade up around her, letting her sink and stay at the bottom to avoid being splashed again. She could see them moving around her, but it was all still pretty blurry. Although, she'd have to come up for air sooner or later..
"The scientists sent us here to see our reactions to people we like and don't like! But, everybody's getting along! Something bad is going to happen! They're going to punish us somehow... I just know it...
"And you had to dunk me to fix that?" Agnes chuckled, shielding her face from the water and simultaneously trying to continue her onslaught of splashing. She appreciated what Maya was doing, engaging her like this. What both Ezra and Maya had done for her - were doing for her - was making her feel a lot more at ease. This was a new start, after all... maybe it was time to really focus on letting go. If she could. Her and her mother had gone without incident ever since they moved to America, so surely by now it was safe to relax? Just then, she was distracted by Ezra, who she was happy to see reengaging herself. "Are we meant to fight over you now, Ezra?" Agnes teased, delivering a particularly large splash to both of them - although she appeared to be a little too late to catch Maya before she submerged. When she came back up, though...

"I suppose I deserved that," she said to Ezra, laughing. "It was worth it."
"Just a little bit." Ezra replied, smirking at Maya's question. She then turned her attention to Agnes and said, "Well, of course you are! So let the girl fighting began! Wait here, I'll go get the chocolate!" She joked, secretly only half joking. She wouldn't mind watching two beautiful girls wrestling in chocolate. It was actually one of her biggest desires.
Agnes laughed. "You would like that, would you?" she teased. "Only in your dreams, Ezra!" She punctuated the gibe with a splash and a giggle. "But I expect to be getting some of that chocolate, whether or not there is fighting involved."
Popping back up, Maya raised an eyebrow.

"What about chocolate?" she asked, having missed the last comment. Surely knowing these to already it was bound to be something intriguing at the least.
"Sadly," Ezra joked, as Maya came up, "you're right. Only in my dreams. I'll be dreaming of you tonight. Both of you." Ezra winked and laughed at her comment. "Maya, Agnes here said she wants to see us wrestle in chocolate!" Ezra lied, laughing.
Agnes, pretending to act affronted, folded her arms with a pout. "You put words in my mouth!" she said, but she couldn't keep a straight face. "Ezra is the one who wants to see chocolate wrestling, for the record."
"I mean hey, I'm up for anything." Maya said, her voice smoothing out a lot. For some reason foreigners always though her voice was sexy, so she often used if to her advantage.

"Although, I'd rather there be a lack of clothing" She joked.
Nick, eavesdropping on the girls' conversation, chuckled.

"I, personally, wouldn't mind if there was no clothing," he said, raising his hand in affirmation and winking to the group.
"My type of girl," Ezra smirked then noticed Nick, "I'm definitely with Nick on this one. So, um, what's it going to be, Agnes?" Ezra awaited her response, continuing to smirk, completely amused.
Talia moved from her spot in the corner, swimming over to where the others congregates. She grinned naively.

"What's everyone talkin about?" She said, wondering what the conversation had turned to while she was languidly swimming for a bit.
"Yeah, it is up to you." She said to Agnes, winking at her before turning to Talia. She was sweet, but definitely not gay. It could still be fun to play with her though.

"Oh you know, naked chocolate wrestling. The usual, care to join?" Maya smirked.'
Agnes couldn't stop laughing long enough to come up with a clever quip, so she said, "I think I will keep the chocolate and leave the wrestling to you two. You can fight over me." She took a deep breath and wiped a tear out of her eye as Nick and Talia joined them. She was secretly thrilled by the conversation, even if it wasn't the first thing she'd think to talk about. Look at her, actually socializing naturally with other people. She felt included, and it was such a wonderful feeling.
Ezra couldn't help but to laugh when Maya asked Talia if she wanted to join. It was obvious that Talia was far from lesbian and Ezra knew that without even asking her so there was no way she would be into that sort of thing. "Fight over you?" Ezra shook her head, "No no no. I want to be the one fought over." Ezra pouted, jokingly. The sun was beginning to set so Ezra knew that it was time to get out of the sun before she dried out like a raisin. "Well, that's enough swimming for me." She said, as she got out of the water.
"Awe cmonn, I like seeing you in your bikini. Although now I do have a better view." Maya teased, splashing some water at her as she got out and making a puppy dog face. She could tell Ezra was a huge tease, and probably had had girls actually fight over her before. Although, she didn't want to start any drama. So there was not going to be any fighting over anyone, unless it was actually in chocolate ofocurse.
Agnes figured she might as well follow Ezra and Maya, seeing as how they were the two that, so far, she'd bonded the most with - if what they'd been doing could be considered bonding. Snickering at their banter, Agnes pulled herself out of the water and sat on the edge of the concrete. "Dinner time, maybe?" she suggested, looking at those still in the water before twisting around to look up at Ezra and Maya. "I'm hungry."
Seeing that John was apparently stunned and not speaking, Tony goes back out to the pool and dives in. He swims up to Maya. "Did I miss anything." He asks, hoping he didn't. He wanted to stay in conversation as much as possible.

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