The Sleepwalkers of the Realm Beyond [Inactive]

Burberry Preserves

The Last Straw
strawberry jammm submitted a new role play:

Open Your Eyes to the Sunrise Again - In a realm in which the unknown is rampant, will you be able to return home?

Once upon a time, there was a small existence who traveled the universes and crossed through the boundaries of time and space. Every universe it came across was bursting with life, but none of the existences in each universe were "like" it.
So this went on, with the existence hopping dreamily from universe to universe, from time to time, from world to world.

Until one day, the existence came across a lush world of green and blue filled with organisms that...
Read more about this role play...
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"You know, this place is really normal compared to the other Areas in the Astral Plane."

"... ..?"

"Well, barring the glowing leaves that fall from the sky and the light you always emit."

".... .. ..... ...... .... ...... ..... .."

"What!? Don't give me that look!"

".... .. ........ . ...."

"Psht, whatever. Anyways, why did you want me here again?"

".. .... ... ...... ............ .... .... ......."

"You want me to help them? You've told me not to after the last group of them died."

"...... ..... ........ .."

"Fine. I'll help them. I mean, you're the boss, yeah? But I make no promises."

"... ..... ... .."

"Yeah, yeah, I get it, I get. I'm going. But I won't guarantee that they won't die... Lucid Dreamer."

End memory ???.


Starting Grounds


A slim red-headed boy landed softly on a thin crystal platform, and yawned slightly. "Man, even though we're supposed to be sleeping in real life, why do we still hafta get tired here?" He rubbed his single showing eye, and hopped across the platforms to the falling balls of light that appeared from the sky, seemingly from nowhere.

The newest group of Sleepwalkers were coming, and the hostile Sleepwalkers and Nightmares would come after them. Some of the newer ones usually survived, but most of them usually died. Survival of the fittest, eh? At least these Sleepwalkers had him to help them! Maybe he'll try and rope some of the other Sleepwalkers into helping the fresh meat too. The more the merrier!

Mimir stopped on a crystal platform, rocking on it slowly and looking at the large crystal plateau that spread out before him. It was peppered with craters, and like the ones before, these Sleepwalkers would land on this crystal. Hopefully. Sometimes they missed. He lifted his head to look up at the falling light, akin to a meteorite, and waited.

They would arrive soon.

((For those who are you have just arrived to the Astral Plane, regardless of what era you came from. If you want to be a previously existing Sleepwalker, message me; otherwise, every Sleepwalker entering the RP will be a new Sleepwalker arriving in balls of light to land on the giant crystal plateau. Everyone can begin role playing. Have fun with this roleplay! ))

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Aife felt cold against her cheek as her brain slowly surfaced to consciousness. She soon regretted trying to open her eyes as pain sliced through her vision. Her head throbbed and she lifted her arms over her head, curling up into as small a ball as possible. Tangling her fingers in her curly hair, she took a deep breath, trying to calm her breathing and subdue the pain wracking through her head. She felt the slight sensation of airy movement, slow enough as to not be jarring, but fast enough to know that she was going somewhere and to feel a slight breeze passing over her fingers and flowing through her hair.

This is certainly a strange dream...


Cold hard beneath her.

She uncurled herself, stretching out her legs. Why am I so sore? I must have fallen asleep on the floor again.

Aife's eyes were crusted shut with sleep. Sitting, she stretched and rubbed at her eyes before opening them.

She automatically closed them again.

no no no no

She opened them, closed her eyes again, shook her head.

"This can't be right... Where... where am I?"

She made her way shakily to her feet, her balance off. She looked around and stopped, transfixed by the sky. Swirls and kaleidoscopes of stars spread out on the indigo sky above her. The sky sobbed orbs of light, almost like shooting stars, that floated towards the plateau.

She wrapped her arms around herself, the secondhand sweater and skinny jeans not enough to keep her warm.

Aife was in awe.

Everything was darkness, its all there ever was and all that ever will be. It was all around me and yet it was me....

then there was something, i don't know what , not something tangible or even something that you could put into words, just something. It called to me, drew me towards it, made me want it, what ever it was. Suddenly the darkness, the nothingness, was no more. there was something cold and hard and cold under me. did I roll out of bed onto the stone floor? no that's not right, wasn't it summer?

"what.... where am i?..... what happened?" I groaned slowly opening my eyes

what i saw wasnt really out of the ordinary, a night sky full of stars and the swirling lights of the gods that happened sometimes when the gods were up to something. but on closer inspection it was out of the ordinary, I didnt know any of the stars they were all wrong.

"where am i?" i said this time more loudly and sat up to get a look at my suroundings
Seth was standing a good distance away, but close enough to see where they would be landing. New sleepwalkers, that would mean new powers, and new people. He looks up at the lights, and again marveled at how intricate it all was. These beings came from another dimension, or existence, or wherever they come from. He walks forward a little closer, holding his was scepter, and trying to decide if the new arrivals were very special and if they deserved his protection.
Mimir hopped down onto the crystal plateau, landing next to the first arrivals. He smiled at the newest batch of Sleepwalkers; hopefully, these would last longer than the last batch. He always hated to see them go, especially when he got close to them. Mimir approached them, waving cheerfully at the two arrivals.

"Heya there! Welcome to the Astral Plane! I'm Mimir, but don't introduce yourselves just yet, alright? I bet you're all SUPER confused, huh? Being in this strange, new world of mysterious lights and stars?"

He spread his arms out wide, twirling around once, twice, and paused to look at them, his single eye sparkling with mirth. "Don't worry, I'll explain in a bit. But I guess we should wait for the others to arrive, hm? Y'know, the orbs of light that are coming down? I'd hate to explain more than once." Mimir turned his head heavenward to gaze at the lights that were falling, approaching the plateau. There were at least two more approaching the plateau. Once they arrived, the Lucid Dreamer would give them new names.

Would it appear to them directly? Mimir doubted it. Perhaps before, but nowadays the Lucid Dreamer rarely left its secret Area. It was becoming a serious shut-in. But this group seemed special, so maybe... Just maybe the Lucid Dreamer would appear to them. There was a chance. A small chance, but a chance nevertheless.
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i jumped when some guy with shaggy red hair suddenly appeared next to me, then growled at myself for showing weakness. I got to my feet and marched up to him in an angry manner "CONFUSED?! how bout mad, angry or furious!" I shouted "I've been stolen away from my bed and all you expect is confusion?! tell me whats going on or ,by the gods i swear, I'll tear your head from your shoulder!!" at some point during my threats and shouts i had grabbed a fistful of the guys shirt in case he tried to run away.
Thanatos shifted uncomfortably in his fetal-like position, feeling a soft breeze tickle his skin. He didn't dare open his eyes at the strange sensation, nor did he really want to. It was that same feeling one would have if they were falling down, down, down in a dream, and right before they'd crash at the bottom they would wake up. He hated that strange feeling and wished that this dream would end quickly.

Thanatos landed the ground with a light thud. He shivered and moaned softly when he made contact with the cold, hard surface. He didn't remember falling asleep on his floor, let alone the carpet floor of his room being this bare. Thanatos slowly opened his eyes, but then they shot open when he saw the icy ground and the dark plateau in the distance. He jumped at the clinking noise that came from below when he moved. Thanatos looked down, his eyes widening at the sight of shackles attached to his wrists and ankles. He hastily grabbed at them, trying to rip them off, but to no avail. He sighed in defeat, though he kept in mind that he would try again later, and quickly rose to a sitting position, glancing in all directions. Crystalline platforms similar to the one he was one were scattered throughout the area, seemingly floating on top of a vast space underneath; while the sky was glittering with stars and other interstellar giants. Thanatos sat there in awe for a while, almost forgetting his current situation, but then a voice in the distance brings him back to reality. He looked over to see a man standing next to two others that were sitting down, looking as confused as he felt. Thanatos kept his distance from the group. He didn't know what to expect in this strange area, and he wasn't about the take any chances.
Aife wrenched her gaze away from the stars, watching the redheaded boy in awe. It took her a moment to realise she was standing, jaw slack, staring at the boy. She closed her jaw with a painful clack and wrenched her eyes away, glancing down. She rubbed her shoulder, wincing. She was mysteriously sore, the pain growing as her sleepiness wore off. Pulling down the shoulder of her sweater, she gasped as she saw a massive, bloody bruise spread over her right shoulder and down her arm. She pressed her hand to her left temple, which still throbbed with pain.


She glanced at her hand. It was covered in blood.

Dizziness rushed through her, and she dropped heavily to the ground.

Oh, bollocks. What happened to me?

That was the worst part.

She couldn't remember.
Mimir lifted his hands up in front of himself in a placating manner, smiling widely. "Hey hey hey! There's no need to get violent! Besides, I hate explaining more than once, and there's still one newbie that has yet to arrive, yeah? So calm down, will ya? My shirt's getting all wrinkly, and the I burned myself on the iron last time I had to iron it!"

He glanced over to the female Sleepwalker, and smiled a wide grin. "Are you hurt? The fall might've hurt you a bit, or you might've had it before! Anyways, I have some bandages! Though admittedly, I cannot reach them while I'm practically being strangled." Mimir made a puppy-dog face at the new Sleepwalker holding him up. "Let me down? Please? I'm going to explain... Later. But I am. So let's get comfortable, shall we?"
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Aife barely heard the boy speak over the ringing in her ears. She bowed her head, groaning through the pain.

Is he speaking to me?

Is someone else bleeding?

I think he's talking to me.

"A-are you talking to me?" Her Scottish lilt tripped over her tongue. She looked up at the boy.

I should offer him help.

I can't bloody move.

"I-I-- uh, my landing was gentle enough it must have been before I got here. I-I'll take a bandage I-I suppose."

Talking felt foreign. Her voice echoed loudly through her ears. It sounded strange, unfamiliar. Not right. Her head felt like it weighed a thousand pounds, and she let it drop to her chest.

Drifting slowly behind the others was a delicately light orb. Bobbing a few times as it decided where it was best to touch down it land not far from the gathering of Sleepwalkers that had also fallen from the stars that very night. It hovered for several moments before it's light began to fade, revealing the figure of a fair skinned girl with strawberry blonde hair. Floating as if in water the girl's skirts and hair fluttered silently around her until the estranged power that held her faded completely and set her onto the ground beneath her.




It was an odd feeling, one that she couldn't explain as she tried to grapple with what exactly she was. She could feel it, her body laying in wait for the commands she would send it but somehow she felt heavier then before. Like she was pressed down with a force that drew her into whatever surface was below. She twitched her fingers, somehow it was an oddly familiar thing and yet she didn't even know how she remembered these strange limbs were called fingers. It was the same with her toes, legs, and arms. Though she didn't move these she knew what they were at the top of her mind and how to work them. There was something else though, a dull thumping sound that she couldn't place.

A Heartbeat.

It sounded correct enough, the flutter of it made her strangely comforted. It seemed so calming to understand that she had it despite the fact that she didn't understand why she had it.

You're alive.

Alive, so that's what it was. She was alive. Yes, being alive was good. There was another noise though, one that made her heart race and clench with something she again didn't understand.

Fear... You can hear something.

Ah, so was that it? Yes, she was afraid of the noises. It was normal though, everything was so dark that she couldn't see anything. No, that wasn't it.

Her eyes were closed.

Open them....

It was harder then she remembered. Her eyelids were heavy just like her body had been. Still she was able to do it, slowly peeling them back to stare at the thousands of gleaming objects above her. At first she panicked but again reason told her that it wasn't the lights she was afraid of.

What were they..?

"Stars." Her lips had parted to speak without her even meaning to. Still when it happened it felt right, again she was remembering things she didn't know she knew. She was talking, a way of communicating with other humans.

Is that what I am? Yes. Yes, I'm a human. But what was I called...?

Finally she reached something she couldn't remember. Her name and who she was. She was left numb with emptiness, trying to reach for something inside her that simply wasn't there. Instead she sat up, hand reaching out to grasp thin air. It was like watching it in slow motion as she brought her hand back to her and opened the fingers to reveal an empty palm. She then looked sideways, her eyes catching hold of the other people.

So they were the noises..?

oh how i wanted to beat this one to a bloody mess, his nonchalance only adding to my anger , but some part of me realized i wouldn't get any answers if his jaw was broken, maybe a few ribs, hmm, no then it would take to long for him to explain.....

"BAH!!" i growled and let him go, pushing him away as i did "when. is. later?" i said through gritted teeth.
Mimir smoothed his shirt out, and grinned at the fuming boy. "Well, since our last newcomer has arrived, I guess I'll be explaining right after I finish bandaging up the little missy over there!" Though... it was strange, if he thought about. Normally, the newcomers wouldn't carry wounds from Earth to the Astral Plane. Maybe the Lucid Dreamer was right in having him watch over the freshies. How strange, how strange. Perhaps there was something wrong with the system...?

Shaking his head slightly to rid himself of the stray thoughts, Mimir made his way over to the girl while rummaging around in his wonderful, awesome, magnificent and not really one-of-a-kind Bag of Holding. Mimir pulled out a roll of bandages, and looked over at the other newcomer, a tan male with white hair. Huh, you don't see that everyday. "
Yo, dude over there! The one who didn't attack me before! Will you bandage her up? I gotta deal wit dat girl who's just arrived." He tossed the bandages to the whitey, and turned to the girl who had just arrived. The crystals were slick and cool underneath his boots as he strolled over to the girl.

Hey, miss! You doin' okay? No aches, bruises, or anything?" Mimir knelt down next to the girl, freshly fallen from the other world. "If you're feeling alright, then I'll have you come right along over here, so I can explain all you people's situation, hey?"
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Her heart raced as the other humans talked around her until finally one appeared in front of her. He spoke, words that made sense to her and yet were so strangely unfamiliar that she couldn't understand. It took her a few moments to connect each word to it's meaning but by the time she had done so she found herself confused yet again.


He wants to explain something to her. But what...?

Maybe, just maybe he was going to tell her who she was. The thought of her empty memories made her take another chance to try to grab at them, coming up just as empty as her eyes unfocused and stared numbly at the stars. She wanted to cry for some reason, like she had lost something very important.

"Who am I?" She asked softly, eyes still staring off into the distance. "I... I don't even know who I am. Do you know who I am?" For some reason she felt as though if she looked long enough the stars would tell her who she was, like they held her secrets from her. It was a cruel thought and she didn't like it but still there was nothing that could be done.

"D-do you know who I am?" Her eyes finally fell on the boy again. He was taller then her, red hair that stood out against the otherwise darker background. She realized that she had failed to respond to his question earlier and numbly tried to remember what he had said.

He wants to know if you are okay...

Your health.

She lifted a hand, turning it to examine her skin before looking at her arms and the rest of her body. She was fine, she wasn't hurt. He had also asked her to follow him but she wasn't sure if she could. It wouldn't hurt to try though, so with unsteady arms she pushed herself upright to the best of her abilities. Her legs were unsteady, weak from whatever had happened to her before she had woken. Whatever it was she couldn't remember. Her knees threatened to give out beneath her but she remained standing.

"Fine..." She stated looking at him, eyes moving over the people behind him.

strawberry jammm updated The Sleepwalkers of the Realm Beyond with a new update entry:

Area Update

Areas have been updated with the Desert Shrine, the Empty Festival, the Dry Fathoms, and the Area_Unknown.
The list of current Areas :

Starting Grounds

Earth Mirror

Fog Forest

Cat Highway + Cat Highway Underground

Desert Shrine

Empty Festival

Dry Fathoms


All previous Areas have been edited to add some various mysteries that you can choose to search and solve for when you reach the Areas. Good luck!
Read the rest of this update entry... 
"Of course I don't know who you are! Who do you think I am, a stalker? We just met today! But I guess I'll know who you are later!" Mimir brandished his hand out and took her arm, pulling her gently over to the rest of the newcomers. It was time to explain. It was time to be shocked, it was time to be amazed! He hoped that they wouldn't try to attack him when he was done. It had happened SO many times before. Getting attacked really gets old after a while. Actually, it got old after the first attack.

Mimir spun around on the tip of his toe, and surveyed the four in front of him. Well, they could've been worse. He clapped his hands together, calling for their attention.

"Okay! Are you all listening? I'm gonna explain your situation now! I'm not going to repeat myself, so listen closely to the awesome me!" He cleared his throat, and stayed silent for a few moments. "SO, you guys are in the Astral Plane! You're gonna get new names in a moment, and you'll get superhero powers! And you have to find your lost memories, which are scattered around in orbs all around the Areas over the Astral Plane! Once you find your memories, you can go back home! I'll be helping you along the way with this and that, but you'll be doing most of the work! And that's that! The end! Any questions?"

Mimir crossed his arms, smiling proudly. He was the best at explaining things. The best. Absolutely.
Aife watched the young boy as he chattered. She made her way to her feet, still dizzy, and walked over to where the other few were gathered, holding a hand against her head to staunch the blood flow.

As the boy talked, she looked around her. My memories are here somewhere? I don't have a name?! What is my name? She started to panic, then forced herself to take a deep breath.

Everything's gonna be okay. Right?


For some reason his comment made a bubble of air leave her lungs, chiming a few times before her fingers went up to touch her lips.

Laughter... I'm laughing.

She looked around, startled when the boy gently grabbed hold of her and took her over to the others. She looked at them all, wondering if any of them would be able to tell her what her name was. The boy had said that he would know who she was later, did that mean one of these people would tell her who she is.

No, just listen to what he's saying.

She turned her eyes forward again to were he was standing. As he spoke she only took in a few odd words and meanings. Where she was and that she was going to get a new name.

What about my old name?

She looked around, eyes wandering around the Astral Plane as he continued to talk. The area was beautiful, rays of lights danced in the sky above her head like ribbons framed by stars. The ground, sheets of floating white ice, drifted about but still remained strangely solid beneath them. She was bending to touch the ground with her fingertips when he spoke about her memories.

Not yours, everyone's.

Her eyes flashed upward, fixing on him before darting around to the others in the group. So none of them knew what was happening either? It felt strange to know she had no memories but it fit perfectly. It explained the empty hole in her head.

"Memories..." She mumbled.

Thanatos cringed when the loud red head yelled over to him. Great, so much for not getting invovled. He fumbled with the bandage roll before safely catching it in his hands. Shooting a quick glare at the loud-mouth, he stood up and gingerly walked over to the injured girl, making sure not to slip on the slick ground.

"Hold still...please," he said, barely above a whisper. He didn't know too much about first-aid, but hopefully enough to keep the girl from bleeding out. Thanatos began to wrap the bandages around the wounds, careful not to put too much pressure on them.

Thanatos felt a mixture of dumb-foundedeness, anger, and slight amazement after hearing the young man's explanation. Is this some kind of joke to him? That's this guy's oh-so-awesome explaination for all this? That can't be true, this can't be real. The Astral Plane? This guy's has to be some lunatic if he thinks anybody's going to believe that crap. But then again...this whole place...nothing like this would exsist in real life...but then what was 'real life'? Now that he thought about it, Thanatos couldn't remember anything that'd happened before he woke up here, not even his own name. What was his name anyways? One wouldn't simply forget something that important. It just wasn't...right. Maybe, just maybe, the strange man was telling the truth, but Thanatos wasn't quite convinced just yet.

"...How can we trust that you're telling the truth? You could be making this up, for all we know," he murmured, looking towards the man. He'd get to the bottom of this, one way or another.
throughout his whole speech I stood there clenching and unclenching my fists, trying not to just go break his nose. he irritated me.

"just one" i growled, his carefree attitude infuriated me. here i am in someplace i don't know with no memories of anything really and he has the gall to act like its all a big joke "how hard do i have to hit you to shut you up?"
"Hmm, well of course you can't trust me if I'm telling the truth. I'm just a stranger, after all. But I assure you completely that I'm tellin' ya the truth! Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye! Oh yeah, and please don't hit me! Getting hurt really hurts!" Mimir put a finger to his chin, thinking on how to convince them of the truth. A knowledge whisper passed into his head, and a light bulb popped over his head.

"I know! We'll just wait 'till you get yer names!" Mimir strolled around and put an arm around the angry man's shoulder. Then you'll know that you're far, far away from what you call your home. Besides, it's too dangerous to leave this place without getting names. There's a ton a' bad things out there, from Night Terrors to Nightmares, and Sleepwalkers too! Don't worry, once you get your names you'll become just like them superheroes in the comics!"

His ears pricked up as he began to feel the rushing of energy that signified its approach. What the hell? He hadn't realized that it would be coming in person. What was up with these kids? What were so special about them? What was so special about these kids, that the Lucid Dreamer would leave the Area that it hadn't left in.. well, a pretty gosh darn long time!? His eyebrows furrowed as the air began to swirl and spiral to concentrate a certain point, with the smell of ozone cracking in the air with sparks of energy flitting around. Mimir unhooked his arm around the angry man's shoulder, and stood to attention.

"Well, I guess it's coming."


A patch of light bloomed from the sky, coming to float slightly above the crystal plateau and illuminated every crystal with a unearthly glow. The Starting Grounds were illuminated with a warm light, shining on the faces of all who looked upon it. A dark silhouette with indistinct features could be seen floating in the light, as it raised its arms to point at each fledgling Sleepwalker.

"Hermes. Thanatos. Aife. Boreas."

And just after it said those names to the greenhornes, it raised its head to seemingly glance at the Nightmare that was nestled far off in the distance with what seemed to be amusement.

And the Lucid Dreamer disappeared to who knows where, leaving the Area dark and once again lit by the heavenly bodies resting in the sky.
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Seth was amused by the display at first, a bunch of kids, acting in some idiotic way to a new arrival. Then the Lucid Dreamer came down, and that changed everything. These kids were special, and just the appearance of Him made Seth feel resentment. He knew that the Lucid Dreamer knew he was there, but there was nothing to do about that. Seth brought his attention to the newly named sleepwalkers, they had to be specially, he knew it. He would learn why, even if he had to trap and kill each to find out why the Lucid Dreamer wanted them. Seth takes a few steps forwards, to hear everything that is said, and waits.
Aife nodded her thanks at the boy who had helped her bandage her injuries. "Thank yu," she muttered. Wrapping her arms around herself, she felt something sharp stab her palm. "Ooh!"

She pulled her hand away and brushed at her arm. Shards of glass fell out of th folds of her oversize sweater. "What the..."

And then light. The being. Her name...


She tried it out.


She was mesmerized.


"Her... mes?" She mumbled completely ignoring the others as she let the name sink in. She somehow felt she had heard it before, the name clung to her mind of things she had learned at one point. It was yet another thing that she knew but didn't know where she had learned it.

It's because my memories are gone... Find the memories and I'll find the reasons.

Yes, that just needed to find her memories and everything would be clear to her. The only problem was that she didn't know where they were or where to start looking. She decided that if they were anywhere they'd be with the red haired boy, since he seemed to know so much anyways.

Perhaps he's the one that took them from me..?

The thought flickered through her mind just as quickly as she dismissed it. She somehow didn't think the red-head was a bad person, though she felt increasingly bad for not knowing or remembering his name.

Had he said it before?

She somehow had more questions then answers in her mind but she took the time to think things over. Had he said it? She simply couldn't remember whether he had or not. It didn't matter. She could introduce herself to him now anyways. Heading over she paused in front of him, tilting her head to the side she blinked her eyes at him a few times and curled her lips up. Her mind told her what it was.


"I'm Hermes." She said softly, "I don't remember if you said your name."

Mimir watched the girl in the sweater shake some glass out of her sweater. He really needed to get her some new threads; that jacket wasn't going to last long here. All of them would need new threads, actually.

"Hi Hermes! I'm Mimir! You still hadn't fully arrived when I introduced myself!" Mimir grabbed Hermes' hand and shook it rapidly. Finally, a Sleepwalker who didn't attack him when they first arrived. It had been so very long since the last time the disoriented and confused fledglings didn't attack him. "It's nice to meet everybody here!" His mind wandered to the angry guy, Boreas, who had grabbed his shirt. "Oh, except for Boreas. I don't like him. Haha, just kidding!" Let's see, what was he supposed to do with noobs again? Oh yeah, they had to go find their first memories.

"Anyways everybody! It's time to start the tutorial! We'll begin with testing the strength of your body! Go and jump on that crystal platform that's over there! You'll find that your physical capabilities are far beyond what's normal!" Mimir pointed at the crystal platform that was around fifteen meters away from the crystal plateau, and ran towards it. He pushed himself off the crystal plateau, flipping in the air to land softly on the crystal platform, and turned to face the group. "Give it a try, and we can move to the next stage of teaching you about the Astral Plane! Oh yeah... try not to miss, 'cause it's a long way down to the next crystal..."

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