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Fantasy The Skylands of Novahlis


New Member
Please feel free to include as much information as you like. The more detailed, the better! That said, I would like you to refrain from having too little information.

Your character sheet can consist of any skeleton you so desire. Just be thorough in the areas you feel need to be established. And remember; personalities are always open to growth and alteration as the story progresses, so don't feel too pressured to write down a set-in-stone description of their personality.

With that, all I ask is that you be respectful, type with proper grammar and spelling, and most of all -- have fun with it!

Read more about this role play... 
Name: Jackson Lee Harvelle (simply goes by Jack)

Age: 25

Height: 5'11"

Weight: Approximately 180lbs

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Blue

Occupation: Jack of all Trades


Jack is a tall, lean and fit young man. He has golden blonde hair and deep blue eyes, which he sometimes covers behind blue-shaded sunglasses. He has a sharp nose, and is generally always wearing a cocky smile, with a cigarette between his lips. For general attire, he tends to stick with vests and long-sleeve shirts, which he rolls up behind the elbows when "working". Topping it off, he wears black slacks and black dress shoes. As if to match the appeal, he also wears either a bow or suit tie to go along with the rest of his getup. A gun holster is also equipped onto his person, around the ribcage underneath his vest.


Personality and Background: For a detailed description of Jack's personality and background, please head here: http://www.rpnation.com/showcase/jackson-harvelle.2393/, as it includes some important insight to the inner plot of the world's history as well.
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Name: Leon Wolfe

Age: 39

Height: 5'8"

Weight: Approximately 156lbs.

Government, Rank: Admiral

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Yamato.png.fd2bb68bfef75ffd52a72b40800fd029.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17363" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Yamato.png.fd2bb68bfef75ffd52a72b40800fd029.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Cruel and merciless. Maintains a submissive facade around other Government Higher-ups, unless he wishes to destroy them. Will always try to attain a higher power, position, or rank than what he has. Will stop at nothing to accomplish his goals, no matter what, or often, who, must fall before him.

Physicality: Although he is quite short and a bit thin, Leon is extremely fast and powerful. His size normally puts opponents off and they believe him to be weak at first, which, ultimately, makes them lose before the battle even begins.

Fighting Style: Leon's fighting style is almost completely original. Developed during his training with his former teacher, it's an extremely advanced form designed for both a high attack speed and for utilising his great strength. It also is very adaptable, able to be used with blades or guns in unison with hand-to-hand. Highly efficient with limited flaws. Can become cocky during a fight, albeit a rare occurance due to how badly he would get beaten by his teacher, and not put as much effort into the fight as normal. His fighting style has been dubbed as "Wolfe Hunt" for it's killing efficiency, and sometimes also "Jack Hammer" for it's specific design in destroying a Jack, although, Leon will never call his technique by either name.

Likes and Dislikes: Leon has an extreme lust for power and superiority. Though few people know it, he also has a bit of a sweet tooth. His love of chocolate could be considered one of his few weaknesses. He greatly despises weakness and those without any sort of drive (the reason for the latter is unknown) he also dislikes those in a higher position of power than him, thinking he is always better suited for the position.

Leon is one of the top-ranking Admirals throughout the Novalhis Alliance. He is extremely intelligent and powerful, which comes in handy during a battle. He is always looking for anyone powerful enough to take him on and welcomes any challenge. He joined at the age of 19 and trained under an Admiral as equally, if not more, ruthless and cruel as him. It's a surprise he made it out with so little physical damage, the tradeoff being his value of human life and honor. He is often a back-stabbing weasel but did not achieve his position by mere deception alone. He is one of the most highly skilled Admirals around. By the time Leon was 32, he- along with several other promising soldiers- had brought an end to the remaining Jacks at around 693 A.E.M. For him, it was a favorite passtime, fighting worthy opponents yet utterly destroying them every time. Having logged more Jack exterminations than anyone else involved, Leon was immediately promoted from Lieutenant to Admiral. His pillotting skills could stand to improve but his talent with hand-to-hand combat, using a blade, or even a gun when he chooses to wield one, are something to be feared entirely. Even though he is already an Admiral, he is trying to claw his way up to take over the Skylands completely.



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Full Name: Captain Anard 'Whiskey' Fletchin

Age: 43

Gender: Male

Appearance: A beer-bellied man in largely traditional pirate garb - a striped shirt with a long navy coat over the top, with baggy white trousers, all suitably muddied. His gruff-looking eyes are a frosty blue, and he is the proud owner of an impressively thick black beard. A huge, bulking specimen, his is a physical terror but somehow carries a very lighthearted demeanour.

However, there is much more to his pirate garb than pure tradition. His trademark eyepatch is technologically updated; it is a technical eyepiece that is more of a tool than a mere vision remedy. It can scan anything on sight, relying on a small, basic computer built into his hat, a hat half black and half electric blue. Meanwhile, his hook arm is a bionic arm that can hold a number of different weapons, and his peg leg a robotic limb with both claws for grip and wheels for high speed.

Personality Strengths: Captain Whiskey is surprisingly intelligent given his position and appearance, making him make tactical choices. He masks this quieter, thoughtful side with a loud, cheery outward persona, a persona he uses to motivate his crew and others. This makes him quite likeable. Quite the thespian, he uses his acting skills to outwit people and bring home loot.

Personality Weaknesses: Despite this persona, he is fundamentally selfish and a little arrogant; he relies on himself too much and will often devise sneaky schemes and change of plans to suit himself best, including changing sides. Additionally, he is quite the drunkard, hence his nickname, and this can sometimes lead to overly reckless acts and behaviour.

Physicality/Battle Skills: Strong; he is often described as the laughing boar of the battlefield. With a surprisingly tactical mind, he outwits enemies and causes them humiliating deaths. Otherwise, he uses brute strength coupled with reasonable cutlass skills. For some bizarre reason, he finds fighting hilarious, and has also been spotted dancing mid combat. He likes the rush of battle.

Social Relationships: Maintains strong relationships with all of his crew, but most people don't properly know him. In fact, only Deadeye and his daughter know his quieter, technical side. Has also had a few, somewhat strained run-ins with Jack in the past, but largely respects and understands the boy.

Hobbies/Likes: Apart from his famous drinking, Whiskey is a keen scientist and inventor. He has always had a habit of tinkering and creating various wooden contraptions, little toys that he keeps in his room. When he robbed a state of the art airship, he obtained minor electrical circuitry, circuitry he spent two years trying to understand before eventually upgrading his pirate gear. He also likes theatres and dramatic performances, especially opera. His ship, The Abyss, is messily decked out in all sorts of new experimental weaponry and systems that he likes to try out; as his home and longstanding ship, he cares for the ship almost as much as himself and his drinks.

Fears/Dislikes: Dislikes anybody too serious (bar Deadeye). This extends to most of the government, who he likes to try to prank and embarrass. He also dislikes the rigid feel of solid earth after so long spent in his ship.

Background: Grew up as a rebellious youth in Galliade, eventually ending up imprisoned as a result of his criminal acts. In one battle, however, an enemy airship was blown up into the prison walls, allowing him freedom. The city fell pretty smoothly but Whiskey, along with a couple of willing criminals, stole a rather unguarded ship and escaped, making it seem like the ship had just been lost amongst the causalities of the battle. Whilst most of the other criminals eventually fled, or were killed in battles, the ship became Whiskey's prized possession, and he used it on a number of different missions against the government, raiding armouries and shipyards. Now he has to live a slightly more withdrawn life due to the high number of government forces against him.

Morals: Not too strong. He believes you should do whatever makes you happy, even if that 'whatever' involves pillaging villages and prancing governments.

Other: Is on the top ten most wanted list, with a 100,000,000 reward against his head. However, due to the constant modifications made to the ship, he is very hard to track down.

If needs be, I can tone down the technology of his eyepatch and hat, but it must be stated that it is a very basic scanner and databank. The other parts are more automated and so for in fine I think.

Character 1/4 complete!
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Name: Cher Collins. Cher meaning darling, beloved.

Age: Twenty

Height: 5'3

Weight: 108 pounds

Occupation: Daughter of King of Otanis

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/anime-girl-braids.jpg.683cc7702c65e9d314e4881aecbf094a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17368" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/anime-girl-braids.jpg.683cc7702c65e9d314e4881aecbf094a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Girl-Umbrella-Wind-1080x1920.jpg.ba2225a2abe4047ce1c7648aaabde085.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17369" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Girl-Umbrella-Wind-1080x1920.jpg.ba2225a2abe4047ce1c7648aaabde085.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Since the beginning Cher was pampered and given everything she wanted. Even some things she'd never asked for, but didn't mind receiving nevertheless. Her parents soon found out she was different from other girls her age, and made the plan to keep her as isolated as possible. Even so, Cher is incredibly sweet once you get to know her, but can be shy and reserved to strangers. She can be easily frightened an intimidated due to her small, easily overpowered size. However out of all these traits the one that sticks out rather like a sore thumb is that she is remarkably intelligent and clever, much like a human calculator or dictionary.

Bio: Being considered royalty, Cher had little to no contact with the outside world. She'd always felt like her life was happening without her, as she studied latin and mathematics in her lavishly decorated bedroom of the castle's tower. Often times she'd watch visitor's children play in the courtyard or whisper things. Once she'd even heard a small girl with high curly pigtails say something to her mother about wanting to be 'a princess'. If it wasn't

totally wrong for Cher to correct the child, she would've confronted her about just how miserable it can be, but of course she had to refrain.

As a child herself, Cher did similar things she still does today. She studied. Only once or twice did she see another her age, and they disliked her strongly for correcting their pronunciation errors or any other thing imaginable a young girl would do wrong. The only social interaction Cher
really had was when a strange man whom she called her guard had been..staring at her. However, when she noticed he wasn't around she heard nothing more about him, he was rather more of a memory than an


Today, Cher's day almost always consists of the same old things. Wake up, go to the palace library,

watch the children play in the courtyard outside her large bedroom window, and study. When she had free time Cher was often found reading silly romance novels or adventure stories. Occasionally she'll dabble with playing the piano, but her mother disapproves of it.



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@SkyGinge Looks great! Although I would like to see some pictures, I understand that it might be difficult to find an FC as unique as all that xD But I can't help seeing Marshall D. Teach (AKA Blackbeard) from One Piece. Awesome ^^

Also, feel free to up his bounty if you like. I mean, I put Jack at the top of the most wanted mostly because of his status as the last jack of all trades, so I think someone like Captain Whiskey deserves a little more renown than 10,000,000. Maybe something closer to 100,000,000? Of course, it IS up to you. Either way, your pirate captain is accepted as is ^^ I was a bit unsure about the technology, but as you explained at the bottom, as long as it's basic stuff, then I see no reason to alter it.
I edited my post as requested! I know it's not that great, if you want I can go back and edit again if you're not completely satisfied.
Character two/four:

Full Name: Chitho 'Deadeye' Rickell

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Appearance: Tall, lanky and sullen, Deadeye hides his true appearance under a long, black cloak that reaches his knees, knees covered by baggy grey trousers. Open in the middle, the cloak hides numerous different weapons and items that are strapped to the side of the blue jacket he wears underneath. From underneath the hood of his cloak pokes out a long, two pronged quiff of dull brown. Otherwise, his face remains hidden bar a single, wide, shining emerald eye; his right. It literally glows like a dim light whilst his other eye, perfectly functioning, does not; this is the source of his nickname, Deadeye.

Personality Strengths: Deadeye is usually silent and enigmatic, keeping respectfully polite and quiet at all times. He is incredibly loyal and, when left to his own devises, surprisingly moral for a pirate. Despite this, he still has a sense of humour, and is willing to continue Whiskey's wild jests - in fact, it has been commented that all he ever says is jokes.

Personality Weaknesses: His mysterious persona and position as somewhat of a pirate legend are merely the mask to a secret past and creepier intentions. Whilst he is often selfless, when he finds a desire, he obsesses over it profusely, and can get sinister and violent over it. This can change him to be completely self-centered, unreliable and above all, dangerous.

Physicality: Very agile and swift, and although perhaps not amazing strong, he is still muscular and strong enough to hold his own in a fist-fight. His almost ninja-like presence allows him to dodge attacks and create surprise opportunities, and he can often wriggle his way out of tough situations. He usually uses a long katana, but is satisfactory with other weapons too.

Social Relationships: Remains anonymous amongst The Abyss and it's crew, only really approaching Whiskey and his daughter. He is also known as somewhat of an urban legend amongst fellow sky-pirates, who tell of his ridiculous fighting skills in battles they lost against Whiskey.

Hobbies/Likes: Relatively unknown seeing as he is so elusive. One would presume he thinks a lot, and likes training and fighting too. Additionally, he is often spotted lying wide awake at the highest point of the ship, watching the stars.

Fears/Dislikes: Dislikes when his desires are undermined; he dedicates his life to work that allows others to get what they want, so why can't they just understand? Additionally, is known to be a picky eater. His greatest fear is that his identity may be revealed.

Background: Deadeye arrived on the deck of The Abyss under mysterious consequences two years prior to the events. He was a wreck, but Whiskey accepted his plea to join the group, an action that inspired his fervent loyalty throughout the years. Since then, Deadeye has helped Whiskey at all his major skirmishes and thievery attempts, often being the deciding factor between victory and loss. He has never told of why he turned up at the ship though.

As a child, he had always idolised the idea of a royal guard in the castle city. And thus, to obtain this position, he dedicated his life to physical training. The work payed off; after undergoing formal procedures, he became an official royal guard. His reputation soon proceeded him; his impeccable senses lead to him saving a high up figure an assassination attempt. As loyal then as ever, he was promoted to a special role; one of Cher's main guards.

As the days and weeks passed by, Chitho remained loyal as ever to his job. He learnt the best ways to observe the young woman and keep her protected. But all that observation triggered an emotional reaction inside him; he found himself falling deeply in love with her. And because they had to remain separate and he could never speak to her, his love could only grow through dreams and idolisation. As darkened nights passed, he added more and more to his dream of her, until eventually she became the centre of his inner-most desires. Having only ever been dedicated to other people's needs, he had no idea how to deal with love, and no idea that his feelings were bordering on dangerous.

For weeks, he devised a plan, fantasising over it as he ended up too nervous to execute it. Having overheard plots of a plan to invade the castle, he took advantage of the situation and stealthily murdered his fellow guard, a man he had somewhat befriended over the years. Events unfolding at the dead of night, he snuck into the young woman's room whilst she was asleep and admired her a little closer. When he was done (having drugged the drinks he had delivered to her earlier to ensure she slept soundly), he left and claimed that he had been absent when his comrade was murdered, a claim backed up by the attack he had anticipated going ahead. Whilst this minor rebel uprising had been largely quenched by guards elsewhere, one had snuck through and was instantly framed as the murderer. However, because of the potentially dangerous situation he had left the girl in by being 'absent', he was demoted down to a lower rank. Enraged, he plotted a revenge.

On an airship expedition that Cher's father and most of the military undertook, Chitho planned to take over the smaller ship he was stationed on and use it to ram into and damage her father's ship, an 'accident' that would allow him to sneak in, murder the king and frame his death as part of the crash. Unfortunately for him, he was discovered midway through his attempts to take over his ship when somebody else discovered several murdered bodies in the ship. Forced to change his plan, Chitho instead crashed the ship into a smaller sky island in order to kill his pursuing shipmates, a crash which he choreographed in order to let him escape unharmed. Everybody else perished and, the entire crew presumed dead, the event was known as one of the greatest tragedies of the kingdom. Chitho, meanwhile, scavenged and stowawayed his way to arriving at the Abyss, shattered at the prospect of never seeing his love again, and starving. And throughout two years of pirating, his desires have not changed.

Morals: Maintains a certain code of conduct in fighting and almost always opts to spare enemies unless impossible. Upholds societies moral expectations, but when chasing a desire has no sense of mercy or often basic humanity.

Other: Whiskey calls him his secret weapon. His hooded portrait lies at number three on the most wanted list; titled 'Hooded Horror', he is bountied at 250,000,000, only half less than Jack. Chitho would like to go toe-to-toe with Jack, who he believes he could provide a decent battle. However, he notes that Jack has a higher bounty than him for a reason, and so would fight expecting to lose.

Again, if any of this does not fit the canon then just say. On the topic of Chee remembering him, she would only have vague memories of a guard she once had since she had no relationship with him at all. The character is a little creepy, but given this is 17+ I figured it was suitable.
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Name: Jean Bonheur

Occupation: Treasure Hunter

Age: 24

Size: 6'3" 180 lbs Tall and on the thinner side

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Teal

Attire: Light brown combat garments, also has an eye patch and a slouch hat


Personality: Flamboyant in nature, extremely confident, and friendly, Jean will rush into any situation he feels like, no matter the danger. He is incredibly lucky, a trait which he seems to put far too much weight on. He is consistently gambling his life for treasure, with his reasoning being, "might as well try it and see what happens." If his luck seems to be failing him, he can be very cowardly and appears much weaker than before, returning to his humble past self.

Fighting Technique: He has adopted a very flashy, showy style of fighting, in which he aims to outskill his opponent as much as possible. Unfortunately, he can become too concerned with looking good and not focused enough on surviving and winning the battle.

Backstory: The Bonheur family has always been unlucky. As long as anyone of them can remember, they have existed as poor farmers, just barely keeping off the streets. That is, until Jean came along. In the beginning he was as unlucky as the rest of his family, unearthing many spoiled crops, never winning at cards, and on a few occasions, getting the contends of some of the poorer resident's chamber pots emptied on his head. This misfortune culminated with him being accused of ogling a noble's daughter when he was 16. It was an accident, to be sure, but the noble in question was extremely protective of his children. No one stood up for a Bonheur. It was widely known in the village that joining up with any of them would cause the bad luck to spread to you as well. As punishment for the decided transgression, the noble had Jean's eye painfully and excruciatingly ripped out. His torturers were "nice" enough to give him his eye as a keepsake, and after this event, Jean's life changed. As he staggered back home, he was approached by a group of robbers who threatened him at knife point. Since he had no money to give them, he readied himself for death. However, that day, a peculiar thing happened. Jean got lucky. At that very moment, the town watch passed by on one of their infrequent patrols. They were able to seize the robbers and Jean was able to return home to his family. When he told his brother's his story, none of them could believe it. He attributed this drastic change of fortune to the eye, which was currently in his pocket. To test this theory, he and his brothers pooled the small amount of extra money they had and gambled at the local tavern. When they returned home that night, they presented their parents with a pile of money, much to their disbelief. Jean began to take they eye everywhere he went, and where he went, Lady Luck followed. Eventually, he managed to earn enough money gambling to buy himself some gear and test his luck treasure hunting, promising to return home to his family with great riches. He started out joining various groups of treasure hunters on group hunts, for a cut of the pay. After a particularly lucky find, he was left with enough money to buy his own airship and test his luck alone. His first hunt would take him into the kingdom of Otanis...

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I can tell you kinda rushed through it bit, but I'm impressed with what you have thus far, so I'm looking forward to seeing what you can do when you have more time on your hands. I'll accept Jean as he is, but please; if you feel his profile is incomplete or messy, do just as you say and clean it up some. I'd rather everyone not half-ass anything, and seeing as how I already like him, I'd love to see what your character looks like when you aren't rushing to complete his sheet. :)
Character three:

Full Name: Admiral Grendell Asulpus

Age: 48

Gender: Male

Appearance: At 6'05", Asulpus is a human giant. His face, plain but unweathered by age, holds a long, pointy nose and chin, as well as two, narrow, dark eyes. His hair, by contrast, is a wild mane of jet black that encompasses his entire face, including a shaggy beard. He wears a dark red rendition of the standard military uniform, adorned with various medals, and a trademark dark cape draped over his wide shoulders. He is of an average build, though as a result of his height he appears much skinnier than he actually is.

Personality Strengths: The most accurate word to describe Asulpus is efficient; in all he does, he lets no emotion dent his actions and ideas. When he has his heart set on something, he has limitless. motivation and determination. Has a wonderfully calculating mind that can empathise and think as others, leading him to take intelligent strategic decisions. Is wily enough to act different ways to earn respect from others. Also has a remarkable yet monotonous focus on his work and country.

Personality Weaknesses: Utterly ruthless, he is wholeheartedly-heartless, merciless and genuinely horrible when it comes to achieving his goals. He will kill anything that goes against him and loves the rush of power he gets from enacting violence. He can't stand not being in power, and the anger caused from this makes him more uncontrollable and dangerous. He is far too strict and cruel to others; he is truly arrogant, though perhaps towards his goal rather than himself. His mind, though great, is slow and he struggled to react quickly enough to sudden changes around him; additionally, his temper can alter his judgement. He strives to portray a model harsh, but just, figure and hypocritically fails in that because of his underlying hypocrisy.

Physicality: Decently strong, but not a fighter; he prefers to watch and choreograph violence.

Social Relationships: A true recluse, nobody is properly friends with him, but he is indifferent to this, like most other things. As an admiral he still has to serve under others, which he does through strained, fake manners. His rudeness and scary fierceness defer other military men from him.

Hobbies/Likes: Asulpus feels most accomplished after successfully bringing justice to a top criminal, though he cares not for the media and compliments of his peers and superiors. He is surprising into cooking and food critique, and loves to taste different cuisine; this is perhaps the only action that softens him up a little. However, his darkest interest is a morbid obsession with torture, both physical and mental. In the depths of his military ship, he holds a secret dungeon in which he has contained numerous famous criminals whom he was supposed to have killed off. Here, he tortures then daily, often devising new ways of mutilating his victims and ranking them in terms of pain. As such, some of the most powerful and self-confident villains in the land have now been reduced to weak, reclusive loners.

Fears/Dislikes: Fears nothing properly; he has back up plans in the case of anything happening against him. He hates anybody breaking the laws, and also hates being undermined and defied, and when his plans fall apart.

Background: As a child, Asumpus was already a recluse and a dreamer; he would sit alone amongst his playing, energetic classmates, deep in thought. However, his life truly changed when he came back from education to find his home destroyed and his family killed by the stray cannonballs of a scuffle between pirate clans. The military police arrived an hour later, the pirates long gone, and dismissed the case. Furious that justice was not served, but apathetic towards the demise of his parent, the newly orphaned and adopted Asumpus vowed the revive the just spirit of the military.

Fortunately for him, he was adopted by a rich family with ties to the leaders of the alliance, and as such was granted insight into their workings. As soon as he could, he joined the military. He enjoyed his simple life of following orders as a low-ranked private, but desired more power. He figured that the only way to make the world a place without true injustice was to take on the role of its overseer, an idea that have him a somewhat insane sense of self-righteousness and self-purpose. Thus he despises working under others, and often dreamt of ways that he could inflict pain upon them.

Nevertheless, his loyalty served him well and, due to his efforts in the war, he was promoted to the position of Captain. He then spent several years studying and refining his moral principals alongside his duties until finally his complexion got too strong; he had to wipe out all evils.

Thus he started big; the then-top of the most wanted list, an infamous pirate. Asulpus spent three years tracking him down and finally outwitted the intelligent troublemaker, taking him captive. The arrest of such a famous figure sky-rocketed Asulpus to the position of an Admiral, a position he took seriously. Ever since, he has been the relentless driving force of the military and has lead many successful operations on criminals said to be uncatchable. It was around this time that he decided that death or imprisonment wasn't enough for these true villains; they deserved to live an endless age of pain. And thus Asulpus began 'collecting' criminals, containing and torturing them like living prizes in the secret chambers of his airship. Whilst his collection is solid, there is one particular item that the Admiral wishes to add to it; Jackson Harville.

Morals: On the surface, Asulpus promotes harsh but righteous moral scruples; he believes that any law braking act should be punished as to force good behaviour. However, his love of suffering and torture is highly corrupt and undermines this warped sense of justice.

Other: His airship has secret under-deck chambers where his prisoners are kept; nobody in the military bar a corrupt ship-builder know of it's existence. It is ran by lesser criminals trapped and forced to do his bidding, and features state-of-the art technology.

The final character will be done by this time tomorrow. Must say I'm pretty pleased with all of these; props to you for creating an RP that provides such good inspiration! :D
Name: Oliver 'Aero' Creed

Age: 22

Height: 6'02"

Weight: Approximately 194lbs

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Fiery Hazel

Occupation: Assassin

Appearance: Aero is a fairly tall boy, but is rather slim. With golden hair and hazel eyes, that seem to have an explosion of orange around the rim of his pupil.


Personality: Aero has always maintained a care free attitude about most things in life. He can't help himself however when someone either flaunts their power, or their ability to make another person's life hell. He has never considered himself honorable, or a proud person, like his father, but he has always kept his ideals close to his heart. Aero was usually fighting amongst the people of Skyland. He didn't care for the attitude that King Otanis was the one and true ruler of their home.

Background: There was a time when everything was was a cataclysm of fiery war. Everything living thing was threatened, there was no escape. Learning of the wars was Aero's man reason to become a benefit in any way possible. He took every job, assassination, and even peaceful work amongst the kingdom to help the peaceful civilization in tact. Even when Aero was young he knew the world was wrong, filled with putrid people that would ruin the Skyland just as they had ruined the seven great nations 700 years ago.

At a young age is when Aero was taught the ways of sing everything to his advantage, and how to stay out of sight. The age of 15 was his first assassination and that was the first kill of his life. Ever since that day he had learned that if the right people die, the world could be kept safe. Aero's father was a humble and proud man the held his honor above everyone else's. He hated Aero to the core of his soul, wishing that his mother might still be alive if she hadn't given birth to her son. Oliver Creed, was his birth name, but he renamed himself in honor his keeper. A woman by the name of Guinevere Aerostat . She, when Aero's father almost killed the boy, took him in. He was broken and beaten, but Guinevere nursed him back. She was a medium sized slender woman. A fair bit darker skinned that Aero. She dyed her hair purple and kept quiet in the shadows.

Guinevere was the parent that Aero was always looking for, but the boys fate changed when he was saved by her. He was only four when he was thrown to the gutters of the streets when she found him. Eleven years had gone by and she had taught him the secrets of fighting and how to keep hidden from those who wish him dead. The night had come so fast that Guinevere came into Aero's room and gently brushed his hair out of his eyes. "Boy, it's time for everything to change." She said waking him up from his sound slumber. Aero had been use to the late night visits from the woman he now called master Gwen. They traveled for most of the night to a higher class part of the kingdom. Aero was told that the man inside the building was an enemy, the first enemy he had ever had, and the she wanted him to pay for what he had done. She handed him a small bag full of money and told him," It isn't much, but that is the price I shall pay for his head." Guinevere was gone from sight and Aero had entered the house without hesitation. Thats when he saw him, Aero's first enemy was in fact his own father.

"You should be careful, for humans are weak." Aero's father said. Aero wasn't thinking anything at the moment he had appeared, but he simply walked up to him and stuck his knife into his father's heart. There were no tears, but his father had a few last words. "Oliver, you were never my son. All this time I have hated you because you were another man's bastard. I killed your mother, and eventually left you to die. This was my first and final mistake. I should have loved you like my own, but you were the bane of my very being. I could help but detest you existence." It was sudden, but the man that once called himself Aero's father was no longer living. Aero walked into the light of the rising sun and saw Guinevere standing atop a roof. "You'll have to go now boy, I have taught you everything I know and you have done it better than I ever could at your age. Travel Skyland and use your blade to make a name for yourself. You must never be seen if you are on a job, for that is the way of the assassins. Aero, there may come a time when you come across someone that goes by the title of Jack of All Trades." Aero was confused, but had heard the title before. They were a skilled group with a understanding or even mastery of combat Some were even considered legends. "Seek one of them out, and try to learn a thing or two. There is no doubt it would hone your skills even further."

Seven years later: Even after all his training Aero managed to create a semi normal way of living. He worked hard for the people around him and silently for those that needed it. Eventually notices were posted for the boy that had no face, the killer without sound, but always left the insignia of the phoenix when someone was killed. It was his calling card, and he slowly, but surly became known as the 'Faceless Phoenix' worth 350,000,000 dead or alive. Today no one knew who Aero truly was and that was the way he had planned to keep it. Until he caught wind of a 500,000,000 bounty for another, he went by the name of Jack. Aero didn't want to kill this man or even collect the bounty, just to meet another person as talented as he was would mean the world to him. "Maybe, just maybe a man more notorious than I, could he be considered The Jack of All Trades?"
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Name: Allison Westerfield / Madeira June (see below for explanation)

Age: 21



Height: 5’6

Occupation: Madeira is an accomplished healer who owns a small apothecary in her home trailer (think Neverwas Haul). She travels from island to island, setting up shops and acting as a sort of doctor to citizens who do not wish to go to local ones due to various reasons. She welcomes any patient, regardless of wealth, and accept gifts of any value in return for their services. The items in her shop (mainly potions and herbs), however, are purchased using the islands’ own currency. The length of Madeira's stays ranges from months to around a year before she has to move again.

Background: Madeira's mother was a noble who had an affair with a Sky Pirate. Due to status difference, she could not marry him and instead was forced to marry another of an equal status. After her mother and her mother's husband died, Madeira, left under the care of her mother's brother, was the sole heir to her family's legacy. Her uncle, a petty man who prided himself on being of pure noble blood, was bitter and unwilling to see the family fortune fall into the hands of an 'outsider'. He kept Madeira under his thumb and for a while was content managing everything as her guardian. But as Madeira grew up, his wife pressured him to kill her off so that they could gain full control of the family property. Madeira, sensing that her time is near, fled from her house and became a healer. Her uncle proclaims her to be dead. Madeira knew he would secretly send men to kill her so she created a new identity for herself, Madeira June. (Allison Westerfield being her birth name) The picture above is what she looks like now.

Personality: She is a soft-spoken, reserved lady whose speech and manner hint at a high-class upbringing though she tries very hard to hide it. While kind-hearted and pleasant, she has an occasional mean streak that shows itself whenever she is around people she hates. She dislikes open displays of emotions becomes stiff and aloof when angered. Sensitive towards others. Strong-willed.

As a child, Madeira received nothing but resentment from her mother's husband and disdain from her relatives who viewed her as a disgrace instead of a product of love. Her mother adored her but constantly got into fights with her husband because of her and was repeatedly beaten by a man who claimed to 'love her with all his life'. Thus, Madeira has a extremely jaded view on love, believing it to be nothing but a source of pain and disappointment.

As a healer, Madeira believes that every life is equal, and that it is her duty to save all of them. However, this sometimes wars with her desire to survive and other morals. She has a strong sense of right and wrong, classifying everything into black and white without any room for gray and condemns anyone who goes against her values. She is not narrow-minded or extremely righteous, but just opinionated.

Others: Since young, her interest lies in animals and plants and she is extremely knowledgeable about them.

She knows little about combat or weaponry but this does not mean she is incapable of taking care of herself. Her strengths lies in making poison and special powders capable of blinding her enemies or luring them to sleep. She also carries around a small dagger with her but does not know much besides stabbing (or trying to) others with it.

She has a pet ferret called Luco with a tendency to steal things from everyone and is extremely possessive about his owner.

I'm sorry this came so late >.< But I hope you are okay with it. Quick question, I presume that since there are kings in your RP, there are nobles too? If so, are they the usual Duke, Earl etc?
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Looks good, Melody!

And that's a good question. I'd say yes, possibly. It's generally only king in name as 'leader' or 'master' of his land, more than anything. That goes for 'Queen' as well. It's just the go-to term for the leader of a country or nation, or in the case of an entire government like the Novah Alliance; it's Director.

But I wouldn't be against the possibility of dukes or earls, princes/princesses. It just depends on the kind of country it is, I suppose. The skylands of Novahlis are vast and full of many counties with civilizations, kingdoms, cities, villages, and the like. So there's a wide variety, I'd say.

Does that answer your question?
Name: Eleanor, The "Silent Lily"

Age: 24

Occupation: Assassin

Height: 5’3

Appearance: Eleanor has straight black hair that hangs to the middle of her back and deep gray eyes. She has an average-looking heart shaped face with a wide mouth and an multiple scars on her stomach and back.

Her small stature misleads people to think she that is harmless. In reality, she is extremely quick and strong, and most of all, silent. People rarely notice her until she is suddenly behind them, holding a knife to their throat, and that’s the last thing they usually feel.

Personality: Cold and distrustful, she was taught to rely on only herself since young. Afraid of getting hurt again by people she loves, it takes her a long time to open up to others. She is a slight perfectionist, wanting to be the best in everything she does. Excellent at close combat fighting. Has a nonchalant air about her most of the time. Many have mistaken her bluntness and indifference as arrogance. Her sense of justice is strong though her morals might differ from most. In other words, she is not hesitant to do whatever she deem appropriate to those she thinks deserved death. Comes across as an uncaring, confident, ruthless loner. Extremely loyal and selfless towards her loved ones. To her, they are everything. She doesn't let many close to her but when she does she will protect them with her life.

Fighting style: While efficient with most weapons, she prefers ranged ones, especially when it come to assassinations. She loves fighting in the dark, as having been trained to do it since young, it gives her an advantage over her opponents. When faced with a difficult enemy, she usually targets the his's weak spots, immobilizing the person before killing him off. Hates flamboyant or long, elaborate battles. Uses a variety of weapons when fighting, such as chains, spikes and throwing knifes. She is also able to use her surroundings to her advantage.

Background: Taken in as a young orphan, Eleanor was trained, along with twenty other children, to become assassins. They never knew the name of their caretaker and instead called him their ‘Father’. The numerous scars on her body was a result of the immense psychological and physical training she received. She regularly sparred with the other children and tried out murder techniques on the ‘Father’s’ prisoners.

While thankful that he took her away from a life of poverty and dirt, Eleanor initially hated everything she was forced to do. Her first assassination happened at 16 but by then she felt no remorse in taking another life. In a way, the ‘Father’ had brainwashed her into thinking that everyone she assassinates were worthless scumbags and that she was doing the rest of Novahlis good by murdering them. Eleanor is highly efficient, the best among all of the ‘Father’s’ ‘children’. She is extremely cautious and clean in all her assassinations, making sure that no one ever found out who did it. And no one did. For seven years her of life she was the perfect killing machine.

Despite all of the ‘Father’s’ efforts in turning his ‘children’ against each other, Eleanor still managed to find a small group of friends who she treasured. She tried to be the best for them, sheltering them from most of the horrors of the ‘Father’ and the more gruesome assassination by taking them on herself. However, there was one, one of her closest friends, who felt nothing but jealousy for her status and her relationship with the ‘Father’. The girl instigated others and convinced the 'Father' that Eleanor was getting so powerful and independent she might be a threat to him, which led to the ‘Father’s’ orders to kill Eleanor.

During one particular mission, Eleanor realized her friends were sent to kill her. She defeated all of them, and in her rage went back to murder the ‘Father’. It was a grisly fight, and in the end, only she and three other assassins, who were on her side, survived.

It was then, after scouring through the ‘Father’s’ papers and information, that she found out he was a powerful figure working behind the scenes of the undersky network. Her image of the 'Father' and everything she did was completely shattered, for not everyone she killed deserved to die. No one knew about the existence of the ‘Father’; there were rumors about him but none was confirmed. The ‘Father’ worked a complicated system of networks that ensures no one ever found out about him while continuing receiving assassination jobs. She took over the 'Father's' place and halted everything he was doing, disbanding the rest of the assassins. Since then they have went their own separate ways.

Tired of a life filled with nothing but pain and murder, Eleanor wanted to live normally for a change. She soon found out she was getting restless with this quiet life and thus, using the connections she gained as the ‘Father’, she started taking jobs again. This time, she targets corrupted officials and criminals. She currently resides in Otanis, one of the few places she hasn't killed anyone.

Other: Eleanor leaves behind a single stalk of white lily every time she finishes a kill. It was suppose to represent how the cleansing of the victim have made the world a much purer place.

Her bounty currently stands at 50,000,000.

If you are not really sure who the 'Father' is, basically he is just a guy who trains assassins and sends them on to missions. He is really a behind-the-scenes kind of guy, and not really working for any particular side. He had plans for his 'children' and the missions he sent them on were really just training for all of them (those missions were the ones that paid the most).
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Elizabeth looks good, Melody. But it should be known that she and Jack's mother share in the same name. I don't mind this, but I felt I should point it out in case you did.

Also, do you happen to have a title for the girl? Her assassin/bounty name? As well as how much you believe she might be worth. Her title is probably something like "White Lily", or just plain "Lily" I'd wager? Given her trademark.
Oh I just realised it. Thanks for pointing it out haha. I think I'll go change her name, just to avoid confusion.

For her title I think the "White Lily" or "Silent Lily" would do. As for her bounty, I was thinking 50,000,000?

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Fourth and final character (for now ;) )!

Full Name: Khalen 'Strappy' Fletchin

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Appearance: Stocky, but not fat, Khalen, like her father, is a force of nature. She has inherited her father's small, blue eyes, though on her they appear as two shining pearls in a round, tanned face. In casual, hobbiest wear, her long, jet black hair hangs her right shoulder, her slender eyebrows like small streaks above the pearled eyes.

If not in the smart, military garb then she wears a long, emerald green coat over lighter, beige garments adorned with various boho-style hangings and finishing, leaving a curved belly to the elements. She wears similar, knee-length shorts and high, pointed brown boots, and across all limbs and her abdomen, the black leather strapping from which she has received her nickname is wrapped like a maze, ending in black knee-pads and similar finger gloves. To top off the look, she wears an emerald green sloping hat.

Personality Strengths: The tomboyish Khalen carries a more feminine version of joviality and likability her father exudes; she is delightfully bubbly and interesting. She has a fiery determination towards achieving her goals, and is fairly selfless, almost soft. She also has a greater sense of morality than her pirate kin. Whilst not as intelligent as her father, she has a natural fighting instinct and creativity that make her an alert and dangerous fighter. When she is not lying, she is very open and honest with everybody.

Personality Weaknesses: Her feistiness can cause her to be blinded with anger and think illogically. Her loud tomboyishness is met disapprovingly by most of society, and this can cause her to be shunned. Due to her dangerous lifestyle, she is very easily bored and can become rude in these instances. Finally, she is fundamentally dishonest, to the extreme where she is one of the worlds most frequent liars.

Physicality: Fairy strong and agile, though not to exceptionally degrees. Seasoned from working the sky-pirate ships of her childhood, she is fine with manual labour. Is gracefully talented with a cutlass, to an almost acrobatic extent.

Social Relationships: Maintains several bonds and links with a number of different people. Most notably, she is a low ranked medic under a Captain who works under Admiral Asulpus, a job she takes up as a double life to an adventurous, treasure-hunting lifestyle. Indeed, she spends so much time away from her post that she should really be dismissed, but the Captain fancies her as she flirts with him and so lets her off. Is in contact with many other soldiers and treasure hunters, therefore, as well as the crew of The Abyss, her spiritual home, in which she lives and occasionally collaborates with if they are both in a similar place.

Hobbies/Likes: Puzzles, including unravelling people's private secrets. She has very little idea of privacy, and finds the futile efforts of those desperate to hide secrets amusing. Whilst she hasn't the mind to devise them for herself, she enjoys piecing together parts of lost history. Like her father, she is also a fervent drinker, and enjoys partying, danger and action.

Fears/Dislikes: Her main peeve is sexism in any shape or form. When people look down on her or tease her fighting skills and wild life in light of her gender, she goes berserk. This extends to 'pathetic, self-pitying, male-dependant princesses', her term for any woman who relies on this scheme of gender. Hates books and a lack of action, as well as taking orders.

Background: Khalen grew up aboard The Abyss, a child amongst sweaty, immoral men. She never knew her mother; Whiskey later admitted she was a child he had ended up causing on a wild night just after acquiring the ship; he felt sorry for the woman he had impregnated and decided to raise the child himself. However, she was not devoid of morals in her upbringing; Whiskey made sure that she had a decent, if complicated given their home and constantly being on the run, education. This lead her wanting action and becoming accustomed, albeit with a little scarring, to death, blood, action and violence.

Unlike her father, however, she was against the 'unnecessary' unruliness and violence of the pirate lifestyle and thus decided to do her own thing. She ran away aged Sixteen, training (haphazardly) in the arts of healing and medicine in order to treat the violence she had became accustomed to. However, she barely attended lessons due to getting involved as an assistant to quite a famous treasure hunter, a man named Dae'rn Grett, the then no.4 of the most wanted list. The pair embarked on a quest to find an ancient, legendary treasure that Dae'rn's ancestors had spoken about. They were making fine progress and had found a very promising lead when, despite her attrocious punctuality, Khalen's healing talent was noted and she was offered an important medical job in the military. Unable to turn it down due to the pair's desperate need for financing, she left Dae'rn, who disappeared off in search of this lead. He has never returned since, and Khalen is now trying to find out what happened to him.

A year later, and Khalen is still leading the bizarre double life of quiet military medic and semi-illegal, dangerous treasure hunting and exploration. However, she has taken to spending most work funds on meagre drinking. She had reconciled with the father she abandoned, and is now using her work as an inside lead for helping Whiskey.

Morals: A lot stronger than her fathers; she is normally the one to question the morality of any potentially dangerous actions.

Other: Has a pet Jarupin, an exotic bird a similar colour to her jacket. Called 'Dae' after her old friend, it is very domesticated, loyal and able to repeat simple phrases like a parrot. She lives in a small merchant airship that moves with the military wherever they need to be.

I was wondering if the treasure se and Dae'rn were after could have a semi-important role in the RP? Like, it has some kind of power or meaning that would make it more important than just dosh. PM me how I could make this work :)
Name: Levi Walker

Approx. 175lbs.

Occupation: "
Mercenary" (That's what he always claims)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/AnimeGuy1.jpeg.c576979aa1f51da2ee0ae685f3a9e12c.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18061" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/AnimeGuy1.jpeg.c576979aa1f51da2ee0ae685f3a9e12c.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Wears an eye patch over his right eye due to an encounter with a Captain. He wears a black, thick longsleeved strapped jacket that has a collar than covers his face from the nose down. He wears black pants and long knee-length black boots and has a black hooded cloak that goes down to his knees.

Prefers to be alone most of the time. Since the loss of his wife, Krista, and his son, James, 3 years ago, Levi hasn't tried to get along with anyone feeling if he gets attatched again the people he loves would get taken away from him. Retains a cold-hearted facade around everyone, even around the only friend he has left, Roy Valentine, who he hasn't spoken to in a year. He keeps 100% focus to whatever job he takes on, no matter what.

Fighting Style:
Levi's father trained him in most forms of martial arts, which he mixes up and uses as he sees fit. Though most proficient at using his hands and feet, he will also use knives, katanas, and spears. Though his preferred weapon of choice is his handmade Gun-Sword which looks like a very wide longsword with two grooves on each side that have gunbarrels at the hilt allowing smooth passage for the bullets. He carries this weapon conceled at all times. He stays calm during fights and is able to use his level head to fight better.

Physicality: Though he looks thin, he is very stong and fast, which he has to be to weild his Gun-Sword. Strong enough to fight most people. Anything at or below the rank of Captain he can fight.

When Levi was young his father, named James, and him would go Treasure Hunting. His father, having been a widely known Hunter, trained Levi so that he would be able to be a great Hunter like he was. Levi looked up to his father alot and found great amounts of joy in Treasure Hunting with him. When Levi was 15 he and his father had made many enemies. They caught the attention of many Bounty Hunters and Sky Pirates, which Levi enjoyed because he loved the thrill of a good fight. They defeated countless opponents, which enraged the other Hunters. They plotted to make James and Levi suffer. They committed many heinous crimes against the Government and pinned it on the duo. After many misunderstandings, they caught alot of unwanted attention from the Government. They were furious with them. When Levi was 17, they sent a Captain after them and the battle was fierce. Levi's eye got damaged badly in the fight they started to lose. The Captain was about to land a finishing blow on Levi when his father stepped in the way. The Captains blade pierced his fathers stomach and stopped just before reaching Levi's head. He told Levi: "Never give up son.... a real man faces the world with gusto in everything he does. If he gives up than he is admiting the World is stronger than he is. Promise me you'll never... give... up!" His father hit the captain and sent him backwards quite a ways then turned to his son and got on his knee and placed a hand on Levi's shoulder, sword still in him. "Do me proud... my son..." his father said with a smile before he died. Levi was made furious and killed the Captain with the sword that killed his father. He knew they'd send more after him so he faked his death. He began to live as a mercenary and stayed more cautious than before. He would still Hunt sometimes but not so often to arouse suspicion. One day when he was 18, he met Krista. They fell in love and got married when he was 19. Two years later they had a son named James, after Levi's father. For a while they were happy. Happier than anyone throughout the Skylands. Until... Levi went out on a job. Former rivals of his and his fathers had somehow realized he was still alive and instead of putting up a bounty or killing him, they waited until he got home, and two Treasure Hunters restrained him while he was forced to watch a third kill his wife and child in front of him. They let him live saying they would never kill him, only the ones closest to him if he kept Hunting. Fearing the loss of his closest friend Roy, who he grew up with, and what it would do to his family, Levi gave up hunting and decided to live alone for the rest of his life.



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