The Silence [Inactive]

The body of a girl was curled up on the bed in her cell, with her hands over her ears. She was shivering even though the windows were closed and locked. She was shivering from fear. Fear of silence. Fear of The Silence. Standing up, she toppled towards the left, banging against the padded green wall. Her eyes open from fear, she could barely breathe. Whispers in her ears drove her mad. She banged her head against the wall, wanting the insane whispers to stop.
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Images; that was what filled Jason's head as he slept. Images of the night when they came and murdered his parents before his young eyes. Images of horror, blood, and gore that traumatized him 13 years later and he was sure would until they came for him too. The last image to fill his head was of his mother becoming beheaded, before he awoke with a startling jump. His heart beating wildly, Jason looked around him expecting to be back at his house on that fateful night when he was 8 years old. However, all he found was the familiar gray dank walls of his cell that he had come to call home. He sighed, resting his head in his hands. Another day treated like I'm batshit crazy. he thought to himself. Grrrreat.
jordan wakes up at exatly at 3:02, because every night the same thing happens, it turns out the guards were waiting in his room for him to say the words, "Yep, guard 1 and guard 2, whatever your names are, the same old same old, may i please go the the infirmary, blah ble bloop, me fuckin' arms are disconnected once more." 
jordan wakes up at exatly at 3:02, because every night the same thing happens, it turns out the guards were waiting in his room for him to say the words, "Yep, guard 1 and guard 2, whatever your names are, the same old same old, may i please go the the infirmary, blah ble bloop, me ******* arms are disconnected once more."
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Jason got up and stretched his legs. Running his fingers through his unkempt brown hair, he crossed the cell to the the door that would release him and poked his head out through the bars. He didn't see a guard nearby, but could hear the sounds of the block waking up. "Hey!" he shouted into the halls expecting a reply from some authoritative figure. He was met with no such thing and with a sigh of frustration, he pulled a paper clip out of his pocket and picketed the lock. Like always, the door swung clear open and Jason exited his cell.
After banging her head on the padded wall, the voices stopped. She could hear noise outside. Charnette looked through the small peep-hole window, seeing someone exiting their cell without permission. There were cuts on her hands from when she had tried to open her own cell and failed. At least, that's what she thinks. Charnette hated her poor memory.
Jason walked down the hallway, nodding to familiar faces as he walked by them. Hopeful eyes stared back at him to free them as well, but Jason kept walking. He knew none of them would speak to him; his block was all teenage boys who had seemed to be scared into silence. When he got to the end of the row, he stopped in front of the door and cells 1 and 2. He crossed his arms and sighed about to exit through the door when a pair of eyes from cell 1 caught his eye. He nodded his head at the figure same as he had anyone else when he realized the eyes weren't male - they were female.
Charnette realized that she had caught the attention of the man who exited his cell. This could either work out in my favor, or go awkwardly and terribly wrong, she thought to herself. She squeaked out a small, "can you help me get out?" She hoped he would. Her cell stank of blood - her blood - and she wanted to go out. As she was already pretty insane, the guards refused to let her out, even when she was supposed to be.
Xobic got out the car two men grab his shoulders and started to push him into the building and down the hall. he started to look around and saw lots of doors with little windows it started to become Silence to"yay maybe I hear them today"one of the men opened up a door that has 666 on it they pushed him in it the padded room look fun to him so he started to bounce off the walls
Jason raised an eyebrow at the girl's voice. "And why should I do that?" He hadn't even known there was a girl that resided on this block. He'd be here longer then any of the prisoners patients at the asylum and he still had been clueless to a female being on this block. He sniffed the air near her cell and could smell the metallic stench of blood reeking from her cell.
Lays on the bed looking at the ceiling "Shut up... Why do you talk to me? I have nobody to kill..." Looks out window and sees Jason "Oh come on... Why do you want me to? He didn't do anything... Please just stop!" rolls over and cries
Xavier just sat in his corner, slowly rock back and forth. Muttering about the silence. "Why don't they come?" He wispered to himself. That's right they are waiting for all of us to awaken. Sill me. Why dont they hurry up. They are so slow." He stopped muttering.
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Xobic stop and set on the bed and then he started to sing"a tiny clown.he got wet I was talking to a psychic and I can't sleep in the ozone there's too many different peanuts looking sad"
Looks out the door window and looks at Jason "H-Hey... Can you let me out?" tries to act as innocent as possible
Jason swiveled around when another voice joined the girl's. The voice, belonging to a male this time, was timid and one he recognized. Alex had been there almost as long as he had, and he knew him pretty well. "Dude, I don't know about that. Don't you remember what happened the last time I let you out?"
Frowns "He... He shoved me... Then the feeling rushed over me... I will stay behind you and be quiet. Please... I really need to be out of this small thing... It's really making me flip out."
Jayden itched at his elbow for a second, sighed , and then let his arms drop between his knees, he was sitting up against the wall on his bed, his thoughts empty, the silence hadn't made any contact with him for a few days, sometimes it was almost as if he missed it. He threw the thought of missing it away and turned and laid down on his bed. "maybe something interesting will happen soon.." Although he didn't know what one would normally define as interesting in this place.
Jason pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing. "Alex, all you're going to do is end up doing is trying to escape again. I'm not having your ass get me in trouble again. Lockdown for 8 weeks was pure hell."
"Th-they won't let me out... I haven't gone out of this cell in months," Charnette said quietly. As someone else started to talk, she stopped talking. Listening to their conversation, Charnette learn that whoever was in a nearby cell was named Alex. She remembered the lockdown. During that time, she had nearly killed a passing guard when he opened her cell for not letting her out. Of course, everyone else wasn't allowed to be let out at the time, but after not going out with everyone else, she didn't care.
"GUYS!" Jason's yell silenced the block. "I can't hear myself think with you both talking at once." Jason crossed over to Alex's cell. "You promised me last time you'd be right behind me, kid. And the time before that. You can't expect me to be foolish again, can you?" He walked back over to where cell 1 was and looked through the small peephole. "13 years I've been here, and I've never once known of a girl on this floor. Who are you?"
Jason could hear Alex's cries and he sighed resting his head against the door of cell 1. "I'm sorry Alex. Give me time to learn to trust you again. Maybe I'll take you with me next time."
Digging around in his pockets, Jason protruded a chocolate bar and tossed it into Alex's cell. "Don't ask me how, and don't tell the guards."
Stops crying instantly "Th-Thank you so much Jason!" eats the chocolate in very very small bites "Thank you... Mmmm... Thank you so much!"

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