The Silence [Inactive]

Jason nodded his head at the boy, sighing once more. Each and everyday was a struggle at the asylum and he never seemed to get a break from the stressers that followed him everywhere he went.
Charnette winced slightly at his sudden yell. She pitied Alex; he just wanted to go out. She lowered her eyes slightly when the man turned back to her and asked her a question. "My name's Charnette. I was brought in here late at night, so you were probably asleep," she answered quietly. I haven't gone out of this cell in months, she was going to add, but she remembered she had said that before.
Tyger laid in her bed, having just woke up to a commotion in the hallway. She had dreamt about that night again, the night she tried to leave him. She woke up in a panic, sweat dripping down her forehead. Silently, she wiped the sweat using her sweater sleeve, and got up. Ty slid a bobby pin from her hair and stood, walking slowly to the door. She wiped her eyes, still half asleep, and took a moment to pick the lock, as she and others had done many times before. Tyger slid a hand through her white hair and quietly slipped from her room, walking down the hallway.

"Oh!" She covered her mouth as she bumped into a figure in the hallway. This must be the man making a commotion.

((Going to bed. Night guys!))
"Last night? What do you take me for some kind of idi-" Jason had started his heated response to Charnette when a figure crashed into him. It was another girl coming out of the cell in between Charnette's and Alex's. "Bloody hell." Jason muttered aloud. He had gone from thinking he knew this block like the back of his hand to becoming clueless in two seconds flat. "And just who might you be?"
Tyger recoiled quickly. "I might ask you the same question." She stood a few feet from him, her red eyes shown through the dim hallway. Bumping into a stranger in her hallway had woken her up fully, and she now traced a hand along the wall to keep her steady, her white dress catching the limited light coming from the cells.
Jason angrily grumbled. "I'm Jason. I've been here the longest out of the rest of these nutcases in this crazy house and before today, I knew everybody on this block, until liarlette-" he motioned his head at Charlette's cell "and you showed up out of nowhere." Jason took a step towards her and realized he towered over the girl, "Now, answer MY question. Who are you?"
Tyger stood up straight, barely reaching his shoulder, "I've been here for two years, 6 months, and 4 days." She breathed quietly, and then lifted her head to look into his eyes with her big, red ones. "I'm Tyger." Ty swallowed loudly in the quiet of the hallway. "I was moved to this cell," She pointed to cell #2, "today, after the staff finally realized I was the only one on the upstairs floor." Tyger whispered, "The only one left, anyway..."
Crossing his arms, Jason looked the girl up and down. She was pretty he thought, and didn't seem as if there was much wrong with her, which came as a relief. It had been a while since he had seen a closer to sane than insane person roam these halls. Only then did he fully realize she was outside of her cell, standing with him, and he raised an eyebrow. "How exactly did you free yourself?"
Tyger saw that he was looking at her, either in a critical way or in an interested way, either of which made her blush a bit. Ty had to admit, he wasn't bad-looking, he was actually quite handsome. She bit her lip and raised her pale hand up, holding a single black bobby pin for her hair, that she had used to escape many times, only to return to her cell eventually, it was safer for everyone that way. "Bobby pin. I picked the lock. How about you?"
Jason smirked at the girl, "Not bad, little lady." He cocked an eyebrow at her and turned his smirk into a half raised smile before reaching into his pants, and taking out his paper clip. "Similar way of course." Jason walked to the door that would lead to exiting their hallway and put his hand on the door knob. He turned his head to the left and called back, "You comin'?"
Tyger, somewhat impressed, nodded and started down the hallway towards him, "I'm not that little..." She muttered, running a hand through her white hair. As she passed the cells, she could hear moans and crying and mumbling coming from the patients. She silently thanked God for her being able to function, although she knew she had been like them at some point. Ty reached the door and smirked, "Let's go."
Charnette watched the scene go down, staying silent the entire time. When the two went down the hallway, she gawked. "What the..." Clenching her fists in anger, she yelled out, "d*amnit!" Afterwards, she kicked the door, making it rattle. The distorted voices came back, but this time, she was tempted to listen to what they had to say.
Jason looked back at her as she stood next to him and winked at Tyger. "Let's see if you're up for a little adventure." He pushed open the door that the guards always failed to lock and stalked down the hallway. Jason didn't bother looking into the cells he strutted past as he walked by. He had no time to stop. Every day he had only an specific amount of time for freedom, and he intended to enjoy every second of it he could. He already knew his time was shortened by the delay he had today, and that angered him. When he got to the staircase to go up floors, Jason looked behind him and was frustrated to see the girl wasn't keeping up. In a growl, he snapped at her. "I don't have time to waste. Either you keep up or you go back."
"I'm always up for adventure." Tyger breathed the words, in a quiet, whispering tone. She smiled a bit and ran after him, tracing her hand along the wall in the stairwell. This was a habit she had developed, it comforted her. Her fingers ran along the texture of the wall and it soothed her to know that there was something there, and she wasn't imagining it. "Sorry," She blinked as the man growled at her, and caught up to him, keeping up from now on. She wanted this freedom just as much as he did.
Jason shook his head in a way that said he didn't believe her but continued on anyway. He bounded up many levels of stairs, seemingly effortlessly, until he reached the last staircase. When he got there, he was surprised to see Tyger right behind him. At least, she listens well. He thought to himself. Jason locked his eyes onto hers in a ferocious glare before saying, "Stay close to me."
Tyger blinked a few times, face showing no emotion, before nodding. "Yes sir." She mumbled, smirking. Tyger waited in the deafening silence, memories suddenly flooding her brain. Normally, it would have disturbed her so much that she would have screamed, but for now she merely grimaced, pushing the images away. They were always the same; her old boyfriend approaching her with a deadly look in his eyes, her bloody clothes, screaming, and waking up for the first time in the asylum. Tyger gritted her teeth and stayed directly behind Jason, so close she could hear his heartbeat in the quiet.
Slowly, Jason cracked the door open. "Quickly," he motioned to Tyger. "Inside, now." After she was in front of him, he shut the door and sheltered the girl behind him. The utmost top floor of the asylum was dark in a terrible way. It was blackened and charred appearing, where obviously no guard had set foot in years. There was a dark mist near the ceiling that would swirl tendrils down to lick anybody in the upstairs level, cutting them stingily so. The noises one could hear; the moans and screams and cries filled any's ears who wandered the floor, agonizingly so. It was however, the only way to the roof. Jason marched through it all until he got to the hatch. He lifted Tyger up onto his shoulder finding she was surprisingly light, opened the hatch, and lifted them both to the roof of the asylum. Once they were both atop, he shut the hatch without hesitation. "You alright?"
Tyger rushed into the room Jason motioned to, and immediately felt something stinging in the air. She gasped quietly as she heard the cries of other patients. Quickly, she covered her ears, unintentionally digging her nails into the soft skin behind them. But, she still kept up with Jason, and gasped a little loudly as she was lifted to the roof. Relieved, she let go of her ears and glanced around, never having been on the roof before. "Yeah," Tyger mumbled, taking it all in, the fresh air and view of the city in the distance. "I don't remember the last time I was outside." She smiled and turned to look at him.
Jason smiled back at her before walking around, breathing the fresh air in in greedy gulps. "I've come out every single day since I discovered it a decade ago." He looked around and soaked in the sun. "We have about 20 minutes up here, so enjoy it while you can." It was a hot day outside and Jason yanked his shirt off and laid down with his eyes closed, enjoying his moments of freedom. It was here, everyday, he felt as if he weren't trapped; as if he were normal and life was good.
Tyger smiled and pulled the sleeves of her dress off of her shoulders, revealing , hoping to soak in as much of this 'outside' she had missed for so long as she could. It was then that she realized Jason had given her a piece of her humanity back. "Thank you," She mumbled, watching the sun slowly inch towards the horizon, night coming soon. "Can I come here more often?" She hugged her knees, asking just so she didn't take his alone time on the roof away from him.
Jason perked an eyebrow up once more at Tyger. This girl intrigued him. She seemed sane; like himself and it shocked him. He hadn't known many people close to sanity in the asylum and suddenly he had found what could be an equal. Of course, he didn't want to let his hopes up. It all could come crashing down at any moment. He thought to himself. "Why are you asking me?"
Tyger bit at her lip and stared at the sun once more. She had always been interested by sunsets, ever since she was little. A smile twitched at the edges of her pale, pink lips as she watching the sun disappear and purples, oranges, and pinks radiate in all directions. "I didn't want to..." Tyger searched for the right word, "intrude on your space up here. It seems like a special place to you." She turned to look at him once more, suddenly wondering why he was in this asylum. She saw no reason for him to be here, but then again, she showed no reason either at the moment.
Jason snorted. "Thank you for your ever so kind consideration." He sat up squinting against the sunset, and scratched his head. "I wouldn't have shown you up here and given you some freedom just to snatch it away from you." Jason locked his eyes onto Tyger's. "I can be cruel, but I wouldn't be that cruel to someone who hasn't done a thing to me." He looked away and closed his eyes to the wind. He felt at peace when he was up on the roof; as if nothing could harm him. When he opened his eyes, he found Tyger intensely staring at him and curiously asked her, "Can I help you with something?"
Tyger bit her lip harder, "You just don't seem..." She laughed a little and looked away so he wouldn't be as weirded out by her staring at him. "I don't know... insane." Tyger ran her small, pale hand through her white hair.

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