The Silence [Inactive]

Jason hardened his look on her. "13 years I've said I've been here. You've seen the people in these halls. They're crying and moaning from the demons plaguing their minds. They're delusional. They're babbling on about things that no one can understand. They've been here for months, I've been here for 13 years. How do you know that this isn't what insanity looks like after 13 years of isolationism?" Jason wasn't insane. He wasn't anywhere close and he would defend that statement until his last dying breath. Tyger didn't know that however, and Jason wanted to purposely push her. The more he did, the more he would be able to tell if she was sane like he was and worth his time in befriending and keeping around.
"I don't." Tyger simply said. She was very good at keeping herself calm and composed, as she had learned how to do so after about six months of being at the asylum. Tyger was different from the others. She had no anger towards the Silence or anyone inside or outside of the asylum. She blocked those feelings out a long time ago, and now embraced the Silence, but never let it control her. Tyger was intrigued by Jason and how he seemed to be putting up more and more walls to keep her away. But, she was a patient person. One who also, secretly, desperately wanted companionship in any form. "But maybe I'm just insane enough to believe that you're sane." She smiled at him as the sunset darkened with the sky. "We should go."
Jason couldn't help but be speechless at what Tyger had said. Each moment spent with her, it became more and more likely she was equal to him and the thought excited him. "You're right." Jason said staring at the darkening sky. "The guards will be walking down our block to check and see if everyone is there very soon." Jason crossed over to the hatch. He closed his eyes and took one last gulp of fresh air. After his lungs were full, he opened his eyes and stared at Tyger. "We must be swift." He opened the hatch and dropped down.
Tyger nodded and took one last look at the sunset, although almost gone. She followed Jason's lead, breathing in one last gulp of the fresh, outside air, before striding to the hatch. She jumped down and landed in a kneeling position, barely making a sound. Quickly, she raised herself up and rushed down the hallway, eager to get away from the sickening noise of the other patients. Once she reached the end of the hallway, she looked back, waiting for Jack. Tyger opened the door at the end of the hallway in anticipation.
Jason made sure Tyger was safely down, before he crawled up half way to close the hatch. He saw Tyger bound off for the end of the hall as he did so. Good girl. He thought to himself. He bounded after her, reaching her in a minute or two. Opening the door and pulling her inside after him, he then ran down the staircases, stopping every so often to make sure the girl was behind him. He had no intention of getting caught like he had when he tried showing Alex his pocket of freedom. When they finally reached the door leading to their cell block, Jason turned around to face Tyger. "Ready?"
Tyger kept up with Jason the whole way, trying her best to keep quiet, which wasn't too hard considering her size. As they reached the door leading to their cell block, Tyger sighed, "Ready." She said, although the words weren't true. She wasn't ready to go back to the world she knew, the world of constant darkness and loneliness. As he opened the door, she subconsciously put a hand on his arm, as she usually did with the wall, seeking guidance in the dark hallway, as well as comfort.
Jason looked down at the hand she had placed on him. Jason couldn't remember the last time anybody had ever held onto him in a simple gesture like that - in fact, when thinking about it, he didn't think there had ever been a time. He stared increduously for a few seconds, before continuing on through the door and to their block cell. The guards were no where to be seen. They had made it back in time. Jason led Tyger to her cell, and removed the hand she placed on him. "See you around little lady," he said to her with a wink. Jason turned back, walking further down the hall to his cell.
Tyger bit her lip and nodded, "See you." She pushed open the door to her cell, which she had left slightly open, and made sure to lock it from the outside before going in. As she closed the door behind her, she took a look around her room, small, but comforting to her. She laid down on the bed in the corner and faced the wall, thinking about the man who (in her opinion) she had begun to befriend. He was so complicated, yet seemed so simple, and it reminded her of herself. She couldn't believe this man, who seemed her equal, had lived in the same building as her for years.
Jason entered his cell, being sure to lock it behind him so as to draw no suspicion to himself when the guards did their routine check. He crossed over to his bed, and layed down crossing his hands behind his head to stare at the ceiling. 7 years ago when he had unexpectedly discovered some paint during his time wandering the halls, he had painted a beautiful array of swirling colors on the ceiling. Jason stared at it, and while doing so, thought about the girl who had unexpectedly popped into his life.

She was seemingly normal and that is what shocked him the most. Usually the top floor showed a person's true sanity, and though she had seemed frightened, she didn't break. He had been frightening to her, roughly so in some manners, and she still was fine. Jason thought harder and let his mind wonder to think about what could have put her in the asylum. Perhaps she was wrongly put in there such as himself. Either way, Jason was intrigued.
Tyger winced as she heard guards passing by her door. Although she had done nothing to raise their suspicions, she was always paranoid that one day they would catch her sneaking out. Usually when she snuck out, she would go down to the kitchen and retrieve some extra food, but now that she had been up on the roof, she wouldn't go back down again. She scratched her head and got up, going into the built-in bathroom. Even in the darkness, she could see her red eyes, which she had hated since she was a child, when the boy made fun of them. Tyger winced again, thinking of the boy that grew up to be her boyfriend, and how he had mistreated her in a way no normal human could even fathom. She blocked the memories once more and instead thought of Jason, and when she might see him next.
The clicking footsteps of the guard sounded throughout the halls, and Jason perked his head up. Usually on the checkup, the guard Tim Anderson would stand and talk to Jason for a while about what was going on in the real world outside the walls of the asylum. For some odd reason, the guard liked him. However, today was different. Expecting to see the plump man, he saw a skinny woman peering in on him. "May I help you?" Jason rudely sneered. The woman said not a word and continued down the row.
Tyger was also used to a plump man checking in on her, and he would at least say hello to her, or ask her how she was doing. It was a part of her day that she looked forward to, due to limited human interaction otherwise. A woman opened Tyger's door just a bit and surveyed her room.

"You were just moved here from another floor, correct?" The woman asked in a booming voice that echoed throughout the halls.

"Um, yes." Tyger cleared her throat. The woman nodded and marked something on a clip-board.
Jason heard the confrontation between Tyger and the woman and his curiosity grew. He didn't know why she was here or what she was meaning to do, but he got the most terrible feeling in the pit of his stomach that she was an omen for a terribleness that might soon come upon those in the aslyum. Jason turned to face his cell wall, and soon fell into a demon plagued sleep.

((Time skip to the next day, Jewlia?))
The woman stared at Tyger for another few moments, seemingly trying to decide something. She quickly exaggerated marking what looked like a check on her clipboard and walked back the way she came. As soon as she left, Tyger turned back to face the disgustingly green, padded wall. She just sat there, indian-style, thinking for a few hours. She did this many times, just sinking into memories, not fully sleeping, and it was always the same scene that she tried so desperately to block from her mind.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" His smile reminds her of a shark's menacing, sharp teeth. He quickly approaches Tyger, holding something behind his back. He's clearly drunk... right? No. This is just the way he usually acts. He can't get along with anyone, he can't make any friends, and everyone hates him. So, he takes it out on her, the only one who has taken the time to get to know and love him.

"You're not leaving, are you?" He tilted his head, something changing behind his eyes, something resembling pain. "You..." His voice is quieter, but quickly raises in anger, "You can't leave! I won't let you! I mean..." He looked at the floor, so clearly disturbed, so obviously hurting.

"I'm leaving, Stefan." Her voice is louder than he remembers, more independent, more confident. He shakes his head and throws whatever he has behind his back to the side, before turning to run to the kitchen. She knows this is her chance, and she grabs her beaten-up briefcase and runs out into the hallway of the apartment complex. Tyger can hear his swift footsteps, and knows he can outrun her, so she presses the elevator button, once. Twice. She beats at it with her fist, tears streaming down her face.

"Don't you even try it, goddamn it!" He calls from down the hallway, quickly approaching. The elevator door opens, and she runs inside. She bangs on the elevator close button and the lobby button. The elevator door closes, but reopens, and there he is. He steps into the elevator, and it closes, and now she's stuck. And he has a knife. Everything goes silent. A voice in her head. A long elevator ride down. Waking up, covered in blood, in the asylum.

"Wake -- oh." A plump man nods at Tyger, seeing she's already awake. She blinks a few times. Had it really been that long? He slides in her breakfast, in a brown paper bag, and leaves, after giving her a smile and a wave. She smiles back, blocking the memories again, wondering when she will remember. Tyger shakes her head, chewing at some bread, and hopes she will see Jason today.
The wall stuck to itself with moisture that had clung to the padding, Jayden wanted to help the people here get out. For good. However that would not be possible, at least not anytime soon. He looked up to hear the guards passing out breakfast into the cells of his fellow patients. "Hopefully it's something that tastes better than dirt." He exclaimed under his breath. As if it mattered, he never had a temper or acted out in many ways... didnt want to be on anyone's bad side, not here, not anywhere.

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