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Realistic or Modern The Shipyard

Bhlow said:
May I reserve a butterfly ( I understand it's only for two days :) )x
[QUOTE="Glass ostricH]@Quarantine Would it be alright for me to reserve a bird?

That's fine ^^
I'm already thinking of all of the cool scenarios that could happen. Imagine if a punishment goes wrong and it turns out the target was actually an FBI agent who set up a trap to capture BC operatives. This RP should be great! :D
[QUOTE="Der Eine]I'm already thinking of all of the cool scenarios that could happen. Imagine if a punishment goes wrong and it turns out the target was actually an FBI agent who set up a trap to capture BC operatives. This RP should be great! :D

That's a good idea :) I wanted to build up the RP before tackling assignments, but until then I'll try to come up with a good plot.
I hate to drop out before it even starts but now that I think about it, this seems like a plot I'll lose interest in in the long run. I don't like it when people randomly leave on me during the roleplay so I'm just gonna get it out of the way now. Sorry. >-<
Vague said:
I hate to drop out before it even starts but now that I think about it, this seems like a plot I'll lose interest in in the long run. I don't like it when people randomly leave on me during the roleplay so I'm just gonna get it out of the way now. Sorry. >-<
Alright, see you around.
@Quarantine ,whoops. Sorry about that. Was writing the cs til I fell asleep last night, forgot to check if the list was updated :'D I'll have him be a butterfly instead then (if that's alright that is). The CS isn't completely done yet, but I promise to finish it within the day. :)
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Nyxione said:
@Quarantine ,whoops. Sorry about that. Was writing the cs til I fell asleep last night, forgot to check if the list was updated :'D I'll have him be a butterfly instead then. The CS isn't completely done yet, but I promise to finish it within the day. :)
Alright, thank you.
You guys are making me jealous with how awesome you are with codes! T.T

I'm done with my character~ :) I'll try learning codes next time, ahaha.

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