[The Seven Deadly Sins] OOC Thread

After the formal duel with Elio is out of the way, I'd be glad to have an exhibition match or two...
Edited my post to have Kyros wander around and explore because I'm about to head off for the night. See you guys later~
Sounds good.

XP spent. Boosted my soak and improved my flight, and laid groundwork for other stuff.

I seriously considered getting Solipsistic Rejection of Impossibilities, if future Sins are going to be using emotional effects...
I'll be grabbing custom charms, either snatching my first shinati or picking social charms. That depends on whether I get a burst of inspiration for the social charms though.
So I'm all for duels, but PbP games tend to take a while by their nature. Any chance we could move on to the main plot sometime in the near future?
WarDragon said:
Flowing Body Evasion costs 10m, post-errata, I'm afraid.
Sorry that I missed that. Edited my post for the correct mote cost.
JayTee said:
So I'm all for duels, but PbP games tend to take a while by their nature. Any chance we could move on to the main plot sometime in the near future?
I could do the next chapter while the intermission is running I don't want the perspective or the RP experience and immersion to split up like that. It's up to you guys though.
I have no objection. I actually expect that Wren will come out on the losing end of her duel, and that will give her plenty of motivation to learn new techniques to pull out in the future.
I think the next bit of RP is Victor vs Elio, after that it's on to the next Sin. The duels could be a sparring thing on my skyship while we travel. Not necessary to the overall plot, but still a fun thing to do.
I'll do the Xentair vs Viktor on a separate thread since it's not technically canon. It's purely to test out our final shintais. After Elio Vs Viktor we'll move on.
I... would need a bit more xp to get my custom Shintai charm... wouldn't mind testing it though.

I do have some more rp outside of the duels I wanted to do here, though.
What about my thing with Elio? Isn't our future interaction dependent on the outcome of that?

Is snake obsidian even still here?

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