[The Seven Deadly Sins] Chapter 2:2 Ruins

Aldiminius nods, slowly. "Sol? I think we should solve this ourselves..." As his gaze goes to Wren, and he frowns. "You're remembering something. I know that look, I get it all the time, when that Old Guru speaks up.. Whats wrong Wren? You're crying- and dust in the eye doesnt do that. If we're to work together... I'd rather prefer it to be a freindly relationship for all involved- allies are better than enemies, no?"
Wren lets out a laugh. "No offense, but Sol is more interested in keeping his seat of power, so he can continue to play the Games of Divinity unmolested. I seriously doubt that anything less than a total disaster will make him take notice of what is about to happen. This is in our laps, and considering that we are a Circle of major league Exalts, we should be able to handle it." She bows her head and looks over at Al. "Yes, I was remembering, trying to make sense of the images flashing through my mind." Her gaze drifts off to the far past as she talks. "Using the mirror, Allen was able to see me, here and now, and told me to follow the pull of my Solar Bond. If I can do that, perhaps I can help keep my new bondmate from the evil that my - his sister involved herself in." She smiles as she looks over at Aldiminius. "Thank you, by the way. I am happy to be able to consider you a friend."
He winces at that. "I.. just hope it goes.... better, far better... than the other people I decided to have emotion relating to." Then he smiles, and leans on a wall. "So... this seems a nice enough hoard- Wren, want to get in together, on eequiping a full lab?"
"I was thinking of using my share of the money to refurbish this castle and take my place here, once we have eliminated the threat of the Sins. Before we go, I'll summon a crew of demons and elementals to guard this place until I return and stake my claim on the old place."
Aldiminius nods. " I wish it was possible to set up some form of long term portal, to keep our various holdings connected. It would be an immense tactical advantage, in a time of war- and a beautiful convienyence when not at war, yes?"
Xentair tilts his head and frowns, "There's someone coming. A large group of people by the looks of it. They are all heavily armored and I can detect Essence from them. They are Terrestrials." Ira returned to her original form as a knife before Xentair walked up to nearby suit of Celestial Battle Armor.

He closed his eyes and flooded it with his essence, bleaching the Orichalcum white as snow as he consecrated it in his name and essence. The starmetal became darker, resembling obsidian more than the prismatic metal that it once was. He bore he armor as the systems hummed online, moving his arms around as he got ready for combat.

"Shall we greet them?" he asked.
"I hardly think we need concern ourselves with the Wyld Hunt, if that is what they are. If Wren would be so kind as to send a message to my ship, we can have them bombed to ashes." He paused for a moment, considering. "It would be prudent I think to confirm their identity, though. Let us go meet them."
Wren nods, her Glaive still in hand. "I will not lose my castle to a bunch of rowdy idiots and have them desecrate the resting place of the fallen. Let us go and see what they want."
"You'll have to teach me that trick, Xentair," Viktor says, as he slides a pair of orichalcum bracers into his coat pocket. "I'll send someone back for the rest of my share; it won't be quite as... portable," he adds, with an avaricious smile at the stacks of gold ingots and precious gems. "Hold off on the bombing run, Kyros. If they do prove hostile, I've not had an opponent worth cutting loose on in quite some time."
"Let us see what they are up to," Tshav said as he was looking around. Finding an odd gem he grabbed it and a Hearthstone amulet. He pulses his essence into the amulet and takes his Seven Leaping Dragon Stone and places it into the amulet and then dons it. he places the gem in the hearthstone bracer. As he exits the door he flames erupt in front of him as he walks burning away the irreality of his scythe and armor, the flames never entering the vault. As he heads out he checks his new Essence Capacitor Jewel, to see how much essence it has.

attuning the amulet. 1m

activating Glorious Golden Saber and Glorious Solar Plate. 5m 1wp, 5m 1wp.

activating Infinite MA Mastery. 20m


Personal: 25/25

Peripheral: 21/59 - 8 Committed

Overdrive: 0/20

Capacitor: ??/15

WP: 8/10


... we were supposed to grab the stuff we wanted right. if not just ignore the bit about the jewel and amulet. Also what level stunt is my post? mostly asking for the purpose of mote or wp regen.
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You all make your way to the top near the entrance when you see the people before you. It is a medium sized brotherhood of Terrestrial exalts, all armored in Jade and bearing fairly good weapons.

"Who are you?!" the leader demands, leveling his red jade daiklave, "Why are you in the den of an Anathema?! Answer me before I-"

"Enough, Linath." one of the other Dragon-blooded growls, a Water aspect by the looks of it, "We are tired from an entire day of marching. Don't go threatening people around left and right because you're in a bad mood."

That is of course, when the notice Wren come up the stairs in full warform. The dragon-blooded flinch before quickly getting ready for battle, "Anathema!" the leader shouts before they all quickly scramble for battle positions.

jel, you're gem is at 1/3 capacity. And anyone with essence sight knows that the dragon-blooded are well... kind of pathetic. They're at around Essence 3 and are very inexperienced.
Kyros looks at Viktor. "Not really worth your time. Not even worth the effort to deal with personally. Sill say I shouldn't have my airship scare them off?"
The Fire-Aspect snarls at Kyro's dismissal of his abilities, "How dare you! Don't you dare mock me!" he swings at you with his daiklave, not knowing how out-matched he is. The poor ignorant fool...

Attack roll is 4 successes against your dv. You could probably block it barehanded...
Aldiminius frowns at the crowd. "We don't want to fight- dont make us massacre you. I dont like Massacreing people."
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... The guy in shining armor wreathed in golden flames with he dawn caste mark on his head gets no reaction? Yeah my character is not subtle, at all. Oh and his anima power is active. so the Dragon Bloods should be scared

"A fight. Good." Tshav performs a kata of White Reaper Style entering the form.

Entering White Reaper Form. 5m

Personal: 25/25

Peripheral: 16/59 - 8 Committed

Overdrive: 0/20

Capacitor: 5/15

WP: 8/10

"Heh, no, Captain. This is going be fun. You may wish to look away, Aldiminius."

Viktor steps forward, and flames erupt from his back, unfurling into vast wings, his anima beginning to burn. He draws himself up, sneering at the pathetic Dragon-Blooded.

"I am Baal-Shazash, the Dragon Astride the World. Any one of us could slaughter your pathtic little band effortlessly. Submit, bow down to me, and you shall enjoy long and productive lives as my servants. Make one move that is not surrender, and you shall die where you stand."


Using All Things Betray to add +6 successes to my Join Battle roll, for a total of 10.
The attack screams as it hits the jade armor of the Fire-Aspect. The armor is torn asunder as the golden daiklave slashes into him unimpeded. The Terrestrial is killed instantly, his corpse lying in two pieces upon the floor.

The other 5 dragon-blooded looks horrified to see the leader killed literally in a millisecond. They are all pale-faced as they finally realize that they are in over their head. "By the Dragons," the wood-aspect archer whimpers, "He-he just killed him in one swing." The entire band of Terrestrials have been completely demoralized by the attack.
Viktor adds to their trauma by unleashing a horrendous blast of dragonfire over their heads. Even the Fire Aspect among them is nearly scorched by the heat. "Thank you, Captain. Now, was that a surrender? Or does the next one incinerate you? Bow down to me."

[dice]2489[/dice]. This is UMI.
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Wren does her best to loom over them in her war form. "And that was just one of us. Imagine if we all decide to end you. You will meet your precious Dragons in no time. Surrender now, and you will be spared. If you hesitate, I will personally see that you are destroyed to the last man."

In case its needed, here is a Join Battle roll

They are hesitant to do so, but eventually all of them bow down to you slowly. It feels strange to have exalts at your feet, but it is clear that you've demonstrated your power.

"Why are you here?" Xentair asked. The Wood-Aspect gulps, "We... were here to secure this place as an outpost..." he replies.
"An outpost? So, you have more from the Blessed Isle coming here? How many and when will they arrive?"
"We...we were here to secure an outpost for the... Hunt." he states. An entire army has been called to destroy an Anathema that will rise soon..."

"Where?" Xentair asks, "Tell me where they will be."

"The city of Howlcrick... They're going there to quell an Anathema. They will be there in a few hours..."
Aldiminius looks to Wren. "your sister, possibly. Even if not- an newly exalteing SOlar. We have to go be ready to help. " He turns his piercing gaze to the Huntsmen. "And you. You obey Baal- Viktor. And you /will/ aid us in defending this Solar. We can explain later why this was the wiser choice- I assure you, you are now on the side of good, unlike previously."

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