[The Seven Deadly Sins] Chapter 2:2 Ruins

Wren looks at her fellows. "Even a young Solar or Lunar about to Exalt can be of use to us, and we cannot let this Hunt take another one of the great champions of the Incarne. I, for one, will work to stop them. Who will stand with me? Even if we are facing an army, they have little chance of victory against us all."
Aldiminius nods. "I've recentlay attained a Shintai... I, and Baal- we are both more than capalbe of slaughtering Armies."
"While I don't know what a Shintai is, I know that with my sorcery, I can eliminate a large number of people before they ever have a chance to raise their weapons against us."
Aldiminius sighs. "It's going to be.. a gruesome slaughter. I only hope we can avoid the young solar being convinced by our display that we are not monsters."
"No, it's a newborn Anathema... He was scheduled to rise soon, so the Hunt was gathered to exterminate him..." the other Exalts shiver at Aldy's words, "Why not, we're already doomed for aiding you anyway. We shall try to assist with you."

Xentair nods before he grins, "It's been a while since I brought out Tyris to battle. I am sure he will be excited. But there's no time for this."

He draws Ira from her sheath as it shines with viridian light. It shifts form into a golden key as he stabs it into the air. He turns it clockwise as the entire air 'clicks'. Viridian light pours into the room as a portal opens.

"Shall we go?" Xentair asks, "Kryos, tell your crew to meet us there. Everyone else, with me."
"Am I the only one disturbed the Wyld Hunt's knowledge of when an exaltation would occur?" Nimbus asks as he flows through the portal. "If they can do so, they may be more troublesome than ever."
"Be right back." Kyros said, looking off in to the distance where the speck of his Airship could be seen. With a flash of light he was gone, and a few minutes later the skyship parked itself in the air above them, Kyros at the helm and ladder ready to bring those without flight or teleportation aboard.
"The Wyld hunt tracks its victims with advanced Astronomy. If you want to know more details, I suggest that you talk to Wren." Xentair. "Kyros, I won't be able to bring the entire ship into the portal. Doing so would attract unwanted attention, the Sidereals would know what I've done."
"I am unconcerned about the opinions of a few Sidereals. Open the portal and let us continue on our way."
Aldiminius faceplams. "A Few Sidereals who where alive during the Usurpation, could be a serious threat to us- I wont have you bringing an horde of angry sidereals with Fate-Manipulating Charms down upon us."
Wren lets out a sigh. "You can have the ship join us by normal flight. We are running out of time to just fly there, if the Hunt is due to arrive at any time."
"You act like they're a threat to us, still."Kyros scowled, but gave the ship instructions to follow them.
"Not to us, but to the young Exalt. If we do not move quickly, we will lose the chance to take this one under our wing and mold him to our liking." Besides, it may be my 'sister'. I will not let the Hunt take her again.
"Even if the Hunters themselves are not, then the Sidereals who command them may well be. And remember, enough Dragon-Blooded brought down our predecessors in the First Age. Much like the serfs of Malfeas, they are weak individually, but their strength is in numbers."

"As for a Shintai, lady Wren... perhaps you shall soon have the chance to see." He gestures imperiously to his new servants, unable to stop a smug grin from coming to his face. "Rise, and follow. You, along with these Miyamisk, Mussakith, and Mulamiss, will defend me. Once this business is done, I shall see about correcting the correcting the... inaccuracies in the view of the world you have been taught."

He strides through the portal, demons and Dragon-Blooded following him.
All of you make your way through the portal, and find yourselves in the main square of Howcrick. There are dozens of people panicking around you as the viridian portal closes. You can see the invaders, soldiers in Realm uniform as well as several dragon-blooded soldiers.

"Anathama!" one cries as they turn their attention towards the Circle.

Roll Join battle. The dragon-blooded here are slightly more powerful than the scouts, around Essence 4.
Wren grinds her beak. "Fools! If you surrender now, your lives will be spared!"

Tshav smirks at his foes, daring them to attack him while in White Reaper Form looking as if he is a second Sun.

"More fuel for the pyre..." Viktor flaps his wings and hovers a bit off the ground. "I'll make you the same offer I made your friends. Forsake your crumbling empire and its false religion, join my army, and live; refuse, and burn."


Again, add +6 successes, for 8 total.

Willpower 10 / 10

Essence 6

Personal: 28 / 28

Peripheral: 26 / 39, 10 / 10
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"If you had eyes Wren, you would have already seen the glory of a shintai." Nimbus said, his anima expanding and extinguishing the torches of the town even as his form collected itself, a humanoid shadow emblazoned with a vermillion star.

spending 5 motes to flare my anima, creating a sphere of darkness with radius of 12 metres centred on him.

Xentair draws his weapons as they burn with black black flame, "Under my authority as Xentair, the Final Verdict, I declare all of you guilty for assault and murder of dozens of innocent people. Your sentence.... is death." His anima and caste-mark blazes at its full power as the verdict is burned into the Terrestrials' souls. The Terrestrials stagger back before one of them, dressed in robes, shouts out.

"We won't be deceived by your lies, you foul demons! I will purge you from this land!" he shouts, and the rest of them charge at you.

0- Wren

1- Xentair

2- Water Aspect, Air Aspect

3- Viktor, Fire Aspect

4- Earth Aspect, Leader

5- Wood Aspect

6- Tshav

8- Nimbus, Kyros,

9- Aldy
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Wren spins her Glaive in a deadly blur, and just before she moves to strike, she teleports behind the Water Aspect Dragon Blooded and plunges the blade deep into his back.

Spending 5m on her new Charm of Joy in Adversity Stance, and 6m on Second Dex Excellency, and 1m 1 wp on Relentless Lunar Fury.

Total of 18 successes to hit.

26 / 9 Personal

84 / 58 Peripheral

10 / 8 Willpower


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