[The Seven Deadly Sins] Chapter 2:2 Ruins

"Acknowledged" Nimbus said to Kyros. He reached to Wren and spoke. "The Captain requires your assistance in opening a safe. He's in the vaults."
The moment that Wren and Aldy enters the catacombs they are dumbstruck by what they see. The insides of the catacomb here are lovingly crafted and heart-achingly beautiful. Lying in the center is crystal coffin.
After shaking herself from her awestruck gaze, she murmurs, "Perhaps. It is certainly impressive enough to be the resting place of such a storied ruler. I need to answer Kyros, or he'll wonder." She begins to craft the spell Infallible Messenger. Once the casting is complete, she speaks the following message: "Al and I have found a crystal coffin down in the catacombs, hidden behind a locked Orichalcum door. I think it may be the resting place of my sister. Once we are done checking here, I will come to the vault and take a look at what you've found there." With that, she sends the sprite on to him as she slowly approaches the coffin, a deep need burning inside her to see more.
Wren slowly walks to the coffin and peers in. However, it is not the corpse of her sister, but rather it is her brother's. Wren's past-life incarnation, Allen Lucifena rests in the coffin, entombed in adamant and crystal. His body is preserved perfectly, the tomb keeping your past-self's body whole. The finest of clothing is upon his body as he lays in the slumber that is death.

It is then that you notice that there are hundreds in not thousands of fresh flowers around the coffin, seemingly untouched by the ravaging of time. You notice with your essence sight that the tomb's magic is keeping them from wilting.
She slowly reaches out with her clawed hand and places it on top of the tomb. With a voice full of wonder, she says, "It's me. This was me, all those years ago. A good looking fellow, if I do say so myself. My sister's body must still be hidden away, perhaps in the vault that Kyros has found." Before moving on, she stands there, looking into the face of the past.
"Do it," he nods to Nimbus.

"Well, this is a very pretty sight, isn't it, Captain? I could have used countermagic, but if you prefer your less... refined methods, I've no complaint. Given that this castle once belonged to the holder of your first mate's Exaltation, I concur that it might respond to her touch. At least one of the mirrors likely lays within."
"She should be on her way. I wonder if there's a way we can get a peak inside." He said, looking over the massive door for a keyhole of some kind.
Assuming that the coffin doesn't open up at her touch, Wren will go ahead and leave the room alone and begins to make her way up through the castle to where she finds Viktor and Kyros waiting at the golden door. "Its me. We found the preserved remains of Allen, my former incarnation all those years ago. Some Essence power is being used to maintain the body and keep it from breaking down. Now, lets see what we have here. The other door downstairs opened for me at a touch; perhaps this one will do the same." She walks up to the door, and with a deep breath, places her hand upon the face of the door and pushes. "Its me. I've come home. Open up."
Wren's vision shifts, as something changes. She finds herself in another time, a vision from a past life.

"If you are listening to this, then you have seen my body." you hear yourself say, "I know you are there, Wren. The mirror showed me what would come to pass." It is then that you find yourself looking in the mirror at yourself, allowing to see your past self's face. Allen's golden hair shines in the light and his crystal blue stare deep into you.

"I want to create a world for Lilliana with my own two hands, a world where she can live happily and a world where she can smile again. After all, isn't that the duty of the older brother?" he smiles at you, "Now, since I am no longer able to protect her, please protect her for me..." you can see tears falling from his eyes, "I'm scared. I don't want to die. But I know this, my pride as her brother and her guardian is on the line. There's only one last thing that I can do for her... Please, look after her for me, Wren." he smiles sadly,

"I gave her an artifact, a pair of bracelets, that will hide her from Fate itself, all you need to do is to pay attention to your bond and you will find her."

The moment Wren comes out of the vision, the door slowly opens, granting her and her companions access to the treasury within.
"As captain of the ship on whom everyone here relies on for conveyance, I declare that Wren gets first dibs."
A tear can be seen running down her feathered face as she feels the love that Allen had for Lilliana, a love that she still feels now even knowing the excesses that the Solars were involved in at the end of the Deliberative. She murmurs, "I will find her, I promise you. I will do what I can." Wren then looks about her at the strange expressions of those watching her, and wipes at her eyes. "What? I have some dust in my eye, that's all. Lets go."
Viktor waits patiently, hands clasped behind his back as normal, face inscrutable save for a single raised eyebrow.
Xentair, who had remained silent for most of the trip here, looks at Wren briefly before redirecting his attention elsewhere, "I have no objections here." he replied to Kyros.

All of you make your way to the treasury and gape at what you find there. The riches here are almost ludicrously large, enough to run a large kingdom for years. Artifacts of all kinds are here. But one of the things that draws the most attention is a golden mirror on the wall, exactly the same as the one Wren saw in her vision. But something is wrong. Wren and Viktor notice that there is no power from the mirror, it is only a fancy decoration now. The actual Sin no longer inhabits the mirror.

None of you will receive XP for this chapter. Instead you get to select 5 dots of artifacts or resources. You may boost your resource value to 6 for 3 dots.
"It's... it's gone! The rest of the treasure is magnificent, but... the power of the Sin is gone. It's just a fancy mirror now."
Xentair flinches as Ira suddenly manifests and runs over to the mirror. "No. Oh no..." she whispers, touching the mirror, "This is bad, very VERY bad."

"What do you mean?" Xentair asks.

"There is only one reason why Pride would leave the mirror... And that reason is not good at all. Especially in a world like this one..."
"The only reason that Pride would leave his vessel would be to start the creation of the 8th incarnation. My counterpart, the Master of the Heavenly Yard. He was foretold to be the most powerful of us. But did not awaken last cycle, so I do not know how his presence would affect it..."

"Exactly how powerful would he be?" Xentair inquired.

"In the terms of your world... He would be our world's equivalent to the one known as Theion."
"Who is Theion?" Asked Tshav. After all the Underworld was his area of study not the Time of Glory.

yeah this just seems in character for him. He knows the basics of what happened in the primordial war and likley knows a bit about demons and such but knowledge of who the Primordials where before they lost the war is not of much interest to him.
"Theon was who Malfeas was before the Exalted host murdered his fetch soul and locked him inside himself for all time." Said Kyros. "I think it's time we visited my patron deity. Sol was useless during the Primordial war thanks to the Geas placed upon him and all the other gods, but against this Sin, he should have little trouble.
Viktor sneers at the Captain's suggestion. "Bah. The Sun is useless, period. I have been to Heaven, heard the stories of him. He cares nothing for Creation now, only his precious Games of Divinity. If he did not stir himself for the Great Contagion and the Balorian Crusade, out of laziness, ignorance, or spite, then what makes you think this will breach his stupor?"
"I would almost pay money to watch that. I have a feeling it may end in the death of one party or the other, but it would surely change the world either way. As long as he goes back to his games when the threat is past, feel free to try."
Xentair shook his head, "It would be useless to get the attention of the Unconquered Sun without significant proof. I suggest we wait until we gather more of the Sins. We need more solid evidence if we want Sol to actually care and take action against the other sins. That way, once we show the Sun how dangerous the Sins are, he would have to intervene. I seriously doubt that he would care though..."

Roll Perception+Awareness please
"Whatever else might be said about Sol Invictus, he holds the preservation of Creation above all else. Ultimately I believe that should it be required, he'll come to our aid. More likely than not though, is that he'll give us some tool or knowledge that will enable us to complete the job on our own. He does so love to encourage heroism."


Perception 3 + Awareness 5 = 8 dice for 3 successes

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