The school for the wild! (accepting)

Letter:dear nichole, its your uncle Micheal...we want you to come home please...we know it still hurts we just want to help you.....

your loving uncle, Micheal
Brody read over the letter once then started over and read it again as he began processing what it ment in his head. "She....She's leaving?" His eyes narrowed but clearly showed instant disappointment and sadness. He put the letter back in her jacker before picking her up. "I've had to carry you alot," he whispered as he brought her back to her room.
(Does nichole know yet? Well has she at least read the letter?)

Brody laid her down in her own bed, after washing off the cut and placing a cool washcloth on. He sat quietly on the floor next to her bed and sat in silence. He reached his hand up and lightly held her's. A sigh made it's way out.
(yep its sad..) Nichole's ears drooped. she felt some paper in her pocket and pulled out the envelope and opened the letter. her eyes skimmed it and it fell from her hands. "im...leaving the school?"her voice cracking.
Brody looked down at the ground then slowly nodded. "Sorry...the note flew from your jacket earlier...and I was curious so I've already read it..........sorry..." he apologized. "I just can't believe that you're actually going..."
nichole went to answer the phone. "hello?" "nichole this is uncle micheal change of plans you leave tomorrow..." the deep voice replied. nichole's eyes widened"TOMORROW?!" He said"yes im sorry..." nichole noticed something was off. "if you are my uncle then why didnt you come straight away when i was little?" the voice stuttered"i was too far away when i got the news!" nichole said"but..." "nichole thats final now go pack i'll come get you tomorrow!"
(Omg! :o that's even more dramatic and sad! She has to leave tomorrow?!)

Brody was sitting out in the grass, leaning back with his arms holding him up from behins.
Brody slumped down onto his back then rolled onto his side. He let out a yawn. He was curious about what the call was about, but he wasn't gonna precious Nichole into telling him.
nichole sobbed into her pillow and threw her computer in anger. she ran to the bleachers and sat there taking out her razor. she looked at it bringing it to her wrist. (oh no shes gonna cut!!!)
( :o omg no! Nichole don't do it!)

Brody saw Nichole run past, he also caught a glimpse of the razor in her hand. He quickly followed after her. "Nichole! Don't!" He grabbed ahole of her wrist, the one holding the sharp razor. "This doesn't help! Cutting yourself only makes things worse! I'll never talk to you again if you cut yourself!" He released her wrist.
Kat was doing laundry (yes....oh random Kat has arrived...=w=). She walked down the hall WIth a basket full of clothes. Since she was short she was struggling to carry the load. She noticed Nichole, running past her, with tears in her eyes. She could she sadness and frustration in her heart through her face. Kat looked at her with a concerned face...
(@honey: hi honeybear!)

"Nichole!" Brody called out after her but didn't follow her this time. He bent down and picked up the razor, staring at the blade blankly.
(hi ^w^~)

Kat walked up to Brody,"Whats going on?" she said with her gentle and caring voice,"Why is dear Nichole so upset?"
nichole sobbed while she sat in a tree. she felt so constricted! "this is too much!!" as she looked down. "will falling from here be enough to kill me?" a voice in her head said"dont you dare! think about kat cress BRODY!"
"Nichole's uncle is coming to bring her home soon. She's not gonna come back." Brody replied and looked up at her from the corners of his eyes.
Kat put the basket down,"Oh my...and she wont talk to you?"
nichole jumped down and walked to her dorm to pack. something was still off to her about this. the cheetah or should i say human smirked. "got her just like we planned soon she will be ours..." smoking a cigar.
(@yullen: her cheetah side, also her like DARK side? That's weird)

Brody shrugged. "I dunno. She gets upset easily. Well I do too, but she's mkre sensitive to these kinds of things." He sighed as hhe answered her question.

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