The school for the wild! (accepting)

Brody checked the courtyard, since they seemed to hang out there alot. "N...Nichole....there you a-are..." he stopped to pant once he found her. The light bounced off the water and made her eyes sparkle, but they still looked very sad. "Can we just talk?"
Brody sat down to her, but not too close. "...why did you run away just now? If it was because of what I said, I just didn't want you to cut yourself." He paused as he turned his head to gaze down at the lake. "Is something wrong?"
He noticed the guy who said hi. His gaze turned towards the one who spoked. "Hello Cress, I'm Leo." He gaze returned to his surroundings. Something didn't feel right.
"Oh...well, at least be on your guard throughout the month. They could appear at anytime." Brody told her. He'd keep an eye on her too just incase. He still didn't know that they planned to "have" her tomorrow.
Kat smiled at the new student,"Im Kat..." She said quietly after Cress and Leo introduced each other.
nichole nodded and kissed his cheek. "good nite..."smiling weakly and went to her dorm. the next day came too quickly for her as she went to the front of the school. the man got off the helicopter and said"hello nichole.." she sniffed the air and backed away. he was human! then a cloth went over her nose and she collapsed. the men quickly put her in the helicopter her bags stayed on the ground as they took off.
(Wow! That was quick! She literally walked out of her room, BOOM!! Kidnapped!)

Brody woke up early that morning, he had stayed up late thinking about Nichole snd he was still worried. He dialed her number and wated for an answer.
(sorry >.<) her phone buzzed some and went straight to voicemail"hi if im not able to come to the phone right now im either sleeping running eating or ive been kidnapped please leave your name and telephone number and i'll return your call thank you! BEEEEEEPP!!!" the men glared at the phone and crushed it. they had nichole tied up and in a cage.
(lolz okay next day xD )

Kat woke up and stretched. She rubbed her eyes and walked to the bathroom and did her daily routine. She messed with her hair deciding what to do with it. She pulled it in a high ponytail and put a Purple bow on it, the points of the bow peeked from the top of her head. Kat's stomach growled.

Now, as sweet as Kat is...she is hyperglycemic...basically meaning: Morning+no food= not nice Kat.

She was low on energy and in a bad mood, she needed sugar for her bloodsugar to come up.

(This happens to me. If i dont eat in the morning all hell breaks loose, i have no energy and dont want to deal with anyone xD )

She slipped into a summer white dress with flats. She looked a little dead and lifeless. She yawned as she walked to her fridge," food...." She sighed and realized she has to go out to get food,"ugggghhh i dont want to go outside!!!" she said.
Brody ran around the building after she hadn't answered his call. She always answered him. 'Had they come already?!' he worried.

(@honey: Kat should join forces with Brody and go save Nichole! X3)
nichole groaned waking up in the cage but was blind folded and hands/paws tied behind her back. her ears perked up hearing a crowd. "we have something exotic today folks! a cheetah girl no kidding!" someone pulled off the sheet from her cage. "do i hear $1000?" some people started biding. "$2000 i hear a $ 2000! untie her eyes!" they took off the blind fold from her eyes and people bidded higher."$3,0000! going once going twice sold to the lucky young man in the back!"
(Okay :D lolz While shes still in a bad sure she can do some damage.) 
Kat walked back into her dorm,"Forget isnt worth getting up and going outside..." She went into her room and changed into comfortable clothes. She put shorts on with a olive green tanktop that had a white spray paint design, and a lavender purple sweater. She put black knee high socks and just plain white vans. She plopped on her bed,"ugghhh...".
"Go awayyyyyy" she yelled and reached for what ever was near and threw it at the door. It was quiet...she knew he didnt leave. She walked with heavy steps, stomping at the ground and opened the door,"What." she looked up at him. She had dark circles under her eyes, she looked tired but she just had a low blood sugar.
Nichole'e eyes widened as she was taken out of the cage and pulled with a leash to him. he said"hmmm she was worth it.."looking her up and down. nichole thought"SOMEBODY HELP ME!" the clock was ticking.

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